Regained the Weight I Lost (plus some)



  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Help! I'm new to all of this. Need motivation and friends that will help motivate me and get me to make better choices.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Maybe we can help each other.

  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    Hey there. Welcome! Regaining weight seems to be part of the cycle. Glad that you're on the upcycle now of getting back to where you want to be!
  • BigDfromNJ
    BigDfromNJ Posts: 22 Member
    Yep I know what you're going thru. First I went thru the weight gain with menopause, not my hormones have changed again (post menopause) and I'm going thru the Gut / middle gain. I"m starting over with the food log, because I found it's certain food I can't eat anymore. Diet has a lot to do with it. Cheese is a big NO. I have recently discovered Nutritional Yeast which when sprinkled on food gives the taste of cheese. Anyway, just know that EVERYONE goes thru the weight roller coaster! Keep positive!
  • tgibsonFitness
    tgibsonFitness Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to this group. I am here to receive support and give support. Years ago, I lost down almost to my goal and then gained it all back. I never learned how to maintain. I was part of a food addict group and when I lost my abstinence from flour and sugar, I was never able to get back and wasn't able to keep a sponsor. Sponsor drop you when you break your abstinence which for me just made me feel guilt and shame. So these days, I am not too hard on myself with guilt and shaming. Now I make goals and try to meet them. Last year, I lost over 30 pounds and kept it off. This year, I want to lose at least 30 pounds and the most, 79 pounds. Today I weighed myself. I am 279. So I have joined some groups on Facebook for support and now this group.
  • JulieTCasper
    JulieTCasper Posts: 2 Member
    tgibsonFitness I have so totally been looking for a food addict group but can't find any in my small town. One would think it should be like Hollywood's version of AA...hang in there to see if we can't pull you back in? Maybe it is good I never found such a group. We are going to fail, more in the beginning, and even after our successes.

    My brain gets hungrier than my stomach. I can tell you exactly what foods are in my house at any given moment in time. So, out of sight is not out of mind. Perhaps we both can find the support we need through this group.

    Clean eating is hard because it is more expensive, takes longer to prepare and you actually have to think and plan for it. And then through on top that I am a picky eater. Clean eating is so much healthier, especially when there are so many chemicals in food now days. On top of wanting to eat cleaner, my husband requires a low carb diet which just adds more forethought to meal planning.

    I had lost about 15 pounds a year ago...gained it back and then some. I need to lose at least 40 pounds now.