


  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    randi905 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! This is my first time attempting this challenge. I have really let my body go in recent years and I need to be more mindful of what I am doing for my body. Hoping to see some change by the end of March :)

    Girl, you’ve got this and we’ve got you!

    My name is Julie (friends call me Jules) and I’d be honored to be friends with y’all! This is going to be my second month with this group, and I’m really looking forward to it! Hit me up with a friend request and just mention UAC and I’ll add you!

    By the end of the third week of February, I’d lost three pounds, and I credit this group (and my love of a challenge) for that!

    Exercise wasn’t the problem. Consistent tracking and relying on exercise calories were my downfall. Weighing as much intake as I can and not dipping into my exercise calories (a personal goal) helped tremendously! This group kept me on the rails in February! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Hello. I'm Patricia and I'm a middle-aged woman that realizes she needs a kick in the pants to be healthier. My friend, Julie, introduced me to this challenge and is my accountability partner to help me along. I'm hoping to achieve great things here and feel better!
    Great days ahead!!
  • Joedina509
    Joedina509 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi I am DIna so to be 52 married. Currently work out a gym 5 days per week spin and kickboxing. Having a shoulder issue currently so limited on upper body work. Starting weight 175 need to lose 15 pounds to get a goal weight I set with my doctor. Can’t wait to get started. Eat it and write it is my biggest set back. Look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Hi there, I'm Michele. SuziQ recommended this group. I'm a very avid exerciser, usually do some sort of exercise every day. I have some questions. How do you bookmark this group so that I remember to log in every day? I would think that everyone should be on the same page, so does that mean that I have to add in my exercise calories? What if I don't but then go over my calorie limit by a handful (which would have been adjusted had I entered my exercise calories). If you need to add in your exercise calories, where do you get the number of the amount of calories you should add in? I usually log at least one thing every day. What if I can't finish logging? Guess that's were the honor system comes in.

    Glad to be a part of this group
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    edited February 2020
    exermom wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm Michele. SuziQ recommended this group. I'm a very avid exerciser, usually do some sort of exercise every day. I have some questions. How do you bookmark this group so that I remember to log in every day? I would think that everyone should be on the same page, so does that mean that I have to add in my exercise calories? What if I don't but then go over my calorie limit by a handful (which would have been adjusted had I entered my exercise calories). If you need to add in your exercise calories, where do you get the number of the amount of calories you should add in? I usually log at least one thing every day. What if I can't finish logging? Guess that's were the honor system comes in.

    Glad to be a part of this group

    Hi Michele and welcome.

    : If you look at the top of the screen (on a laptop, not a phone) there are three symbols that look like a bell, a star, and a gear/wheel. I believe the bell is for bookmarks. Also, when you click on Community (the forums) and then look toward the bottom of the screen), you will see groups that you've joined. We rejoin the UAC each month (it doesn't roll over).

    Somebody else might do a better job of explaining about bookmarks.

    Exercise calories: I track my food and exercise in the MFP food and exercise diary. That way it's easy to answer our three questions: did I exercise for at least 20 minutes, did I stay within my calorie goal, and did I track everything. I track purposeful exercise, but mainly I track food.

    You can get your exercise calories from the MFP database -- enter your activity and how long you did it, and the diary will give you a calorie burn.

    You can also use numbers from the machines at a gym or from a Fitbit or other devices and enter those numbers into the MFP food and exercise diary.

    If you can't finish logging, then you have to answer No and take a pass day.
    If you go over your calories for the day, then you would answer No to that question and take a pass day.

    We self-report everything. Yes, it's an honor system. I like the UAC because the questions are simple, basic, and the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle. :) Hope this helps!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @stacie915 Hi! 👋 Menopause is rough, for sure! I dropped almost fifty pounds from February 13-November 2014. I fell off the wagon, if you will, when I fell off a platform high heel, breaking my ankle. It was months before I felt like I could safely lift weights again. One thing led to another, and I lost interest. 🤷‍♀️ Hey, it happens. Then menopause hit. It took until September of last year before I got on a scale. (I had to weigh my dogs, lol) and was like, oh, crap! I’ve gained thirty pounds back! I went at it religiously for a month and a half, and then Halloween, then holidays. I’d lost a few pounds, but I really wasn’t taking it seriously. Menopause has done something to my ability do drop pounds like they’re hot, for sure, as I’ve been back religiously logging, and really working out, since mid January. I didn’t lose much at all, initially. I’ve found a couple of tricks that are helping counteract the hormonal changes, and I can share them, here, or if you like, friend request me and I can send them via pm, as the majority aren’t dealing with the same.

    @epangili , I sent you a friend request. 😊

    @patriciawmartin5 I am so glad you are here! 🥰
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    I started in May 2019 after a sibling's cancer diagnosis (often related to high weight). I only had 20 pounds to lose, so I'm now in maintenance. I'll send you a friend request.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,954 Member
    I joined last month and missed the first two days so I decided to just wait for this month. Bold rabbit told me about this group and I think it'd be fun! I'm Kathy, I first started losing weight by cutting back what I was eating, then plateaued and came back to that "crazy calorie counting" stuff Jan 2019 and lost the last 55 of 100lbs last year and have been maintaining since September. My diabetes is in remission and I'm off medication. I've had multiple back surgeries and ongoing nerve pain but for the first time in years I'm able to do basic stuff like grocery shop and stand for more than 10 minutes without squatting. Working out has been a huge help with mobility, sleep, and mental health.

    @epangili I'll send you a friend request too!
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    epangili wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I'm Elaine and I'm new to UAC. Thank you Ranger for setting this up!

    I started my weightloss journey April 2019 due to my syblings (close to my age 44) health scare - one almost lost eyesight due to neglecting diabetes care and the other fatty liver disease. I started as obese on the Asian American bmi chart but now in the high end of it's normal range. I just joined mfp October 2019.

    Now, I'm in the last leg of my weightloss journey to lose the last pounds to reach my doctor's goal for me. Its been incredibly difficult weight fluctuations for a month to no avail. My downfall is emotional overeating especially for stress, comfort, and just excessive pleasure. My goal is to finally drop the 10 lbs by the time I take my 1st year chip for emotional overeating at Celebrate Recovery (12 step program) by April 2020.

    Please friend me, I only have one mfp daily friend.

    Thank you in advance and looking forward to encouraging each other!

    Oops, I forgot a key word in this sentence...
    My goal is to finally drop the LAST 10 lbs by the time I take my 1st year chip for emotional overeating at Celebrate Recovery (12 step program) by April 2020.
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,282 Member
    @epangili Have sent you a friend request
  • sundancers
    sundancers Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Everyone I'm happy to join. Wanting to put some healthy habits in place, this looks like a good place to start.
  • cilia2k
    cilia2k Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone, i joined this group last month (February 2020) and i can't tell you enough how it has helpful it is. I gave birth in September and wanted to lose 30kg. In February i decided to start my weight loss journey. I knew what to do; exercise and track everything you eat. I had exercise covered but tracking my food and drink was scary because i cook with a lot of spices and so many ingredients. Also, i thought that i won't be able to track my calories with the baby. This was not the case, because of this group tracking my calories is almost a habit now. I have lost 3.6 kg in February and most importantly, i know that it's lossing the remaining weight is just a matter of time.

    Fyi: the only down side is that your husband and friends will think that you are wired, because you will be measuring everything you eat; even a piece of Apple 😁.
    I guess it's just a question of how badly do you need to Main, loss or gain weight.

    In my humble Option, if you commit to the principles of this group, you won't regret it.