Non Scale Goals

LilSkittles22 Posts: 22 Member
I know I'm not supposed to be hung up on the scale, and I'm working very hard on that. This morning has been a struggle since the scale was not very nice :( I know it's mostly water weight, but it's still a bummer when I've been working so hard. I let myself be sad and mopey while I got ready for work, but now I'm ready to move forward. I can't let this derail me like I have in the past. So, I thought we could discuss some of our goals that don't involve the number on the scale. They could be short or long term, but I'm curious what specifics everyone is working towards. Here are some of mine:

Short term:
Exercise 3 times a week, most weeks (I'm still trying to find something I really enjoy doing so it's not so hard)
Incorporate more fruits and veggie into my diet
Not have the waist band of my pants roll over
Fit better into a tank top I only wear to sleep in because it's very tight and unflattering

Long term:
Get pregnant (this is my ultimate goal/reason for losing weight)
Be able to shop at "normal" stores instead of plus size stores
Finally feel good about myself when I look in the mirror

I know my short term goals will change a lot, but I would rather have small goals that I can reach and feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, which I believe will keep me headed in the right direction, instead of only long term goals that seem like they will never get here. I look forward to seeing what you are all working toward.

Oh, and Happy Friday!!


  • TwinThompson
    TwinThompson Posts: 80 Member
    I’m exactly the same! It was weigh day for me and I only lost 1lb... I should be pleased it’s a loss, but when I think how I stuck to diet and I’ve been exercising A LOT it was quite depressing.
    But... I wore my purple dress today, and it fit! It’s been two years and it’s not straining at the seams!
    I find my clothes are getting looser, fitting better or worse I look a bit frumpy in them, even though I’m not seeing much change in my measurements. Perhaps I’m changing shape?? Oh! And I can now wrap a large bath towel around me and I’m covered!

    I keep telling myself my goal is to be a size 16/18, if I can get to that then my weight won’t matter. I don’t really have short term goals, I’m kind of enjoying all the little surprises (looser clothes, managing an extra 5mins on the treadmill, heavier weights at the gym) that I’m finding as I go 😊
  • motis3678
    motis3678 Posts: 61 Member
    Great idea for a thread! Here are my non-scale goals:

    Short term:
    - Go for a short (15-20 min) walk M-F at work during my breaks
    - Get a swim suit that fits so I can go to water aerobics at my local YMCA

    Long term:
    - Be able to easily hike the beautiful state parks I live near - without having to stop all the time or choose my route based on how steep the path might be.
    - Not worry about riding rides at amusement parks or fitting in plane seats or whether there will be a labcoat big enough for me at the labs I go to for work.
  • motis3678
    motis3678 Posts: 61 Member
    I’m exactly the same! It was weigh day for me and I only lost 1lb... I should be pleased it’s a loss, but when I think how I stuck to diet and I’ve been exercising A LOT it was quite depressing.
    But... I wore my purple dress today, and it fit! It’s been two years and it’s not straining at the seams!
    I find my clothes are getting looser, fitting better or worse I look a bit frumpy in them, even though I’m not seeing much change in my measurements. Perhaps I’m changing shape?? Oh! And I can now wrap a large bath towel around me and I’m covered!

    I keep telling myself my goal is to be a size 16/18, if I can get to that then my weight won’t matter. I don’t really have short term goals, I’m kind of enjoying all the little surprises (looser clothes, managing an extra 5mins on the treadmill, heavier weights at the gym) that I’m finding as I go 😊

    Love that part! I want to be like you and be delighted by that kind of stuff along the way!
  • TwinThompson
    TwinThompson Posts: 80 Member
    @motis3678 it took me a little while to get that mentality lol I was seeing all these amazing weight loss photos that people managing in 3/4 weeks and torturing myself thinking I wasn’t losing weight fast enough! Now I’m just trying to enjoy the ride 😊
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Short term:
    - Be happy today (always this)
    - Get the weight off I need for surgery to fix the thing I need fixing to move more
    - Get my steps higher
    - Call the friggun personal trainer

    Long term:
    -Ride a bike again (should be next Spring)
    -Go for long hikes again (maybe Dec)
    -Cruise with wife (next April)

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Very short term is my doctors appointment next week. Hoping for even more improved numbers. Not sure if that qualifies since my blood was already drawn this week so there is nothing I can do now to change the outcome.
  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    Short Term
    As NovusDies says feel better!
    Get below 400 pounds, 10 pounds seems short term.

    Long term
    Get below 300 pounds
    Go to Cedar Point and ride the coasters again
    Next summer going to Hawaii, hike to the top of diamond head with my kids.
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    Ahhh, the scale. I have good days and bad days with the scale even though I'm largely able to abstract myself away from it's fluctuations. But I have issues with driving hard toward something that keeps slipping, even when I know that's the nature of life. Ie, I am up 1.5 lbs today, and I know *why* I am (water weight). That doesn't stop the feels. Darn those uncontrollable feels!

    Short Term goals:
    * 1 friggin' pound away from 100lbs lost. This goal has been elusive (and also contributes to frustration increases when the scale doesn't cooperate).
    * Get to the next "decade" before my November trip to Costa Rica.
    * Hit Final Goal by Feb 2020.

    Long Term goals (these terrify me):
    * Maintain for 3 months.
    * Maintain within my range variance during Birthday Month (June)
    * Lose back to low end of my maintenance range.
    * Maintain through November 2020
    * Maintain within my range variance during the holiday season

    I am astounded that I am nearing the maintenance part (though not there *yet*). But in truth, I KNOW how to lose weight. Losing weight is relatively easy if you strip off the feelings associated with it. You eat at a deficit and things happen. Sometimes small things, sometimes big things, but things happen.

    In maintenance... what am I going to do? What's going to motivate me? If nothing changes (because it shouldn't), how am I going to handle that. There won't be "oh lemme go to the store and try on the next size down!" excitement anymore. There won't be anymore dragonpants to slay.

    I'm not there yet, but I'm trying to plan for the longer term goals of maintenance. And I'm terrified, ngl, because since 2012, all I've really known is "eating in a deficit".
  • real_change
    real_change Posts: 52 Member
    I am currently recovering from major surgery and mostly can only lay around. I won’t be cleared to go back to work for almost 6 more weeks!

    My main goal during this time is to focus on establishing eating routines that I can continue once I’m back at work. I’m also reading books on dealing with stress and stress reduction. I am a big stress eater and I have a very stressful job and personal life.

    This recovery has been difficult and frustrating but this group is helping me make the best of it!
  • LilSkittles22
    LilSkittles22 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm loving seeing everyone's goals. And I'm glad that they're all realistic and totally doable. @Dhiammarath, I get what you mean about reaching your goal and feeling like you have nothing else to look forward to. I think the need to have excitement and accomplishment is a good driving force behind losing weight. But hopefully you can still find ways to motivate yourself. I think that's why little goals are good. Maybe once you get to maintenance you can work on toning up and gaining some muscle if you're not already doing that. Or maybe just physical endurance doing a sport/activity you enjoy. I think you can still set goals for yourself, you just have to be a little more creative.
    I've already found this group to be very helpful keeping me motivated and keeping my expectations in check. I didn't gain the weight overnight and I won't lose it overnight. Even though I wish I could twitch my nose and be skinny, I'm willing to put in the effort to get where I want to be. I look forward to re-evaluating and making new goals once I achieve my current ones. And I look forward to seeing what new goals you all set once you smash yours :)
  • amybuckle6973
    amybuckle6973 Posts: 20 Member
    What a great idea! I love your goals and know exactly how you feel.. I would love to head outside in a tank top and shorts!!

    Short term Goals
    - walking
    - couch to 5k
    - 30 day challenges

    - Have 3-4 "cheeseless" days :D
    - Try 1 new recipe a week
    - use more lentils and pulses

    - Maintain a loss of 1-2lb a week

    Long term goals
    - comfortably run 10K
    - join a weekly exercise group

    - Not to be overweight for future pregnancies (I'm sure this is why my son was 10lb!)
    - to fit comfortably into a size 12... (I can dream)

    To raise my son understanding healthy foods and exercise is a must (unlike I was!!)

    Can't wait for everyone to achieve their goals!!
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    @LilSkittles22 Thank you, and yes! I will definitely have to be creative. Luckily, I still have a good chunk of time to prepare and come up with some ideas on how to stay motivated and hit goals!
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    edited July 2019
    Short term
    Start Couch to 5k program
    Bike at least 3x/week
    Push biking distance up to 20mi

    Long term
    Feel comfortable enough to join a gym and start weight training
    Run a 5k
    Go back to Disney and enjoy it more at my goal weight.