September Goals Accountability Thread



  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    HW Starting MFP in May: 154.0
    Sept. SW: 147.0, Holding Average 147.7
    Sept. GW: Moving Average Around 145.0-145.5

    Goal #1: 8.5 Minute Core/Ab Routine Every Other Day (Ultimate Goal of Great Posture!)
    Goal #2: 2-3 Exercise Classes per week, OR 2 long walks/biking/hiking outside or combo
    Goal #3: Stay within daily calorie targets - with plans in place for night time snacking and special events. My concrete goal for September will be to track it all, even if I go overboard on a night binge or event food to build awareness in the process

    36, 5'4"
    9/1: 147.0 (Moving Average 147.7)
    9/2: 146.0 (Moving Average 147.1)
    9/3: 146.0 (Moving Average 146.7)
    9/4: - no weigh in
    9/5: - no weigh in
    9/6: 146.0 (Moving Average 145.9)
    9/7: - no weigh in
    *9/8: 145.4 (Moving Average 145.5)

    Dang, I'm pretty happy with this... it's even TOM and a heavy day, didn't want to do much but was actually quite productive. Tried a new class at a new yoga studio, we did the whole vinyasa with eyes closed, it was a great experience. I stayed for a yin restorative and I'm feeling pretty great right now, very in my body so that's two classes for today! Ab Workout done for today, and had some extra snacks but all within target. No weigh-in yesterday, I was part of supporting my cousin while she had her baby and stayed at her place... ran around some... could have slipped on my goals, I definitely got into their kid's goldfish crackers but I tracked it all and was on target. Feel like I've got a good rut going on a good track these days!!
    I'm technically "at" where I set my goal weight for the month so we'll see if it holds, and I'll go for the low end of my target
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    Height: 176 cm - 5'9,1/4"
    BMI: 21,3

    I've decided to do a month or 2 of maintenance. I believe in the theory that your body has a "set" weight in mind that it desperately wants to keep so I'm going to give my body a break of trying to force it to shed fat. That way it can get used to this new weight, and then in 1-2 month's I'll start again with convincing it to drop some pounds :)

    So goals:
    1) Maintain weight between 65-66kg (143,3-145,51 lbs)
    2) Continue all the workouts: run 2x/week, calisthenics 4x/week, squash 1x/week, add some parkour practice
    3) Don't drink alcohol for at least 15 out of 30 days (August I only made it to 8 days...)
    4) I've noticed that to sustain craving (looking at you goddamn Ben&Jerry's) I've actually skipped healthy dinner in favour of having enough calorie budget left for treats. Need to keep that behaviour in check and eat better again.

    1 September: 66,1kg (145,73)
    2 September: 66,7kg (147,05) // Great, of to a good start...; What the frick?!

    3-9 September: 65,4kg (144,18) //Not taking this very seriously since I just finished a 36h fast so result will be a bit positively skewed.

    This last week I went over my calorie budget 4 out of 7 days... Luckily the other days compensated, so overall I was still 585kcal under the goal for the entire week.

    I hope I will do better coming week, but doubt it a bit; again too many restaurant visits planned and it is those that really screw me over! Need to say "no" more but it's so nice to be taken out to dinner.

  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 284 Member
    H 5' 4"
    CW 146

    SW: 147
    GW: 142

    Goal #1: No grazing. I am a heavy snacker. I would like to curb my habit of eating too many things between meals. It is more habitual than out of hunger. This is the most important goal for me in staying track.
    Goal #2: 5-6 days of workout - ST/2m run combination (3x:2x)
    Goal #3: 10k steps everyday

    9/1 On vacation
    9/3 147.8
    9/4 146.2 Back to where I was. I have been doing well eating wise. Need to get back on workout. walked 16k steps each over the last 2 days
    9/5 146.6. I am still sore from the workout yday. I hit 11k steps and ate well last 2 days, so hoping for a good loss this week!
    9/6 146.2 Really hoped to see 145, but maybe tomorrow! Walked 12k steps, worked out and ate well. This week is first week back to school and have been busy. I have not been able to run but have walked consistently. So for week 1 , I met 2 out of my 3 goals!
    9/8 no weigh in
    9/9 146.8 I am stuck in 146 forever

  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Sept SW: 141.6
    Sept GW: 137.6

    Goal #1: Work out 5 times a week
    Goal #2: Eat more veggies and less processed foods
    Goal #3: Take time to pamper myself every day

    9/1 - 141.6
    9/2 - 141.6
    9/3 - 140.4
    9/4 - 140.6
    9/5 - 139.6
    9/6 - 139.8
    9/7 - 138.6
    9/8 - 138.2
    9/9 - 136.6
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 145.6
    Sept GW: 140
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 25 real push ups in a rep
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4: Drop 1" off waist
    Goal #5: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week

    9/2 - out of town on vaca - lots of walking - didn't weigh
    9/3 - 145.6 - Push Up Challenge 10,12,8,8,10 = 48, lots of walking, took horses to a practice & worked thru lunch so no yoga or bike. Kept intake under 1400 & no alcohol
    9/4 - 146.4 - So exhausted today, struggled thru Yoga Burn 7&8 at lunch. Deadlines at work made for super long day 7-5:30. Ended day at 1275 intake.
    9/5 - 145.2 - Yoga Burn Week 8 & Pushup Challenge at lunch - FINALLY conquered Week 3 with Day 3 11,13,9,9,13. Biked for 30 min but with a 10yo along for the ride, wasn't nearly as strenuous as normal - but it's ok. Rode one colt to unwind & stayed under - just barely on cals. Did cave and have a big fat dunkin doughnuts cake doughnut.
    9/6 - 146.0 - boo! - Yoga Burn 7 & 8
    9/7 - 144.8
    9/8 - 143.0 - YAY!!!! Lowest number I've hit in ages. Tons of walking and outdoor work. Rode 2 colts, cleaned 11 stalls.... hit 14,000 steps
    9/9 - 144.0 -
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited September 2019
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 139.4
    GW: 130

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Sept 1: 139.4
    Sept 2: 140.4
    Sept 3: 140.2
    Sept 4: 140.0
    Sept 5: 140.4
    Sept 6: 140.4
    Sept 7: 141.2
    Sept 8: 141.4
    Sept 9: 142.0
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    SW: 74.1 kg
    GW: 72 kg

    Goal #1: Enjoy the holidays (1 week) but with healthy eating. - Mission ACCOMPLISHED :)
    Goal #2: Track all food in MFP (just started again).
    Goal #3: Start running 3x per week (I'm at 2x already on avg).

    Sep 1: 74.1 - overall a quiet day, unpacking some more boxes from moving, reading, healthy food choices but still being a bit over the calorie goal. Worth it though :)
    Sep 2-8: 73.7 - YAY! - Was off for holidays so no chance for weighing. Tracked food on most of those days. More cake and ice cream and eating out than I promised myself but loads of walking to make up for it apparently.
    Sep 9: 74.2 - Hmmm, seems there were a little too much cheese after and wine with dinner yesterday. :/ Off to do better...
  • RunninCurmudgin
    RunninCurmudgin Posts: 18 Member
    GW September: 140
    GW End Nov: 130

    Goal #1: Lose 5 lb per month for next 3 month, to return to my "normal" weight of 130 lbs. We are going on a "mystery" holiday for my 50th birthday (I don't know where but assume a bathing suit will be involved) and I want to be back to 130 for this occasion.

    This is the weight I had maintained from age 20 to age 46... I gained 15 lbs when I started living with my husband (then boyfriend).. he thinks I look great with larger boobs but I just feel fat now ;-(

    Goal #2: Finish Zwift Academy in Sept (if any of you are Zwifters.. you know what I mean!). I have 3 workouts and two group rides left.
    Goal #3: 1/2 plate vegetables every dinner, and fruit for dessert (even if there is a cookie or two involved, the fruit must be there!)

    9/1 - 144.4
    9/2 - 143.5
    9/3 - 144.9
    9/5 - 144.4
    9/6 - 144.8
    9/7 - 144.0
    9/8 - 143.7
    9/9 - 143.3

    I enrolled in a "boot camp" type course that starts tonight - I did a few trial classes in the summer and enjoyed them so now committed to the series. I do cardio pretty reliably (typically cycle 100+ km per week) but haven't done any weight training type program in a while so hoping maybe this will help get some results.
  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    HW Starting MFP in May: 154.0
    Sept. SW: 147.0, Holding Average 147.7
    Sept. GW: Moving Average Around 145.0-145.5

    Goal #1: 8.5 Minute Core/Ab Routine Every Other Day (Ultimate Goal of Great Posture!)
    Goal #2: 2-3 Exercise Classes per week, OR 2 long walks/biking/hiking outside or combo
    Goal #3: Stay within daily calorie targets - with plans in place for night time snacking and special events. My concrete goal for September will be to track it all, even if I go overboard on a night binge or event food to build awareness in the process

    36, 5'4"
    9/1: 147.0 (Moving Average 147.7)
    9/2: 146.0 (Moving Average 147.1)
    9/3: 146.0 (Moving Average 146.7)
    9/4: - no weigh in
    9/5: - no weigh in
    9/6: 146.0 (Moving Average 145.9)
    9/7: - no weigh in
    9/8: 145.4 (Moving Average 145.5)
    *9/9: 145.0 (Moving Average 144.9)

    Off day for ab workout, no exercise today but had long day of work and class. Did well with preparing my lunch, snacks and dinner to have with me throughout the day as I wasn't going to be home until late. Scheduled for a 5:15 fitness class tomorrow morning so off to bed early! Had an extra couple of reasonable snacks tonight before bed and within calorie targets for the day! I'm on a pretty good roll, hitting a stride with my goals becoming habits and seeing it pay off a bit. But it all feels like good steady development that I can keep up long term.
  • mrsjar5311
    mrsjar5311 Posts: 514 Member
    Check in for today!

    SW: 74kg
    GW: 70kg

    Goal #1: Do 3 weight training exercises a week
    Goal #2: Walk a minimum 280k steps by the 31st of Sept
    Goal #3: Move to 18/6 for IF. Currently doing 16/8

    9/1 - weighed myself.173.1kg! Drum roll! Walked 6.1 miles. Kept under my calorie intake for today. Not as much as I would like but I was 387 calories under. I aim to be at least 500 calories under. Had my last meal at 7pm today so on track for 17 hours fasting.

    9/2 - Fasted 18 hours! Whoop, whoop. Walked 12k steps and 1.8 miles. Went over my calories by 36. Boo. Went to my local gym and signed up for weight training.

    9/3 - Fasted 17 hours. Walked 5.6 miles and 22k steps. Had my first weight training session. Oh boy! 721 calories deficit. Also down 2 bra sizes which I'm not very happy about! Now a DD cup.

    9/4 - Fasted 18 hours. Did a bodypump class of 30 minutes. I feel so sore. Walked 10km miles and 14.5k steps.

    9/5 - weights session today. 20 hours fast today! 13,627 steps. 5.5 miles in total. Calorie deficit of 515. Yay! Rest day tomorrow so lots of walking.

    9/6 - 18 hours fast today. Walked 16,390 steps. 6.7 miles. Calorie deficit of 457! a mere 3 calories to 500! Waah! Weighing day tomorrow. Aunt Flo has also put in an appreance so it'll be interesting to see how that affects my weight gain or loss.

    9/7 - Walked 30 minutes to the gym, then a 30 minute bodypump class and 30 minutes walk back to the car. Total steps 13,347 for today. Also went for a 60 minute yoga class - all that stretching is needed to ease my aching muscles. Calorie deficit 604 calories! Total steps for the week - 110,510k! Smashed my goal of 70k steps a week.
    Weight - 72.8kg!!! Whoop, whoop, whoop!!!

    9/8 - Fasted 18 hours. Completely forgot to eat as I wasn't feeling hungry so 18.5 hours really. 1 hour yoga session. Feeling quite sore in places I never knew I had muscles! 16,718 steps, 7.7 miles walked. Today is my cheat day so enjoyed a glass of Baileys as well. I was conscious of calories and diluted it with hot water and had a nice hot toddy. The weather has been miserable! Electric storm all day with some awesome thunder strikes and lightening! I walked in the rain and had a long soak afterwards. 714 calories deficit even with my 1 glass of alcohol! Yay! Also did a cheat weigh today and dropped another .2 of a kg so now 72.6! I'm constipated so I bet it is lower. Staying away from the scales now till next Sat!

    9/9 - Today's fast was so hard! I had jelly legs walking back from the gym and almost caved in a took the bus but didn't. So 30 minutes walk to the gym, weights training for 40 minutes, 30 minutes walk back. I developed a headache around 11am which turned into a full blown migraine just before 1pm. I managed to fast till 2pm so 18 hours. I was in bed and asleep by 7.30pm.

  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 139.4
    GW: 130

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Sept 1: 139.4
    Sept 2: 140.4
    Sept 3: 140.2
    Sept 4: 140.0
    Sept 5: 140.4
    Sept 6: 140.4
    Sept 7: 141.2
    Sept 8: 141.4
    Sept 9: 142.0

    What's happening there? I'm amazed you are not writing essays on here complaining with these results (I sure as hell would!)
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    Height: 176 cm - 5'9,1/4"
    BMI: 21,3

    I've decided to do a month or 2 of maintenance. I believe in the theory that your body has a "set" weight in mind that it desperately wants to keep so I'm going to give my body a break of trying to force it to shed fat. That way it can get used to this new weight, and then in 1-2 month's I'll start again with convincing it to drop some pounds :)

    So goals:
    1) Maintain weight between 65-66kg (143,3-145,51 lbs)
    2) Continue all the workouts: run 2x/week, calisthenics 4x/week, squash 1x/week, add some parkour practice
    3) Don't drink alcohol for at least 15 out of 30 days (August I only made it to 8 days...)
    4) I've noticed that to sustain craving (looking at you goddamn Ben&Jerry's) I've actually skipped healthy dinner in favour of having enough calorie budget left for treats. Need to keep that behaviour in check and eat better again.

    1 September: 66,1kg (145,73)
    2 September: 66,7kg (147,05) // Great, of to a good start...; What the frick?!
    3-9 September: 65,4kg (144,18) //Not taking this very seriously since I just finished a 36h fast so result will be a bit positively skewed.

    10 September: 65,6kg (144,62)
    Okay this time it is real (I think)! Happy, hope it doesn't go up too much anymore. There is a fancy dinner planned tonight though, including wine (obviously) so a bit worried. Will fast the rest of the day to compensate and save up all my calories =)

    I also must say I'm surprised at how lightspeed-fast one hits their calorie goal... For example yesterday, I had a very modest breakfast; average lunch (salad but with mozzarella which is considered healthy, but of course high in calories); some minor snacks during the day but nothing excessive; and what's considered a very standard dinner around here (potatoes, spinach, sausage). And BAM up to 2000 kcal. (My maintain is supposed to be 1820)

    In my opinion, the whole foodindustry has been lying to the public for decades about what a "normal 3-meal day" looks like. Probably was correct when people were doing physical labour all day, not so much now anymore for the bulk of the office workers (yours truly included).

    And what scares me is that no one in the modern world who would take a look at what I consumed yesterday, would find that excessive or tell me to cut back. And yet, if I'd eat like that every day, I'd slowly but consistently would gain weight.

    So what I'm getting at is that what we all see as "normal" eating (pushed on us by the industry) may not correspond with the reality of what's actually normal to eat.

    /end rant :p

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    Height: 176 cm - 5'9,1/4"
    BMI: 21,3

    I've decided to do a month or 2 of maintenance. I believe in the theory that your body has a "set" weight in mind that it desperately wants to keep so I'm going to give my body a break of trying to force it to shed fat. That way it can get used to this new weight, and then in 1-2 month's I'll start again with convincing it to drop some pounds :)

    So goals:
    1) Maintain weight between 65-66kg (143,3-145,51 lbs)
    2) Continue all the workouts: run 2x/week, calisthenics 4x/week, squash 1x/week, add some parkour practice
    3) Don't drink alcohol for at least 15 out of 30 days (August I only made it to 8 days...)
    4) I've noticed that to sustain craving (looking at you goddamn Ben&Jerry's) I've actually skipped healthy dinner in favour of having enough calorie budget left for treats. Need to keep that behaviour in check and eat better again.

    1 September: 66,1kg (145,73)
    2 September: 66,7kg (147,05) // Great, of to a good start...; What the frick?!
    3-9 September: 65,4kg (144,18) //Not taking this very seriously since I just finished a 36h fast so result will be a bit positively skewed.

    10 September: 65,6kg (144,62)
    Okay this time it is real (I think)! Happy, hope it doesn't go up too much anymore. There is a fancy dinner planned tonight though, including wine (obviously) so a bit worried. Will fast the rest of the day to compensate and save up all my calories =)

    I also must say I'm surprised at how lightspeed-fast one hits their calorie goal... For example yesterday, I had a very modest breakfast; average lunch (salad but with mozzarella which is considered healthy, but of course high in calories); some minor snacks during the day but nothing excessive; and what's considered a very standard dinner around here (potatoes, spinach, sausage). And BAM up to 2000 kcal. (My maintain is supposed to be 1820)

    In my opinion, the whole foodindustry has been lying to the public for decades about what a "normal 3-meal day" looks like. Probably was correct when people were doing physical labour all day, not so much now anymore for the bulk of the office workers (yours truly included).

    And what scares me is that no one in the modern world who would take a look at what I consumed yesterday, would find that excessive or tell me to cut back. And yet, if I'd eat like that every day, I'd slowly but consistently would gain weight.

    So what I'm getting at is that what we all see as "normal" eating (pushed on us by the industry) may not correspond with the reality of what's actually normal to eat.

    /end rant :p

    Agree !
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    I also must say I'm surprised at how lightspeed-fast one hits their calorie goal... For example yesterday, I had a very modest breakfast; average lunch (salad but with mozzarella which is considered healthy, but of course high in calories); some minor snacks during the day but nothing excessive; and what's considered a very standard dinner around here (potatoes, spinach, sausage). And BAM up to 2000 kcal. (My maintain is supposed to be 1820)

    Couldn't agree more! Although some tweaks here and there can help, like less oil/butter or more veggies, salad and home-prepped stuff, it's difficult to stay within "maintenance" with a regular or non-excessive diet.

    Every time I enter something, it hits me how quick things add up. Good for the wallet though to rely more on the home-cooking skills and buy less of the comparable options in a supermarket... o:)
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    SW: 74.1 kg
    GW: 72 kg

    Goal #1: Enjoy the holidays (1 week) but with healthy eating. - Mission ACCOMPLISHED :)
    Goal #2: Track all food in MFP (just started again).
    Goal #3: Start running 3x per week (I'm at 2x already on avg).

    Sep 1: 74.1 - overall a quiet day, unpacking some more boxes from moving, reading, healthy food choices but still being a bit over the calorie goal. Worth it though :)
    Sep 2-8: 73.7 - YAY! - Was off for holidays so no chance for weighing. Tracked food on most of those days. More cake and ice cream and eating out than I promised myself but loads of walking to make up for it apparently.
    Sep 9: 74.2 - Hmmm, seems there were a little too much cheese after and wine with dinner yesterday. :/ Off to do better...
    Sep 10: 73.2 kg - Is this even real?!? Checked twice but the balance wouldn't change. So I guess it is. Wondering if I drank enough yesterday. Let's see what will happen tomorrow. Some running and pole class later today. looking forward to some exercise again. :)
  • mrsjar5311
    mrsjar5311 Posts: 514 Member
    Check in for today!

    SW: 74kg
    GW: 70kg

    Goal #1: Do 3 weight training exercises a week
    Goal #2: Walk a minimum 280k steps by the 31st of Sept
    Goal #3: Move to 18/6 for IF. Currently doing 16/8

    9/1 - weighed myself.173.1kg! Drum roll! Walked 6.1 miles. Kept under my calorie intake for today. Not as much as I would like but I was 387 calories under. I aim to be at least 500 calories under. Had my last meal at 7pm today so on track for 17 hours fasting.

    9/2 - Fasted 18 hours! Whoop, whoop. Walked 12k steps and 1.8 miles. Went over my calories by 36. Boo. Went to my local gym and signed up for weight training.

    9/3 - Fasted 17 hours. Walked 5.6 miles and 22k steps. Had my first weight training session. Oh boy! 721 calories deficit. Also down 2 bra sizes which I'm not very happy about! Now a DD cup.

    9/4 - Fasted 18 hours. Did a bodypump class of 30 minutes. I feel so sore. Walked 10km miles and 14.5k steps.

    9/5 - weights session today. 20 hours fast today! 13,627 steps. 5.5 miles in total. Calorie deficit of 515. Yay! Rest day tomorrow so lots of walking.

    9/6 - 18 hours fast today. Walked 16,390 steps. 6.7 miles. Calorie deficit of 457! a mere 3 calories to 500! Waah! Weighing day tomorrow. Aunt Flo has also put in an appreance so it'll be interesting to see how that affects my weight gain or loss.

    9/7 - Walked 30 minutes to the gym, then a 30 minute bodypump class and 30 minutes walk back to the car. Total steps 13,347 for today. Also went for a 60 minute yoga class - all that stretching is needed to ease my aching muscles. Calorie deficit 604 calories! Total steps for the week - 110,510k! Smashed my goal of 70k steps a week.
    Weight - 72.8kg!!! Whoop, whoop, whoop!!!

    9/8 - Fasted 18 hours. Completely forgot to eat as I wasn't feeling hungry so 18.5 hours really. 1 hour yoga session. Feeling quite sore in places I never knew I had muscles! 16,718 steps, 7.7 miles walked. Today is my cheat day so enjoyed a glass of Baileys as well. I was conscious of calories and diluted it with hot water and had a nice hot toddy. The weather has been miserable! Electric storm all day with some awesome thunder strikes and lightening! I walked in the rain and had a long soak afterwards. 714 calories deficit even with my 1 glass of alcohol! Yay! Also did a cheat weigh today and dropped another .2 of a kg so now 72.6! I'm constipated so I bet it is lower. Staying away from the scales now till next Sat!

    9/9 - Today's fast was so hard! I had jelly legs walking back from the gym and almost caved in a took the bus but didn't. So 30 minutes walk to the gym, weights training for 40 minutes, 30 minutes walk back. I developed a headache around 11am which turned into a full blown migraine just before 1pm. I managed to fast till 2pm so 18 hours. I was in bed and asleep by 7.30pm.

    9/10 - 22,050 steps today. 2 hour walk -1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. Weight training at the gym and the residue of yesterday's migraines. Did leg presses and squats today and OMFG! I'm dying! Calorie deficit of 870. 18 hour fast. The fasting now does come very very easily!
    I'm in a very low mood today. Can't shake it and can't explain it - actually I probably can. I'm worried about getting to my target, having the surgery and then not being able to maintain. I can't sustain going to the gym 5 times a week. I'm really missing out time with the children and leaving the house at 4.30am means an early bed time so missing out valuable time with the husbot...

  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    mrsjar5311 wrote: »

    SW: 74kg
    GW: 70kg

    Goal #1: Do 3 weight training exercises a week
    Goal #2: Walk a minimum 280k steps by the 31st of Sept
    Goal #3: Move to 18/6 for IF. Currently doing 16/8

    9/1 - weighed myself.173.1kg! Drum roll! Walked 6.1 miles. Kept under my calorie intake for today. Not as much as I would like but I was 387 calories under. I aim to be at least 500 calories under. Had my last meal at 7pm today so on track for 17 hours fasting.

    9/2 - Fasted 18 hours! Whoop, whoop. Walked 12k steps and 1.8 miles. Went over my calories by 36. Boo. Went to my local gym and signed up for weight training.

    9/3 - Fasted 17 hours. Walked 5.6 miles and 22k steps. Had my first weight training session. Oh boy! 721 calories deficit. Also down 2 bra sizes which I'm not very happy about! Now a DD cup.

    9/4 - Fasted 18 hours. Did a bodypump class of 30 minutes. I feel so sore. Walked 10km miles and 14.5k steps.

    9/5 - weights session today. 20 hours fast today! 13,627 steps. 5.5 miles in total. Calorie deficit of 515. Yay! Rest day tomorrow so lots of walking.

    9/6 - 18 hours fast today. Walked 16,390 steps. 6.7 miles. Calorie deficit of 457! a mere 3 calories to 500! Waah! Weighing day tomorrow. Aunt Flo has also put in an appreance so it'll be interesting to see how that affects my weight gain or loss.

    9/7 - Walked 30 minutes to the gym, then a 30 minute bodypump class and 30 minutes walk back to the car. Total steps 13,347 for today. Also went for a 60 minute yoga class - all that stretching is needed to ease my aching muscles. Calorie deficit 604 calories! Total steps for the week - 110,510k! Smashed my goal of 70k steps a week.
    Weight - 72.8kg!!! Whoop, whoop, whoop!!!

    9/8 - Fasted 18 hours. Completely forgot to eat as I wasn't feeling hungry so 18.5 hours really. 1 hour yoga session. Feeling quite sore in places I never knew I had muscles! 16,718 steps, 7.7 miles walked. Today is my cheat day so enjoyed a glass of Baileys as well. I was conscious of calories and diluted it with hot water and had a nice hot toddy. The weather has been miserable! Electric storm all day with some awesome thunder strikes and lightening! I walked in the rain and had a long soak afterwards. 714 calories deficit even with my 1 glass of alcohol! Yay! Also did a cheat weigh today and dropped another .2 of a kg so now 72.6! I'm constipated so I bet it is lower. Staying away from the scales now till next Sat!

    9/9 - Today's fast was so hard! I had jelly legs walking back from the gym and almost caved in a took the bus but didn't. So 30 minutes walk to the gym, weights training for 40 minutes, 30 minutes walk back. I developed a headache around 11am which turned into a full blown migraine just before 1pm. I managed to fast till 2pm so 18 hours. I was in bed and asleep by 7.30pm.

    9/10 - 22,050 steps today. 2 hour walk -1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. Weight training at the gym and the residue of yesterday's migraines. Did leg presses and squats today and OMFG! I'm dying! Calorie deficit of 870. 18 hour fast. The fasting now does come very very easily!
    I'm in a very low mood today. Can't shake it and can't explain it - actually I probably can. I'm worried about getting to my target, having the surgery and then not being able to maintain. I can't sustain going to the gym 5 times a week. I'm really missing out time with the children and leaving the house at 4.30am means an early bed time so missing out valuable time with the husbot...


    I didn't want to say anything before, but now you bring it up yourself: I get a strong feeling you may be doing too much... Now I don't presume to know you or know better than you or anything like that at all, but your calorie deficits seems rather big. And when you say "I aim to be at least 500 calories under" do you mean under your maintain calorie budget or under what MFP already says you should eat at?

    I think you're spot on by worrying about sustainability; probably the greatest pitfall in this whole endeavour (for everyone) is going in too hard, becoming too stressed about it, and then giving in and gaining everything back. Why not lower your gym visits to 3x a week? That's still a lot more than 0 times a week.

    Also, while I'm an advocate of fasting, I wouldn't combine it with such a heavy calorie restriction. Of course, yes, you need kcal deficit to lose weight but I just wouldn't combine the approach of heavy time restriction on top of heavy calorie restriction and then pair that also with a heavy workout routine...

    And lastly, if you're feeling weak, getting migraines, and the likes, I think your body is definitely trying to tell you to slow down. I don't know how long you've been doing this routine or from how far you're coming but I think it's important to be patient and go for slow but steady. I know this wasn't the most uplifting reply maybe, but I do hope you'll feel better soon!

    Just my 2 cents, I don't mean any of it to be offending in any way.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @mrsjar5311 , I have to agree with @I4a_p that you're doing too much. You're body will stop functioning properly at this rate. Remember, it’s more complex than simply calories in versus calories out, and the number on the scale doesn’t represent body composition, so think of food as fuel and eat in a way that supports your training and personal goals.