Exercise during sick days?

Just wondering if anyone has feedback on exercising during sick days? I definitely understand rest/fluids/diet important while sick, and important to follow MD recommendations, and certainly shouldn’t do something you’re not up to.

Being obese, I understand I have a weakened immune system and more likely to get sick. I also have T1D, albeit well controlled, but generally takes a long time to recoup.

Normally I exercise 60-120 mins/day. But recently got sick and am wondering how others in the group manage their regular activity schedule when sick?


  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    When I had mobility I usually did light to moderate cardio, not strength training, when I was sick if my body would allow it (eg a cold, yes; a flu, no). I found I got better days faster and it broke up my congestion. But I was inside a warm gym and not breathing cold air further messing up my breathing.

    I hope you're on the mend!!!
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    If I am sick, I rest. I generally get chest colds/bronchitis when I get sick so easy activities like walking would only make it worse. Since weight loss is 90% what you eat, taking a few days off from exercise shouldn’t impact your progress.
  • tiffany80802017
    tiffany80802017 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for the responses!

    @FitByFifty1970 I think I’m kind of going through the same thing with the cold I have. It feels good to work out still, and helps with congestion. I’m definitely not pushing it or anything.

    Helpful to know how others manage activity while sick. I know there’s not one right answer, but helpful for me nonetheless.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,467 Member
    I try to do something. Missing workouts doesn’t feel good. Better to do something if I can. It’s ok to do less.
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    It depends because I have MS it adds a layer of issues to exercise to begin with. My general rule of thumb is that if it's not in my lungs, just a head cold I'll base my exercise off whether or not I have a fever. No fever, I do what I feel I can, yes low fever I tone it down, high fever is rest.If it's in my chest and I'm coughing I take it a lot more seriously and don't exercise, maybe some light walking depending on how bad a cough. For a stomach bug I would rest maybe light walking, but again it depends on how serious it is. I hope you feel better and I think it's better to error on the side of caution and just take extra care with your eating.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    I had a cold all last week. I went and did cardio in the gym but skipped my morning outside walks. Monday I was going to attempt it but looked at the outside temp (34F) and went back to bed.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,136 Member
    edited December 2019
    I would normally get some fresh air with a walk unless I was so drained I was bed-bound.

    I think it's also very important not to try and eat at a deficit when sick, you need the calories to help your body fight off infection an to help you recover.

    As for the gym, don't do it, it's not fair to everyone else that you spread your germs there. Hand contact areas/sneezing and coughing over equipment is the easiest way these things spread. Better to stay at home.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I do not think there is a single way to answer this question. There are too many variables and too many ways a person can be sick or not feeling well.

    I do agree that you should not be in a calorie deficit nor should you go to a gym while you are contagious which is normally determined by running a fever. I would wait at least 24 hours after the fever subsided before doing either.

    I push myself I do not shove myself. I also believe in being kind to myself. If I am not feeling my best I look at my options with those two rules in mind. I would rather take it easy or not do anything at all for a few days and get back to normal faster than force myself into something that will prolong or worsen my situation.