Book/Media Club



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited November 2019
    I am not interested in aspiring to Jimmy Page heights. I want to play for casual fun.

    That is one thing I didn't like about the book. Most of his examples were extraordinary in an attempt to be inspirational. I don't respond to that. In fact, I do not find it helpful when practicing music each day. I want to be just content with improving a little each day. The next step will present itself when I am done with this one. At some point I will be content to stop or move on to another instrument.

    I took music lessons for 2 years. I now realize that my teacher was not teaching me how to plan as much as teaching me how to teach. In 2 years of weekly lessons and practicing most days I was still stuck at a beginner level. In all that time I learned maybe 2 chords. I could read music and pluck notes one at a time but that was highly disappointing after so much time. My music teacher didn't listen to my complaints and I finally gave it up.

    I see no problem with a goal being average or even mundane. That is realistic in a lot of cases. I am not trying to change careers and move into music I am just simply trying to add a little extra flavor to my life. Those type of examples are probably not great for selling books though.
  • I agree, the book gave many extraordinary examples. IMHO to point out how simple habits can result in greatness or casual fun, if that is what you desire. I never intended to claim being an “accomplished musician” is your desire. Casual Fun is Good! Do what you enjoy! Enjoy what you do!

    The book also expressed the value of exploiting your strengths. Do the things you excel in!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    That was not my point really. My point was trying to come up with an identity label that feels comfortable and accessible. It is not really something I need help with I was just making a comment that some of it feels more natural and some of it does not. I think the point of discussing the book and trying to apply it is to find the parts that work well as is, stuff that needs to be figured out, and stuff that may not work at all.

    I think eventually I would like to consider myself a musician even if it is just playing for fun but right now that doesn't feel right. Instead of it helping me to think like the person I want to become I am thinking about the label.
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