Living the Lifestyle, Thursday 09/26/2019

misterhub Posts: 6,280 Member
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice.

This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Thread starters for September are below:

Monday - imastar2 (Derrick)
Tuesday - 88olds (George)
Wednesday - gavinflynn1 (Gavin)
Thursday - misterhub (Greg)
Friday - Jimb376mfp (Jim)

Today’s topic: Long-term Disruptions

I am beginning to feel as if I live in a hotel in Boston. I have been on travel for the last three weeks, with it extending through at least next Tuesday. I HAVE gained weight. I have shifted to buying food from the nearby grocery store, which has an amazing freshly prepared meal selection, in order to eat more healthy selections and limit serving size. I am thinking of buying some workout shorts/sweats so I can use the hotel gym. Should have thought of that last one previously - my bad.

I am laying this out to get to the question: How does one deal with longer-term disruptions to their lifestyle? Some of us have our own health issues. Some of us have to be by the side of ill family members for much longer than hoped. Some of us have work related disruptions. Long-term disruptions do occur. They're not just bumps in the road, and they require a much more reasoned approach for mitigation. How do YOU deal with such situations?


  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,578 Member
    I am still learning this myself, but I am finding that the long term disruption becomes part of your lifestyle. Whether it is travel, health, or some other impact that changes your normal life patterns for the foreseeable future that essentially has become part of the hand you are being dealt and you have to decide how to play the hand. Doing nothing in response has rarely been successful for me.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,100 Member
    Some of the hotels I have stayed in have fruit and boiled eggs which can make a breakfast for me. I would probably buy a small botte of hot sauce for the eggs although a pinch of salt is ok too. I have been fortunate that my disruptions have been short the last 10+ years. luck of the draw. Travel in this country can be a problem for sure.
  • GavinFlynn1
    GavinFlynn1 Posts: 1,664 Member
    What I *have* done with long term disruptions is not what I wish to do in the future. (Long post coming.)

    For me, most of my long-term disruptions have been injury-based. What I did in the past amounts to giving myself a pass on healthy living. It’s not just the exercise that I had to stop for a period of time. I gave myself a pass on what food I would eat, or rather how much and how often I would eat those things. I don’t like those results.

    My plan for now and the future is to dive more deeply into a fully healthy lifestyle and community. It’s the community part that I now believe is more important during those interruptions. Actually, for me at least, I believe the community part is more important during the non-interruption regular life as well. Simply put, I do better when I let myself be fully engaged in a group of people with a common experience and a common goal.

    Truth is I have often pulled back from being fully connected because of my own feelings of shame and embarrassment for whatever mistakes I have made. Today at least, I’m choosing to walk through those feelings and engage.

    I’m ashamed and embarrassed that I let myself get so far from the healthy lifestyle I once practiced for years. The lifestyle I created for myself when I first joined WW was awesome. Depression knocked me down for a while. My attempts to regain the lifestyle have been hard and inconsistent.

    Right now, I see two separate and important pieces that I want to focus on. First is truly engaging in my weight loss communities, especially here on GoaD. Second is cultivating the belief in the *joy* of healthy living. That was one of the surprises from my early days in WW.

    That’s enough for now.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,701 Member
    I am in a disruptive area for a while worrying about my DW. My eating habits have been terrible an I am in for an other yearly gain. I am totally out of control. I keep trying to get right.
  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 5,977 Member
    Pretty much Life Happens! No matter how well we establish our pattern of healthy living, something comes along to disrupt it! Health Issues, Injury Issues, Work issues, Family issues, I could go on and on. What happens for me is they become the things that are at the top of our attention level, and our healthy lifestyle gets pushed down by a notch (or 2 or 3). I have come to accept that it is inevitable that there will be those disruptions, but that I will always come back to a healthy place. Sometimes it can take more time than I would like, but I will eventually get there.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,280 Member
    What I *have* done with long term disruptions is not what I wish to do in the future. (Long post coming.)

    For me, most of my long-term disruptions have been injury-based. What I did in the past amounts to giving myself a pass on healthy living. It’s not just the exercise that I had to stop for a period of time. I gave myself a pass on what food I would eat, or rather how much and how often I would eat those things. I don’t like those results.

    My plan for now and the future is to dive more deeply into a fully healthy lifestyle and community. It’s the community part that I now believe is more important during those interruptions. Actually, for me at least, I believe the community part is more important during the non-interruption regular life as well. Simply put, I do better when I let myself be fully engaged in a group of people with a common experience and a common goal.

    Truth is I have often pulled back from being fully connected because of my own feelings of shame and embarrassment for whatever mistakes I have made. Today at least, I’m choosing to walk through those feelings and engage.

    I’m ashamed and embarrassed that I let myself get so far from the healthy lifestyle I once practiced for years. The lifestyle I created for myself when I first joined WW was awesome. Depression knocked me down for a while. My attempts to regain the lifestyle have been hard and inconsistent.

    Right now, I see two separate and important pieces that I want to focus on. First is truly engaging in my weight loss communities, especially here on GoaD. Second is cultivating the belief in the *joy* of healthy living. That was one of the surprises from my early days in WW.

    That’s enough for now.

    Dude. Thank you for sharing this.

    I almost felt as if "I" had written this as I read it. This is pretty much dead on for me. I can so easily distance myself from a healthy lifestyle, and I often have to deal with the consequences.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,485 Member
    I try to be aware that there is a significant disruption and careful about how I’m starting out in this new environment.

    You’re right Greg, the disruption is a big factor in the “I was doing so well..” post.
    Moved, changed jobs, injured, divorced...
    It’s dangerous ground and it helps to get on the right foot ASAP.

    Maybe this- is there sort of a mourning period for the lost routine? “It was working so well. The gym was right near the office. Getting there at lunchtime was nearly effortless. I lost 26 lbs. But now I’ve transferred. I miss my old office pals. It’s more stress. No gym. So I spend lunch eating burger and fries.”

    But the old routine is gone and not coming back. Have to summon the energy to find a new way.