WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    jguldi11 wrote: »
    I had also jog in place and around the house to get my steps in! haha I'm sure it looks silly but oh well!
    We specialize in looking silly if it means we get it done! Good for you.
    jguldi11 wrote: »
    I've been very hungry again this week. I don't think it's stress related, it's not really a craving issue, just feeling stomach rumbling hunger. Went over calorie goal a couole days. Still have a deficit overall for the week but it could be better.
    Other than drinking water/tea or chewing gum, what do you to fight off hunger?
    This is one of those things you have to experiment with. First of all, I find chewing gum makes it worse! Water helps, but I find eating a lot of foods that are "low density" has made a difference. That is low caloric density - in other words, you get to eat a large quantity, but there are not that many calories, and plenty of fibre. Peanut butter is high density, most vegetables are low. You can really stuff yourself on a skillet full of vegetables, sautéed with whatever flavours you like, or a big salad with a not-too-oily dressing. I eat an entire skillet full of food for dinner every night (all for me!) - lots and lots of vegetables with a reasonable single serving of protein (usually fish or beans, but any will do). The fullness from all those vegetables lasts for quite a long time. During the day, maybe spread your calories out more so that you can have a snack between meals. I never used to do this, but the hunger got to be too much once I had lost a good bit of weight, and now I am sure to plan in a snack. Slice an apple and smear some almond or sunflower butter on it (2-3 teaspoons packs good flavour). The healthy fat kills the hunger for a good while. Or eat a whole grapefruit, peeled and sectioned if you're craving something sweet.

    I'm sure others have suggestions too - constant hunger is a big drag! For me, high volume helps. Good fats help, as long as it doesn't go too far. Looking at your food diary, I would say you get plenty of protein, but perhaps you could cut down on high fat proteins (cheese, higher fat meats), maybe reduce bread a bit, and pile on the veg. See if it helps!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    PW 154.6
    CW 156

    I am at a loss of words. I KNOW I didn't eat an extra 5250 calories.

    Blame it on water. Everyone does :wink: Seriously, fluctuations of a couple of pounds happen. A lot. Sometimes in the same day. Keep an eye on the accuracy of your diary, and it'll straighten itself out!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Hello everyone, I am finally back online and I've truly missed logging in here. I'm not looking forward to my weigh in on Saturday; I can almost guarantee I've gained. I also had labs done today and my cholesterol is really bad at 221. Starting Saturday I am going to eliminate a few ingredients out of my diet. Tomorrow however, I am making a vegan version of biscuits and gravy for my daughter and myself. :) Thankfully, the recipe makes a very small batch. I guess it will be my send off and if it is good maybe, I will be able to adjust it to my new way of eating. I hope everyone is doing well. :)

    Good to see you back! And determined. It is tough getting those bad numbers, but they help get us started at least. Check out fun things like DASH diet and Mediterranean cookbooks - some inspiration!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy Do you have a nice local bookstore near you? We just have a Barnes and Nobel 20min away. I order from Amazon, but I love the idea of a local bookstore, especially if it has a little coffee shop.

    @jugar my dog loves to dig up new plants. I replant them, and they are usually ok. I hope yours are! Before we got this dog, we had older dogs that rarely left the house. We had tons of bunnies and they would eat EVERYTHING.

    @Conleywoods Chocolate is my downfall so I don't buy it. I always hide o my kids don't get it but I still manage to eat a bag (I like dark ghirardelli) in a few days. I buy it once a year.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    jguldi11 wrote: »
    Other than drinking water/tea or chewing gum, what do you to fight off hunger?

    Cucumbers/pickles. You can eat 60 grams for 9 calories, which means I don't even bother weighing mine anymore. I have baggies of sliced cucumber and giant jars of pickles in the fridge to munch on.

    Sometimes that hunger is just low sodium I find and I just need something salty.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy Do you have a nice local bookstore near you? We just have a Barnes and Nobel 20min away. I order from Amazon, but I love the idea of a local bookstore, especially if it has a little coffee shop.

    We have tons of local bookstores, some with coffee shops, we have one in a warehouse, that is huge called Book Thing, it's a used bookstore, but it's completely free... kinda like a library but you don't have to return them.. although most people donate as many as the take.. so it's more of an exchange.. We have another that is attached to a bar, then quite a few that are in old homes, and are just packed from top to bottom with books and you have to squeeze through, and they just smell so bookey, and they have an older owner who is always there, and they know exactly where the book is you want, and I have no clue how they keep track.. I like those ones the best... When I was little my library was like that it was a tiny little house and every room was packed to the gills, and it had that smell... I guess living in a more urban area, we get that luxury of lots of little bookstores...

  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    jguldi11 wrote: »
    Other than drinking water/tea or chewing gum, what do you to fight off hunger?
    I'll add celery to all the other veggie type recommendations. Also if you are feeling snacky, air-popped popcorn is pretty filling.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Being hungry is the worst. When you loose weight your body releases a hormone that actually makes you hungrier. Boo, right? Lots of good tips and definitely eat lots of vegetables and make sure you are drinking lots of water. Adequate protein can be a factor too. Maybe experiment with spreading your calories out during the day or maybe more snacking early in the day and a bigger more satisfying dinner. I know if I get busy and don't eat until afternoon I can get crazy hungry and it's really hard to feel satisfied. It just gets out of control. Good luck!
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 853 Member
    Since we pay taxes, I'm all for free books. The library is the way to go - books, movies, music, & even oddities like cake pans, tools, & musical instruments. Physical or digital, it's all free. 😉 Plus, the staff should be knowledgeable, friendly, & go out of their way to serve.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Whew! What a day. I did a lot of heavy garden work today - repairing damage from the raccoons or whatever is digging up our berries (not dogs - we have none, and there are no neighbours anywhere really close...), putting loads of compost on the next rows to plant in the garden, putting down shavings as mulch, watering, etc. etc. And after a GREAT day for steps and exercise burn, my friend wanted to go for a walk, so we did. Most steps in one day since I started counting! 21,814 so far, and maybe a few more to go before bed.

    I'm hoping everyone is doing OK - and that your weather is as beautiful as it is here right now.

    HEADS UP for Saturday!

    And NAGGING for Friday and earlier people:

    Thanks! After this, we are heading into the final week for MAY. How on earth did THAT happen???
  • unevano
    unevano Posts: 30 Member
    Working on goals for this week and it has been going pretty good. I have been able to get out and get a few hours of physical labor for 3 days in a row cutting up an old fiberglass greenhouse that collapsed under the weight of a big snow fall. Lots of great exercise. My goal for this week was to get out 3 times this week for 2 hours so I have met this goal for this week
    Still have not been able to flip my sleeping schedule so far. This habit is an established habit spanning decades so it may take a little longer for me to achieve than I thought. I am wondering if I want to really flip my sleeping schedule after all.
    I am in a solid state of ketosis now. Yeah! I finally got there yesterday. That was difficult for me this time but it is so worth it. My GKI number today was 3.63 which means I am in moderate ketosis which is perfect for weight loss. Everything becomes so much easier when my body turns to burning fat for fuel rather than glucose which is what happens when I am in ketosis. After getting into ketosis, I don't experience much hunger anymore and I have more control of what I eat and when I eat. The biggest advantage for me for achieving ketosis is it helps me to stay away from snacking. Being in ketosis helps me my sweets addiction including all of the ice cream I couldn't stay away from. Also helps me stay away from the dreaded potato chips and nacho chips which I have a habit of snacking on all of the time. I still need to be cautious because until I establish the habits that will keep me in the state of ketosis (It will probably take a few weeks or so) I am subject to easily going back to my old habits that put all of this weight on in the first place. For the next 3 weeks I must be especially in touch with my sub-conscious thru self directed meditation so I am able to stay on track.
    I have been tracking my food and exercise in myfitnesspal and keeping a daily journal which really helps. It is so easy to go back to old habits if I don't do this daily. It also helps identify exactly where I went wrong if my weight starts to go up rather than down. Little things I normally don't even think about when I am not keeping a journal become obvious when keeping a journal of everything I put into my mouth.
    I am exactly on track to reach my weight weigh-in goal of 222 this coming Monday. Presently my weight is 223 lbs., down from 225.5 lbs last Monday.
    I have been doing the 15 minutes of self directed meditation 2x a day also. My goal was to do it once a day for 15 minutes so I exceeded my goal. Yeah! That is pretty important to me. The subconscious is such a magnificent tool when I can get it to work for me rather than against me. Meditations with a purpose in mind using Visualization, Extreme emotional scenarios, replacing dis-empowering programming with empowering programming, authoring self talk scripts that my subconscious will accept is what I am working on now.
    My bio-metrics are looking much better than they were on my last Monday's weigh-in. Glucose is down from 110 to 85 today. Ketones are now 1.3. Last Monday ketones were .3. My GKI is now 3.63 down from 20.37 on Monday Blood pressure is 125/65 pulse 58 down from 125/65 pulse 62 on Monday.
    Have a good weekend.....
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    I set up a few tiny goals for the week and didn’t meet them. I am going to reconsider for next week and then post them here for accountability...
    PW: 164.2
    CW: 164.0
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Pw = 174.6
    Cw = 174

    Steps = 10,877

    I had chips and guac last night, and although it fit, I know it also causes me to hold water, so Im good with that little loss, even after working my butt off getting those 10k steps every day this week... my fitbit starts the week on monday, so in 5 days i have 60k steps already, my average used to be around 30k, when I was trying still under 50k, so yay me !

    Okay, I am off to exercise, then hopefully, maybe buy a new car today... oh and canoeing later... they said we would have rain and thunder storms till late this morning, but its a beautiful sun shiny day instead...

    Have a great day!!!
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