The Moody Day Venting Thread

HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
I know we all have "those" days sometimes - where we're just moody. There may be reasons for it, but chances are they aren't new. So, here's a place for us to vent and express what we are feeling so we can turn around and do what we need to do to stay on track rather than eating away our feelings!


  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and start - since we didn't have a thread like this and I just really need to vent right now.

    Since my move, I have no social circle now. Slowly I know I will build a new one, but in the meantime, there is only ONE person I know, and that one person constantly wants to eat out. He claims he wants to lose the excessive weight he has, but his actions say otherwise. I'm doing my best to stay on track more often than not, but it seems like one or two meals out completely undermines all my work the rest of the time.

    Sometimes, since he keeps going on and on about losing the weight, I end up venting about my hangries or what I can't eat - only to have him pull the classically ignorant cr@p of telling me that it's just silly, and I'm being silly, and why can't I just lose weight by, essentially, wishing it away. Besides, he can eat 3-4x what I am, he just needs to get off the couch and his weight will disappear (according to him anyways).

    Where I used to live I had some friends who were also working to improve, some needed to gain weight/muscle, some to lose, but it was a mindful, educated group - along with my workout buddy. While we're still FB friends, it's not the same as having someone who will make a healthier restaurant choice with you vs someone who only wants to eat the worst possible food they can find because "it's delicious."

    And my own weakness doesn't help - I really struggle with going someplace with burgers, fries, and fried things and eating a #8$ salad. If I'm paying for food out, I really don't want a boring salad, and I know the "good" salads are often just as bad for you as the regular menu items! I can do veggies with my burger instead of fries, but this still ends up undermining my diet unless it is only very rare occasions - and since this is the ONLY social thing I currently have, it's not just "rare" occasions, but instead weekly, if not multiple times a week.

    Just overall frustrated, work's been busy-frustrating too, so felt the need to vent!
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    I feel for you! Mind sharing the country/area you're in at the moment? Who knows someone here is from the same place!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm in the north Dallas area, working in Irving. Moved from CA with my job (besides the fact that I was simply priced out of CA).
  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in the north Dallas area, working in Irving. Moved from CA with my job (besides the fact that I was simply priced out of CA).

    Welcome to Texas! I'm in Texas too. Hope you're liking it here. It's hard resisting all the barbecue.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    jeri30 wrote: »
    I'm in the north Dallas area, working in Irving. Moved from CA with my job (besides the fact that I was simply priced out of CA).

    Welcome to Texas! I'm in Texas too. Hope you're liking it here. It's hard resisting all the barbecue.

    Thanks LOL! Doesn't help that the ONE person I know here LOVES BBQ and TexMex and in general rich-rich foods. While delicious they do my weight NO favors since I seldom eat just a single (actual) serving.

    Settling in, trying to get involved in a few other things like maybe a martial art and trying to find some horses to ride since that's what I grew up doing and did throughout all of my college years (and for some time after as well)....figure those will help get me moving a bit more.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    jeri30 wrote: »
    I'm in the north Dallas area, working in Irving. Moved from CA with my job (besides the fact that I was simply priced out of CA).

    Welcome to Texas! I'm in Texas too. Hope you're liking it here. It's hard resisting all the barbecue.

    I so miss Texas!!! I lived south of Fort Worth for about 20 years............ LOVE that area. I miss all the amazing restaurants & shops around my office. Adjusting to rural NM has been a tough tough move.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Chipolte chicken salads used to be my go-to for lunch. Skip the dressing and it's a great option. There's literally no where near me to have anything other than Mexican food for lunch.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I usually pack my lunch, but other than the cafe, I'd have to drive someplace to find food at my office now. I really enjoyed all the options right outside the door in San Francisco - that's hard to beat!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    You know those days you just really need to vent? Been busting my butt lately - last 2 days I'm back on track and thinking life looks better... Didn't eat my exercise calories back yesterday - great workout - and bam - up 1.8 lbs today. I know it's probably just water weight, but I'm so discouraged. Suffered thru working out at lunch again today - Yoga Burn week 2, it's not easy and involves using resistance bands. My arms were so freakin sore today, it was a struggle. Did a bit extra (I usually do planks, pushups, sit ups - just stuff for another 15 min). I can't seem to do more than 4 pushups without having to go to my knees.

    Realized I have 20 days until we go on a beach vacation in FL - I really really want to get under 140 before then and just not sure it's feasible.

    I have nothing to wear and so dreading being in a bathing suit in public. I'm still at 146 lbs and I'm 5'8" - anybody want to recommend swimsuit brands that won't make me look like a beached whale? I live in the middle of no where - so I need stuff I can order. Swim suits with some actual support to them - I'm a 34DD & have a ummm generous butt. Clothes shopping just isn't fun currently - so that's not helping my state of mind.

    I'm trying to tell myself it's not 'that' bad, but for some reason today is a struggle.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    anybody want to recommend swimsuit brands that won't make me look like a beached whale? I live in the middle of no where - so I need stuff I can order.

    I have a Speedo suit that I got from a friend - it is by far my favorite, fits great, and I don't feel like I'm exposing all my fat to the world. Very similar to this one: and it sits lower on the hips and holds everything in quite nicely.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    anybody want to recommend swimsuit brands that won't make me look like a beached whale? I live in the middle of no where - so I need stuff I can order.

    I have a Speedo suit that I got from a friend - it is by far my favorite, fits great, and I don't feel like I'm exposing all my fat to the world. Very similar to this one: and it sits lower on the hips and holds everything in quite nicely.

    Thanks!!! I like that one & even better that it's currently on sale!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited July 2019
    I'm also 5'8" and fairly generous in butt and boob (32D) - I like the cut of TYR swimsuits better than speedo - they don't cut into your leg in the wrong spot like speedo does. I used to teach fitness classes at a pool. Here's the clearance page for their website: everything from skirted 1 piece to triathlon wear. Not all high neck tops either. They even have awesome rashguard tops that match the bottoms so you could wear a proper sport bra underneath if you really wanted.