New to Group, Support needed

MsOpus Posts: 99 Member
Hello. May I join this group?
I have just turned 29, 22 years ago. I was on this weight loss/get fit journey and doing really well 5 years ago, but yes, life had some bumps. While I managed to keep from letting it all go to hell in a handbasket, I am back with goals I intend to reach.
My Goals are:
Lose about 45 more pounds. maybe more. Actual number is not important if the fitness goals get met and I feel better and more energetic.
Run another triathlon, Heck, let's make it several. Ran 2 sprint distances in 2017.
Train for it right this time.
Learn to run, swim and ride a bike. Should have thought of that sooner probably, but better late than never.
Get in those 30 exercise minutes at least 5 times a week.

I am ok with the nutrition end of things. I actually have a diploma in nutrition, but that doesn't mean I don't still like to enjoy food, especially ice cream.

Working out is my downfall. I know I gotta do it. I even joined the YMCA. (What a bargain!)
I suffer from intimidation at the gym like a lot of people. And I barely know the difference between a dumbell and a doorbell. So far though, I have found the staff really pleasant and they aren't bad to look at either.

I don't have friends in real life. Sounds weird I know but I am fairly new to this city and still wonder where to find my own kind. Closest friend is two provinces away...:(
So some support and encouragement would be so appreciated here. Friend requests, personal messages, lil bit of sarcasm is always welcome.
Anyone from Canada? Winter is coming and it's hard to keep moving during hibernation season.


  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Welcome to the group!

    My grandson spent several hours during my last visit with him trying to figure out how old I really am. (My answer is always 29.)

    I'm not Canadian, but I think we have several here who are. I am sarcastic!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 12,998 Member
    MsOpus wrote: »
    Anyone from Canada? Winter is coming and it's hard to keep moving during hibernation season.

    I'm a Canuck! Originally from the east coast but I've lived all over... currently in Ottawa.

    Oddly, I have an abundant supply of sarcasm available... the wit is dry but not the supply...
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,403 Member
    Welcome @MsOpus

    You'll find it's a friendly and supportive place here. We may not be so good at sarcasm because it can sometimes be taken the wrong way, and that's the opposite of supportive. I do enjoy your writing style. So maybe we'll try? Nah. We're too old to change our ways :wink:
  • sabern
    sabern Posts: 18 Member
    new to the group.. working on a Keto life style.. i am way over 50 years, Age 83 in Dec, but still active. also a diabetic for over 30 years, but have brought my a1c down to 6.4 have been off meds for over 3 months. fasting sugar down to 92.. need motivation to be more active, have to make myself exercise most days. thanks for your help and advice... SABERN
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 12,998 Member
    sabern wrote: »
    new to the group.. working on a Keto life style.. i am way over 50 years, Age 83 in Dec, but still active. also a diabetic for over 30 years, but have brought my a1c down to 6.4 have been off meds for over 3 months. fasting sugar down to 92.. need motivation to be more active, have to make myself exercise most days. thanks for your help and advice... SABERN

    Welcome aboard, SABERN! I've been dabbling at the combo of keto & intermittent fasting. So far, so good!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Welcome, @sabern and @MsOpus!
    MsOpus wrote: »
    <Snip interesting background, for reply length>

    Working out is my downfall. I know I gotta do it. I even joined the YMCA. (What a bargain!)
    I suffer from intimidation at the gym like a lot of people. And I barely know the difference between a dumbell and a doorbell. So far though, I have found the staff really pleasant and they aren't bad to look at either.

    I don't have friends in real life. Sounds weird I know but I am fairly new to this city and still wonder where to find my own kind. Closest friend is two provinces away...:(
    So some support and encouragement would be so appreciated here. Friend requests, personal messages, lil bit of sarcasm is always welcome.
    Anyone from Canada? Winter is coming and it's hard to keep moving during hibernation season.

    One thought: It can take a little time and patience, but I've found my active pursuits to be a way to meet like-minded people. I've belonged to a rowing club for around 17 years, and a Y for 15 or so. At the Y, I most often take spin classes (a little swimming in winter, but if I do strength training it's usually at home). These group activities have led to some of the people becoming social friends with whom I do things like go to local events (music, art festivals, plays, etc.), do activities (walks, bike rides), and just generally socialize (restaurant meals, play cards or other games, etc.). I'm inherently more of an introvert, not so socially confident, but I've learned that I do need to push myself to overcome my reticence a little, reach out and engage people, if I want to have a social life.

    I hear what you're saying about Winter, and empathize! I'm not from Canada, but am from a near neighbor (Michigan, US). Moreover, since I'm a rower, one of the great vexations of Winter is that our river gets crunchy, so I can't row on-water, which I love doing. I get in a little rowing machine training in Winter (at home or with my breast cancer survivors team), but much lower volume because it just isn't as much fun.

    I'm in maintenance now (lost 50 pounds, obese to healthy weight) back in 2015, and have been maintaining since, currently age 63 and in mid-130s pounds at 5'5". I usually go up a few pounds over the Winter, and back down a bit in summer, not so much because of intentional exercise, but because of the extra movement involved in gardening, yardwork, outdoor entertainment/recreation, etc.


  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,395 Member
    Finding it hard to exercise as my knee keeps hurting, it's so stressful as I really want to do more but cant!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,403 Member
    Can you do something lower-impact, like swimming? If kicking hurts your knee, you could use a pull buoy (leg float) to hold up your lower body and just use your arms.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,449 Member
    I’m finding yoga is really helping my movement and flexibility. I never ever really liked exercise before (except swimming in the ocean or Lake Michigan, neither of which I can do anymore), and discovering that I like yoga is surprising to me.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,395 Member
    Finally getting my energy back completed a full barefoot cardio today joins not to bad.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,395 Member
    I’m finding yoga is really helping my movement and flexibility. I never ever really liked exercise before (except swimming in the ocean or Lake Michigan, neither of which I can do anymore), and discovering that I like yoga is surprising to me.

    Love doing yoga good for flexibility, joints and stress.