

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Sunday Check-in
    Calories: under and all good, on-plan choices
    Water: on target
    Exercise: platform stepping (46 min)
    Steps (target 7500): over!

    Daily Goals
    1. Meditate ✔️
    2. Exercise 30 minutes a day ✔️
    3. Hydrate ✔️
    4. Martial Arts Practice ❌
    5. Thankful ✔️ for my friendship with my mother, and that she is still healthy and mentally alert and fun to talk to!

    Goals and Improvements for Monday:
    - Stick with my food plan, measure and log everything, stay at/under calories (despite holiday baking plans!)
    - Martial arts practice at home
    - Outdoor walk or platform stepping
    - Martial arts practice
    - Cooking day!
    - Gift wrapping! (did NOT get this done yesterday; must complete it today)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited December 2019
    @raleighgirl09 - I so feel you on the stressful aspect of losing weight. @Katmary71 's comment ("As for feeling uncomfortable with people noticing weight loss I feel that way too, it's awkward and unsettling, like you're going through something personal and private and suddenly it's being commented on") has been right on for me.

    Eating and body size and the state of one's body feel so personal, and they both are and are not.

    * * *

    A variation on that -- I was not totally prepared for people to ask me if I still had loose skin after losing so much weight. Um, do we really need to talk about what I look like under my clothes at a party? When did this become a thing you asked people? Or maybe I just have an off sense of what is appropriate? I can't tell. But at a certain point, I don't want to talk any more about my body. Thank you. Glad you noticed. Not glad. Arg!

    * * *

    And since I am now thinking about social aspects of this journey, there's also "You are doing so well, but why don't you do it my way?"

    I had someone recently at a social event go through a series of questions about what I ate, clearly mapping it against how HE eats, and I just had to keep letting it go.
    "Do you eat/ do X? I am eating that and it works really well for me."
    (me) "Well, no, I eat/do Y."
    "But don't you...?"
    (me) "No, but I certainly do not think everyone should do what I do. Not at all. It's great you have something that's working for you! You do what works for you! It took me a long while to figure out what works for me, and now I am doing that. Everyone has to figure out what works for themselves. "
    "But what about ... don't you...?"
    (me, smiling and feeling awkward) "No... oh, look, there's so-and-so. I need to go say hello!"

    Okay, enough venting. Must get to work on today's cooking tasks so I am ready to go to family shindig tomorrow!
  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member
    Week 4
    PW: 225.1
    CW: 218.6
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    This is my weigh in from yesterday:

    Name its cleo
    Week 3:
    Previous weight: 157.8
    Current weight: 158.6

    Disappointing as I was on track with calories so I'm not sure what the issue is. But I'm just focussing on my other goals.

    @Katmary71 I think you mentioned your cats- I use earplugs too. I also have a fan and I turn it on as a bit of white noise. It helps.

    I hope everyone has a good Christmas!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    jugar wrote: »

    Please welcome:


    I will put your two new team members on the Support Team for the rest of December, but they are welcome on the chat right away! I'll move them up to the regular team for January. Tally ho!

    Welcome to the Slimpossibles!! We will do lots of introductions in our January thread, but please make yourself at home and feel free to start posting right away. I look forward to getting to know you both! :)

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Monday check in
    steps 12/22 8,052

    Had dinner out with the grandbaby, gave the family a few gifts! What fun and ended with a nightcap of eggnog and bourbon - quite yummy! Lunch tomorrow with another kid's family and tomorrow's dinner with yet a 3rd - seeing the last of them that we'll see for the holiday for Christmas dinner. Lots of fun family time coming up, all food centered. I feel like it will be fine overall but I can't really predict what I'm going to eat, except that I am taking a few things so that will help. Just gonna work on making good choices among the choices available. Without making myself insane, I think this is my best course of action. Plan but don't be inflexible. =>

    Prelog 3 meals? none prelogged
    Times? B skip, L 230, D 630
    Non-planned eating? all of it was unplanned but not hard to stay 'on-plan' as far as choices
    Thoughts during overeats? was running around and then busy when home. I was careful to make good choices for the meals, I'm not unhappy with the overall day of food composition
    Thoughts? thinking still about the Friday night party, being mindful on choices and mindful of being mindful
    Mood? cheerful Christmas mood!
    Obstacles? it feels that time was an obstacle but I was happy to have been doing everything I did. It was rainy all day.
    Hunger? very hungry by the time I got lunch. I have been able to become accustomed to being hungry when it happens but I recognize that it can (and has sometimes) gone south on me so it is not a sustainable plan
    1% effort today? mindful and healthy choices, was able to leave food from both meals once I was satisfied by what I ate
    Things that went right? started the day with intentional thinking about my current life choice to be pursuing weight loss, took the time to read both support group posts and be supportive in turn, did not 'graba**' eat when hungry and out and about, pausing during eating to assess hunger level
    Exercise? uhhh - no on the exercise - I need to be more intentional! [steps logged the next day] (steps 22Dec2019 8,052)
    Sleep? 115a-9a [log the morning after]
    Nighttime eats? no!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    @raleighgirl09 - I so feel you on the stressful aspect of losing weight. @Katmary71 's comment ("As for feeling uncomfortable with people noticing weight loss I feel that way too, it's awkward and unsettling, like you're going through something personal and private and suddenly it's being commented on") has been right on for me.

    Eating and body size and the state of one's body feel so personal, and they both are and are not.

    * * *

    A variation on that -- I was not totally prepared for people to ask me if I still had loose skin after losing so much weight. Um, do we really need to talk about what I look like under my clothes at a party? When did this become a thing you asked people? Or maybe I just have an off sense of what is appropriate? I can't tell. But at a certain point, I don't want to talk any more about my body. Thank you. Glad you noticed. Not glad. Arg!

    * * *

    And since I am now thinking about social aspects of this journey, there's also "You are doing so well, but why don't you do it my way?"

    I had someone recently at a social event go through a series of questions about what I ate, clearly mapping it against how HE eats, and I just had to keep letting it go.
    "Do you eat/ do X? I am eating that and it works really well for me."
    (me) "Well, no, I eat/do Y."
    "But don't you...?"
    (me) "No, but I certainly do not think everyone should do what I do. Not at all. It's great you have something that's working for you! You do what works for you! It took me a long while to figure out what works for me, and now I am doing that. Everyone has to figure out what works for themselves. "
    "But what about ... don't you...?"
    (me, smiling and feeling awkward) "No... oh, look, there's so-and-so. I need to go say hello!"

    Okay, enough venting. Must get to work on today's cooking tasks so I am ready to go to family shindig tomorrow!

    @AustinRuadhain and @Katmary71 - I've actually never met others who have expressed discomfort with this before but it makes sense to me, both of your comments. It is so personal and yet so visible that it can't actually be private. And - I'm happy for others to notice, but it's a fine line on where it becomes uncomfortable.

    It's on the other end of the spectrum of being stared at for being so large so maybe in some ways, it almost feels the same, like I cannot escape my body being an object of assessment by others. Anyway -in terms of discomfort, I most definitely prefer this way, it's just something to learn to navigate. =>
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Week 4
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW 211
    CW 211
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @nbbaby great loss!

    @Gumuks and @mcarnley78 welcome to the group, I look forward to getting to know you!

    @raleighgirl09 what a great day!

    @jactop great job maintaining!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    Monday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- aerobics, strength, bike, Total Body HIIT

    Tried a new workout app a friend recommended after not going to the gym, it was a fun workout plus I lifted weights at home, I'm going to be sore!

    5 for 90 (can't believe the 90 is almost up!)
    1. Gym 3xs a week- failed
    2. Exercise 30 minutes- done
    3. Decluttering- cans are full for Wednesday
    4. Trigger foods- well, I bought 1 cup of walnuts to make maple walnuts for my salad tomorrow, some stuck to the pan and were too ugly for the salad so I ate them and don't care! It was just a little, but they're so good it would be easy to eat them all! Still have peppermint ice cream untouched in fridge. I fully plan to eat a healthy dinner and a lot of dessert but not to the point of feeling sick.
    5. Upcoming goals- don't eat so much the next few days that you feel like vomiting!!!!! You can always have cookies or ice cream, they may not be the same exact ones but that's no reason to disrespect your body.

    Happy holidays everyone!
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Monday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- aerobics, strength, bike, Total Body HIIT

    Tried a new workout app a friend recommended after not going to the gym, it was a fun workout plus I lifted weights at home, I'm going to be sore!

    5 for 90 (can't believe the 90 is almost up!)
    1. Gym 3xs a week- failed
    2. Exercise 30 minutes- done
    3. Decluttering- cans are full for Wednesday
    4. Trigger foods- well, I bought 1 cup of walnuts to make maple walnuts for my salad tomorrow, some stuck to the pan and were too ugly for the salad so I ate them and don't care! It was just a little, but they're so good it would be easy to eat them all! Still have peppermint ice cream untouched in fridge. I fully plan to eat a healthy dinner and a lot of dessert but not to the point of feeling sick.
    5. Upcoming goals- don't eat so much the next few days that you feel like vomiting!!!!! You can always have cookies or ice cream, they may not be the same exact ones but that's no reason to disrespect your body.

    Happy holidays everyone!

    Ooohhhh what app?
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve!!!!

    Yesterday didn’t go as planned, at all. I normally take the previous nights dinner for lunch but there was not leftovers so I had to do a grab and go from pantry lunch. Then, we ended up going to the city right after I got off work and I did not get to cook the dinner I had planned. My macros for the day was all over the place. And it did not help that a coworker brought us a tin of peppermint bark. OH MY! It is a good thing the tin stayed at the office!

    Check In
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 197
    Todays Weight:198.8

    Calories: maintenance
    Water: over/under? Over
    Macros: Crazy numbers
    Steps : 7743
    Exercise: bike

    Yesterday’s Fitbit/mfp stats:
    7743 steps. 5500 goal steps
    3.33 miles
    2448 burned calories
    33 active
    77 sleep score
    65 resting sleep
    1917 calories consumed

    Macros…Carb 53% goal 40%, Fat 32% goal 30%, Protein 15% goal 30%
  • wwood008
    wwood008 Posts: 31 Member
    Week 4 check in:
    Check in day: Tuesday
    Previous weight: 155.8
    Current weight: 152.9
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member

    @Katmary71 awesome showing up for YOU! Great way to show up at the home gym. Your #4 and #5 are great reminders for this time of year.... => And I'm with you, three cheers for @Jactop !

    @wwood008 congrats, very impressive weigh-in!!

    @mrmcgrath I have the same plan for work lunches because I don't have to think about it and - WIN - it's already logged so it's super simple to plug into MFP! We're closing in on the madness that is leading up to Christmas day and then that wonderful lull week where all is quiet until we ring in the New Year. It's my favorite week of the year!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited December 2019
    @wwood008 - Great weigh-in, and during holiday season! Congratulations!

    @mrmcgrath - Great job yesterday, peppermint bark and all! I know the macros weren't what you wanted, but maintenance calories took some attention and effort!

    Hurray for each of these victories during the holidays!

    @Katmary71 - Thanks for this -- "don't eat so much the next few days that you feel like vomiting!!!!! You can always have cookies or ice cream, they may not be the same exact ones but that's no reason to disrespect your body."
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Christmas Eve Check-in:
    Calories: over.....wine!!! ;)
    Water: over....before the wine!! :D
    Exercise: Day 19 of 21 Day Fix, total-body cardio. I'm dying!!! :o

    It's been a great day! Although I did volunteer to work in the nursery at my church's Christmas Eve service which was lovely and peaceful for all those attended but for me and five littles who ate a lot of Veggie Straws and threw all the toys EVERYWHERE!! I think I deserve an extra present or two from Santa in the morning. ;)

    I wish all of you who celebrate a very merry Christmas!! <3
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @mrmcgrath The app is FitOn. I really liked yesterday's workout, between that and adding dumbbells to my squats my legs were worn out today! I tried a dance cardio workout today and 5 minutes in she started jumping up and down, can't do that so I bowed out. I should've done a different workout but was a little frustrated that I physically couldn't do it because of my back problems so I went back to the safety of my bike. My gym app, 24GO is free and the core workout was good.

    @wwood008 great weight loss! Especially this time of year, wtg!

    @TeresaW1020 Sounds like a fun day! Veggie straws are pretty good and low calorie, though I usually have more than 1 serving! 21 Day Fix sounds pretty hard core, congrats on getting to the end! After the full body HIIT I did yesterday I'm realizing I may be in good cardio shape but weights and cardio alone don't equal functional fitness, something I'm striving for in the upcoming months. Merry Christmas!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    Tuesday check-in
    Calories- over. I admit, I disrespected my body and its showing its anger. I actually thought I did good as far as overeating but not cramming food in my mouth until I waited 20 minutes after dessert. I actually threw away a lemon square, I don't think I've ever surrendered a dessert. I did go for two walks!
    Exercise- bike, core/strength , walks
    Water- over

    5 for 90
    1. Gym 3xs a week- did strength at home Monday and gym is closed Wednesday
    2. Exercise 30 minutes- done
    3. Decluttering- cans are at curb
    4. Trigger foods- I ate too much dessert but didn't just gulp down desserts so even though I don't feel good it's a win overall.
    5. Upcoming goals- really think about goals for the year. Functional fitness is a big part, take fitness to the next level!

    We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. I got some cool stuff for the kitchen but most unusual is a "necklace " loop of dried smoky paprika peppers from Budapest from my parents trip to Germany. Any good healthy recipes for them? I definitely see myself using them when I cook beans and chili. It came with a Hungarian cookbook. Extra points if it's something I can make in my new cast iron skillet!

    Enjoy the holidays everyone!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Weekly Check-In
    Day - Tuesday
    Username - bethanie0825
    Previous - 236.6
    Current - 236.2

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
This discussion has been closed.