Living The Lifestyle, Monday, November 11, 2019

88olds Posts: 4,474 Member
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice.

This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Thread starters for September are below:

Monday -88olds (George)
Tuesday - Imastar2 (Derrick)
Wednesday - gavinflynn1 (Gavin)
Thursday - misterhub (Greg)
Friday - Al_Howard (Al Howard)

Today’s Topic: The Calendar As A Weight Loss Tool

Are you concerned with how long its taken you to lose weight? Do you think concerning yourself with the time is a good idea? Do you find any motivation in the MFP projection feature? If you’re losing slowly do you ever think that its an indication that you aren’t really serious about WL? If you think your program is set up to lose 2 lbs per week but only lose 1 lb, does that upset you? Does it upset you to the point of giving up? Do you ever consider how long you’ve spent losing compared to how long you spent gaining?
Why do people think one should go so much faster that’s the other?

Thank you veterans.


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,474 Member
    In the end it took me about as long to lose 100 lbs as it did to gain it. Gaining there was a long pause at about 228 lbs., losing an even longer pause at 218.

    Initially I started off losing about 3 1/2 lbs per month for about 18 months. I was elated. It seemed nearly effortless.

    I think the speed diet mentality is rooted in suffering through it. And today at the Publix there it was in the magazine at the checkout to lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks. It must sell.

    I think MFP does a disservice telling people that if they keep going like today they can expect to weigh X on Y date. I don’t the calendar is a weight loss tool.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,700 Member
    I did well losing weight in my younger years. Today I am struggling just to maintain even though I have 60 pounds to lose. I am just hanging on not to give up. It has been three yrs. since I have lost any fair amount of weight to be happy about
  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 5,896 Member
    Nope I gave up on the calendar long ago. Like pretty much everyone I will set goals based on a date, IE I want to lose x pounds by Thanksgiving! I don't beat myself up about it if It doesn't happen.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,091 Member
    Not really. I think of the calendar as being more the enemy of the good in weight loss. That probably sounds hypocritical as I lost "too fast" in the first few weeks as have some other folks. Later on I was losing 1/2 lb per week or no pounds per week as I got closer to my theoretical "healthy weight" and decided it was doable and made the upper end of the range my WW goal. I had no clue how fast or slow it might be but didn't worry about rate or calendar stuff per se. Admittedly I would have been discouraged if I lost nothing for weeks right out of the gate but otherwise not so much. I have been on too many different schemes over the decades to be impressed by rapid losses.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,966 Member
    1.Are you concerned with how long its taken you to lose weight?

    Not really considering I've been at this most of my life.

    2. Do you think concerning yourself with the time is a good idea?

    Not really. I pretty much live in the moment day to day meal to meal weekly results (WI Ffidays)

    3. Do you find any motivation in the MFP projection feature?

    Not really I look at it as a dream tool knowing it's so general it has nothing to do with my personal performance. When I look at it I think I wish!

    4. If you’re losing slowly do you ever think that its an indication that you aren’t really serious about WL?

    Not really because I'm in it for the long haul. Their will never be a finish line for me as many others have stated before me.

    5. If you think your program is set up to lose 2 lbs per week but only lose 1 lb, does that upset you?

    Not really because at the end of the day a 52 lb Loss would be absolutely wonderfull.

    6. Does it upset you to the point of giving up? Do you ever consider how long you’ve spent losing compared to how long you spent gaining?

    Not giving up unless I give up on life because if I don't commit to the challenge there's only one alternative and that's not an option.

    7. Why do people think one should go so much faster than the other?

    Not sure. Maybe their not mature in their weight loss journey? Competing with someone else is like comparing apple and oranges. Their totally different. I believe I have to know what works for me and not worry about what works for someone whom I probably have no similar body characteristics at all. I'm 72 years old. Why would I compare myself and my losses to someone 40 running a marathon frequently. Just need to know my own body and work with it.🙂

  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Way back in 2001/2002 I was using a program called Calorie King on my PC. It also did a projection of my weight loss. For the first few months it was motivating but then as I got closer to my goal and weight loss wasn't as linear the projections would become a source of frustration, not motivation.

    I don't think trying to tie weight loss to the calendar is a good idea at all. Nor is the idea of losing x pounds by the time of a birthday, special trip, special party, wedding, etc. I certainly did try to not be heavier each year when I went in for my annual physical as I was climbing up the scale to 304 pounds. I failed each year.

  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,235 Member
    I'd be lying if I said the calendar had no impact on my goals. But, it does. I have grown up in a goal-oriented world of athletics and business. So, goals always have some quantifiable aspect to them.

    However, I've worked to make time be a less prevalent component in weight-loss. It's not a very profitable measure IMHO.