Like Minded Lushes - Winter 2019



  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Amy - the Star Wars cantina sounds amazing! What a fun trip :)

    Syd - good luck with all the house stuff, sounds stressful!! :# It's the reason I'm never, ever moving again! At least not by choice...

    Gary - speaking of stressful, I'm sorry you're dealing with all the stressful aging parent issues. It's sad and stressful at the same time. The hallucinations sound frightening!

    Kobe's death was a shock and 3 - 13 year olds on board as sad!! I try to remember every day that Life is the most valuable and non-renewable resource on the planet... especially since Ron's brother died 4 years ago @ 60 years old. It was such a shock to the whole family and does make you realize that nothing is forever!

    Not too much going on here, just getting ready for our annual Super Bowl party - a lot of work but super fun. Our adult kids have said the party is legendary so I guess we have to keep having it! B)
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Ann, has it been 4 years ago already since your BIL passed? I remember shocking.

    Your super bowl party sounds great! We've been invited to a party but I don't really know the people well and am considering forcing myself to go just to take a small break from all the moving stress. My New Year's resolution included being more social and putting myself in new situations so I should go! But honestly, I can't decide if going would just cause more stress...which I certainly don't need right now. Can I come to your party?? :p

    Plugging along. I haven't let myself get too excited about the move because we've had so many hiccups/starts/stops...but I *think* this one might stick! *fingers crossed*

    Hope you're all doing great! :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    SoCalWoman wrote: »

    Plugging along. I haven't let myself get too excited about the move because we've had so many hiccups/starts/stops...but I *think* this one might stick! *fingers crossed*

    Yeah I jinxed myself with that comment. Buyer backs out with 4 days left until close of escrow. He'll lose his deposit but that's little comfort to us right now.

    This all sucks hairy donkey balls. I'm too old for this bullsh!t. :'(
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Syd- time to retire that donkey, as I am sure his balls have had all the hair sucked off them! You will get a buyer, and soon! In the meantime, meditation and hanging out with us should make this difficult time go a little better.

    We hosted a family superbowl party attended by a dozen or so. My dad had a very good day and was able to visit and enjoy the entire game! I was feeling my age when hearing the Chiefs had not been to a superbowl in 50 years, I told my niece I remembered watching the game in 1970. Her comment was something about not being born yet. haha

    Our grandson said something funny to me the other day. He is 5 and has picked up a lot of information from his mom who is a nurse. I was playing with his hot wheels cars with him, he likes nascar and knows the drivers. When I couldn't remember a driver's name he had told me of several minutes earlier, he looked at me and said- "Grandpa, do you have short term memory loss?" Cracked me up!

    Have a great week! Enjoy our support group here! <3
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    edited February 2020
    Your grandson sounds adorable!! My dad used to say he had "CRS" (can't remember sh!!t) We found all my son's Thomas the Train and hot wheel stuff in our attic. One day we hope to bring them back out for our grandbabies :) Glad your dad had a great day!

    How'd your Super bowl party go, Ann?

    I'm still dropping the lbs. This is the good part of stress. Still trying to moderate my drinking but not a lot of 0s.

  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I think I've recovered from the Super Bowl party... :#:D It's an exhausting day but it went well and everyone had fun. This year we bought a breathalyzer, which was quite amusing and informative. I'm glad we finally bought one of those!
    Now, I just need to crack down again and get back to losing weight and working out... 30 weeks till Spain!
    Syd - I'm sorry to hear about your buyer backing out, that really sucks! :/ I'm sure another one will come along...if you were closer to us, I certainly would have invited you to our party! :smiley:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Spain!!! How fabulous does that sound. Are you touring several spots?

    In moving hell but I'm at my lowest weight since starting MFP. Really trying to monitor my wine intake to no more than 1-2 glasses. Just boxed up most of my kitchen, so I expect more take out/not healthy eating to happen but trying to make decent choices.

    Happy Valentine's day lushes! It's our 33rd wedding anniversary and we will spend it packing. We agreed to postpone our celebration until we're in our new place but I'm sure we'll order in some nice food and watch a movie or something.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Spain would be amazing! Also on my bucket list would be eastern Mediterranean and a Panama Canal cruise.

    Syd, when we moved I enjoyed going through all our crap, and throwing away stuff. It was cleansing to me soule!

    Happy Valentine's Day to all my favorite lushes! <3
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nice! Spain!Sold that house, yet, Syd?
    Kauai was awesome, had a great time. Did some incredible hikes and we did the helicopter tour, and it was amazing to see the island from above. We also did a whale watching on a zodiac which was great because we could get close but we got soaked! My traveling companion doesn't drink much so I didn't either really.
    Thursday=2 drinks
    Friday=2 drinks (we got frozen pizza and wine at grocery store for valentines day)
    Saturday=3 drinks
    Monday=2 drinks
    Tuesday=2 drinks
    Friday=4 or 5, can't remember, we were kind of bar hopping up from the beach and I can't remember if I had two beers at the place we got nachos.
    Saturday=5 drinks
    Now Sunday, shooting for no drinks, and working out and finishing taxes. Turbo tax is going to raise rates Feb 28 I think! damn them... This year flew by. I feel like I was just doing taxes, seriously...
    The scale hasn't budged for me, though, so I'd like to try some different strategies, maybe IF or carb cycling, it just takes planning and I am not in the mood...
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Aloha Amy! Kauai sounds wonderful. We hope to get back there soon. Maybe this summer.

    Good news for you'll be spared my moving updates after this week! The cat and I will be moving on Wednesday (really looking forward to a howling cat in an enclosed car for 2 hours :s) Husband will deal with movers the following day, which should be fairly simple since we're leaving most of our furniture. Our new place came beautifully furnished.

    My wine intake is probably more than it should be. I'm so looking forward to getting settled and putting all moving anxieties behind us!

    Here's to new beginnings! :drinker:
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    For our Spain trip, we fly into Barcelona, spending a day there and then flying to Paris for a quick 2 day visit. From there, we're going to fly to Madrid, spend a day or two and then take the high speed train to Malaga, which is in the southern tip of Spain in the Andalusia region of Spain. My SIL's parents have a place in Malaga that they are letting us stay in for free and we get discounted flights because Ron's nephew is a pilot for American Airlines so we couldn't pass up on this opportunity! Super excited B)

    Syd - I'm happy that your moving torture is almost behind you!! Celebrations to be had for sure!!

    Amy - Kauai sounds like it was's on my someday list!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Just checking in with you all.
    Good luck with the move Syd, I hope it goes smoothly. I am sure I speak for all of us when I say- "Looking forward to your house warming party!" :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    We're slowly getting settled. Still surrounded by moving boxes but got the essentials unpacked and won't stress about the rest. Used our beautiful built in grill last night!

    Lots of snow birds here from Washington, Oregon and Canada. Everyone seems friendly so far!

    Looking forward to exploring our neighborhood and getting in some exercise that doesn't involve moving boxes
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Syd- How exciting and exhausting moving to your "forever" home! I am looking forward to a pic of your new place. Thanks for not forgetting about us during this busy time!

    We spent the weekend in the Seattle area visiting our sons and grandson. The corona virus has hit this part of Washington especially bad. Our grandsons mom works as a hospice nurse at the care facility that has recently had two deaths from the virus. She is PG so we are unsure what would happen to her baby if she contracted the virus. There is a bit of panic in the Seattle area with items such as masks, sanitize wipes, TP and canned goods being stockpiled. This results in empty shelves, causes more panic etc. We are watching the news to keep up with the spread. Both our sons places of business have cancelled all trips, domestic as well as abroad.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Edit- the deaths stand at at least six from the nursing home.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    How sad, Gary. I fear we're only seeing the beginning. Are you changing your routines?

    We've got many elderly here in the Coachella Valley and with the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals (huge crowds) coming up there's a lot of concern. Hopefully they will cancel. I did read from the CDC that the virus hates heat and dies at 80 degrees. It's 85 and sunny here.

    We're plugging along unpacking a few boxes a day. The kitchen is done. The garage is still a mess. Not stressing about it.

    Hope everyone is healthy and happy :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Without minimizing anyone's experience, I would like to add there were 6 deaths from the flu in San Diego last week without any press coverage at all.

    We all know how to wash our hands now!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    So, I go out to shop at 7am. It was fine, but going that early meant slim pickins in the meat department. So far just an inconvenience. Washington State has had many cases of the coronavirus, but I am very relieved we have now shut down all non essential services. The coming weeks should show a slowing.

    The weather has been beautiful here. I take a few short walks throughout the day, waiting for the cherry and plum trees to flower. Its very pretty in the PacNW in the spring time.

    Stay healthy my lushy friends, read a good book, binge watch a show and love each other! <3
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hi Gary! Glad you're ok and staying safe and healthy. How are the parents doing? Do they understand why you can't visit them?

    My son had to cancel all his therapy/support groups for his Alzheimer's patients and caregivers. He's working from home and providing phone support when possible.

    I'm so thankful our move happened and we're settled. Walking our new neighborhood has been wonderful. The snowbirds from Canada, Washington and Oregon are all leaving. It's very quiet here.

    Stay healthy fellow lushes! <3

  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Everything here is cancelled - glad my fridge, pantry and bar is fully stocked. Especially the bar! Ha!
    My husband's nephew thinks he has the virus, he is an airline pilot and is waiting to get a test. Has already tested negative for the flu, so...ugh.
    Glad my favorite lushes are healthy and hunkered down! Working from home myself. Unfortunately, my husband has the kind of job where he cannot work from home so we're in a holding pattern waiting to see if they shut down his plant.
    Stay safe!