WEIGHT NO MORE January 2020 Chat



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @ljdanny - Could I get your steps again for Monday and Sunday of this past week? I can’t find them. Thanks
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 417 Member
    @sleepymom5 Thank you. I have a few pics of all ths dogs together and one with them plus the cat lol. I have been working on mushing with Balto since he was a puppy ( hes 3 now) and Nova a little..but I haven't had a chance to work on it yet this winter. Its good exercise though, for me and my pups. So I'm looking forward to getting out there with them soon
  • 33sandy1223
    33sandy1223 Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2020
    week 2
    pw 202
    cw 199
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member

    Sun- 10,941
    Mon- 13,697
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Daily Check in Saturday 1/11
    Logged food: started to but went over
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: 30 min bike, PT, stretching and strength

    I did great except went over on drinking and then the food usually goes over after that. I was starving when I got home and I don't know why I just don't go to bed. It would have been a good day. I also usually don't drink too much when I am with my in laws but the glasses seemed small so I allowed myself more. Looking back, they must have been normal sized portion just a different shape. I need a better plan. I usually am good with the 3 drinks but when it is not a going out to dinner situation, it hasn't been working. I guess this is something I need to work on. Especially with having the bar and with my summers at the shore. I know there are some podcasts on it so I need to start figuring this out.

    On another note...how do people like their apple watches if they have them? I am having problems with the step counter. If I don't move my arm, it doesn't seem to know I am walking. I carry things up and down the stairs, push shopping carts, walk the dog...I don't get credit for the steps. I also don't get credit for all the exercise. I guess I am not going as fast as they want me to go (the green ring) I found a hack that I can put play in but I would like to keep track of what exercise I am really doing. Any suggestions or tips is appreciated.

    @amsandos MFP has so many glitches lately. I am glad your posts showed up even though they didn't post when you posted them. Nice job with your run, you must be feeling a little better. I am glad you listened to your body and took a nap. You probably are still fighting that cold even though you are feeling a little better.
    @pacsnc6 That is a beautiful puzzle! It looks hard .
    @nstephenson01 I would also like to get away from logging at some point but I still need to do it. I seem to gain when I don't log. I bet some of that weight is from strength training. Initially that seems to put weight on when you build muscle. We will figure it out. Let's have a great week!
    @ljdanny How fun to hike with your son and the dogs. It will be nice to do when the weather is nicer. I was curious if your weather is the weird warm weather we are getting but sounds like you have winter weather. I had to lol about your husband. I ask my husband all the time if he wants to go for a walk or work out. He always says no, he hasn't thought of the back excuse yet Lol! You had a great week with your steps!
    @JillyBT I think there are so many times I use being too busy as an excuse. I am sure I could have planned better and worked out. For you, you really did not have the spare time to work out. I can just imagine how amazing it feels for you to be able to plan your days and take care of yourself now. I am very happy for you. I am also happy your parents are getting the care they need so you can have peace of mind.
    @brown6267 Another awesome step count!
    @Mrsbell8well I am not surprised you slept great after the night before. Sounds like you have a busy productive day planned. You are setting yourself up for an awesome week. Where do you buy all these ingredients for the cleanses and for the way you eat? Some seem so exotic. Are these all in the regular supermarket and I just never noticed?
    @Zumba_Luvah That must be so fun to train them! I have a fluffy dog that is a good dog but not the brightest Lol!
    @33sandy1223 Nice loss! Welcome to onderland!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member

    Congratulations to our team members- @hope002 @Freeglerock and @amsandos for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for our team! Great start to 2020 Ladies!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Saturday check in

    Food - logged and on target
    Exercise- 8049 steps
    Water - 2l

    I had along nap yesterday instead of working out, but it felt great. The kids wanted to do a breakfast for supper night, so we made pancakes which were delicious! That storm brought so much rain yesterday and overnight. As the temperatures dropped overnight, everything was covered in a thin layer of ice first thing this morning. I had to get the kids to an early hockey practice, so I had to word hard to open my car door! One more trip to another hockey arena this afternoon and then my hockey mom duties are done for a few days.

    Congratulations to @hope002, @Freeglerock and @amsandos for losing the most weight this week! As a team we did great too!

    @sleepymom5 - I find the alcohol part challenging as well. You are setting your limit which is good. I think that eating can creep in after you have a few drinks, so maybe you have to build in some calories for that? Or go straight to bed when you get home. Having the bar is definitely challenging, but you can find a way. How about asking your husband to put a few more healthy options on the menu? I have the same issue with the Applewatch and exercise. It will only count if you heart rate hits a certain rate and I can’t find a way to change that. I have not noticed the step issue, but will pay more attention now that I am doing the step tracking.

    @33sandy1223 - Nice loss and congratulations on getting to onederland!!

    @mrsbell8well - Hope that you have a great day too!

    @JillyBT - It is so great that you can make yourself a priority now. Way to go getting a workout in everyday this week!

    @ljdanny - That was so nice that you were able to hike with your dog and your son! It certainly shows in your step count!

    @nstephenson01 - You are right about that gain and I would not be surprised if its water and muscle due to your strength training.

    @pacsnc6 - That puzzle is beautiful, but yes, those pastel colours must have made it really challenging!

    @amsandos - I looked up the World Coal Carrying Championships. It is said to be the hardest race in the world! I saw the YouTube videos and omg, that looks hard! You carry a 40 kg sack fo coal for about a mile. You really need to post pics for us when you do it. Are you running with weights attached for your training?

    @KatAdele - So sorry that you hurt your back an hope that you feel better. You don’t have to skip meals with some types of IF. I usually do 14:10, so you fit your meals into a 10 hour window, then don’t eat for 14 hours. So you have supper, then don’t eat at night and have breakfast a bit later.

    @kirsten11872 - Great loss! You accountability plans are working!

    @timibotkin - Don’t worry, you are doing all of the right things and the scale will reflect that in time. I am sorry that you are in so much pain, and I hope that your doctors can help you find the cause so that you can get some relief.

    @Zumba_Luvah - Amazing loss and really amazing considering how busy you are!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @sleepymom5 I had the same issue with the Apple watch not counting my exercise. I would start the app for a walk a nd then stop the app when I finished and no credit for all that walking! I don't walk fast enough to get my heart rate up so that must be the problem. I just add the walk to mfp if I want to add the calories to my day or to my spreadsheet for tracking. I have found the step count to be mostly accurate though have noticed steps sometimes get added when I am doing something with lots of arm movement. The "move calories" for the day seem to be accurate though. My watch is not waterproof either so I don't wear it for water aerobics classes. Hard to estimate my calories burned for that!
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Weigh in day - Sunday
    Week 2
    PW - 198
    CW - 200
    Sorry team, I promise to do better next weigh in. It's hard to maintain on vacation. Vacation is over, no excuses.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 583 Member
    User ID: CassieGetsFit2013
    Week Number: Week 2
    Previous weight: 212.6
    Current weight: 212.0

    Well, that's surprising...I couldn't count my calories all week because I don't have really any food at the house and I started my period yesterday! So, I'll definitely take this loss!

    An update on what's been going on...I got scammed by a guy I thought I could trust and he took all of my money, that's why have no food now, luckily I had a $50 Amazon gift card and was able to buy dog food for my baby's!

    I made a FB post about him and it has over 200 shares and 300 comments. He has warrants out for his arrest and he has screwed so MANY people over and done very sick, twisted things! Stabbed his self in an attempt to get another guy for attempted murder, tried to get someone to rape his GF so he couls watch, killed his own dogs to try and blame someone else for it, poisoned his GFs dog, stolen tons kf money from lots of different people, lied about everything and gets people to feel really sorry for him, abused his GFs, abused their kids and the list goes on and on!! He really NEEDS to be caught and taken down!

    Me and several of his other victims have thought about using me as bait to go meet him while they all hide behind me and then jump out so we can catch him, or I go and take the police with me...BUT I'm too afraid cahse what if he stabs me before anyone can get to us or pulls out a gun...He's DONE a little bit of everhthing so I wouldn't hold it past him to do anything like that!! Just want him to be caught so bad! 😔
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Sunday check in

    Food On target (thanks to workouts)
    Water on target
    Exercise 40 min indoor bike, 60 min swim

    @Cafelelia the good news is that women "only" have to carry 20kg. I am working with a coach he has created a programme for me.

    Getting back to traininng felt great today. Friends from tri club are putting in for a relay event. I have signed up to join a team.
  • lburch
    lburch Posts: 7 Member
    Weigh In
    PW 147
    CW 146.8

    Haha... not much but will take it. We were on vacation this past week. Now that we are home, I am going to kick it in gear this week.
  • txmama63
    txmama63 Posts: 7,839 Member
    Weigh In Day
    Week 2: Sunday

    PW: 142.8
    CW: 141.2

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    It's time for the Green January Week 1 Report!

    Every team was over 60% green - and here's the breakdown (insert fabulous drumroll here):
    Downsizers - 81.8% Green

    WaistAways - 79.4% Green

    Trimstones - 70.4% Green

    Mission Slimpossibles - 65.4% Green

    Shrinking Assets - 60.7% Green

    Fantastic job, everyone! Let's see if Week 2 can be even greener :smiley:
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    @sleepymom5 we have a crazy weather here. The last few days it's been 70 degrees. That's why we went for the hike. Everything is now melting but it's going to start getting cold again. It felt like spring but now we will go back to winter.

    I did really good at the beginning of the week and trailed off at the end, not sure why. Hopefully this will be a better week.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited January 2020
    Daily Check In: Saturday
    Food: Way... too... much :(
    Water: Good
    Exercise & steps: JessicaSmithTV 30 minute strength training video, shoveled snow, walked dogs; 10,292 steps

    Good news - water and exercise were on track; bad news - too much pizza and adult beverages. Niners played a great game and are headed to the NFC Championship. Been a long drought for us SF Forty-Niner fans since we've been able to celebrate. Talked to my dad several times on the phone during the game... fun day! I cannot be trusted around pizza as I have zero restraint. Since cleaning up my diet, my system doesn't tolerate all the grease and sodium or overeating like I could back in the day. Sore again today from yesterday's strength training so trying to up my water intake. Working on the week's meal plan. Need to clean up my diet ASAP or January is going to be a bummer of a month for me. Tomorrow is yoga class and grocery shopping.

    A former Weight No More teammate one said "Summer bodies are made in winter". I've been thinking about that again a lot lately. No time to waste.

    How's everyone preparing for a successful week? Week 2 is here already!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Saturday 1/11 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: none

    I slept really well until 4:30AM, then woke to use the bathroom and then couldn't get back to sleep. Finally got up at 5:30 and did some laundry. I was tired later in the day so I slept quite a while in the afternoon.

    I think I'm more nervous about the colonscopy and endoscopy than I thought. I spent too much time thinking about it and looking things up. Some is good information, some is not. I know I shouldn't think about it or look things up because it isn't helpful or good for me. What I should have done is read all of the posts here, which would have been much more helpful. I know it's going to take me a long time to get through them all. I know it's just the unknown of the tests and not having symptoms, even though the doctor told me I'm constantly bleeding somewhere.

    Sunday 1/12 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: 45 minutes low intensity at home

    I slept really well until 3 AM, woke to use the bathroom, then couldn't get back to sleep. Got up at 3:30, did some laundry and exercised while the laundry was going.

    After church I had lunch and then slept for the afternoon so I can stay awake for work tonight.

    The storm that was predicted wasn't as bad as they thought. I didn't lose power but the news did say there were about 3,000 people who did. There was a lot of rain, some ice and snow but not as much of either as they thought.

    Hope everyone has a good night.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Sunday 1/12 check in
    Food: :/
    Water: over 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike, Pt, strength and stretching

    I really have to get more consistent with logging. I didn't do that great today. I didn't follow my plan. I did get exercise and water in. Tomorrow I have a lunch date and then we are going to a friends house to take her Christmas decorations down. I already looked at the menu so I know what I am getting. I also plan to workout before I leave. I won't have too long to check in, that is why I am checking in now. Let's have a great week everyone!

    @Cafelelia Thanks for the information about the watch. I guess it should be pushing me but that is frustrating. Lol! The bar does have some healthy menu items and I am good for the most part ordering that. It is just I need to not drink every time I am there. I also need to start going right to bed when I get home from drinking....Ugh! Lol!
    @pacsnc6 Thanks for sharing about the watch. I am a little frustrated lol! Mine is waterproof but I don't think I would wear it in a pool anyway. It is a little too expensive to take a chance.
    @dillyg08 That's not too bad of a gain over vacation! Get right back on track this week, I bet it will come right off. Hope you had fun!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Nice loss and it would probably be more if it wasn't your TOM! I hope that guy gets caught and your money is returned to you. It is sad there are people out there who take advantage of people's good nature. Please be careful and let the police take care of things.
    @amsandos What a great day you had-amazing workouts! I am glad you are feeling better.
    @lburch A loss during vacation is a win in my book! Great job! Hope you had a great vacation!
    @txmama63 Nice loss! You are so consistent! No wonder you are so successful!
    @ljdanny I have been doing the same thing. Let's have a great week!
    @nstephenson01 Congrats to the 49ers! That is exciting. Did you ever try to have salad with pizza? Since I have been having salad first, I don't eat more than two pieces. I love pizza too. I can't believe we are almost 1/2 way through January, I need to get more consistent if I want to see a loss for the month too. And that is right, summer bodies are made in the winter. Let's do this!
    @tryingagain5 Two interrupted nights of sleep. Hope the nap helped to get you through work. I hope being back at work helps you get a good nights sleep tonight. I can understand why you would be worried about the colonoscopy. What are you worried about specifically? The prep is just unpleasant. You will get through it but it was the worst part for me. The test was fine, I was asleep for it. I guess you could be worried about what they find. Just remember, it is better to know what is wrong so it can be treated. The sooner the better. I know that won't make you less anxious about getting it done but it is a good thing to get these tests. Hugs! Hope you are having a good night and I am glad the storm wasn't as bad as they thought.
    @twyla77 A pretty good week?! Looks like you had a great week! Awesome loss! Hope you have a great week this week too.
This discussion has been closed.