

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited December 2019
    Monday Check-in
    Calories: under by a little and all good, on-plan choices
    Water: over
    Exercise: platform stepping (47 min), plus just a bit of martial arts practice
    Steps (target 7500): over!

    Daily Goals
    1. Meditate ✔️
    2. Exercise 30 minutes a day ✔️
    3. Hydrate ✔️
    4. Martial Arts Practice ✔️
    5. Thankful ✔️ that I made more progress on the New Year's Lunch project, with help from friends

    Goals and Improvements for Tuesday:
    - Stick with my food plan, measure and log everything, stay at/under calories
    - Martial arts practice at home
    - Trip to the gym with husband ✔️
    - Platform stepping
    - Outdoor date walk with husband tonight, if he is up for it

    My 2020 Health Vision (still working on other items)
    - Take significant ground in martial arts. I need to talk to some people to see what's possible, but I'd like to belt up to brown in 2020 (and that will take a lot of daily work).
    - Build more muscle, which will take more regular trips to the gym than I have made in December. Gym trips have been spotty for the last few weeks, and it's time to shift back into gear.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @AustinRuadhain thanks for all your support! You're always too kind. I think your martial arts goals are fantastic. I've tried a little bit and wow it is a tough sport.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Happy New Year to all my incredible Mission Slimpossible teammates!! I am so excited about this new year and for the fresh start that it is going to give our whole Fat 2 Fit Challenge Group! I hope that in the new year we can focus not only on our health through our fitness and weight, but also focus on our emotional and mental health as well. That is why I love how encouraging you all are to each other and I hope to help promote more discussion which will make our team even more awesome! I'm also super excited about the new challenges we will have which will help us make better habits so that we can transform our lives into what we know they can be. :)

    Happy New Year!!! <3

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited January 2020
    Happy New Year to all my incredible Mission Slimpossible teammates!! I am so excited about this new year and for the fresh start that it is going to give our whole Fat 2 Fit Challenge Group! I hope that in the new year we can focus not only on our health through our fitness and weight, but also focus on our emotional and mental health as well. That is why I love how encouraging you all are to each other and I hope to help promote more discussion which will make our team even more awesome! I'm also super excited about the new challenges we will have which will help us make better habits so that we can transform our lives into what we know they can be. :)

    Happy New Year!!! <3


    Thank you, oh, captain, our captain! You are so right about this being such a great group, and about the value of the whole conversation. Changing our bodies does require us to change our hearts and minds.

    2020 is going to be a great year!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    Happy New Year's team!

    Calories- under
    Exercise- dance, core, stretch
    Water- good thanks to hot tea

    5 for 90
    1. Gym 3xs a week- nope
    2. Exercise 30 minutes- done
    3. Decluttering- good today
    4. Trigger foods- candy is still untouched! I have 300 extra calories but am scared if I eat one I'll eat the other two.
    5. Goals- get back to using bike
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    Hi everyone. I typed several messages but somehow they all disappeared... I guess...

    I'm 48. Fit and thin until 37 (when I had my one and only kiddo). Then bam, weight gain (70 lbs), diabetes, and fatty liver. Well, that bam actually took about 10 years. I got rid of my diabetes by nutrition and weight loss in 2018. But I gained again in 2019.

    My challenges are sleep, water intake, and late night snacking (comes with lack of sleep). I eat whole, low carb, healthy foods. But at the wrong times:(

    I'll focus on increasing sleep and water, and eliminating snacking.

    Here is to a healthier 2020!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Happy New Year Mission Slimpossibles!! :)

    Have you all seen the 20/20 Vision challenge?


    I would love to read what you have planned for this year! Below is mine. :)

    What is my vision for 2020?

    My word for 2020: Become. I chose the word “become” because when I was talking to my husband about what my word should be, he said that it should be something that reflected the work and determination I have been doing to become the woman I want to be. Yes!! 2020 is the year that I become fit, healthy, and no longer obese!

    What changes are you looking to make?
    • I’m going to strive to get rid of my bad habits and create good habits, which will produce the results that I want. I want to become a person who is fit and healthy. I’m learning that it’s not about the end goal but about the processes that I take that will get me to where I want to be. And keep me there!

    What life events do you have in your future?
    • To take a vacation to the mountains with my husband and celebrate being together for 15 incredible years!
    • Possibly moving in my mother. It’s not what I want to do but it just might be what has to be done in order to give her the safety and peace that she needs. Lots of prayers being said right now!

    How are you looking to better yourself?
    • Continue making fitness a priority. I love discovering that I can do hard things like lift weights and planks. It's my goal to even be able to do a real burpee.
    • Find an eating plan that works for my life and to stop trying plans that don’t fit.
    • Read more books, especially the Bible
    • Spend more quality time with my team on Mission Slimpossibles, who inspire me every day!
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    @metubal I love how you said you got rid of diabetes by nutrition and weight loss. “Let food be they medicine and medicine be thy food” as Hippocrates said!

    Hello Slimpossibles and HAPPY 2020. I guess we are suppose to continue using the December chat thread?

    I ended 2019 with a bang...went to the gym twice for a cardio and a strength training session, made a healthy stir fry for dinner and was asleep by 9:30! My husband always works NYE so he can have off either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. NYE is always a quiet affair at home and now that the kids are near grown, it is real quiet! Lol!

    Check In
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 197.6
    Todays Weight

    Calories: under
    Water: over/under? Over
    Macros: no where near
    Exercise: stationary bike and core/lower strength

    Yesterday’s Fitbit/mfp stats:
    6252 steps. 5500 goal steps
    2.68 miles
    2430 burned calories
    31 active
    86 sleep score
    63 resting sleep
    1698 calories consumed

    Macros…Carb 62% goal 40%, Fat 13% goal 30%, Protein 25% goal 30%

    Basic Goals
    30 active minutes: ✔️
    Complete food diary: ✔️
    Stay hydrated(more than 64 oz): ✔️
    Stay below mfp sugar goal:
    Meet fiber in range:
    Daily self care: meditating, crafting, reading, etc. ✔️
    Sleep: minimum 7 hours ✔️
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Happy New Year Mission Slimpossibles!! :)

    Have you all seen the 20/20 Vision challenge?


    I would love to read what you have planned for this year! Below is mine. :)

    What is my vision for 2020?

    My word for 2020: Become. I chose the word “become” because when I was talking to my husband about what my word should be, he said that it should be something that reflected the work and determination I have been doing to become the woman I want to be. Yes!! 2020 is the year that I become fit, healthy, and no longer obese!

    What changes are you looking to make?
    • I’m going to strive to get rid of my bad habits and create good habits, which will produce the results that I want. I want to become a person who is fit and healthy. I’m learning that it’s not about the end goal but about the processes that I take that will get me to where I want to be. And keep me there!

    What life events do you have in your future?
    • To take a vacation to the mountains with my husband and celebrate being together for 15 incredible years!
    • Possibly moving in my mother. It’s not what I want to do but it just might be what has to be done in order to give her the safety and peace that she needs. Lots of prayers being said right now!

    How are you looking to better yourself?
    • Continue making fitness a priority. I love discovering that I can do hard things like lift weights and planks. It's my goal to even be able to do a real burpee.
    • Find an eating plan that works for my life and to stop trying plans that don’t fit.
    • Read more books, especially the Bible
    • Spend more quality time with my team on Mission Slimpossibles, who inspire me every day!

    This is my vision for the upcoming year. I read them to my son and he asked if I actually wrote them or took them off of a survey. He said they were cliche and cheesy. I know they are general statements and I could go deeper but...in truth, I don’t share easily with others. So for now, I know what I want to do in 2020 and what I am looking to achieve. That is all that really matters. Right? (Btw my son is not really insensitive even though his comment came out that way...To be young and just figuring out adulthood again.)

    My vision for 2020:
    To find out who I am outside of “mom” since I will be an empty nester in the 5 months.
    To love me no matter where I am at in my journey.
    To pursue habits and hobbies that I will enjoy and that will enrich my soul.
    To focus on total health (mind, body, and soul)

  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW (11/27): 198.8
    Check in weight (12/4): 199.6
    Check in weight (12/11): 200.6
    Check in weight (12/18): 198.2
    Check in weight (12/25): 198.6
    Check in weight (1/1): 197.0

    Happy New Year!
  • canzone777
    canzone777 Posts: 13 Member
    Vision: to put my knowledge into practice. I want to live the lifestyle changes I desire.
    Changes: preparation. Life is often hectic with little time to cook meals, so I plan to take the time to prep in advance and my myself a priority.
    Life Events: TTC for a few years now, and hoping weight loss will help with this.
    Self Betterment: to take time for myself and my family without feeling guilty about taking time away from work commitments.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    metubal wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I typed several messages but somehow they all disappeared... I guess...

    I'm 48. Fit and thin until 37 (when I had my one and only kiddo). Then bam, weight gain (70 lbs), diabetes, and fatty liver. Well, that bam actually took about 10 years. I got rid of my diabetes by nutrition and weight loss in 2018. But I gained again in 2019.

    My challenges are sleep, water intake, and late night snacking (comes with lack of sleep). I eat whole, low carb, healthy foods. But at the wrong times:(

    I'll focus on increasing sleep and water, and eliminating snacking.

    Here is to a healthier 2020!

    You might have fallen for the "Done" button. It just takes you back and doesn't post your message. We have all fallen into that trap at one time or another! Be sure to go down to the "Post Reply". This happens on the mobile app, but is better on the web version.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Mission Slimpossible Wonderful People:

    You have quite a batch of new members to welcome!


  • Motiv8tedMom
    Motiv8tedMom Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone! Excited to be here! I have some pretty big goals for the year I've mapped out and written them down and I'm excited to join you all. I'm a mom of 4 and sadly weigh more now than I did pregnant with any of them. My youngest is 10 so it's time to lose this weight for good.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @mrmcgrath, I think your vision goals for 2020 are great! You are entering a new season in your life by being an empty nester and it will take time to switch your priorities around and I think being able to focus more on your self and how to live your best life is awesome! :)

    @metubal, welcome to the team! You have some great goals and by being a part of this challenge group you find that it will help you stay focused on taking the steps you need. We have a really great habit tracking challenge coming up soon that I think you will want to be a part of. ;)

    @ leonadixon, Wow!! You have started the New Year with a loss and did great in December. I hope you are VERY proud of yourself! B)

    @ canzone777, hello and welcome to the team! I love your vision goals. Especially about wanting to put your knowledge into practice. How true is that for so many of us? I have so often said that I would be at my goal weight if I would just do what I know what to do. :D

    @Motiv8tedMom, welcome to the team! That is great that you have your goals mapped out and written down. I just read that by writing down our goals we are so much more ahead of the game in actually achieving them. This is going to be our year!! B)

  • silvermamma6939
    silvermamma6939 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I’m so happy to be a part of this group! I’m a mother of 5 grown kids and have recently transitioned back to the States from Brazil. My goal is to lose 40 lbs by my 66th birthday. Happy New Year everyone!!!🎉⭐️
  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member
    Happy New Years to my
    MFP friends!🎉🥂🎊🎉🎊🥂🎉🎊
    This year has been a terrible year for myself and most of the people I know. Here's to a great year for fitness, health, love, goals, family and friends. I wish all of these things for you all!!
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    edited January 2020
    Happy New Year all! I am so excited for this coming year. I have a few goals I hope to accomplish this coming year. From losing 40 pounds to finishing one of many books I have started. I got serious in Oct 2019 and have lost 23 pounds so far by cutting out 98% of the sugar I was consuming. I would like to be 155 by my 50th in September 2021. I am 237 currently. We got this!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Wednesday check in (#1)

    Had a great day yesterday and have been increasing water again - and am not having any backlash bloating or retention so I'm thrilled. Who knows what will happen in the summer but gonna just keep at it for a while as it seems to be helpful for all kinds of things. Eating and exercising going well - prelogging and journaling going well. Day 1 of 2020 has been great, doing all the things I like (great coffee, a walk outside, sleep late, purge some crap, cook a great meal) so that I ensure having all these great things during the year. Ha! I'm not superstitious but this has been my habit on new year's day for a long time.

    Welcome all new Slimpossibles!!
    @wrknonmedaily - love your login name... =>
    @silvermamma6939 - what a great goal and time of life!! Brazil, wow!
    @Motiv8tedMom - fantastic that the goals are all mapped out... Feel ya on the kiddo thing, neither of mine drove me to 300 (that was *all* Mama!!)
    @canzone777 - great vision goals, especially the 'prep' part, I am learning that the pre-planning and the planning are the keys for me, as well

    @nbbaby hoping that the start of your new year has been calm and peaceful and goes like that for the rest of the year!!
    @metubal I've been working on that night snacking, myself - looks like you're starting strong and getting on it!
    @leonadixon congrats, GREAT December!
    @AustinRuadhain I'm with you, I need to scope out and dive in further to the challenge and give it some thought. I have some 2020 goals written out and have been pondering them so this new challenge is a 'just in time' kinda deal
    @mrmcgrath interesting, your son's reaction - not insensitive (my perception) but an off-the-cuff comment. I remember when my mom started becoming a person to me instead of only my mom and how it was as uncomfortable as it was amazing. Fast forward to when my kids started seeing me as a person...and I could see they had to go through some discomfort, first. Been empty-nesting for some time now and I'm one of those moms who loves it and never looked back. I also was not the super maternal type and had cereal and bowls way low for the 4 year olds to be able to feel themselves so - there is that. =>
    @Katmary71 - your #4 could be me speaking; I always want way more of it (whatever the 'it' of the moment is) than is reasonable. I can eat 1 apple, no issue. 1 brownie or 1 piece of chocolate or 1 cookie don't seem enough, in fact feels like not enough. I'm trying to work on that inner chatter to change my reality (1 brownie is enough for that moment, Maria) but I don't have the self-confidence, at this point, to put something like that into practice. Maybe one day in 2020 I'll get there

    @TeresaW1020 - wow, what a statement, love your word (and what a wonderful hubby!! =>)
    Happy New Year Mission Slimpossibles!! :)

    Have you all seen the 20/20 Vision challenge?


    I would love to read what you have planned for this year! Below is mine. :)

    What is my vision for 2020?

    My word for 2020: Become. I chose the word “become” because when I was talking to my husband about what my word should be, he said that it should be something that reflected the work and determination I have been doing to become the woman I want to be. Yes!! 2020 is the year that I become fit, healthy, and no longer obese!
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    It's 2:40pm and I had 4 cups of water (amazing for me), walked the dog (40 min workout, not too bad), and had a good meal (low carb zuppa toscana), and got 7 hrs of sleep. 2020, here I come!

    10 cups of water
    7 hrs of sleep
    Going to bed before midnight
    2 or 3 low carb meals a day
    No snacking
    No eating after 7pm
    Walk 3 days/week 45-60mins (outside or do a walk-from-home video)
    Do toning/strengthening exercises every other day (rotating areas)
    Read one book a month

This discussion has been closed.