


  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Hello and welcome. Thank you for sharing your story with the group. Yes the group is still active just a little more quiet lately. I still check in daily and see if anyone has posted anything and try to respond as quickly as I can.
  • Martinelalune
    Martinelalune Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there, my name is Martine and I was diagnosed with BED 3 years ago. I started to see the pattern of the disorder when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 15. Having to count my carbs, watch my levels and what I eat created a control I did not want. I imagine I binge to relinquish control, to not have to think and eat whatever I want. It’s awful and it’s ruined my life. I used to be a star athlete, and now I can barely run for 20 minutes. I am currently laying in my bed, flipping between skip the dishes options because I want to binge SO bad, but I know it’s wasting me away, and ruining what’s supposed to be the best years of my life. So glad I found this community though, and hope we can all help eachother.
  • SaturnsbestMoon
    SaturnsbestMoon Posts: 25 Member
    If anybody need's support reach out. I'm here.
  • menniememories
    menniememories Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    Is this still active? I’m Kacie. I’ve been in treatment for BED for approximately 2 years. I feel so better and my rates of binging have declined significantly. Yet, I’m obese. I know I need to lose weight in order to be healthy later on in life, but every time I try to lose weight, old binging habits creep back up.

    My goal is to continue to develop a healthy relationship with food and exercise, while also losing weight.
  • SaturnsbestMoon
    SaturnsbestMoon Posts: 25 Member
    Need to get this group up and running again!!
    Hello, I'm Lisa, I'm 27 years old and I have been binge eating regularly since 2013. It started as a comfort because at the time I was unable to seek employment and I was depressed. It helped to ease my self-loathing. Its how I cope with the world. I am now at my heaviest and I need help. If anyone else is feeling the same way feel free to message me and I will help any way I can. I am a very good listener, understanding, non-judgemental and supportive.