February 13 Sign In



  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Good day today.
    Exercise was mild with 23 minutes of active stretching
    Calories were under limit
    Tracking was good
  • nodm
    nodm Posts: 264 Member
    Yes x 3 in a comfortable margin.
    Have a successful day tomorrow all!
  • 7Liana7
    7Liana7 Posts: 56 Member
    Whew, long day! Yes to all 3. Good night! 😊
  • jem302
    jem302 Posts: 301 Member
    Yes x3 today!
  • JTreasures
    JTreasures Posts: 856 Member
    Yes x 3
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Yes, love getting sweaty!
    Exercise yes 10 min quigong, 30 min strength training, 120 min cleaning, 40 min walk
    Tracking yes Calories yes
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yes times 3. One pass left.
  • fitqueenbess
    fitqueenbess Posts: 372 Member
    Yes x 3 - laps 1200 meters - a slow meditative swim this morning, probably because I'm out of coffee!

    I, too, feel the joy of exercise but have periods when this or that hurts and must back off or switch it around. It's a balance, especially as we age, to keep moving without getting hurt, or to keep moving while injured. But, be it mental or physical health, fight the fight, we must! We are highly valuable and worth it!!!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Yes to all 3 - It was my down day, so I just did 30 minutes on the treadmill...
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? YES (gym and arm/ab app workout)
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? YES
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? YES

    This challenge is especially motivating to me this month.
  • Fife24
    Fife24 Posts: 117 Member
    Date: February 13
    Exercised?: Yes, treadmill 20 minutes, 1 mile
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes
    Passes: 2/3, but not today!!

    Tomorrow starts my vacation. I will have many pass days but I will still track and post. Hoping to learn some things from this experience.
  • oldDogBiking
    oldDogBiking Posts: 159 Member
    Exercise is always my favorite topic.
    I like reading all of these posts about people amping up their exercise.
    This my only post in Feb so far.
    I had passes for the first three days of Feb so kind of embarrassed and didn't keep on.
    But I could think a sentence or two about exercise.
    Back at the turn of the century, heh funny, referring back to the turn of the century.
    But back then I had kind of an antipathy for exercise and for exercise people.
    I worked for a phone company back before there was even smart phones.
    Now I got a phone that is smarter then me.
    Where was I?
    I went skiing one time with my wife. My legs were so atrophied and weak I couldn't even stay standing for the duration of a ski run. I had to sit and rest my legs a couple of times on the way down. My wife was way stronger than me.
    So I thought back to my misspent youth.
    Actually I thought further back than the misspent part.
    I remembered that when I was a kid I used to live on a bicycle.
    I had a paper route. I would load my bike up with papers and ride around a hilly neighborhood and throw them every which way.
    Got money for that. Maybe that was my life's favorite job. Hey, somehow that was better than being a database administrator at a phone company.
    But I go that memory back and became a cycling aficionado.

    Eh, but this stuff of being old. I ain't no spring chicken or rooster any more. I don't do it every day. That's my big fizzle.

    But still, I look at the contrast of me being a guy that had kind of a disdain for exercisers, to being a guy that realizes the exercise give me an ability and a path to fun.

    Fun - as weird as it gets. I exercise, work out, you know kind of, in preparation for my "vacation."

    My vacation is dynamic. I like running around in the mountains. That ain't driving around in the mountains. That is me getting on a bike and climbing over ridges and descending watersheds.

    It is my second childhood.

    It is me spending what is left of my body on fun.

    Sometimes I think I am abusing this group with my braggadocio.
    I mean what if my audience is guys whose exercise capacity is the stuff of long gone days?

    I don't know. I used to get a lot of hits on that inspiration button. What if I was a guy people could read up on and get some vicarious experience?

    I see there is some girls on here that works out several hours every day.

    Hey that beats me hands down.

    But what are we doing? We getting our bodies ready to be movie stars?

    We just preserving our capacity to have fun?
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    I flew out on Wednesday and am tracking the best I can. I tend to cycle through the same meals each week so when traveling I stick to those and can pretty much tell where I’m at. As for “sweaty” exercise — I love them but if I overdo it I tend to have flare ups. When I wake up and feel good, I get so excited and want to do everything. I’m trying to keep it in moderation which I’m not very good at because ... excitement.

    Wednesday, 2/12

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Yes - 10 min warm up, Strength Full Body - 30 min, 10 min post workout stretch

    Thursday, 2/13

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Yes - walking, 12,149 steps, 22 flights climbed
  • saltypickle
    saltypickle Posts: 307 Member
    Exercise: yes.
    Calories within goal: yes.
    Tracked: yes.