Juicy Joyful July!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited July 2019
    This is for everyone, but especially Mark, embarking on this new way of eating. Dr. Esselstyn's daughter, Jane has a YOUTUBE channel with her mom Ann (Dr. E's wife). The two of them are a hoot. Great ideas. Completely SOS free (sugar oil salt). Jane's brother, Rip Esselstyn...he has Engine 2 products and a facebook page.

    I really love these two for fun, motivation, inspiration and just knowing I am so doing the right thing to live a long and healthy and happy life. Happy because, not only are we free from so many lifestyle diseases, but eating this way has just makes dealing with life so much easier. It just does.

    Here's their YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkVtuE3WR0NhNnDiP5d_pAA/videos

    You're welcome. o:)
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Dr. Esselstyn and Dr. Campbell were featured in Forks over Knives. If you have not seen that movie it is on Netflix.

    ALSO, major movie coming out in September https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSpglxHTJVM
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    I am going to use ironing as a way to stay away from snacking. I love that idea...going to zen iron. SUPER idea.

    I play a few games on my iPad ... LUMOSITY, backgammon, words with friends. I watch lots of YOUTUBES...well, play them in the background as I prep meals...it keeps me focused on why I am doing what I am doing.

    I do not resent this preparation...my body deserves that I spend quality time taking care of it. I am a 20-year bone cancer survivor. I live each day grateful for another day.

    My focus is more on health than weight. Although, 15 -20 pounds off would sure be great.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    Hey @Mihani - So sorry about your enchiladas! Missing a measurement is easy to do. Also, chili powder can vary. I got a batch once that I had to toss because it was so hot and unpleasant.

    @00markw - Trial and error is a great plan!

    I started off with pretty simple salads and then branched out. My current favorite salad is Massaged Kale & Romaine: 5-7 oz kale (pick out any stems and then massage for a few minutes); 5-7 oz romaine, chopped; diced roma tomato; sprinkle on some onion (any color) (often use raw onion that I diced, covered in vinegar and refrigerated). Top with diced roasted beet and the Avocado Dressing from Dr Greger's Eat to Live Cookbook.

    Here's a great Dr F flyer with salad ideas. I have done tons of salads that fit this description! His ideas on dressings are also good, although I personally don't tend to put fruit into mine.

    If this transition gets to seem overwhelming, see how you can simplify, or at least have it seem simple in how you think about it. I started off by identifying one day's menu that worked for the plan and me, with the basic framework of fruits & veggies at breakfast, beans and greens for lunch, and a big salad for dinner.

    Fun thing this weekend!
    I am planning to start a batch of this fermented hot sauce this weekend, substituting celery juice for liquid and leaving out the salt.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    12 hour work day

    Ezekiel toasted follow your heart panini sand

    Green juice

    Pasta veggie thing

    Follow your heart yogurt with berries and hemp hearts


    Baked potatoes and tahini lemon sauce
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    Thanks for sharing all the links Magic.

    Good luck with your recipes, Austin!

    Mark, I agree with the others, your taste buds definitely change. I don't enjoy the things I used to enjoy. I've never been much of a salt fan so that wasn't a big adjustment at all, but the olive oil was a big one for me. Now I find things with too much oil really gross. Go figure!

    Liz, I generally just keep moving when I get the munchies and do whatever, and if my mind is distracted I don't think about it anymore. If I really want something then I go ahead and eat my lunch or dinner even if it is early. I know this would be more difficult if you have a family and all eating together. I don't really get hungry outside meals when I'm home either, it's at the office that I will start thinking about munching on snacky things.

    My friend was here today to help me with some home projects. We made some progress. I'm heading to the office tomorrow but even one day on the weekend helps a lot to start tackling some of these projects. I've been working 7 days a week for so long I've neglected a lot around here.

    Need to figure out dinner here... I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm exhausted and hungry! I think I'll probably make hummus and throw it in a wrap with veggies.
  • 00markw
    00markw Posts: 24 Member
    Interesting links all, thanks so much. Zen Ironing for the win!

    That Dr F salad pdf is exactly what I needed, Austin. Thank you. Simplifies the whole salad, and salad sauce, thing nicely.

    20 year cancer survival ftw too. That's amazing, Magic. Puts my situation in a realistic light. Early 50s, sedimentary lifestyle and 45 lbs overweight with the accompanying medical issues, it's time to address the underlying causes post haste so my plan is to change how I think about food - hence ETL/plant based.

    I never used to add salt to anything, Mihani, but a couple of years ago I changed. Hopefully it won't be such a big thing going without it now - but EVOO! I use all the time, so it's going to be very interesting to see how that flies.
    • Pantry nearly bare - check.
    • Week 1 ETL plan made -check.
    • Shopping list ready for tomorrow - check.
    • Family on board (that Arnold clip helped convince my boy, Magic!!!) - check.
    • Made contact with experienced and informed positive and friendly support group - check :smiley: .

    Thanks for all the tips and notes everyone. I'll be continuing to check in if that's ok, and hopefully even sharing some ideas backatcha as I learn the ropes.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Today's Menu:

    black coffee (never in my wildest dreams did I think this was possible...I used to drink coffee as a way to enjoy cream and sugar sort of legitimately) . haha

    ezekiel Follow Your Heart Grilled cheese in the panini sammy

    32 ounce Joe's Mean Green

    Follow Your Heart plain yogurt with hemp hearts and frozen wild blueberries added

    peaches and cherries

    stir fry fresh veggie mix with rice on the side Well Your World SOS free asian sauce

    Nice Cream
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Today's Menu:

    black coffee (never in my wildest dreams did I think this was possible...I used to drink coffee as a way to enjoy cream and sugar sort of legitimately) . haha

    ezekiel Follow Your Heart Grilled cheese in the panini sammy

    32 ounce Joe's Mean Green

    Follow Your Heart plain yogurt with hemp hearts and frozen wild blueberries added

    peaches and cherries

    stir fry fresh veggie mix with rice on the side Well Your World SOS free asian sauce

    Nice Cream

    I am right there with you! I am sipping on a cup of black flavored coffee, and it seems delicious. It just shows that our palate is so very adaptable!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    00markw wrote: »
    Interesting links all, thanks so much. Zen Ironing for the win!

    That Dr F salad pdf is exactly what I needed, Austin. Thank you. Simplifies the whole salad, and salad sauce, thing nicely.

    20 year cancer survival ftw too. That's amazing, Magic. Puts my situation in a realistic light. Early 50s, sedimentary lifestyle and 45 lbs overweight with the accompanying medical issues, it's time to address the underlying causes post haste so my plan is to change how I think about food - hence ETL/plant based.

    I never used to add salt to anything, Mihani, but a couple of years ago I changed. Hopefully it won't be such a big thing going without it now - but EVOO! I use all the time, so it's going to be very interesting to see how that flies.
    • Pantry nearly bare - check.
    • Week 1 ETL plan made -check.
    • Shopping list ready for tomorrow - check.
    • Family on board (that Arnold clip helped convince my boy, Magic!!!) - check.
    • Made contact with experienced and informed positive and friendly support group - check :smiley: .

    Thanks for all the tips and notes everyone. I'll be continuing to check in if that's ok, and hopefully even sharing some ideas backatcha as I learn the ropes.

    We would LOVE it if you checked in! And would love LOVE to hear any ideas! This is all an ongoing learning process.

    I meed top go check out the Arnold clip. That sounds interesting!

    For myself, getting to this level of health was a big project. I was way out of shape (weighed 270 lbs when I started) and had assorted health issues (unhappy joints, symptoms of inflammation) that convinced me I needed to act or risk getting genuinely sick. I have so many friends who have lifestyle-related health issues.

    A big thing that helped me in the mental part of this was to focus on changing habits. Since you are doing a 6 week challenge, the mindset may be different. But if you want to get pointed at some resources on motivation and building/changing habits, I can share. The biggest thing I would say is not to freak if your diet isn't perfect on any given day. Weight loss and improving health are a long game. Keep working to improve, and you will get where you want to go!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member

    Check this out. Today's Wimbledon champ is one of the executive producers. https://gamechangersmovie.com/

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    00markw wrote: »
    [*] Made contact with experienced and informed positive and friendly support group - check :smiley: .

    Mark, I am very happy to hear you say this. It is important to me that everyone feels welcome here. I was in this group for a long time and then the original owner of it accidentally deleted it so we lost years of posts, but she gave me permission to restart the group and I take what we have here to heart. We're all at different stages at different times in this journey to great health! I follow a couple ETL groups on facebook but don't really participate in them. While the majority of people are great and I appreciate the tips I see, there are too many doing versions of "I'm more ETL than you are" and anywhere in the WFPB world you will see okay you gave up meat and dairy but why aren't you eating all organic or why aren't you growing your own veggies, or why aren't you RAW vegan and that's before you get into the intermittent fasting people. This is all hard enough IMHO, without getting fussy about even more rules, and nobody here is going to be judgmental. If someone needs a nudge in the right direction it will be said kindly. I want everyone who joins this group to know we're behind you and we will support you in the ups AND downs. :)

    Stepping down from my soapbox, thank you Austin and Magic for all the links you have shared and also sharing your amazing journeys to better health.

    I spent about 7 hours in the office today and then had to run some errands. No desire to cook tonight so I'll be having a lettuce, carrot and tomato wrap (Ezekiel) with cashew caesar dressing for dinner. Breakfast was Ezekiel toast and some steamed broccoli, and lunch was a few Mary's crackers because I wasn't too hungry and was really busy. I am still hopeful that in another month or two the new employee will be up to speed and I will have more time for prepping and exercise so I can get back to serious ETL lifestyle. I do feel like I got one hell of a workout yesterday with the house projects. Every muscle in my body is aching! LOL
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    oh and by the way... I should mention the actual OWNER of this group who should be a shining star example of ETL, gained some weight back and is working hard to lose that 25 or so pounds and struggling with stress and etc. So who the hell am I to judge anyway? :p
  • 00markw
    00markw Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks again again! Yes, Mihani, not interested in those kinds of games, and sorry you had to go through that. Good on you for keeping this group alive :smile:

    I don't think I could ever stick to a traditional diet as such, but I see ETL as different - feels more like adding a meditation (mindful eating, food planning and prep) into my life than taking something away like diets do. Hopefully the positive approach will make it easier for me stick at it and make myself healthier.

    That's a great initiative isn't it, Magic? Maybe plant based eating is the new black!

    Another great video, Austin, thanks for that. I've been reading up on the psychology of personal change too, but your guy made two interesting points that will effect what I do: 1, shut up and do the reps! 2, doing the thing (eating healthily) is being the thing (a healthier person), so our habits make/change our identity.

    Can I ask? How long have you guys been at ETL type things? How does your experience with the health markers compare to the headline success stories?

  • LizLovesVeggies
    LizLovesVeggies Posts: 39 Member
    Austin - thank you for that fantastic list of ideas! I'm going to put that on a post it note to remind me, (except for the weeding because I'm a city gal but I could re-pot/prune my plants so there you go!).

    ok I have a zoodle update! I tried them for the first time and they were surprisingly delicious! I was looking through different recipes for inspiration and decided to start with one with peanut butter because, well, peanut butter. It's the 15 minute garlic lime cashew zoodle recipe from Salt & Lavender (https://www.saltandlavender.com/15-minute-garlic-lime-cashew-zoodles/) and it was delicious! (I cut back on the cashews a bit.) I'll definitely made that one again. Surprisingly filling!

    Also, we added white cannelloni beans to our morning smoothie today and 1) you couldn't even taste them and 2) they made the smoothie nice and thick and most importantly 3) they made the smoothie super filling! Has anyone else added beans to their smoothies? Am I way behind the times on this?

    Also, @00markw reading your note reminded me when I first started eating ETL. I should have worked my way up to 1 lb salad / day because in the beginning my stomach did not like that much raw food! I was probably doing it wrong. Enjoy your fruit! It's the right season for it (enjoyed delicious peaches, figs, blueberries, black berries and mangoes last week).

    Happy Monday to all!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited July 2019
    Today’s plan. 7 hour work day. My Friday

    Black coffee

    Ezekiel panini press Follow Your Heart smoked Gouda grilled cheese

    32 ounces Joes Mean Green

    FYH unsweetened plain yogurt with my add of maple syrup organic wild blueberries hemp hearts

    Peaches cherries

    Stir fry veggies rice WOW sos free Asian sauce

    Nice cream

    I am going to order tickets for first night showing of The Game Changers. So exciting that this movie is finally being released...such a long wait. Rip Esselstyn is featured. Wearing Kale T-shirt at the chalkboard. My role models are Dr and Ann Esselstyn...They must be about 85 now. I’m 71 this October.

    Another great documentary is Pure Plant Nation.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    edited July 2019
    @magic71755 - Happy Friday! I find your enthusiasm so wonderful! I really appreciate having you in this conversation.
    I love the clip for the Game Changers movie. I'll look forward to seeing that!

    @Mihani - Thanks for the soapbox talk! I did not know the history of this group -- really interesting. I do know that I love the space here. Like you, I follow some groups on Facebook for ideas, but I don't tend to participate much. And you are right -- what I am missing there is the sense of community and mutual support and respect. If I chime in there, I am likely to get some likes but also some "what about this" and "you should do this, too." Anyway, thanks for your commitment to having this group be such a warm and welcoming place!

    @00markw -- "feels more like adding a meditation (mindful eating, food planning and prep) into my life than taking something away like diets do." I think that coming from this mindset, you have very much set yourself up for success. I am so excited for you! Please do check in!

    A bit about my journey:
    I did 9 months of concentrated work on diet and health (including giving up sugar and going vegan) before I decided I would try ETL starting in Oct, 2018. I decided I would give it 3-4 weeks, to see how it worked for me, and then switch back to vegan/40-40-20 if I quit losing weight. I found the health information compelling, but was really, really worried that weight loss would stop. I made the switch, dropped a surprising amount of weight the first week, and kept losing weight after that (and weight loss sped up, annoying some non-ETL contacts!), so I have not looked back.

    I will say that everyone is different. Your version of ETL and mine may differ, based on preferences and what each of us figures out about our bodies.

    At this point, I have lost 143 pounds. I am now working to build muscle (so add some weight, but muscle, not fat). I no longer have knee or foot problems. For the knees, I had been told I would need surgery. I never had it, and now have no pain and can do demanding activities for many hours each week (martial arts etc.) with no problems, no discomfort. I don't have swollen ankles anymore. Rosacea on my face is clearing up. A small skin issue on one hand, one I had for years, is going away. It's something only I would notice, but it makes me think I am clearing up inflammation issues.

    I went in a month or so back and got my blood work done again (previous numbers done in July 2017, before I started on my health journey, had been part of the motivation). My doctor was amazed at the weight loss! When I got the blood work back, worrisome health markers (I had numbers that were in the normal range, but headed in non-optimal directions) had all improved substantially.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,007 Member
    Happy Happy July! Brooks and I have about 10 weeks until he deploys. After that I will probably be posting 10 times a day. Hahaha. Have a great summer everyone...and I will catch up after he leaves.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    Awww Donna... that's so sweet you are spending all the time you can with Brooks. How long will he be gone this time? How are the pups?

    Liz, can't believe I've still never tried zoodles! I have a small handheld spiralizer and I've used it a few times to make fun additions for my salad, but I should try zucchini with a sauce. Thanks for the recipe idea! I've added beans to my smoothies now and then. I'm kind of off smoothies lately not sure why other than I rarely eat breakfast these days and if I do it's oats with chia seeds and berries, turmeric and black pepper, that I take to the office to eat mid-morning.

    Magic, I second the appreciation for your wonderful outlook and enthusiasm. You've added a lot to this group. I agree with you about Dr. Essy and Ann, and Rip and Jane. So much fun!

    Austin, that is an amazing story, and that you continue on to keep improving is awesome. Many people (myself included) tend to slack off once certain markers are met, but I'm totally feeling the onward and upward right now. I am glad I feel "better" after getting control of things, but I want to feel great!! I blame a lot of my slide on work stress and pressure, but I decided to find ways around it. Hiring my friend to do my salad preps every week was a stroke of brilliance and has worked out soooo well. Doesn't matter if I work all weekend and don't have time/energy for shopping and prepping. It's all done and delivered. :)

    Mark, totally agree that ETL is about adding not subtracting. Perfect attitude.

    My day...
    B - lara bar (more like a mid-morning snack forgot my oatmeal)
    L - baked tofu and steamed broccoli with brown rice and salsa
    D - big ol' salad, half a baked potato with more steamed broccoli and cheezy chickpeas

  • 00markw
    00markw Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2019
    Austin, your story inspires me, makes me wonder about my own potential. Long time martial artist here too - we'll have to chat about that sometime, so it feels like if you can do it, maybe I can too. Thanks so much for detailing that, and good for you.

    Liz, those lime zoodles will definitely be appearing soon on a plate near here! I'll add some chili, make it like a light pad Thai. Thanks great tip :)

    k, so, my ETL Day 1 - A surprising day!

    I do mfp, but not that seriously, and had never weighed my salad before, so was surprised to see that my normal salad dinner would be 150% of Dr F's so it doesn't look that daunting - but that would be my main meal, lol. I ate 60% of my weighed salad for lunch and was full.

    Then dinner. I adapted my fave spicy dahl lentils (a bit like this: https://food52.com/recipes/8511-red-lentil-curry) to omit fat and salt and add in some veg to make it for 2 days, but I couldn't finish today's half with the 40% of salad left from lunch.

    According to mfp, I would have consumed 1300 calories today IF I'd have finished my dinner (there was a little red wine involved in the making of). But I feel fuller than I've felt maybe since Xmas, lol, and had to give up. How is this possible? Did I get something wrong?