Determined December Challenge 2019



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,954 Member
    My intention was:
    I'm 47, 5'2" and currently 108, 19.4%
    Totally DETERMINED to maintain this!😎

    But reality is 111, 20.4% on 12/2.
    Indulged a bit over the holidays- Back to watch what I am feeding myself and burning the calories!

    This is me too. Trying to maintain, but holiday happened. :smirk:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,954 Member
    The first day of December is finished for us, so doing our first check-in of the month.

    1) Stay under our carb goal: Done!
    2) Eat enough calories, but not too much: Done!
    3) Log everything: Done!
    4) Hit our activity goal every day: Done!
    5) Workout at least 5x / week: 1 down, 4 to go.

    We hope everyone else's month is off to a good start too! :smiley:

    Great job! So glad to see you all back! :heart:

    I'll post my goals and junk tomorrow. Like I mentioned upthread, my hubby is still off work and there was never a more active unintentional saboteur born than he. So I'll be more active when the sun comes up again and he's working.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Working on my goals for day 1 of December:

    I am 54, 5'8", and am 280 lbs. I have gotten rid of 30 lbs so far but have many, many to go.

    1. Lose 5 lbs b/t today and 12/31/19 [work in progress, scale is going in right direction since first posting]
    [/b] 2. Stay under carb goal (> 35) and under calorie goal (>1,500) every day [success]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [exercised 45 minutes]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [success, easy day to plan ahead, no parties]

    Good luck to everyone....
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 819 Member
    Wowza! I’ve already had an eye opener with this activity. I didn’t realize I hadn’t weighed in since the end of August and have NOT maintained as I thought!

    So, as an update, I have fasted the last two days 16:8, didn’t finish dinner last night as normal because I listened to being full but didn’t get quite as much water as I’d like. I’m working on more water today, walking more at work and cut back on how much I ate at lunch because I wasn’t that hungry. My challenge for the evening will be to not overcompensate at dinner and laying off the snacks. Here’s to self control!
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Hey thanks @baconslave! :smiley: We had a rough few months (again, lol) but hopefully we got a handle on some of the stuff now. :)

    December 2 is done for us, still sticking on the plan. :#

    1) Stay under the carb goal - Yes!
    2) eat enuf calories, but not too much - Yes!
    3) log everything - Yes!
    4) hit our activity goal every day - Yes!
    5) workout at least 5x a week - On track! 2 down, 3 to go!

  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    I am in. This will dovetail right in with my other challenge I do monthly.

    Staying under carb goal of 55 per day, I normally bank a few for weekend
    Logging every day, Measuring all foods
    Exercising 6 days a week, 45 minutes minimum.
    Weigh in once a week, on Saturdays
    Stay away from real deal Holiday sweets, convert to alternate flours and alternate sugars.
    Be in control, reap the rewards.
    Starting weight 11/30/2019 231
    Lose 3 lbs in December 2019

    On track, had an appointment with Endocrinologist first thing today, Monday. She was impresssed September through November I lost 24 lbs. From my visit last Monday in August. Using MFP and going LC is what works for me.
  • mrsjar5311
    mrsjar5311 Posts: 514 Member

    150g of carbs or less daily Yes
    500 calorie deficit daily (20:4 IF) Yes - comes so easy now
    1 hour of exercise daily 3.5 hours of exercise
    2 litres of water daily Yes
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 354 Member
    Day 2
    I am determined:
    Staying under carbs-50g total-YES
    Staying under calories-1500 per day-YES
    Logging and measuring-YES
    Getting in exercise/movement-1/3
    Increasing water intake-YES just a bit today
    Planning ahead meals-YES
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It's Tuesday and I already missed my one workout that I'm allowed to miss each week...determined to hit the rest of them!
  • ctleonard9
    ctleonard9 Posts: 50 Member
    I am glad to join this December weigh in challenge
    lose 3 pounds this month
    log all my food
    work out 3 times this week instead of 2
    start back on the spin bike 5 minutes only due to prior injuries. Try to work up to ten minutes by the end of the month.
    Cat in Virginia
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,954 Member
    It's the 3rd day of the challenge.
    This thought wall might be a little late for some of you.
    We just had a holiday. And for me, since it means my DH (dear hubby) was off work, it meant off plan for several days.

    There's always a little struggle, even almost 4 years out from reaching goal, around holidays. I know from experience, and there's even a thread to this effect in the MF (Main Forum), that one "refeed" day isn't going to ruin everything. And it really doesn't. Does it mean you're going to get to your goal a few days later than you originally had anticipated? Maybe does; maybe doesn't. If it delays a bit, is that the end of the universe? Nope. Because we don't gain weight or become obese or lose progress because we feast on a holiday. It's when we get loose and then start treating most days like holidays when we get in trouble. This is truth: if you get right back to business and back to your consistency right away, you'll be just fine.

    This applies to me as I feel a little bloaty from carb-associated water retention. Part of me still wants to freak out. But the habit-part of me that has done and done this, knows that today I'm right back on plan, doing the thing, as per my usual. The bloat will go, and life will go on. :smirk:

    All I'm trying to do this month is workout a little extra to mitigate the Thanksgiving Black Hole thanks to DH, and keep my Consistency Habit chugging along despite all the opportunities that will come along to potentially bomb my plan. Like Friday, I have to bake a BAZILLION cookies for a church event on Saturday. I will not get into the cookies. They are not for me. On Saturday I may have something, as that's how my calorie/carb-cycling plan works for my maintenance. But Friday, I will be resolute.

    I don't usually work out on the weekends, as I workout every weekday. But I'll probably add at least one weekend day to help offset the aforementioned Black Hole.

    Lots of crap to do this week for me including the last class of the semester long Health class I've taught to homeschooled highschoolers. Teens are as silly as preschoolers sometimes. I could seriously use an eye-roll emoji, MFP. It's been 5 years, guys.

    TLDR; Thanksgiving is a calorie-bomb wrecking ball, but if we indulged, we just get back to work and everything will be just fine.

    But of course I'm not weighing till Friday cuz I AM sporting a wee tire around my middle from carb-water. :blush:
  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    @baconslave the mental struggle is real. Amazing how hard it is to rewire our brains from that all-or-nothing thinking that says “I had an off day I’m ruined forever”

    And yes baking yummy carby things for others and not tasting any of it takes a lot of self control. Especially when you’re like- “I have to! How can I give them away without tasting ? what if they came out gross”
    **eats batch of cookies** 😬
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @al4374 I just did that with the Banana bread I made for the family. I didn't even think of it when I ate the end piece! It was sooo goood, if I say so myself! :D

    But back to "watching" what I eat. I just want to lose a bit I gained over the holiday so it can't be that hard, right?? :#
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It took me a few seconds of trying to process the goal of "Cat in Virginia" before I realized that was a NAME and PLACE...

    I might be a little slow today...

    Perhaps more coffee or a walk would help...

    Tiffany in Virginia
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,954 Member
    @al4374 I just did that with the Banana bread I made for the family. I didn't even think of it when I ate the end piece! It was sooo goood, if I say so myself! :D

    But back to "watching" what I eat. I just want to lose a bit I gained over the holiday so it can't be that hard, right?? :#

    Does it take persistence and consistency? Definitely. :grimace:
    Hard? Maybe a little, if we're talking about shushing the cravings. And needing to be patient. :sweat:
    Worth it? wffgo27b0sfa.jpg

    al4374 wrote: »
    @baconslave the mental struggle is real. Amazing how hard it is to rewire our brains from that all-or-nothing thinking that says “I had an off day I’m ruined forever”

    And yes baking yummy carby things for others and not tasting any of it takes a lot of self control. Especially when you’re like- “I have to! How can I give them away without tasting ? what if they came out gross”
    **eats batch of cookies** 😬

    This is what my kids are for, particularly my human-vacuum-cleaner teen son. :lol: I don't have to beg them to taste one. More like I have to get out the broom to keep them out of the baked goods so there'll be enough left to bring!
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    It took me a few seconds of trying to process the goal of "Cat in Virginia" before I realized that was a NAME and PLACE...
    LOL - I did a doubletake when I saw that too, took a few moments to figure out how to parse it. :smiley: Tho my misread was maybe different than yours. :lol:

    (a cat) in Ontario :wink:
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Last to the party but I'm here. My goals are pretty loose. I have only been back low carb for 3 weeks after a very rough year. Also I have not yet decided if I want to be keto or just low carb. Whether to have carb cycling days or not? I'm just winging it and being mostly keto for right now. Anyhow here are the goals:

    1.Under 75 carbs tops (I'm usually under 50 but leeway for holiday events)
    2. Work on adding at least 1 or 2 days of some sort of exercise each week. I know that sounds lame but I have literally done NO exercise, not even taking walks in many months due to a huge long lasting RA flare.
    3. Try a new low carb recipe each week to motivate me and my husband who is kind of sorting following the plan.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    I am so happy to hear about everyone's success and determination. It is very motivating for me to hear about others doing well.

    My goals completed for Dec 2.

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [work in progress, scale is going in right direction since first posting]
    2. Stay under carb goal (> 35) and under calorie goal (>1,500) every day [success, 22 carbs & 900 calories, I ate LARGE on 11/30 so I'm going low a couple days]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [exercised 40 minutes]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [success, easy day to plan ahead, no parties]

    Vicki in Wisconsin ;)
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Another day done, still sticking to the plan! :)

    1) Stay under the carb goal - Yeah!
    2) eat enuf calories, but not too much - Yeah!
    3) log everything - Yeah!
    4) hit our activity goal every day - Yeah!
    5) workout at least 5x a week - On track! 3 down, 2 to go!

    We hope its been a good day for everyone else too! :)
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 819 Member
    Day 3 has gone well- upped NEAT today by walking to a further bathroom and making the rounds to visit and coach team members. Listened to hunger cues for lunch and ended up needing a small snack later. Dinner was LCHF but I added a banana because it was going bad and wasn’t still hungry. Could have been worse! Upping my water is still lower then I’d like but I still have time before bed!