2020 Goals / Aspirations!

What fitness aspirations do you have for this year? If you’re willing to share them, we can celebrate as you hit milestones along the way! Im still thinking through mine...


  • adoucet15
    adoucet15 Posts: 25 Member
    I’d like consistency with my IF diet.

    And to see my six pack!

    The body V would be nice too 🙏🏾

  • dudleycallison
    dudleycallison Posts: 14 Member
    New all-around health goals for 2020 are now set:
    1. Consistent workout days set, adding strength training to cardio
    2.Vacation days booked, including solo retreats
    3. Weekly clean food grocery list made
    4. Commitment from mutual friends to connect regularly
    5. Devotional readings purchased
    6. Weight loss goal of 26.4 lbs
  • Mamita_Vibes
    Mamita_Vibes Posts: 3 Member
    Baby steps for me...
    1. Complete my food diary EVERY day....being aware of how much I eat is mind blowing 🤯
    2. ANY type of exercise at least 3 days per week
    3. Cut back on drinks and foods with added sugar...hopefully quit over time
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    Aspiration is to stick to the plan and not cheat on and off. In fact I’m considering a cap on cheat days per month. Meal planning and logging are half the battle for me so I’m going also make sure I make time for that.
  • Zella132
    Zella132 Posts: 131 Member
    edited December 2019
    2019 started off close to my goal weight. It turned out to be an unexpectedly difficult year and most of the healthy habits slowly trickled away. My weight went up. I know what to do and I'm dealing much better with 2019 now. The best part is knowing how good I feel when I'm living well.

    So my 2020 aspirations are to return to whole foods (nothing or very little highly processed), no alcohol and a more active lifestyle. I will include strength training this year. (No excuses with the equipment in the house.)
  • dudleycallison
    dudleycallison Posts: 14 Member
    Good insights on ‘19 @Zella132 and a good sense of resolve regarding 2020. I do hope you reach all of your goals this year. I like your statement “how good I feel when I’m living well.”
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    Need to sharpen my focus. Grateful for many goals accomplished in 2019. Clean, lean and mean for 2020...including my house Lol 😂
    1. Prayer/Meditate/Reflection/Forgiveness and practice Mindful eating to help lower cortisol.
    2. Better sleep with quality and quantity.
    3. 8000 steps daily. SMFR, yoga, and sauna everyday. Weights 2x week. Swimming 4x week. Jump on trampoline once a week.
    4. Daily routines to be upheld with cooking and cleaning between traveling for jobs with no excuses!
  • Zella132
    Zella132 Posts: 131 Member
    squirley13 wrote: »
    Need to sharpen my focus. Grateful for many goals accomplished in 2019. Clean, lean and mean for 2020...including my house Lol 😂
    1. Prayer/Meditate/Reflection/Forgiveness and practice Mindful eating to help lower cortisol.
    2. Better sleep with quality and quantity.
    3. 8000 steps daily. SMFR, yoga, and sauna everyday. Weights 2x week. Swimming 4x week. Jump on trampoline once a week.
    4. Daily routines to be upheld with cooking and cleaning between traveling for jobs with no excuses!

    Great goals. "Better sleep with quality and quantity" tends to be the key for me keeping everything else on track!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Hi all!
    Im doing short term quarterly goals.
    My goals to attain my March 31 are:
    1. 3 pull ups (achieved my first ever on 12-28-19)
    2. Sleep 7.5 hours nightly (particularly difficult for me since I wake up at 4:35am)
    3. Work towards benching my weight by June 30
    4. Drink only on weekends, 4 drinks max.
    5. Continue working out 6 days a week, with Saturday as my rest day.
  • cabwj
    cabwj Posts: 843 Member
    I like the idea of quarterly goals.

    My January to March goals are:
    • To log everything- the good, the bad, and the ugly
    • To drink my water- work up to 64 ounces (starting from zero)
    • To move more every day than the day before (starting from nearly zero)
    • Good sleep of at least 7 hours per night (this one is highest priority)
    • To journal every day
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    Great idea! My first quarter goals are:

    1). Eat less fats: stay within mfp’s budget.
    2). Log everything! Including restaurant food! And even when I’m going over budget.
    3). Move every day even if it’s not a full workout
    4). Stop being so critical of myself
  • Zella132
    Zella132 Posts: 131 Member
    Zella132 wrote: »
    So my 2020 aspirations are to return to whole foods (nothing or very little highly processed), no alcohol and a more active lifestyle. I will include strength training this year. (No excuses with the equipment in the house.)

    1. Whole foods: This part is going well and when I'm leaving highly processed foods out of my lifestyle, I also have very few crazy cravings.
    2. No alcohol: This one's been compromised a little. I've included this back in moderation. Logging my calories help keep it in moderation.
    3. More active lifestyle: Going well
    4. Strength training: This one isn't going well yet.
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    Zella132 wrote: »
    Zella132 wrote: »
    So my 2020 aspirations are to return to whole foods (nothing or very little highly processed), no alcohol and a more active lifestyle. I will include strength training this year. (No excuses with the equipment in the house.)

    1. Whole foods: This part is going well and when I'm leaving highly processed foods out of my lifestyle, I also have very few crazy cravings.
    2. No alcohol: This one's been compromised a little. I've included this back in moderation. Logging my calories help keep it in moderation.
    3. More active lifestyle: Going well
    4. Strength training: This one isn't going well yet.

    👍 Great job being accountable to yourself and checking your behaviors in the middle of month! You made me realize I need to do the same!! Thank you 😊
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    squirley13 wrote: »
    Need to sharpen my focus. Grateful for many goals accomplished in 2019. Clean, lean and mean for 2020...including my house Lol 😂
    1. Prayer/Meditate/Reflection/Forgiveness and practice Mindful eating to help lower cortisol.
    2. Better sleep with quality and quantity.
    3. 8000 steps daily. SMFR, yoga, and sauna everyday. Weights 2x week. Swimming 4x week. Jump on trampoline once a week.
    4. Daily routines to be upheld with cooking and cleaning between traveling for jobs with no excuses!

    Whoa 😯 I haven’t been as good as I thought 💭 I have been trying to be more relaxed and conscientious when eating but I need to have more gratitude and grace. I haven’t had that much good sleep 🛏 in 2 weeks but last 3 days have been on track hence why the scale dropped a pound this week. Need to be better at foam rolling as it is amazing how it jumps my heart rate just lying there and the benefits are great. I haven’t jumped on any of my trampolines. (I’m blaming the snow ❄️ but I’m being lazy and careless.) My cooking 🍳 is fantastic but my cleaning 🧹 is slacking and lacking! 😬 and I have made too many excuses! I NEED to be be stronger than my excuses! One excuse has been I need to not be so stressed from cleaning for my drives in bad weather. Blah 😒 blah Ok I just 🦵 kicked my butt to get in gear! Now I will play the fight song marathon to stay motivated!
  • klb6733
    klb6733 Posts: 6 Member
    I aim to lose a reasonable amount of weight and keep it off throughout the year. My goal is 25 but if I can keep 10 lbs off I’ll be happy too.
    I know I can do it and because I pledge to think positive thoughts throughout my weight loss journey and put in some hard work I know I will.
    I need to work at overall health and happiness for myself.

    My goals:
    Eat healthier and conscientiously
    Put in some time at the gym
    Be reasonable
    Act kindly towards myself and others
    And most importantly to stay positive.

    It has been helpful to read everyone’s goals and aspirations. Keep up the good work!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Hi all!
    Im doing short term quarterly goals.
    My goals to attain my March 31 are:
    1. 3 pull ups (achieved my first ever on 12-28-19)
    2. Sleep 7.5 hours nightly (particularly difficult for me since I wake up at 4:35am)
    3. Work towards benching my weight by June 30
    4. Drink only on weekends, 4 drinks max.
    5. Continue working out 6 days a week, with Saturday as my rest day.

    Working steadily towards my goals.
    Struggling most with #2, but hitting it at least 5/7 days.
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    squirley13 wrote: »
    Need to sharpen my focus. Grateful for many goals accomplished in 2019. Clean, lean and mean for 2020...including my house Lol 😂
    1. Prayer/Meditate/Reflection/Forgiveness and practice Mindful eating to help lower cortisol.
    2. Better sleep with quality and quantity.
    3. 8000 steps daily. SMFR, yoga, and sauna everyday. Weights 2x week. Swimming 4x week. Jump on trampoline once a week.
    4. Daily routines to be upheld with cooking and cleaning between traveling for jobs with no excuses!

    Ok 👌 Revaluation time!!! Not doing great I have to admit. Need refocusing! I need to be more diligent with all of these goals. I guess I’m not changing them yet but I just need to be reminded of them daily so I will write them on calendar! Need to get back to track 🏃‍♀️ for target 🎯 goals 🥅
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    Me too
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    Hope all here are doing ok and staying well. OK losing weight is still my goal but being strong physically and mentally is more important. My sleeping is horrible now! I’m jumping on the trampolines in my backyard more than ever. My downstairs that was my workout space shifted over the years and I can’t get to it. I need to do workout videos in living room but so not cool with family home. I take walks but I’m depressed since my dog died in December. Can’t seem to reset goals. Anyone want to share their journey changes?
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    squirley13 wrote: »
    Need to sharpen my focus. Grateful for many goals accomplished in 2019. Clean, lean and mean for 2020...including my house Lol 😂
    1. Prayer/Meditate/Reflection/Forgiveness and practice Mindful eating to help lower cortisol.
    2. Better sleep with quality and quantity.
    3. 8000 steps daily. SMFR, yoga, and sauna everyday. Weights 2x week. Swimming 4x week. Jump on trampoline once a week.
    4. Daily routines to be upheld with cooking and cleaning between traveling for jobs with no excuses!

    Need to sharpen my focus. (STILL TRUE!) Grateful for health changes in 2019 ❤️🙏 Clean, lean and mean for 2020...including my house Lol 😂( WOW Who knew in January that this would be prophetic?!)
    1. Prayer/Meditate/Reflection/Forgiveness and practice Mindful eating to help lower cortisol. (VERY important MORE than ever)
    2. Better sleep with quality and quantity. ( OH SO not happening right now and doing worse than ever 😞) WILL STRIVE***
    3. 1200 steps minimum, 12 Floors minimum, Yoga, SMFR, Jump on trampoline ALL DAILY (Had to totally change this goal since I would frequent 3 different gyms in a week and now have 0.)
    4. Daily routines to be upheld with cooking and cleaning NO EXCUSES (I now found every excuse to get more steps and do the stairs always in house! -I am now wanting new flooring 😂😢😜
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    I did a whole month of Whole 30 but shortly after covid19 and shut down started I lost my focus on food and have been winging it. I’ve been doing workout videos at home I’m going to reset this coming week and track again.
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    OK I definitely lost focus and vision and hope and motivation BUT no weight, I think everyone understands! Hope some others pipe up. I still want to lose but now I have more to lose than when I started the holidays in November! Setbacks are great motivators. We will come out stronger and hopefully smarter. Prayers have been more desperate. Sleep has been sporadic. Walking has been less but stairs has doubled and even tripled. I have been on MFP but not really doing it completely SO that will end now with MORE FOCUS AND ACTION. Sending virtual hugs out to any and all who need one. I also was wondering if anyone is still reading? Please post your stories. If not Please make any response good or bad to acknowledge you are here. Hope you all are well even if we can’t be doing well. ❤️ Thank you