Binge Monster Suppressors

jcheerw101 Posts: 2 Member
Hi! So I find that after dinner I get snackish - especially around 9 or 10 right before bed. I usually have had most if not all of my calories for the day and I don’t want to eat but often times I find myself snacking out of habit. Does anyone have tips for suppressing their binge monster? I have been drinking water and having tea before bed which makes me feel full but it doesn’t always work. Thanks in advance!


  • Manerva96
    Manerva96 Posts: 2 Member
    I get where you’re coming from, snacking has been my problem for years. I don’t know how tenable this is for you but try removing all the snack type foods from your house. I know I can’t be trusted so I buy everything I’m going to eat that day every morning.
  • Jezzie625
    Jezzie625 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't as much "track" my calories, as I put into myfitnesspal what I will be eating that day, which I feel like helps me keep to my calorie limit. I also often plan in one "snack" for after dinner, kind of like dessert (some nuts, yoghurt, frozen fruit etc.), and I often stretch the time after dinner for my dessert so I have something to eat when I get the urge to start snacking. (I hope this explanation makes sense, English isn't my first language).
  • cortni_152229
    cortni_152229 Posts: 10 Member
    I get snacky too! Especially if I end up working out at night instead of in the morning. What helps for me is setting rules for myself and sticking to them. I just know that no one is going to do it for me, like I tell my kids no snacks before bed, they have to listen to me, usually haha, but no one is there to tell me that except myself so it's harder but definitely doable! I'll try to stick to an eating window for the day!
  • eannamfp
    eannamfp Posts: 6 Member
    I have the exact same problem. What sometimes works for me is just planning on eating a small meal/snack right before bed, something that you find satiating. For me that tends to be hot liquids and salty things, so sometimes I make up a little bit of miso soup right before bed, sometimes with a bit of added tofu. I use little pre-portioned servings of miso paste and seaweed that I got from an Asian grocery.
  • inkpoisonedsoul
    inkpoisonedsoul Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a snacker too. I just adjusted by eating 4 meals and a post workout meal. I meal prep everything except dinner (I make that fresh most nights) and I pre calculate what I'm eating at the beginning of the day. That way I look forward to my snack while also never truly feeling hungry throughout the day. This helps me keep from over indulging at night.

    I also prioritize my protein intake since I lift weights 3 times a week and only keep a slight deficit. I eat sedentary maintenance and use my exercise as my deficit (between 200 and 500 calories most days according to my watch). And I schedule a cheat meal for Saturdays so I can have a real treat once a week.
  • frozenjelly
    frozenjelly Posts: 8 Member
    I usually brush my teeth after dinner as the added chore of rebrushing them if I end up eating anything is usually more than enough to stop me from snacking! Been doing intermittent fasting and that’s helped a lot with stress eating and just discipline in general.
  • vpimentel04
    vpimentel04 Posts: 4 Member
    I have the same problem! You got this, you’re stronger than you think! I usually brush my teeth after dinner so it feels like a “closure” to the day. We also do this thing that’s super silly but it works. My bf and I “close down” the kitchen after dinner. Wash dishes, wipe down, and turn off the lights. We’re not allowed to go in unless it’s for water! Hope that helps
  • missjordanalane
    missjordanalane Posts: 9 Member
    I have the same problem! You got this, you’re stronger than you think! I usually brush my teeth after dinner so it feels like a “closure” to the day. We also do this thing that’s super silly but it works. My bf and I “close down” the kitchen after dinner. Wash dishes, wipe down, and turn off the lights. We’re not allowed to go in unless it’s for water! Hope that helps

    I LOVE the idea of 'closing down'. It feels natural to do that, and just giving a name to it like that is brilliant!
  • SLaurentiu98
    SLaurentiu98 Posts: 9 Member
    I too get in the mood for a snack late at night

    I usually prevent that by just going to bed since 90% of the time I waste my time during the nights at my PC
  • thechapattack
    thechapattack Posts: 5 Member
    Late night snacking is my worst habit too. I like the idea of closing down the kitchen too. It also will ensure there are no dirty dishes left in the sink lol
  • charharr91
    charharr91 Posts: 4 Member
    Great suggestions so far, I really like the idea of ‘shutting down’ the kitchen and brushing your teeth as a way to mentally separate yourself from your cravings, as well as physically!

    So I’ll try and answer a little bit different. I take medication at night for insomnia, and it always makes me hungry. It’s not based on physical hunger; I’ll be ravenous even if I’ve only just finished eating dinner. I gained a ton of weight when I was first on it.

    What helped me was: acknowledging that this was going to keep happening every evening, and therefore, I would have to plan eating at night into my calorie budget! I have a relatively low TDEE, so ended up eating mainly at Lunch - Dinner - Evening (unintentional IF?) instead of having breakfast, because I realised it was far easier for me to control my hunger cravings in the morning, than to fight the medication side effects at night. After a few days I (mostly) wasn’t getting hungry til lunchtime. If I ever get hungry earlier, I tend to have a zero cal fizzy drink (bad habit, I know. I’m weaning off, but it really helps to begin with!)

    For eating in the eve, I have a bunch of allotted things (normally have a bowl of whole grain cereal with skimmed milk) that I know are within my calories, satisfying, and that I’m not likely to want to keep bingeing on. If I’m still hungry (not often... it’s a big bowl lol), I have a glass of water and the remaining pangs tend to subside.
  • slugbugslugger
    slugbugslugger Posts: 10 Member
    I never get snacky at night, but I was eating a lot of trash at work, so I changed my diet to fairly high protein and most of the carbs I get are from brown rice and oats.