Monthly post January 2020



  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    Good Morning! I'm new here though I've been adding fasting to my life for almost a month now. I've had an ongoing weight issue my whole life. I've also known for a long time that my weight issues were hormonal more than lifestyle-induced as I have PCOS, and already eat low carb, and a calorie-restricted diet. Over the last few years, I've developed a philosophy of only doing things that were moderate and maintainable to avoid the inevitable rebound I always experience. This, however, hasn't stopped me from searching for something that would help fix my hormonal issues. As my health markers became poorer, it became clear that something more was required. My Doctor prescribed a T2D medication Victoza that's supposed to help with insulin resistance which is common in PCOS. For the first time, it felt like all the work I had been doing over the last 20 years was actually doing something. One of the other symptoms of PCOS is hirsutism, and in discussing this with other women who have PCOS the topic of autophagy came up as reducing this symptom. And that's how I stumbled upon fasting. I'm a bit of a science nerd and have been delving deep into the "why" of fasting. How it's different than calorie restriction, how it helps with insulin sensitivity, how it doesn't damage your BMR as a traditional calorie deficit does.

    I'm still experimenting with how I plan to fast, I already was eating in a 16:8 so I know that just reducing my eating window daily isn't going to be enough to make any significant progress with my insulin issues. I started a 4-day fast last night, the longest I have done previously is 3 so I'm hoping I'm able to power through without too much of an issue.

    Thanks for the group!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    @A_Dabauer Welcome to the group! There are so many ways to do intermittent fasting. Whatever works for you and your lifestyle is the best. I don't think any two people in this group fast in the exact same way.
    @Meghan509 Glad your arthritis is so much better. :) That is a fantastic "side effect"!
    I was able to have a decent fast today even though I went to a meeting where they served lunch. I had small portions and skipped dessert. Today makes my third fast of the week. I am feeling so much less bloated and gross than I did at the beginning of the week. Going to get one more fast in on Saturday and then weigh in on Sunday. I am very confident that I will see a good loss. Honestly, I am really having such an easy time fasting right now that I might keep doing alternate day fasting next week, too.
    I hope everyone has a great end of the week and a lovely weekend. :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am down two pounds this week! Last time I weighed in was Tuesday, December 31, so a little over a week since my last weigh in. Very happy!

    @A_Dabauer welcome! We are glad you joined us here!

    @KateNkognito congrats on your fasting! I have heard good things about alternate day fasting and I have a coworker who does it. She does a full day of fasting then an OMAD day (one meal a day) where she has dinner and then repeats full day of fasting, etc. I heard she's lost a lot of weight by doing this.

    I think intermittent fasting is helping me with my Keto WOE. Just seems easier this time around. Maybe because I feel more full on the foods I am eating and I don't feel like I am on a "diet". Diet is a four letter word! :D

    Been sitting here in draft mode for way to long. Let me post and see you guys soon.

    Have a great day!
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    @Meghan509 & @KateNkognito thanks for the warm welcome :smile:
    Day two of my planned four day fast is almost in the books. I'm feeling tired, though not hungry. I don't have too much planned for the weekend so I'm hopeful the next two days go reasonably well. As long as I make it at least partway through the day tomorrow I'll be happy, day 4 might really be a stretch, I struggle the most with not eating dinner, but we'll have to see how it plays out. My first real autophagy win is my skin tags are falling off. Fasting also is obviously helping the scale too, which those changes never come fast enough do they. 🤣
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    Well, I am on fast four of the week. I have never done this many in one week. They weren't all perfect, but I am happy with what I did. For some reason (I will have to delve into that) it is really easy to fast right now. I think the stress relief is a huge part of it, but not the entire reason. I am just in a better place. I am slowly finding my "why".

    @A_Dabauer Good luck finishing your fast! You got this! :)

    @Meghan509 Congrats on the loss!! That is fantastic!

    @mamainthekitchen, @debbie389, & @orlcam I hope you all are doing well, too!
    To all the lurkers, you got this, too! Have a nice weekend!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    WOO HOO!! Down almost 4 pounds this week! I am going to keep doing alternate day fasting for a while and see how it goes. I don't think it is something I will do forever, but I need a jump-start, and this seems like it is what I need right now.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Good morning, all! Happy Sunday! It’s been awhile. Def not new to fasting (5:2 is/was my jam), but took a long break from it and have paid a price. I’ve been haphazardly back at it, but yesterday I tried on 5 pairs of jeans in my closet before settling on one that only made me feel like partially stuffed sausage. I lost around 40 lbs the first go around. Lots of changes since last time. I’m 50 now (ugh...I hate saying that) and have struggled with what that means exactly. I mean, beyond the fact that AARP is actively recruiting me. Trying to decide how to stay young while still age appropriate is a balance at best. I do know I DONT want to give into the typical weight gain that comes with age/menopause. I’m a lifelong exerciser who lifts weights (thanks to some prodding by @mamainthekitchen) to give me an advantage when my 14 year old son needs to be wrestled with. Aside from that, not much else. I’m planning on 2 fast days this week (Tuesday and Friday). So I’ll stock up on kombucha and miso soup to get me through those days and hope to see the scale and tape measure head in the desired direction. Best wishes everyone!!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    OKAYYYY..... first off, welcome to @A_Dabauer - your story is fascinating so I hope you continue posting here, stick to your goals and update us on your progress!! I’m not familiar with some of your terms or meds but am very interested in how the 4 day fast went and how that benefits you!! Great job taking charge of your health!!! Pls keep us posted! <3

    Secondly .... sending BIG hugs to you Flossy!!!! :*<3 So glad you’ve come back to let us know how you’re doing.!!! glad you’re still taking the advice of weights... being ten years older, eye gel is a good idea too, ya know ;)

    Kate!!!! 4 lbs??!!!!!!??? Wow great job girl!! You’re on a roll girl! Also... yes, so happy to hear you like refinishing furniture too! My nails suffered, but the table & chairs are so cute in the daughters new apartment!!!! Soooo worth the effort!

    Meg, that’s awesome you’re down another two!! Really... amazing job! Nice you get another work trip soon!! Love your company!

    So, the husband has announced he wants to fast for 2 days... not 600 cals for each day....0 cals for 48 hrs! .... like orlcams’ types of fasts!! Well, since I’ve been bugging him to support me, I’ve got to join in! so there you have it, I’m fasting for 48 hrs starting tomorrow!!!! ‘Zero’ app is engaged !! I’ll update my status tomorrow night! I haven’t weighed myself in weeks so I’ll do that after this fast. Crossed fingers I can manage this, as 5:2 is my preferred type of fasting!! Maybe this will kick start me!!

    Orlcam : hope you’re doing well

    I’ll check in tomorrow... have a great day peeps!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi guys!

    Jeez, I missed a lot since Friday when I was last in here!

    @A_Dabauer way to go on your fasting! I have been meaning to try at least a 24 hour fast, but haven't done it yet. Hope all went well. Congrats!! So glad you are posting here with us. :)

    @KateNkognito way to go on your fasting! Nice loss! Whoot! Very happy for you! I know the last few months have been stressful with school and stuff. You rock!

    @flossyruby1 So glad to see you here! I am on your heels as far as 50 goes! I am turning 48 this year. *screams* LOL Yup, I totally get the ebb and flow of life and weight loss / gain. I started keto back in August and that was the shake up that I needed. Very happy doing IF and keto together. Let's do this!

    @mamainthekitchen thanks! Feeling good. Congrats on your fasts too! Nice to have husband doing it too! Wow!

    Weekend went well. Stuck to my keto WOE. Drinking my water and easing in the Monday. Have a great day and speak to you soon!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    We’ve got -5C here which is pretty darn cold for my area, a little snow too on the ground now but it’s the ice everywhere that’s causing havoc! Short and slow walk with the dog today! Currently sitting at 15 hours of my fast and just poured a cup of tea! Laundry is calling me...... not sure about a 48 hr fast but 24 is easily done I find.... I’ll check in later!

    Have a great Monday people!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Well I lasted 23hrs. I had hot water, tea, hot water then several hours not needing anything, then I had some tea late afternoon then I had 3 cups of low sodium chicken broth around 8 pm. I kept thinking that I should have something so I don’t binge tomorrow so I ate 3 boneless skinless grilled chicken thighs at the 23 hr mark. I’ll wait until tomorrow to figure out my next plan. The husband is still fasting!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi all!

    Crazy day here at work!

    Congrats @mamainthekitchen on your 23 hour fast! I call that a win! Keep us posted on how it goes with weight loss. Would love to try one of those in time. :)

    Things are good here. Keto WOE is good. Made a yummy casserole last night! How we love our casseroles at our house. LOL The pants I have on today are feeling quite loose! I likey.

    Have a good day all. See you soon!
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks, everyone for the welcome :)

    @mamainthekitchen PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is, in essence, a hormonal imbalance. There's a strong correlation between this hormonal imbalance, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance. The medication I'm on Victoza is a GLP-1 agonist, it basically replicates a hormone in our gut that increases insulin and leptin sensitivity among other things. (Hopefully, that helps).

    Now onto my fast over the weekend. I struggled a lot after hour 48. I actually broke my fast at 64 hours. I just was feeling rough. I had an avocado and tomato salad and then completed the rest of my fast as expected. (So basically did a 64 and 34 back to back). It's still a bit longer than I've fasted before and I think eating was the right choice! I broke my fast on Sunday with more avocado and tomato salad and some homemade egg drop soup.

    On Monday I was STARVING! LOL, this actually is a good sign for me, I often don't have much of an appetite. I'm pretty sure this is from beating up my metabolism for so many years. When I'm hungry it's a sign that my metabolism is actually increasing. The main reason I'm currently trying longer fasts and eating windows is that I was finding I wasn't eating enough after a fast. On my eating days, I'm also doing 18:6 or 17:7 depending on my schedule for the day. I'm going to try to do my 3 days eating, 4 days fasting for a few more weeks. If I find I'm always hungry on the first day after my fasting window, I'll probably change to Alternate day fasting for the majority of the time and only do longer fasts maybe once a month or so, as they are certainly a bit harder.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    I haven't really talked about my weight yet.. I'm 5'3" (I'm actually closer to 5'4" but saying I'm 5'4" seems like lying LOL)
    Here's my progress since the beginning of December. This is just a mini-goal which will take me to 190lbs. Ideally, I probably should be 150lbs, however, I historically I know anything under 180 is (or was) very challenging. I'm hoping fasting is the missing key and I will be able to get much closer to an ideal body fat percentage. (I'm pretty muscular so BMI isn't a great measure for me.)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    Well, I had my two interviews today. One was great, the other was... strange. I am not at all upset I didn't get that one. I am pretty sure I will be getting a job offer in a few weeks from the good one.
    On a fasting note, I fasted yesterday and I didn't have anything today until lunch. So, I am off to a good start for the week.
    @mamainthekitchen Good job on your fast! I don't think I would make it without any calories. I get hangry. Glad your husband is getting on board.
    @A_Dabauer It sounds like you have a plan. I hope it works for you. Sometimes people have to adapt and find what works for them.
    @flossyruby1 Welcome back!! It is nice to "see" you again.
    Have a great rest of the week! Happy Fasting!
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    @KateNkognito Good luck with the job offer!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Just stopping in real quick...I know I missed a lot. And welcome to all the new and new-old users...great to see everyone. This place is starting to rock again.

    Been taking care of some things and putting fasting off; I finally told my wife yesterday that after last night's meal I was starting a fast. I don't know how long I'm going. I started at 3:30 am (LSU National Championship...don't judge ;) ) and am shooting for 36 hours, but will take it however long I can. Just went to grocery and am setup for keto over the next 2 weeks or so.

    I'll be back soon...looking to change the banner; if anyone has any ideas or cool/inspirational pics please post them.

    Congrats to everyone on looks like you all are kicking butt right now.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Woohoo Orlcam LSU won!!! Love a good championship game.... except I have the Canucks and they’re (shhh) terrible! Sounds like you’re set up well for success now for your fasts!

    Yes this site is busy again! Thank you everyone!

    Thanks for the explanation @A_Dabauer ...our bodies are amazing machines! LOL re your height!!!! Gotta good laugh on that, reminded me of my sister who always said she was “5’ 2 & 3/4” so far” as if she was still thinking she was still growing! Thanks to for your stats! Great job already since dec!!! You say your muscular, do you exercise/use weights? Also your age? I’m curious, as I’m the old gal here! Just turned 60!!!! Ugh! I’m 5’6” and after my fast the other day I’m 157lbs although last spring I was 155!! I yo-yo back & forth from 155-160 all the time! I’m stuck! But I have not been walking like I use to... I use to walk 7-10k steps a day... now I’m usually only about 4K per day. I’ll get back to it, but I do know walking really helped me lose the weight!!

    Kate!! Crossed fingers for you and sending all good vibes for the job of your choosing!!! You’ve worked so hard for this! <3

    Meghan what keto casseroles are you making? Send me links! Put them in the favorite dinner posts! My family hates casseroles and I love them! It has to be a good one for me to serve it.... the husband has a thing about casseroles, he thinks they’re someone’s leftovers with cheese thrown on top!! Arghh!
    You would do just fine on a 24 hr fast!! Just keep busy and eat well the day before. I will do it again for sure!

    Off to shovel snow!!! Cardio & weight lifting!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi guys!

    Ugh, one of those CrAzY busy days! Been sitting on this page for hours now, waiting to type something!

    With that being said I need to keep this to a quick drive by! Big meeting and travel coming up last week of January so been nuts. Definitely still sticking to Keto though! And!! I have a coworker who just started this past Monday. :) Very happy for her! Unfortunately she is not on MFP, she uses another app so can't invite her here. Sigh...

    I am sending positive vibes to all of you! Career, weight loss, good karma, and all that fun stuff.

    See you guys soon. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    Been a crazy couple of days. Today's fast is hard. I have had a TON of caffeine, so that might be it. I am going to go and work on my puzzle I got myself for Christmas so I am not snacking. I have yummy food waiting for me for tomorrow, so I am going to be good tonight and hold out. I hope everyone is doing well! Happy Fasting!