About those 10,000 Steps



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I did get my elliptical session in which put me over 10,000 steps, so I added back enough exercise calories to cover the difference between sedentary and lightly active for me, minus that 60 calorie gap between what I have set as goal and what MFP says my goal ought to be to lose 2 lbs/wk.

    However, I already know my weight is going to be up tomorrow morning, and I know its going to be water weight and I know why.....

    Still, I had hoped to see 259 or 258 lbs by my birthday, and since my birthday is a week away, I doubt I'm going to make it :frowning: Perhaps by Easter, then.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I was normal sized until junior high and then I got chubby but not really fat...in high school I was 150 lbs and 5’7” when I graduated....I was on diet pills most of my high school days!...in college I stayed pretty thin and then I had a disastrous “ starter “ marriage and gained a ton of weight in four years...I had my son at 22 and I weighed about 220... he weighed 10.9 and I think I gained about 60 lbs....after that I was always on WW , Atkins, pills, S Beach etc...then I remarried and happily gained more weight....7 years later I lost weight ,got pregnant with our daughter and lost weight the entire pregnancy, gave birth to a
    “ tiny” 9 lb baby girl and gained and lost constantly and then found Phen Phen...I lost 120 lbs in a year!....gained it back and kids grew up, I retired and before I knew it, I weighed 350... so here I am!...I am getting too old to keep doing this!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    boy, am I sore tonight! Not quite as bad as last Monday night, but still, it was a very good Jiu-Jitsu session for me tonight - I was active most of the session. The class runs from 6:30 to 8 pm, so taking account for opening talks, water breaks, etc, I figure I was active and moving for about an hour's worth of time. I counted 12 minutes today, and I think I'm going to count another 10 minutes tomorrow, or count roughly 1/3 of it this week. This will give me a few extra calories to play with tomorrow, which my mom's birthday - I can have pie! Woohoo!

    Right now, since there are no positive cases in WV yet, my studio has chosen to remain open for the adult classes. However, they have closed the doors to visitors, so only members are allowed in, and any member who has been out of the state in the last week or two or who have been potentially exposed have been asked to remain home. We also know that this is a day to day decision and can change as things progress.

    I've been using happy scale for about 11 days now. It's kind of weird, though: it has my current weight loss at 2.75 lbs per week; however, I went back and looked at my weight in December, and I've lost roughly 15 lbs in 14 weeks by comparing the weight recorded back in December to what I recorded on Thursday, which would be a little over a pound a week. I did start picking up on the weight loss in January - the MFP graph has a sharper descent starting in January, but it's still hard to judge what my actual rate is, since I had several weeks where I was recording weights that included that darned water weight problems I've been having off and on.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have been feeling a bit burnt out recently so I decided to take it easy today. I still did my morning routine but less of it. At 9am I told my wife that I was going easy today and I would try not to get more than 12k steps in total. I pulled up my steps on my watch and I was already over 10k and very nearly 11k. 2 hours later and I am already over 12k.

    It is not that easy to switch gears apparently. My habits are all geared towards getting more steps and I am doing it almost automatically. When I went to the pharmacy earlier I parked on the outskirts of the lot not even thinking because that is what I do now. I probably added an additional 250-300 steps each way.

    I will be lucky if I can keep it under 15k steps now. That is a weird sentence to type.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    When I went to the pharmacy earlier I parked on the outskirts of the lot not even thinking because that is what I do now. I probably added an additional 250-300 steps each way.

    I do this all the time without thinking, too. I often get a side eye from my wife and she'll ask "Why did you park here?!" Why wouldn't I park there? I don't need to be close. :)

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I find myself parking further away and I use to drive around and around until I could get close to the doors!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I find myself parking further away and I use to drive around and around until I could get close to the doors!

    At one time I wished I could just drive INTO the store and park.

    I admit that if I was only going to be in the store for a moment I have illegally parked many times. Never in a disability spot though.

    I should have gotten a disable parking permit. I definitely qualified. I guess there was a part of me that was too proud and maybe a part that refused to believe it was permanent. At least I hope there was a little of the latter in the mix.

    Oddly enough I did get a temporary one for my recovery from surgery.... go figure.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I have never gotten a special permit either....I was too embarrassed to admit I needed it because I was overweight...my husband won’t get one even with his RA because he says a lot of others are in worse shape than he is!....being dropped off at the door was my way of life...
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have never gotten a special permit either....I was too embarrassed to admit I needed it because I was overweight...my husband won’t get one even with his RA because he says a lot of others are in worse shape than he is!....being dropped off at the door was my way of life...

    I share you and your husband's POV on this. I wouldn't have even gotten one for my surgery except that my nephew had a really important game 2 weeks after my surgery and parking a quarter to half mile away and climbing bleachers would have made it more than I could handle. As it stood it was still almost too much for me but I pushed through. I felt the pain and energy drain that night and through the next day though. I didn't feel too bad parking in the special lot because there were still so many spots available and I refused to take one of the closest spots.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I put in couple of minutes over an hour today in a walk, then came back and measured out hte distance using Google maps and then comparing it to my fitness tracker - and it was a bit over 3 miles, so I actually was moving 3 mph! I'm really amazed at myself! And that also put me over 10,000 steps for the day!

    So I added back 20 minutes of the walk to give me an extra 130 calories :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I went on walk today, and according to Google, it was 3.8 miles which I walked in 1 hr and 18 minutes. That averages out to 2.92 mph. Of course, I can't put it in as that, so I dithered between using the 3mph entry or the 2.5. I finally decided to count 30 minutes at 3 mph. Since I"m eating at maintenance today, I'm already needing to get in the 1,000 calorie deficit I usually have, and now that adds another 200 calories to that - definitely means I get cake and now ice cream too! lol

    Sadly, yesterday showed me that if I give myself an inch, my brain wants to take a mile - I allowed myself to go 500 calories over deficit yesterday for this refeed, and my brain's desire to mindlessly snack kicked into high gear, as did hte sloppy counting. That's also due to having a house guest with her snacks, but what was a little disappointing for me was how easily I caved into the desire to grab a handful of cheetos here and there and just guess at the calories.

    Also, what I found amusing was how disconcerting it felt to not get in a walk at all yesterday. For the first time in a month, I was completely sedentary the whole day other than house chores; my daily step count for yesterday was well below 4,000 steps for the first time in a month, and it felt awful - my brain wanted to be moving! So at least I've gotten my brain used to the increased activity! (which is why I made sure to get that walk in today!)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I can’t hardly be “ a little bit bad”..... with my OCD and bingeing I am finding it easier to simply behave....I hope this gets easier for me....A York patty or a single Kiss I seem to be able to handle...I bought Hot Cross Buns this week and I have been able to limit myself to one each morning...hopefully this will get easier for me in time...you are doing great!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I keep hearing about C25K so decided to look it up to see how it works. I was reading this article below that I found to have some pretty good advice (I'm just talking about that particular article and not the site in general).

    I especially appreciated how they pointed out that just picking up running isn't going to help you lose weight if you don't get your diet under control and warned that many people who start exercising actually gain weight because they give themselves permission to eat more.

  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    @bmeadows380 I'm close to wrapping up the program for a third time (10 years ago, then this past fall, now again after being lazy over the winter). If you have any questions about it I'd be glad to try and answer them.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member

    I too decided nope not getting the special permit. And I consistently park my SUV out far away from the store door. For a long time most of my friends just assumed I was being overly paranoid about getting the doors scratched, or little bumps on it. Well maybe a bit of that, but really it was about making me walk farther to and from store doors. I admitted as much to a few friends and said every extra 500 or so steps seems like a good thing to me.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @merph518 thanks! right now I was just curious as I kept hearing about it, and I don't know if its something I'd like to try or not. Maybe later in the spring when it gets warmer and the days are longer; right now its pretty cold and dreary where I'm at. Though not so cold right now: I've been freezing all day but didn't want to fire the pellet stove up too soon and have it run out of pellets too early in the evening. I did poke around online and found the fitness nerd's website with a beginner's body weight routine and then another 30 minute beginner's low impact cardio workout. I went through both of them, and by the time I was done, I wasn't cold anymore! lol And I was proud of myself - I didn't have to stop and rest on the cardio one at all! I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical afterwards!

    Something I'm noticing - I'll be rather hungry before I start these workouts or go on a walk, but when I get home and get done with them, I realize I'm not as hungry as I was. That there is a prime reason to get me to get moving!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Of course you didn't like being sedentary a whole day, @bmeadows380, you are an active person now. Welcome to your new adjective. Also, don't beat yourself up too much on the snacks. When I first started increasing my activity I struggled with adherence a little more. Some of those days I was supposed to be eating maintenance but I still managed to go over. When I look back on it I realize now that it was most likely just part of the adjustment.

    You may also struggle a little more until you confirm what is happening with your exercise calories. If there is a part of you that keeps thinking you are eating less than you should it may create a loophole in your accountability. I definitely experienced that over the holidays. I kind of knew I was underestimating my activity but I wasn't sure.

    Just remember none of it is a race and perfection is not in the cards. We only need to make progress most of the time and try to learn from the times we don't (unless it was intentional).
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @NovusDies well, I don't know if I'm ready to call myself an active person just yet, though I do think I've hit that magical "28 days" thing :) We'll see how working from home affects it - whether it will lead to me slacking off or continuing to struggle with getting more activity in. The weather isn't helping, either - I'd much rather go out for a 45 minutes walk than hit the elliptical, but when its cold and rainy, the elliptical is the only option. We're not going to see a nice day again until Thursday!

    The good news is that today is day 2 of being back at a deficit, and I was able to stick to it yesterday with only a mild desire to snack which I squelched by going to bed. Today hasn't been too bad, either. I"m only vaguely hungry, and the little voice in my head that is constantly crying to be fed is manageable. I'm getting ready to hit the elliptical, then hope to do another 30 minute youtube cardio session while dinner is baking. My step count is abysmal today - its 5:30 and I don't even have 1000 steps in yet! Though I did miss a couple hundred at least this morning as I forgot to put my tracker on until late in the morning!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    @NovusDies well, I don't know if I'm ready to call myself an active person just yet, though I do think I've hit that magical "28 days" thing :) We'll see how working from home affects it - whether it will lead to me slacking off or continuing to struggle with getting more activity in. The weather isn't helping, either - I'd much rather go out for a 45 minutes walk than hit the elliptical, but when its cold and rainy, the elliptical is the only option. We're not going to see a nice day again until Thursday!

    The good news is that today is day 2 of being back at a deficit, and I was able to stick to it yesterday with only a mild desire to snack which I squelched by going to bed. Today hasn't been too bad, either. I"m only vaguely hungry, and the little voice in my head that is constantly crying to be fed is manageable. I'm getting ready to hit the elliptical, then hope to do another 30 minute youtube cardio session while dinner is baking. My step count is abysmal today - its 5:30 and I don't even have 1000 steps in yet! Though I did miss a couple hundred at least this morning as I forgot to put my tracker on until late in the morning!

    You just claim the active title and then try to live up to it. It was weird the first time I tried to apply the active role but now whenever I am facing two choices I handle it the way I think an active person would do it. There are days it ends up exhausting me but mostly it is okay.

    I think it fits you. It was after the majority of my recovery was done that I started to realize I had changed. My wife and I scheduled a quiet sedentary day at home. This is something we have done countless times over the years. Sometime after lunch I felt the itch to move. I wasn't comfortable vegetating like that anymore. It felt wrong.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    @NovusDies well, I don't know if I'm ready to call myself an active person just yet, though I do think I've hit that magical "28 days" thing :) We'll see how working from home affects it - whether it will lead to me slacking off or continuing to struggle with getting more activity in. The weather isn't helping, either - I'd much rather go out for a 45 minutes walk than hit the elliptical, but when its cold and rainy, the elliptical is the only option. We're not going to see a nice day again until Thursday!

    The good news is that today is day 2 of being back at a deficit, and I was able to stick to it yesterday with only a mild desire to snack which I squelched by going to bed. Today hasn't been too bad, either. I"m only vaguely hungry, and the little voice in my head that is constantly crying to be fed is manageable. I'm getting ready to hit the elliptical, then hope to do another 30 minute youtube cardio session while dinner is baking. My step count is abysmal today - its 5:30 and I don't even have 1000 steps in yet! Though I did miss a couple hundred at least this morning as I forgot to put my tracker on until late in the morning!

    You just claim the active title and then try to live up to it. It was weird the first time I tried to apply the active role but now whenever I am facing two choices I handle it the way I think an active person would do it. There are days it ends up exhausting me but mostly it is okay.

    I think it fits you. It was after the majority of my recovery was done that I started to realize I had changed. My wife and I scheduled a quiet sedentary day at home. This is something we have done countless times over the years. Sometime after lunch I felt the itch to move. I wasn't comfortable vegetating like that anymore. It felt wrong.

    I know something about itches like that :) I've had an itch to go on a bike ride for the last several days, but all I have is a single speed cruiser and I'm not sure how many calories I'd actually burn riding it since I'm walking it about 1/3 of the time, peddling maybe 1/4 of the time, then just cruising the rest. I realize I'm burning a little bit of calories maintaining my balance on it, but I'd have no idea how to figure the total burn, and I highly doubt I could trust the tracker or hte MFP bike ride entry, unless there is one for very light effort bike ride.

    Instead of doing a cardio session yesterday, I got in 50 minutes on the elliptical and then looked up some at home solo jiu-jitsu drills to try. My mother interrupted me, but I'm finding my living room is completely unsuitable anyway. My mat is not big enough and I don't have a big enough space to work as my living room is long and narrow and I have nowhere to push the recliner or the other chair to make more room. I might have a little more space in my dining room, but I also really need better, thicker mats to work with, and pricing those on Amazon are crazy! Besides which, even if I did order them, would I get them before all this was over and the academy opened back up?