Living the Lifestyle, Thursday 10/17/2019

misterhub Posts: 6,274 Member
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice.

This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Thread starters for October are below:

Monday - whathapnd (Emmie)
Tuesday - Imastar2 (Derrick)
Wednesday - gavinflynn1 (Gavin)
Thursday - misterhub (Greg)
Friday - goldenfrisbee (Chris)

Today’s topic: Physical Limitations

One of the things that sometimes hinder individuals in getting in the sort of physical activities they want to accomplish is their own body. Physical conditions, diseases, injuries, et cetera...all things that keep us from accomplishing goals to their fullest success. Or, do they? There are others who overcome physical limitations to accomplish great feats of strength and endurance.

What about you? How do you deal with physical issues when it comes to movement and exercise? Do these things limit you? Or, have you found a way to mitigate their effects?


  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,274 Member
    I used to run a lot. I loved running. I miss running.

    I injured my Achilles tendon - no break or rupture - just a horrible, horrible tear and bruise. It took a year for it to recover fully. Then, I the arch in my right foot collapsed...and so did my running regimen.

    Over the years, I have turned my focus to walking, and I try to get in as many steps as possible to keep myself moving and active. I am considering seeking out an adult swimming program to return to the one form of exercise for which I have a natural aptitude (used to be a lifeguard in my younger days).
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,574 Member
    I have degenerative discs in my lower back so much of my exercise is based on the back methodology I follow. I stopped running due to my bad knee to hold off replacement. Flare ups of either of those can shut me down. Then freak things like a strained upper hammy can play havoc as well. Just restarting exercise today after talking to PT. Limited walking if not too fast, too far.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,097 Member
    I believe I tore a bit of my achilles in 1985 which limited some of my activity for sure. Basically stopped running. Crushing 2 vertebrae in my back led to fusion of t4 thru t7 vertebrae and was off my bike for a good 3 months but started walking right away. Crushed pelvic bone (not really weight bearing) led to more walking and I walk 4.5 mi most days before breakfast.
    I did water therapy while recovering from the pubic crush. I could actually run a few steps now but don't push my luck that way.
    I focus on doing what I CAN DO.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,003 Member
    Exercising for my 1st 45 years was really important to me. One reason in my early 20's I began to run. I smoked and was overweight. I quit smoking after a year because obviously running daily and smoking it was evident one had to go and if course smoking went. From then on I ran 6 miles every morning 5 days a week and 10 miles on Saturday for over 20 plus years. I fell in love with it because I had played football in Highschool and was certainly familiar with exercise. I was fortunate to not have blown out a knee or seriously injured myself because the major amount of it was outside.

    Fast forward to today and the last 30 years haven't been like the first 40. Currently as of the last few days most likely because of my weight and misbehaving I find myself the last week or so short of breath just doing regular daily
    activities. So this current health issue is deffinitely interfering with exercise which I want doing prior years anyway.

    So bottom line to the question at hand is first my weight was so high and after a couple of years I didn't exercise then I began my bi-pap prescription and thought I'd grey back with it but never did. I shouldn't say never because I did walk with a friend for almost a year 3 days a week. I also ww's getting some exercise in my work. Deffinitely at age 72 heath issues have begun to effect exercise.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    I've always felt that exercise was primarily for health, not for losing weight.
    I've lost the same amount of weight the last two times I've tried. The first time included exercise and the second time with almost no exercise. Staying below 2K calories per day is enough for me to see the scale go down.

    Because of my long term obesity, I am also having issues with my knees and back, and that is a hindrance to doing the type of activity I enjoy. Then add to that, issues with plantar fasciitis and I'm a mess. But I know that a reduction in calories is all it takes. So whether I can exercise well or not, I can have success at getting healthier.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,080 Member
    Kind of a bit of all. Stenosis starting at the top of the spine and from the bottom. My guy kids that it'll fuse itself. Of course that leads to some sciatic pain, and flexibility issues, and pulling one hip upwards, requiring a lift in my right shoe. Still have a lot of arthritis around the knee replacements, but, when I CAN walk, I feel better.
    I try to do flexibility stretches daily, some light dumbbell lifting and flex band work every other day. Have shoulder issues also, so the last three help them also.
    I do what I can to be seen, and not viewed.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    I have a variety of aches and pains. And a couple of damaged parts. I take full advantage of physical thereapy. I’ve been to P/T about 6 times in my life. I’m always surprised at how much they know.

    Before we moved from Key West I was doing yoga or Pilates almost every day. Here in Weston, FL I’ve found a $60 massage. Unheard of in KW. I’ve been every week since we moved.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Arthritis in my left knee has stopped any running of significance as of April 2018. I am able to do a few 1 minute at a time running intervals on the treadmill a couple times a week but can feel stiffness in the knee if I try to do more. Biking doesn't bother my knee at all so I do a lot of that! Hiking is also fine as long as there isn't too much climbing. I teach a weight training class to my residents at the retirement community on Tuesdays and Thursdays this semester. My wacko schedule and subsequent exhaustion this semester is working against me for being able to get to the weight room on a regular basis to lift something heavier than 5lb dumbbells.

    I used to swim but am so time limited these days that I haven't been in the pool at all this year.

    I do have asthma and like to think that the medications I take make my lungs perfectly normal. But then I periodically have to test our spirometry equipment in the lab like I did yesterday afternoon. I have mild obstructive disease. I think my numbers were worse than this time last fall. Sigh. I think I read that about 10% of people with asthma (had it since my teens) go on to develop COPD. I've seen first hand the struggles my residents with COPD have. But I also had an amazing resident with COPD several years ago that would come in and work out with a oxygen unit in a waistpack. He was such an inspiration! He passed away unexpectedly but presumably peacefully in his home one day. He had seemed fine the day before.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,701 Member
    i suffer from degenerative discs that are collapsed ans spinal stenosis with severe Arthritis in my knee. I do walking and then sit a bit, light weights. or pool. I can't do heavy lifting or extreme bending. I try to just move.