Determined December Challenge 2019



  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for December 25.

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [If I can finish strong I'll be able to record 10 lb loss]
    2. Stay under carb goal (< 35) and under calorie goal (<1,500) every day [bad, bad day. I waited until after midnight on 12/24 to eat a cookie then after eating Xmas dinner and driving over 3 hours home, I ate Xmas cookies for supper. And that's all I ate was cookies, get it out of my system and out of the house. I was 138 net carbs and over on calories too]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [went for a 2 mile walk outside with my brother in law before dinner]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [I planned ahead but the plan failed, haha. I plan to get back to it the rest of this week knowing it may be very difficult after having so many carbs today. I guess we'll see]

    The last few days of December are going to set the tone for the New Year for me anyway so I'm more determined than ever to stay on track.

  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    @anglyn1 I made the for Xmas eve and it was really really good. I didn't allow the spinach to thaw all the way so there was some extra runniness in the corner that I spooned out. I am going to make the recipe again this weekend and take it to a church potluck.

    Thanks again for the recipe!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Since yesterday was a splurge today I am buckling down- while I love being off with my husband, being off schedule is the worst! NEAT remains high but I’m down on water today. Will start working on that now. I have cheesecake in the house I’m attempting to also avoid. Fasted for 16 hours after snacking late last evening. Going to focus on fasting moving forward to only eat twice a day and cut snacks at night.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Checking in for Dec 26th. 😺

    Today was our family's big get-together dinner thing. There was ham, potato caserole, corn, & i forget what else... and our sister's a great baker & made a big cheesecake for desert... and our mother had candies and chocolates & stuff out too. 🙀

    But we stayed on plan. Just had some ham & skipped everything else. 😸

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️

    Hope everyone's having a good day! 😸
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 367 Member
    Day 26
    I am determined:
    Staying under carbs-unknown
    Staying under calories-Unknown
    Logging and measuring-NO
    Getting in exercise/movement-1/3
    Increasing water intake-still short
    Planning ahead meals-Not so much

    I haven’t been logging lately so I’m not sure if I’m meeting my goals. I have eaten small portions of potatoes the last couple days so I’m probably over my carb goal but how do I know if I don’t log. I survived Christmas dinner at my moms. She was an emotional vampire yesterday. Making people feel bad for the health choices they make for themselves. Oh well. I’m just gonna take a break from her. She’s not understanding enough to have a civilized conversation about food and health choices with. I made my own xmas cookies. GF SF Snickerdoodles and ginger snaps and pistachio shortbread cookies all with alternative flours and alternative sweeteners. YUM 😋
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Week 4 - this week has been a mess...I actually kind of expected the holidays to throw a wrench in things...but what actually happened was lucifer's waterfall throwing a wrench into the stomach unhappy and cramping, so not fun, starting on Tuesday food intake has been crazy low...Wed looks impressive, but it's not, it's mostly 2 bottles of Ballatore because my stomach is less argumentative about liquid than anything even remotely solid...yesterday it had a whole fit about peanut butter...and dinner was some mashed potatoes which it also had a cow about...feeling like this I haven't been doing any of my scheduled workouts, though I did get quite a few rounds on the elliptical that I didn't log at all before it hit...but that's ok, they still count...nothing since Tuesday when I did a full hour and was feeling amazing, right up until the cramps's not super uncommon for me to miss some workouts this time of month, but this is a really bad one even by my standards...hopefully it will all be over soon...tonight we are going bowling...which I am super not feeling up to, but the teen boy is excited, and his girlfriend is coming so there's no just staying in bed with tea and a heat pad...<sigh>...on the bright side - I didn't dive into the holiday food at all this year...and my measurements were ok when I did them last weekend, though I just did the tape measure and not calipers yet...I'll get back to working out in a few more days when all of this runs it's course...and, at least it's just that monthly time, not anything really dangerous or long-term...a few more days of hell and then I'll be back to some semblance of normality.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Sorry you are having a rough go of it this month @tcunbeliever .

    The Plague has hit me full force. Holy BLURGH! :confounded:
    Cold, chills, aches, headache, sore throat, Niagara nose, fatigue.
    I had to cancel the kids' playdate today. Boo.
    That's all I can manage right now. I managed a decent workout yesterday, but it all went downhill from there. I don't think there'll be one today. I'm just huddling under a blanket in the recliner and making sure my other snotty, hackers are doing ok enough.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Hang in there!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Oh goodness baconslave, that plague has been brutal in your household. Hope you and the family are feeling better real soon.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    check in for December 26.
    Not as bad as I thought for craving carbs. The scale was up a bit but that is to be expected since I ate nothing but cookies for Christmas night supper.

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 12/31/19 [If I can finish strong I'll be able to record 10 lb loss]
    2. Stay under carb goal (< 35) and under calorie goal (<1,500) every day [carbs 24 and calories 1,135]
    3. Exercise every day at least 30 minutes, walking on treadmill or outside if weather permits [2.1 mile walk on treadmill]
    4. Plan ahead every day which is challenging with so many potluck opportunities and I love to socialize. [good planning for after Christmas, all the cookies are gone in the house and I have left over low carb lazy white lasagna]

    We just have a handful of days left, hope everyone is doing well.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Dec 27 check-in. Exhausted today, dunno why. 😾 Maybe cos all the big stuff is finally over. We got our activity in and just barely managed to get a workout done.

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️+◼️

    We hope everyone has a good weekend! 😺
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around sooner. My health condition currently imitates roadkill. This is a terrible cold/flu/thing.
    Keep up the great work!
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Hey @baconslave, we hope you & the rest of the family are feeling better soon! 💜

    Day 28 is done for us! 😺 Hit all our goals today, and made it a perfect 7 for 7 on workouts this week! 😸

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️+◼️◼️

    We hope everyone's having a good weekend! 😸
    Hard to believe its only 3 days left in the year. 🙀
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for December 27.

    Good day, on target for carbs and calories and exercise.

    I got a fitbit for Christmas and I'm having a lot of fun figuring it out. I haven't been able to get to 10,000 steps yet but I'm trying to. It's difficult because I have a sedentary job all day.

    I'm not sure that it's tracking the steps accurately when I'm on the treadmill.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Hey @baconslave, we hope you & the rest of the family are feeling better soon! 💜

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I’ve had a couple of good fasts the last two days with little snacking. Water intake has been good with lots of activity and exercise. Today is a rest day so I need to watch that I don’t overeat. I meant to get on the scale this morning and forgot so I’ll check tomorrow to see how I did last week on balancing the splurges with the plan. I can’t believe this year is nearly over! While I maintained for most of the year I have some pounds I’d like to shed moving forward. Here’s to looking forward to the new year!
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    @vkrenz how fun! I am thinking of getting my husband a fitbit.

    Sunday is my official weigh-in and I gained 2 pounds since last week.

    1) Was supposed to stick to planned foods but I binged twice
    2) Tracked every bite every day
    3) Completed 23.75 out of 25 hours of exercise
    4) Didn't try any new meals this week but had a lot of variety
    5) My leggings are continuing to fit better, later this week I will try on some jeans
    *bonus goal, I am holding myself accountable instead of my usual avoidance tactics

    I got some "healthy" junk food in my stocking and I ate all of it. The next day I did fine but I was not feeling well so the day after that I ate a roll of bread and 2 bags of trail mix. So much sugar and salt! I gained 5 pounds overnight. I know I didn't eat enough to gain fat this week but I'm still regretful. I was doing so well before Christmas.

    Other than feeling bloated still, I am right back to where I was, eating-wise and mentally. I tracked what I ate, didn't avoid the scale, got a great workout in yesterday and I am not punishing myself. Honestly in the past this slip up would have caused me to go off my plan, but since I am so DETERMINED, I don't want to keep practicing self-destructive behaviors. And I think the plan I am on this time is more enjoyable and sustainable long-term.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    We forgot to check in last night. It was a "very bad brain day" yesterday. However, we did stick to our goals.

    Dec 29th:
    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◻️◻️ (last three days of the month)

    @chickencereal good job staying determined & keeping to your plan.

    @vkrenz if your fitbit works like ours, it goes by hand/arm movement. So if your arms are moving with a normal walking rythm that should pick up steps. OTOH if your hands are resting on a bar or similar, then the fitbit would likely not detect the steps. FWIW ours sometimes picks up 'steps' when we are on the indoor bicycle, as we tend to move our arms as if walking rather than holding the handlebars.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Hi all, I am so excited to wind down December and start a new year.

    With this new fitbit of mine, while I was on the treadmill today I made a point of swinging my arms by my sides instead of holding onto the bar. I think it picked up more steps.

    I had a good/not so good weekend with meeting goals. Saturday was great and the scale responded well then Sunday was our wedding anniversary so we went out to eat at a really good restaurant and they brought us a dessert on the house. Of course, I had to help eat it :) So over carbs for Sunday but surprisingly not on calories.

    Again, I say I'm looking forward to the new year and no holidays for awhile.