ugh November 18, 2006

13 years ago today - after a lifetime of obesity - I reached my goal weight.


562.3 down to 217 at 6' 2 tall at at the time I was 47. I kept the weight off for over 7 years.

Here I am at 60 today - after many false starts, I am back doing the things I need to do to get fit again. I started this October the 10th and I have lost 31 lbs so far. 414 (high weight post weight loss) down to 383 this morning.

I did not expect to feel sad today. My mood has been good since started back eating sensibly and moving more. I feel better than I have in months. Still I am down today. I am sure it is regret at putting the weight back on in the first place. What a waste of 6 good years of my life putting myself back into this position.

I totally know that regret is a wasted emotion. We can't go back and change the past. We just have to learn from it and move forward. I have no doubt this feeling will pass. Thanks for letting me share here.

If I can help anyone - please feel free to reach out.

Charles ~ Houston, TX


  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Satisfiedwithbetter Posts: 970 Member
    edited November 2019
    What have you learned from your experience? What is your compelling reason? If you could go back in time and pass on health and fitness advice to past self in 100 words or less, what would it be? What makes this time different? Thanks for your answers in advance.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    After all of your hard work, what do you think was the main reason you let the weight come back?
  • CharlesScott78
    CharlesScott78 Posts: 203 Member
    What have you learned from your experience? What is your compelling reason? If you could go back in time and pass on health and fitness advice to past self in 100 words or less, what would it be? What makes this time different? Thanks for your answers in advance.

    What I have learned the hard way - is there is no end point to a lifetime of fitness. You have be mindful everyday on what is really important. I think I got complacent. As things in my life became more stressful, I turned to old habits. Slowly to be sure. What makes this time different? If I had the answer to that, I would be rich. :) Seriously, it just feels like some switch in my head gets flipped and then my focus is where it needs to be. I used to say this all the time to myself - anything I have to face in life will be easier to face if I am fit and healthy. I wish I had a better answer.

  • CharlesScott78
    CharlesScott78 Posts: 203 Member
    After all of your hard work, what do you think was the main reason you let the weight come back?

    Complacency is the devil. :) That along with denial and self deceit. I went for years avoiding a few trigger foods for me - fried foods mainly - french fries. It was effortless for years to just make better choices. Then, similar to someone in recovery - well just this once won't be a big deal. I lied to myself. This will be ok this once. Oh look I am up 5 lbs. No problem, I can take care of that. Fast forward a few months - now I am not getting on the scale, now I am not food logging or logging sporadically. For me at least - even as much as I knew it would cost me - I still fooled myself.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    On the bright side the switch has flippedand you are back on track.
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you for posting this. Glad you are facing your feelings and why you may be experiencing them. Curious, not judging, but you said it was a waste of 6 years gaining back some loss. Obviously you are entitled to all your thoughts and emotions. This is just my reaction to that. I mean no harm.
    I wonder if you didn't accomplish what you did if you'd be here today. Certainly since you are nothing was a waste.

    You are still 180 pounds down from your high. That's incredible.

    You did it and know you can do it again, this time with all the hindsight of what to expect on the journey and the confidence of knowing how strong you are mentally.

    Seems like those of us dispositioned to abuse ourselves with food have to be forever vigilant and set hard rules when we get to maintenance. Your sharing helps me and others.

    I hope for every reason you find to put yourself down you list two for why you are proud of yourself.
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. About 3 years ago, I lost close to 100 lbs. I self sabatoged myself to gaining it back plus a few extra pounds shortly after I lost it and I did many of the things you listed above (thought it was okay to eat trigger foods, bingeing on trigger foods, not weighing or logging when I started eating like a mad woman). Looking back it is easy to see where I went off the rails, but mentally its like you are in a free fall when it is happening. You know what you are doing but at the same time it feels like you just can't stop. I kept trying to get back on track but could only do it a day or two or for a meal or two. You are definitely not alone. I have never made it to maintenance and since I am about 30lbs away from what I set as my goal, I am scared of what will happen when I hit it in terms of my attitude and complacency. I appreciate your candor and willingness to discuss your experience. Hopefully we will both make it and stick to it this time. Wishing you the best in this renewed journey.