Progress Report



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 282.1 lbs 10/03/19
    Loss this Week: -- lbs
    Total loss: -92.9 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: The month of September has not been good and I know that I've been eating around maintenance levels all month which has also given me a lot of water weight to deal with. But at least today is going in the right direction! I must still be retaining some water because I checked my weight from today to September 9th, and I'm up by 0.6 lbs, but when I took my measurements to compare to 9/5, they were up by 1/2". Now I know being 0.6 lbs heavier is definitely NOT going to result in 1/2" gain on my bust, waist, and hips, so this is telling me I've still got some extra water weight on me.

    The endocrinologist definitely wanted my TSH levels down and upped my thyroid medication. She also suggested that I not take any other medication with it. My general doctor has me on Wellbutrin for weight loss (we thought we'd try it by itself instead of the more expensive contrave), and while I could find nothing online to suggest that it would interfere with my body's absorption of my thyroid medication, the endo says that anti-depressants are known to cause issues. And she may well be right - I started the Wellbutrin October of last year, and its been since then that my TSH went way up.

    So we'll be trying to higher medication and moving the Wellbutrin to evenings and see if that makes a difference in my energy levels. Course it will take a few weeks before I see any improvement.

    meanwhile I'm still having trouble reigning my hunger levels in. I've tried to do an all day fast here and there, but I've been failing miserably on that front. With my hunger being up, its a real challenge to try to keep under my calorie limit, and this month has proven I've not been doing well with that.

    But I'm not giving up! And hopefully as the new thyroid medication kicks in and my energy picks up, I can get moving more to offset those extra calories over my calorie goal that creep on by the end of the day.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 282.6 lbs 10/10/19
    Loss this Week: +0.5 lbs
    Total loss: -92.4 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: I'm recording today's weight just to get the entry in, but I'm considering this more of a maintain than an actual increase since I'm coming off TOM and was out of town earlier this week with out to eating again, all which I believe translates to water weight.

    I saw my regular doctor on Monday, and she was very encouraging. Her thoughts are that its incredible that I've managed to lose about 10 lbs this summer even while being badly hypo-thyroid, and her thinking is that the Wellbutrin hasn't been having much of an effect because it's being muted by the hypo-thyroid state, and wants to stay on it for a while longer to see how it works once I get my TSH levels back down where they should be. I am very much hoping that as my TSH falls where it should be that the Wellbutrin will kick in and get the hunger cravings down!

    Meanwhile, after talking with my general doctor this week, I'm going to try to swap my evening and morning medications. I was taking my thyroid meds in the morning and then taking my meformin, multivitamin, and now the wellbutrin of an evening. But she said that Wellbutrin can be known to cause insomnia, and I have been having trouble being wide awake at bedtime, so starting yesterday, I decided to take the synthroid at night and everything else in the morning. Thyroid medication is so sensitive!

    Anyway, there is a plus side to the swap: thyroid meds have to be taken on an empty stomach, so you either take it 30 minutes to 1 hour before you eat (including coffee which I admit I was failing on miserably) OR you take it at least 2 hours after you eat or 4 hours after you take any other medication. So to be on the safe side, I'm going to try to stop eating 4 hours before time to take my synthroid and go to bed. So basically, I have to stop eating by 7 pm.

    This means evening snacking has to come to an end, which is actually a good thing! I'm hoping that the need to take my medication will bolster my will not to eat after 7 pm where trying to stop eating for general calorie counting failed, and I'll do better at sticking to my calorie limit, especially if i continue to put off breakfast until at least 9:30 am - that gives me an IF window of about 9 hours or so.

    The second thing I really need to work on is the stopping for fast food for lunch or such. Besides the fact that I really need to stop spending the money, even though it really is my only vice and not nearly as expensive as some others could be, it makes staying under my calorie limit while also hitting my protein goal harder. Course, will power has been in the tank and I've been tired and wanting comfort food hence the stops nearly every day at Arby's or McDonald's, but I'm hoping that as the meds bring my TSH down that my energy levels and my will power get better.

    It takes time, I know, but here's hoping that I start seeing some improvement by the first of November!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 280.3 lbs 10/17/19
    Loss this Week: -2.3 lbs
    Total loss: -94.7 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : So far so good! I was pleased to see the drop this week! Its coming slow - sometimes frustratingly so - but I keep reminding myself to look at the over all general trend and not the week by week fluctuations, especially since I retain water really easily. Still, when I can finally consistently be in the 270's again, I'll consider it a big achievement!

    Perhaps I can reach my short-term milestone goal by the end of the year? That's 10 lbs in 10 weeks, which should be completely doable, but of course, the holidays are in all that, which is always tricky and usually a season where maintaining is the name of the game, but we'll see.

    The no eating after 7 pm has been a little tough - by about 9:30 I find myself getting really, really hungry, but I've been able to wait, though I have found myself sneaking in about 100-200 calories in a snack right before bed about 30 minutes - hour after I take my medication. I'm not doing a good job of staying under the 1450 calories I set for myself, but that's not a terrible horrible thing either, because I do keep myself within 500 calories of that number, and that number is a 1,000 calorie a day deficit for a 2 lb/wk loss rate anyway, so that means even if I can't stay strictly under the 1450 calories, I'm still in a deficit so should still be losing - just a little slower. And while my brain doesn't panic at seeing red numbers, there's something about seeing that red number creeping toward 500 that gets the will power to start applying the break (usually).

    It's like hitting the snooze button lol I just don't do well in rolling out of bed the first time that alarm goes off, so I purposely set my alarm 15 - 30 minutes before I have to be up just so I can hit that snooze button at least twice and let myself wake up gradually. I'm weird like that I guess - I seem to need to a little wiggle room zone! :)
  • Kristle582
    Kristle582 Posts: 38 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~361.2 (10/22/2019)
    My goal: 179 lbs
    Milestone: 325
    Current Weight: 361.2
    Loss this week: 0
    Total Loss:0

    I am just getting restarted. I had a few year hiatus and managed to gain 60 pounds! 😞

    What Needs Work: I am struggling to stick to my calorie limit
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @Kristle582 I've bee struggling with a plateau for 2 years now, and regained about 20 lbs of what I had lost. I re-lost around 15 of it this summer, but its been a real struggle. I consider it a victory, though, that I only regained 20 lbs - the last time I lost a significant amount of weight, I regained 85 lbs! I just try to keep it in perspective and perhaps I've learned a little something this time around.

    I hear you so much, though, on struggling with the calorie limit. That's my problem too and I have yet to find a real solution to it!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 281.1 lbs 10/25/19
    Loss this Week: +0.8 lbs
    Total loss: -93.9 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : and I continue to ratchet up and down in my weight numbers - one week I'm down a little; the next I'm back up a little. The only thing keeping me sane in all this is that when I go back and look at the month's trend, it is trending downward (at a snail's pace but it is heading downward). Still, getting solidly back into the 270's is being very elusive right now. It doesn't help that I'm back to having trouble staying within my calorie range; its proven to be very, very difficult to wait 4 hours after my last meal to take my medication as evenings are a high time for me to want to snack. If this keeps up, I may have to consider switching the two sets of medication - I've got a choice - either forcing myself to wait at least 2 hours and preferably 4 after eating the evening meal to take the thyroid meds and go to bed, or force myself to wait at least an hour after taking them first thing before I can have my morning coffee. Both are very difficult for me to get myself into the routine of doing.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 281.4 lbs 10/31/19
    Loss this Week: +0.3 lbs
    Total loss: -93.6 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: In the grand scheme of things, I know that a 0.3 lb gain is statistically nothing and this more or less counts as a maintain week. And I also know that when I step on the scale tomorrow morning, it will probably be back down to the 281.1. This weekend, especially Sunday, was a blow out because of a church dinner. I really did try to keep it down (we were having a soup/bean dinner) and only had 2 small bowls of soup (and one was of my low calorie corn and bean chowder that I knew was decent caloriewise!), but even by only taking a bite or two of the few desserts I wanted to try, I know that I was well over my calorie target and probably over maintenance as well. Friday and Saturday before weren't good either, as Friday, I went to dinner with my parents and even though I stuck with chili and a salad, it was restaurant chili and I can't resist cottage cheese which, while a very good source of protein, is also very high in calories because restaurants don't use low fat cottage cheese!

    So that's my confession for this week :)

    On the positive side, however: Monday I succeeded in having a fast until after sundown and kept my calorie count right around 1,000 for the day, and the only reason I ended up eating after sundown was because I had eaten nothing all day except for almond milk and a little sugar free cream in my coffee, and I spent the evening cleaning house, which involved vacuuming the entire house then steam-mopping it - and it's about 1,450 square feet and all hard floor! Then I cleaned my bathroom top to bottom, so by the time I was done, I was feeling shaky and light-headed and knew I needed to eat something to offset all the work. But that also means that most of what I did end up eating was covered by the activity.

    I did this because I've found that in the past, if I can succeed in having an all day fast, the next day, I tend to eat less, and that trend held true. On Tuesday, once you factor in the grass mowing and outside work I did, I was under calorie limit, and yesterday I was only about 10 calories over.

    So, while I was over badly on the weekend, I have been doing very well the last 3 days, and I'm hoping to keep today in check as well, so I'm moving in a positive direction. We'll see how this weekend goes; I seem to have a lot of trouble with weekends, and that seems to be when I undo any positive work I get in during the week, and I need to find a way to reign that in.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Just realised I haven't updated in a while.

    I'm finally at 41.5lbs down, which currently makes me 283.8, I seem t be see-sawing half a pound constantly at the moment. So fed up but I know it's my own fault. I'm really not drinking enough water. I'm also having a bit too much butter on my evening toast and marmite so I'm going to up the water and cut the toast out and see if that improves things. It's a shame because I really enjoy my toast but nothing is stopping me this time.

    In terms of NSVs I've managed to have a bath and get out without having to call the fire brigade to bring a crane, and I've also been ice skating twice. Which I thoroughly enjoyed and am going again tomorrow. I cannot wait! I used to play Ice Hockey and have really missed all the friends there who I've avoided for fear that they will think I am just too disgustingly fat to know! They didn't of course and it's been great seeing them all again. More motivation to keep going. Less weight will mean better balance!

    On top of all that my baby horses have arrived and now I have 4 horses! Can't wait for them to grow up to be ridden. They are a year old now and need to be 4 at least to be ridden so I have plenty of time to lose my weight.

    Lots of good things to come.

    Hope everyone else is well :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @fatoldladyonamission That sounds fantastic! You've come a long way, and 41 lbs is a great accomplishment! I understand about that 1/2 lb fluctuating, though - mines been about 3 lbs for the last 2 months - below 280 has been extremely elusive for me.

    I've never been iceskating. Went rollerskating a time or two as a kid and was the kind who never let go of the handrail :) I'm so glad you had so much fun, though! It can really be hard to not project our own fears and views of ourselves onto others, and I'm glad you were able to reconnect.

    The horses must be gorgeous and I'm jealous :) I've always wanted to learn to ride, but never had the opportunity. I've looked into it as I found out there was a stable giving lessons nearby, but their weight limit was 160 lbs, I think it was - a weight I'd never get down to even in my wildest dreams :(

    But you sound like you've got a plan and 4 beautiful motivators right there to keep you going :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 278.6 lbs 11/07/19
    Loss this Week: -2.8 lbs
    Total loss: -96.4 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : a good week for once; though of course part of this is water-weight loss (TOM was last week), but I'll take it! The weekend, as usual, was over limit but for once, I stayed well under maintenance. I was under calorie goal a couple other days this week as well. Tuesday, while an over day, was a good day for me because I had to go to the corporate HQ for a meeting and they provided pizza for lunch, but I had managed to hold breakfast calories down and stuck with only 2 slices and picked the cheese and croutons off the salad and used very little salad dressing. AND I stayed out of the big bag of candy my boss brought in! So over all, I consider that a win day!

    Yesterday was a good day - I stayed under calorie limit and I stayed completely out of the big candy bowl in the break room. It was a close one there at the end of the day, but I survived, and the good news is that when I came in this morning, all the good stuff that would tempt me is gone :) So I managed to make it through Halloween without candy! Helps that I don't have trick-or-treaters, too :)

    So here we are, once again, under 380. My hope is that I can keep it there through this weekend and next week. This weekend will be a bust, I know, because I have a craft show starting tomorrow and going into Saturday. I'll do my best to mitigate the damage, but there's something about being stuck in one location for several hours that makes a person hungry! It's my Sunday for dinner, so I'm looking at recipes now that I can use to help on Sunday keep things down, too, so we'll see how next week goes.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 278.6 lbs 11/07/19
    Loss this Week: -2.8 lbs
    Total loss: -96.4 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : a good week for once; though of course part of this is water-weight loss (TOM was last week), but I'll take it! The weekend, as usual, was over limit but for once, I stayed well under maintenance. I was under calorie goal a couple other days this week as well. Tuesday, while an over day, was a good day for me because I had to go to the corporate HQ for a meeting and they provided pizza for lunch, but I had managed to hold breakfast calories down and stuck with only 2 slices and picked the cheese and croutons off the salad and used very little salad dressing. AND I stayed out of the big bag of candy my boss brought in! So over all, I consider that a win day!

    Yesterday was a good day - I stayed under calorie limit and I stayed completely out of the big candy bowl in the break room. It was a close one there at the end of the day, but I survived, and the good news is that when I came in this morning, all the good stuff that would tempt me is gone :) So I managed to make it through Halloween without candy! Helps that I don't have trick-or-treaters, too :)

    So here we are, once again, under 380. My hope is that I can keep it there through this weekend and next week. This weekend will be a bust, I know, because I have a craft show starting tomorrow and going into Saturday. I'll do my best to mitigate the damage, but there's something about being stuck in one location for several hours that makes a person hungry! It's my Sunday for dinner, so I'm looking at recipes now that I can use to help on Sunday keep things down, too, so we'll see how next week goes.
  • fatoldladyonamission

    Glad all is going so well with you @bmeadows380 . I've been really busy so not in community much but still sticking with it. I'm at 46.5lbs gone and now weighing 278.3 as of this morning.

    It's the lowest I've been in 3 years so I'm delighted with it! Also puts me in the 19 stone bracket and out of the 20 stone bracket for which I'm really thankful.

    I'm still ice skating at least once a week and what with that and walking up to see my baby horses as well I'm keeping my activity levels up.

    I'm really looking forward to riding again but need to lose another 56lbs before I'm safe to get on my daughter's horse. That'll put me at about 224lbs so a way to go yet unfortunately, but it's good to have both long and short term goals. For the moment I'm thoroughly enjoying the skating and being able to have a nice long soak in the bath without worrying I won't be able to get out! Little pleasures!

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited November 2019

    Glad all is going so well with you @bmeadows380 . I've been really busy so not in community much but still sticking with it. I'm at 46.5lbs gone and now weighing 278.3 as of this morning.

    It's the lowest I've been in 3 years so I'm delighted with it! Also puts me in the 19 stone bracket and out of the 20 stone bracket for which I'm really thankful.

    I'm still ice skating at least once a week and what with that and walking up to see my baby horses as well I'm keeping my activity levels up.

    I'm really looking forward to riding again but need to lose another 56lbs before I'm safe to get on my daughter's horse. That'll put me at about 224lbs so a way to go yet unfortunately, but it's good to have both long and short term goals. For the moment I'm thoroughly enjoying the skating and being able to have a nice long soak in the bath without worrying I won't be able to get out! Little pleasures!


    you're doing great! You're a braver person than I am ice skating - I've never tried it, but could never roller skate and would probably break something if I tried now :)

    So you would consider under 225 lbs safe for horseback riding? I find that interesting because I'd love to take lessons and learn to ride, but my weight has always been an issue, and when I look online to see what the weight limit ought to be, its all over the place. The only stable that I know of in my area that gives lessons had a weight limit of 175 to 180 lbs, which I sincerely doubt I'll ever see. Right now, just getting to 278 has been such a struggle! I'd like to eventually get down to 220 lbs, but getting back under 200 is a pipe dream that at my age, is most likely not going to happen.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    Just popping my head in to say hello. I am restarting again. I have only been back at it for about 5 days so I’m not ready for an official update so I’m just here to say hello!

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @MzCara148 Nice to see someone back in this group! :) The echoes were getting loud!

    I've been keeping up on my progress in another thread, but I hadn't been posting it here because this group seemed to have died off. If someone's interested though, I can always start up again! I've got my fingers crossed that Thursday will see me finally back under 275 lbs!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 275 lbs (this puts me at 100 lbs lost again; then I'll go back to the 260 milestone)
    Current Weight: 275.8 lbs 1/9/20
    Loss this Week: -4.5 lbs
    Total loss: -99.2 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : I knew that weight reading last week was skewed by water weight gain!

    Unfortunately, while I managed to shed the water last week, I picked up more in the last 24 hours because I was on pace to be under 275 today as I've been really good this week. I was under my calorie goal 6 out of 7 days and under the last 3. Sunday I was over calorie goal, but under maintenance levels, so was still in deficit. I've cut sharply down on the amount of fast food eating out I was doing, even if I was sticking with salads and chicken. Yesterday, the scale was down to 275.1, and I was really hoping that it'd come down to 275 today, but instead, today's reading popped back up to 275.8 *grrrr*

    I absolutely know that 3/4 lb is water weight - I feel bloated and I know why. But until I can get my body to do what its supposed to be doing, that water weight is going to be skewing my results.

    However, on the plus side - I WAS in deficit for the entire week and under calorie goal for 6 out of those 7. that's a huge win. As I noted, Friday's weight was 277.9 which I think was a realist weight for after the holidays, so that means I had a real weight loss of ~2 lbs, exactly what I've got my calorie limit set up to lose as I'm still over 100 lbs overweight. So that tells me my calorie limit is realistic for my goal. My drive for the fast food has dropped down after the holidays, and I'm doing well at keeping breakfast and lunch at a minimum if I stay out of the fast food joints which in turn leaves me calories for the evening snack drive. I've also minimized what I have to snack on, and have been doing well in staving off the cravings. Over all, the intense mental hunger drive I was fighting before Christmas seems right now to have backed off to a more manageable level, which may be due to the over-eating in December which amounted to a diet break. I was eating more at maintenance levels or slightly over during the holidays more often than not, and that may have been enough to provide the benefits that a diet break usually provides.

    Mom is being somewhat sympathetic at my renewed desire to try to shed some more weight, as she did give me the ingredients she used in last Sunday's dinner and didn't quibble when I took the apple salad, weighed the entire thing, and then careful measured out a serving for myself, which in turn showed her what a serving size should at least look like. My sister, for once, just keeps her thoughts to herself (which is actually pretty unusual for her!) Dad, however, thinks I'm being ridiculous. His "what, are you dieting again?" comment when i weighed my salad serving out what extremely snarky and sarcastic. However, I don't care what he thinks. The comment was irritating but I also know that's just my dad being dad.

    but none of this is really anything new; my efforts at weight loss have always been my battle alone. I'm not giving up and perhaps the next few months will provide me with a little stronger will power control to try to get at least 25 lbs off this year - preferrably by mid-summer. It would really be nice to finally, after 2 years, get down to that 260 goal point I've been striving for!
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @bmeadows380 That must have been frustrating to be soooo close to back to 100 lost, but you will be there in no time!! Glad to hear the emotional/physical hunger is waining also. That is definitely a hard battle to fight.

    As for the family - my own parents are making me crazy so I have no answers there, lol.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    Starting weight: 325 on 1/2/2020
    Current weight: 315.6
    Goal weight: 161
    Milestone: back to 275, where I was last time I lost my focus

    Loss this week: 9.4

    What’s working I have no clue. I am currently figuring things out. I have started going to a medical weight loss clinic through the Lahey Clinic. I am working with a nutritionist and a Dr. In general I am annoyed by nutritionists. I mean, MFP will set my macros, I know pizza isn’t health food and that I should eat more veggies. But, I am going to give it a serious go and see if she can offer anything that is actually helpful.

    As for the Dr - I am also reserving judgement. She has started me on a new med that is supposed to get my hormones sorted out after all the years of high dose prednisone. I am having trouble getting UP TO my calories because it makes me feel lousy. But the side effects should pass so we shall see.

    The huge loss this week is due in large part, I think, because I had Chinese food a couple days before weigh in and all the sodium had me retaining water big time and that’s finally flushed out.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @MzCara148 water weight is a very evil thing, ain't it? :smiley:
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @bmeadows380 - the worst when it is going on, but the whoosh when it leaves is nice, lol.