March 2020 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,838 Member
    18.17 miles
    531.32 miles MTD
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,394 Member
    March 18: Adding 16.70 miles of biking 12.20 miles and walking 4.5 miles
    TTD: 209.45 miles


  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    My son is being paid for the week. My son had never did snowshoe before, it was a fun activity, but is really tiring by the time you get done. But we had quality time watching the snow roll in from the hotel window and having quality time.

    03/14 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer

    Total: 326.0 miles

    03/15 - 2.0 miles snowshoe trek
    03/16 - 2.0 miles snowshoe trek
    03/17 - 01.0 miles rest day walk
    03/18 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer (just staying indoors for a few days)

    Total: 356.0 miles


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Adding 13 miles for 13 out of 150.

    Adding 16 miles for 29 out of 150.

    Adding 21 miles for 50 out of 150.

    Adding 12 miles for 62 out of 150

    Adding 12 miles for 74 out of 150.

    Adding 12 miles for 86 out of 150

    Adding 21 miles for 107 out of 150.

    Adding 13 miles for 120 out of 150.

    Adding 15 miles for 138 out of 150.

    Adding 11 miles for 149 out of 150.

    Adding 4 miles for 153 out of 150.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Apparently we had a couple clients come in hacking and coughing so the new policy at the pet ER is no owners in the hospital unless the pet is critical. Paperwork and triage will be done outside and the pet brought in without owners to be treated. I need to think about this one and see if the heartburn I‘m having over this is justified.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    edited March 2020
    clepant wrote: »
    @Kar: I called my PCP office today to cancel my annual physical that was scheduled for next week. I thought they would be glad and the girl gave me a lot of chastising on how the office was safe and that they were not seeing “Any” sick patients. Insisting I should come in because it was safe. I was appalled that they would want a healthy individual in senior age group to show up in a huge facility that house urgent care and all kinds of specialty office for an annual physical. I know they are losing money, but is it worth a life?

    That's ridiculous. We are pushing back all annual GYN exams for a few weeks, giving extra refills on birth control (policy is one yearly exam for med refills), rescheduling appts to discuss fertility, labs etc. One of the front desk ladies is home waiting her test results, so that may turn into something.

    My sis in law is a dental hygienist whose office just closed for a few weeks, but she told me that on Monday a guy who's home on isolation after being exposed to someone who is positive wanted to know about coming in that day for his routing cleaning!
    Apparently we had a couple clients come in hacking and coughing so the new policy at the pet ER is no owners in the hospital unless the pet is critical. Paperwork and triage will be done outside and the pet brought in without owners to be treated. I need to think about this one and see if the heartburn I‘m having over this is justified.[\quote]

    My vet sent a similar email. If you're just cautious, they'll come get your animal from your car in the parking lot and if you're sick yourself, the same thing if you don't have someone to bring him/her. Made me feel better since it's just me and my cat and if I get this at some point (and with this job I do expect to) then at least I know there's a way for her to be seen if she needs care for something not routine.

    2.5 miles running/walking outside. Did a kettle bell video yesterday, trying to alternate cardio/weights every other day.


  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,335 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

    And that's GOAL for @LOVEMYALEX and @SUFFERLANDRIAN!! :star:


    Stay safe and healthy!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    3.5 miles of walking & 10 miles from ex bike. I wish it would get nice enough to enjoy a walk outside! More snow & cold again today! Blahhhhh

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,394 Member
    @kar:They changed their mind. They just posted online consults. I think they were not getting any customers so they had to readjust.
    My friend just went in for a total knee replacement today. We thought they would postpone it.
    @Dean: What you have to go through to help people’s pets. So ridiculous.

    A lady at our church is now in quarantine because a bank manager who never come to their office came in and was exposed by someone who is positive. Now all of them on in two week quarantine,
    March 19: 14 miles of walking 2 miles and biking 12 miles
    TTD: 223.45 miles

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    03/15 - 2.0 miles snowshoe trek
    03/16 - 2.0 miles snowshoe trek
    03/17 - 01.0 miles rest day walk
    03/18 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer
    03/19 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer

    Total: 381.0 miles


  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,258 Member
    edited March 2020
    3/18 5.50 miles
    3/19 3.50 miles

    As of 3/19 122.75 miles of 175 miles

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,258 Member
    Hopefully Washington State won’t go to a “stay at home band” like California! I seriously need my walks during the day. Next week my plan is going to my daughters about 40 mins away, to watch my grandkids.

    Stay safe everyone!
  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning Everyone. Thanks for the add back Dave.

    March 1-19, 42.51 all Walking miles
  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    Our town leaders made the decision across the board to pretty much ask people to close everything on Monday.

    The school closed for a month. The teachers are sending out homework or activities that can be done online for the kids so that they aren't left behind. They also have done bagged cold meals for families to pick up in the mornings. The state has waived the requirements for graduation and mandatory education hours for this year.

    All the dental and vision offices aren't seeing anyone for anything routine. If you need to go to the clinic, it is a huge process. When you get there, call from the parking lot, all staff is in protective gear and the doors are locked, ask your name and reason to be there. They take the temperature of everyone in the car, walk the person needing the appointment and one extra person to the reception desk to check in. Escort them directly to the nurse who then takes them to the exam room. After the appointment, they walk them out. You aren't ever left alone except for when you are in the exam room. If a person has a respiratory problem or fever, they have a different door than other patients and completely bypass the check-in process.

    Our vet staff comes out to get your pet, you pay by credit card on the phone and are not allowed to go in with it, even if it is end of life.

    All of restaurants are closed and offer carryout or pickup. All of the businesses are closed to the public and do their business over the telephone. All of the grocery stores have shortened their business hours to around 7a-8p with the first hour dedicated to the elderly or those with compromised immune systems.

    I hope everyone is safe. My dad said it reminds him of when he was a child and the polio outbreak.
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,838 Member
    21.57 miles
    36.88 miles
    609.34 miles MTD
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,335 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

    @DJMICHEALS - Welcome back, LIbi! :smile: Yes, these are strange and surreal times. Sounds fairly typical of what I've been hearing most everywhere. They haven't "ordered" us to shelter-in-place here in Minnesota yet, but they're getting close. It's still strongly suggested and most people seem to be doing so...but you know there's always the few that have to disregard common sense protocols... :neutral:

    Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe and healthy!

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    I work with a special needs high school student 3 days a week. So far they only send him home with one paper for 2 sentence journal entries for a 7 day period. The school district hasn't done a thing for any assignments or online school and they are closed until April 28. My student is a Senior in HS unless its only the IEP students that are being left behind. Either way this is a total train wreck.....

    03/15 - 2.0 miles snowshoe trek
    03/16 - 2.0 miles snowshoe trek
    03/17 - 01.0 miles rest day walk
    03/18 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer
    03/19 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer
    03/20 - 25.0 miles turbo trainer

    Total: 406.0 miles


  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,394 Member
    edited March 2020
    @djmichaels: We are pretty much the same here in Pittsburgh. Our teachers will officially start online Monday with online instruction. They have been attending online meetings all week and preparing lessons for this until the end of the year if necessary. My former colleagues have been providing lots of materials to any and all parents. I as a former PE teacher have been providing activities as well to share. Please do not let these times bring you down. We must all stand together. We will not be the first to go through such times as your father stated. The Spanish flu went through Pittsburgh in 1918 and we were one of the hardest hit. Someone came down with it every 70 seconds and someone died from it every 10 minutes leaving over 700 children orphaned. I have friends and family that lost people from it. Even Martin Luther went through a pandemic in the 1500’s and early Christians Went through the Plague of Cyprian where 5000 died daily. Our parents and grandparents and their parents have all experienced tough times and lived through them. I still have my polio vaccine scar on my thigh and remember standing in long lines in 1963 to get the oral polio additional vaccine. I also remember going home for School Air Raid Drills in 1960. It was scary having sleeping bags and gear sitting by our front door if we had to evacuate. Tough times reminds us to appreciate the good.

    March 20: Adding 13 miles of walking I mile and biking 12 miles
    TTD: 236.45 miles


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Adding 13 miles for 13 out of 150.

    Adding 16 miles for 29 out of 150.

    Adding 21 miles for 50 out of 150.

    Adding 12 miles for 62 out of 150

    Adding 12 miles for 74 out of 150.

    Adding 12 miles for 86 out of 150

    Adding 21 miles for 107 out of 150.

    Adding 13 miles for 120 out of 150.

    Adding 15 miles for 138 out of 150.

    Adding 11 miles for 149 out of 150.

    Adding 4 miles for 153 out of 150.

    Adding 30 miles for 183 out of 150.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yesterday I was lazy but I did go out for a 1 mile walk in the wind & cold! Today was 36* with bright sun & just a breeze so Georgie & I ran (with some walking) 4.6 miles! Shoes got wet & muddy but Georgie was a mess! Time for a bath & he hates those!!
    Just to be safe, we postponed classes till the shutdown is over!
    A lady who was tested positive in the next county has had herself quarantined for 2 weeks since her daughter became positive 3.5 weeks ago after they returned from Greece. The daughter lives where it has other cases too. The lady's only symptom has been a slight cough but the daughter ran the fever, weakness & the respiratory issues & that is why she went into self quarantine & got the test which took about a week to get the results back. She will now need to stay quarantined until her test comes back negative.
    COVID is showing more on the western side of Montana with one in our northeast corner which is that lady who is not symptomatic!


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