DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - April 2020



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    I just read in the news that instead of toilet paper, hair dye and other personal grooming products are now flying off of the shelves. Here is a new F2F group challenge. We want to see it all from you, the success stories, the greying roots, the crazy beards, the long bangs, the tussled hair. Post photos of your grooming successes, challenges or fails relating to you, your family or your pets. Maybe you have discovered your inner hairdresser or pet groomer? Maybe you went a little to crazy with the scissors? Maybe your roots are in high contrast right now? Show us what is going on!

    You can post photos and commentary at the thread link here:

    Have fun and we will keep this challenge going as long as you like!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,407 Member
    mellane30 wrote: »
    My irritation level with the app is high right now. This will be the third time I have tried to post and it just disappears.
    All in all, things are better. I'm just going to leave it at that because I'm not typing everything all over again, again.
    Username: Mellane30
    Weighin Week: 04/13/2020
    Weighin day: Monday
    Previous weight: 213.0
    Current weight: 212

    Congratulations on the loss! Great job!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    mellane30 wrote: »
    My irritation level with the app is high right now. This will be the third time I have tried to post and it just disappears.
    All in all, things are better. I'm just going to leave it at that because I'm not typing everything all over again, again.
    Username: Mellane30
    Weighin Week: 04/13/2020
    Weighin day: Monday
    Previous weight: 213.0
    Current weight: 212

    Awesome loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Monday check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 59 minute walk
    Water: lots

    Steps 4/13 10,304

    I drank so much water yesterday and my puffiness is gone away today. I did get my 4km walk in yesterday. My goal is to get a 10k walk in eventually. Problem is I am a slow walker, so it will take me about 2.5 hours. Maybe my pace will pick up eventually.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 4.5 km
    2. Tai chi
    3. Drink minimum 8 cups water
    4. Stay within calorie goal
    5. Pick a closet and declutter
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Tuesday April 14 check in
    Calories --- under
    Exercise --- stretches done; chair yoga, chair exercise, and walking to go
    getting at least 8 every day; trying for more

    Today's To Do List --
    get in rest of exercise, drink all water, be mindful of food choices
    take trash, recycling, and yard waste bins to curb
    get outside for at least 10-15 min; I don't wanna (whine)-it's only 28 and snowing! Blah!!
    Vacuum all rooms on main floor
    Clean cat boxes

    My food choices are becoming very boring ... dangerous because it leads to snacking. So need to see if I can come up with some more interesting options.

    Have a good day Y'all :)
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    not sure why that line is there. Is there a way to edit or delete a post?
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    Weigh In Day

    SW 308.6
    LW 305.4
    CW 300.2

    diff = 5.2 YEA!! :)

    Amazing!! You are doing something so right
    Weigh in gharvey2753
    Previous 165.2 IBS
    Current 167.6 IBS

    Have walked a lot the last couple of days over 20,000 steps and 17,000 steps. Been eating and drinking a lot though so contributing to gain. Finding it difficult to eat healthy in lockdown and not drink.

    It’s so challenging. I’m finding it hard to focus on me during the day. Trying to make sure the kids are happy and staying active and forgetting about me.

    Still waiting on April week 2 steps for:

    @Lindamtuck2018 - Saturday
    @ddk125 - Saturday
    @Murphyi150 - Monday - Saturday (daily please 😌)
    @Kres567 - Sunday, Thursday - Saturday
    @Kguin0323 - Sunday - Saturday

    April 12-3960
    April 13-8537
  • ddk125
    ddk125 Posts: 32 Member

    4/13 steps: 8220

    I only walked out to the mailbox twice. The rest of those were from tidying the house and putting laundry away. Getting out of weekend mode. :blush:

    I think I will just keep doing what I can do on the step challenge. It still is alot more than what I was doing a month ago, and that's what is important, right?

    Yesterday's goals:
    1. Track food: Started strong, but somewhere along the line I quit.
    2. Hydrate. Yes
    3. Stay under calories for the day: I doubt it! We had easy chicken Alfredo for supper and I didn't skiml on my portion!
    4. Core workout: yes

    Today's plan:

    1. Core workout video
    2. Morning Routine
    3. Rest for 30 minutes
    3. Lunch for hubby
    4. Rest for 30 minutes
    5. Sew!!!!
    6. Make supper

    Today is the day. I plan to finish sewing the dress I'm sewing for a friend of mine.

    The rest of this week I want to spend finishing my started projects. It's my nature to start things and be enthused but eventually I leave it undone. Why? I've been listening to a book on the birth order and apparently that's a first born trait. I'm actually a last born but maybe a functional nfirat born or only child since my closest sibling is & years older than I. Hopefully I can learn something to help my own poor habits.

    Health goals for today:

    1. Track food. All day long this time.
    2. Hydrate.
    3. Stay under calories for the day.
    4. Core workout
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Kres567 wrote: »
    cesse47 wrote: »
    Weigh In Day

    SW 308.6
    LW 305.4
    CW 300.2

    diff = 5.2 YEA!! :)

    Amazing!! You are doing something so right
    Weigh in gharvey2753
    Previous 165.2 IBS
    Current 167.6 IBS

    Have walked a lot the last couple of days over 20,000 steps and 17,000 steps. Been eating and drinking a lot though so contributing to gain. Finding it difficult to eat healthy in lockdown and not drink.

    It’s so challenging. I’m finding it hard to focus on me during the day. Trying to make sure the kids are happy and staying active and forgetting about me.

    Still waiting on April week 2 steps for:

    @Lindamtuck2018 - Saturday
    @ddk125 - Saturday
    @Murphyi150 - Monday - Saturday (daily please 😌)
    @Kres567 - Sunday, Thursday - Saturday
    @Kguin0323 - Sunday - Saturday

    April 12-3960
    April 13-8537

    Oops sorry can I get your Friday steps as well please ? Sorry 😐
  • dness1203
    dness1203 Posts: 33 Member
    This weeks weight
    Last week 305.1
    Current 304.4
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,407 Member
    dness1203 wrote: »
    This weeks weight
    Last week 305.1
    Current 304.4

    Awesome! So happy for you!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Tuesday check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 65 minute walk
    Water: success

    Steps 4/14 10,903

    I have to drink a ton of water today. I made a casserole with rice last night. I was silly and used a lot of soy sauce on mine. It didn’t need it as it had lots of flavour. My weight jumped almost 3 pounds this morning. I got the 4.5 km walk in yesterday so I am going to try for 5km today.

    Today’s goals
    1. Drink at least 10 cups of water
    2. Walk 5km
    3. Walk 10,500 steps for challenge
    4. Stay within calorie goal
    5. Tai chi
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    I was silly and used a lot of soy sauce on mine. It didn’t need it as it had lots of flavour. My weight jumped almost 3 pounds this morning.

    It's amazing how one small thing can derail the day isn't it? I know you'll turn it around. Looks like you have a good plan in place to do so!! :)
  • ddk125
    ddk125 Posts: 32 Member
    I had a huge thing typed out and then hit done instead of post! :disappointed:

    Steps: 9048
    Past weight: 183.6
    Current weight 185.2

    We had take out for supper last night and I'm thinking it messed with my weigh-in. I seldom eat takeout, and certainly not the amounts of simple carbs I consumed last night. I'll was comfort eating after receiving some emotional news.

    Yesterday was pretty a much failure as far as health goals go. But I'm getting my energy back! My doctor currently has me on progesterone every day of the month. I think it's not the right dosage for the follicular phase of my cycle. I had about a week and a half that I was really low again. Buut I'm up and running now. (Or at least I was yesterday.)

    I finished sewing the dress for my friend, got it packaged up and in a drop box. :smile:

    Spent time sifting through a whole bunch of old papers. And shredding and throwing them away. How liberating it can be to get rid of some of that old stuff!

    I did save one dear little diary from 8 year old me. I just love the entries like the one at Christmas time that says 'Today we played and got very fat!'. :lol:

    Then in the late afternoon I got the wild urge to rearrange our bedroom. We have this massive bedroom, so there are many options. I moved all the furniture around in there, and tidied and moved decor around and suddenly it feels like a luxerious B&B in our bedroom. I'm so pleased with it. :blush:

    I still want to finish up more unfinished projects this week. A huge important one is to finish switching around which room is sewing/craft room and which room is office. Each room has a big heavy desk in them that I'm not moving, so there will be lots of little stuff to move. That should help get steps in :grin:

    I'm hoping to work on that today. Today is supposed to be my rest day from exercise.
    However it may be a complete rest day if it needs to. I didn't have a good night last night. Didn't sleep until after 3am. Not sure why that was. Did drink tea in the evening. Maybe too much caffeine?! :

    Today's health goals:
    Log food.
    Stay under calories.
    Hit post reply instead of done when I get done typing this. :wink:
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Good morning team! I’m so sorry I haven’t been active this past week. I’ve been feeling a bit off health wise and started feeling very bad a couple of days ago with pressure and pain in my lower abdomen and then I realized I may have a UTI after a couple of new symptoms occurred. I Skyped with my doctor 2 nights ago and he prescribed a one time dose antibiotic which I am happy to say has cleared up all my symptoms. I had stopped jogging due to pressure in my lower abdomen but was still walking my 5k’s each morning and this morning I was able to do walk/run intervals. I’ll get back to my runs soon enough.

    I will post last weeks step results in a few and try to catch up with some of your posts over the last week. Again sorry for disappearing 😘
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member


    @mari_moulin - 103,288 steps
    @lindamtuck2018 - 59,226 steps
    @19shmoo69 - 57,811 steps

    Great stepping all!
This discussion has been closed.