WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    Username: reflectionofme
    Weigh in day: Monday

    PW: 122.9
    CW: 123
  • unevano
    unevano Posts: 30 Member
    Username: unevano
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 225.5 lbs.
    CW: 224 lbs.

    I thought I was going to have a great week this week because on Thursday I weighed in at 222. I think at that point I decided I was doing good so I didn't need to be so strict and I had a couple meals where I stuffed myself with less than Keto friendly foods. Unfortunately those 2 meals have delayed my progress a week or more from where I would have been if I didn't do that. I need to file this emotion of regret into my subconscious so that next time I want to "celebrate" with food, I will remember this week in full emotional detail and that should be enough to make the right food choice next time. On the plus side I am happy I lost 1.5 lbs. but my goal was missed by 2 pounds. I also experimented with eliminating dairy out of my diet which actually made me feel really good. I tried cheese again yesterday on top of some almond crackers I baked for the first time and had cream cheese with celery. I woke up this morning with a headache and runny nose and sneezing. Just a coincidence? Maybe. Further experiments will be needed for me to know.

    Here are my current Bio-metrics.
    Weight 224
    Blood pressure 126/70/ pulse 57 (I always take my blood pressure 4 times and use the average)
    Glucose 99 (I am very happy about this because last week it was 110 which is a pre-diabetic reading.)
    Ketones 1.1 (happy with this being above 1.0. Last week it was only .3)
    Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) 5.0 (I am in moderate ketosis which is good for weight loss)

    Previous stats.
    age - 66
    weight 225.5
    blood pressure 125/68 pulse 62
    glucose - 110
    ketones .3
    glucose ketone index (GKI) - 20.37 (not in ketosis)

    age - 65
    weight 225.5
    Blood Pressure 128/65 pulse 55
    blood glucose 99
    ketone level 1.0
    GKI 5.5 in ketosis

    April 25th when my weight was 234.5:
    Blood pressure avg 144/72 pulse 68 (Average of 4 readings)
    Glucose 102
    ketone level was below .1
    GKI - >56.67 not in ketosis

    This weeks goals from 5am on 5/25/2020 to 5am on 6/1/2020
    1) Keep my GKI number in the range of 1-5
    2) My weight goals: 220
    3) Eating Goal - Track my calories, fats, total carbs, protein, fiber, trans-fats. Figure net carbs per day.
    4) My water intake to be 64 fl. oz. or more.
    5) Exercise goals: work hard in the yard to where I am breathing hard, sweating and having to take a rest periodically to catch my breath so to speak. Do this at least 3 times this week for a duration of about 2 hours or longer.
    6) Directed Meditation for 15 minutes 2 times per day or longer.
    7) Celebrate my wins with activities that I love doing rather than food.
    8) Learn how to make fat bombs and make at least 1 batch this week.
    9) Learn to make keto crackers and make at least 1 batch this week.

    Scoring my goals from last week 0-7 (0 being not done at all thru 7 being perfect)

    Goals for I set for myself from 5am on 5/18/2020 to 5am on 5/25/2020
    **3** 1) Stay in ketosis. Plan going forward for this week: To cut back on the amount of net carbohydrates I am eating and be consistent for the whole week. Net carbs per day <30 grams
    **0** 2) My weight goals: I missed my goal to weighing 224 lbs. today by 1.5 lbs. Next Monday my goal weight is 222 lbs. I would like to keep my GKI number in the range of 1-9.
    **3** 3) Eating Goal - Track my calories, fats, total carbs, protein, fiber, trans-fats. Figure net carbs per day. My Net carbs per day to be 25 grams or less. My calories to be 2500 calories or less. My water intake to be 4 cups or more.
    **7** 4) Exercise goals: work hard in the yard to where I am breathing hard, sweating and having to take a rest periodically to catch my breath so to speak. Do this at least 3 times this week for a duration of about 2 hours or longer. Weather is predicted to be nice so no excuses.
    **0** 5) Sleeping goals: re-adjust my sleeping schedule from sleeping during daylight hours to sleeping 4 or more hours during the night and waking up at 5am. My goal is to have at least 2 nights this week where I do this.
    **7** 6) Directed Meditation for 15 minutes per day or longer.
    Score for all goals this week combined **3**
    Must do better this week!

    My longer term goals haven't changed.
    1) Weight goal for Monday, January 18, 2021 is to weigh 154 pounds.
    2) Sleeping goal - By June 18, 2020 I wake up each day at 5 am after getting at least 4 hours of sleep feeling refreshed, excited to experience the coming day, and with a definite purpose to fulfill.
    3) By June 18th, 2020 I get 30 minutes of strenuous activity as defined in #4 of this weeks goal.
    4) By June 18th, 2020 I do directed meditation at least 2 times per day for 15 minutes or longer.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Wow! After some quiet days, you have all given me a lot to catch up on!

    I am good and worn out after putting out ALL of my plants into the garden today. We are having a really hot week, so the soil is nice and warm from all the sun. It was time! I won't miss carrying all those plants in at night and back out in the morning as I have been during the past week or so to harden them off. And I am sorry to hear about all the rain down South :grimace: We are so dry I have to water the gardens a lot or nothing will come up. Rain might be coming on Friday...

    Amazing step report @micki48! Thanks! I hope I have kept up with everyone's exercise minutes. You are remembering to post your exercise minutes, right? If you're on the team, both steps and other exercise count, so make sure you report them and I'll try to make sure I post them on the spreadsheet. I'll bet @Steph1498 is going to whip us all with her steps from yesterday! It will be a tough number to beat.

    @conleywoods and other dessert fans - it is hard to change the dessert thing. What works for me is sorbet. I have an inexpensive ice cream maker (the kind where you freeze the bowl, and then the electric motor stirs the mixture around - no ice and salt or hand cranking!). I just use fruit and a simple syrup when needed, and whatever herbs, grated lime or lemon peel, etc. that seems good. There is zero fat, not too much sugar, but it sure keeps the ice cream monster in me happy. Now that I have stopped eating ice cream altogether, I don't want it anymore at all, as long as there is some sorbet around. Mango, strawberries, cranberries, rhubarb, currants, pears, just about anything. Throw it in the blender then in the machine, and you have it. Other fave more or less healthy things are apple slices with almond butter (or sunflower butter). My kids always loved those too.

    @Terytha I hope your tum feels better soon! Keep on walking - and these 2 weeks will fly by.
  • MoStacy
    MoStacy Posts: 98 Member
    SW- 192.4 (5/4)
    LW- 189.4 (5/18)
    CW- 189.2 (5/25)

    Need to increase exercise activity (have been back on the bike, feels great), less whoops eating (obviously).

    On a side note; now that we are getting back in the office, can I share how much the Table of Torture is making me twitch?! The Table of Torture being that area where there is a cornucopia of doughnuts, cakes, cookies on a daily basis, YIKES!!! I have not caved, yet, but man. And while I’m at it, why can’t we keep these temptations in the kitchen and out of the common area? Soooo hard.
  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    Decided to thin out a dogwood and then noticed how shabby the juniper next to it was looking. So I tackled it as well which turned out to be a much bigger job than I had time! Sadly it is all waiting for me for tomorrow...
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Well that weekend went by entirely too fast...

    Did some canoeing, did some kayaking, scrubbed my tent, then waterproofed it, sorted through all of my camping gear and got rid of the extra stuff.. Still haven't' found my nice hammock, or other Bluetooth speaker..

    3 Day work week, then 4 day weekend for me :) We leave friday morning for the mountains, so I will have to do my weigh in on Friday instead of Saturday, because cell service there is really spotty, and I won't have a scale, so yeahhhh...

    So I took yesterday as my day off, and I did not exercise this morning, My back was killing me, I'm not sure what I did but it is super irritated, so I have my tens unit on it, and it's working well, so hopefully I can make it up after work, if not, I will get as close as possible...

    My steps for 5/25 = 5506

    Won't be having a 10k day everyday week, this week, but I am going to shoot to beat the total steps, since I have a 5 mile and a 8 mile walk planned, plus all the walking done with camping anyway...

    My stats for last week were pretty good, I got a total of 80,622 steps - 521 active minutes - I think that would be my best week ever..

    Okay have a great day !

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    Our weekly no weigh-ins day, and everyone is all caught up so far. If you have a minute, reflect on your month of May. What flowers bloomed for you? What weeds are you having to pull? What are your plans for a beautiful June?

    I have enjoyed the later part of May the most - getting outside so much more, and soaking up the rays. It feels wonderful, in spite of the countless black fly and now mosquito bites. Intake has been good, with a couple of days off, and exercise is not looking like it used to, but it is working! I do less workout and more work outside, and that is good. The weeds? I get too silent. I need more interaction in my diet, even when I don't feel like it. Being inside the bubble is a bit of a trap - it is easy, feels fine, but is not very nourishing. More music, more talk - :smiley: So for June, I will keep up the usual tracking, moving, and add more humaning.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    grrrrrrr.....lost my comment....forgot I couldn't go back in the thread to look...well, more later on today then...sorry steps from last week are so late....I now know how to get the screenshot from fitbit on here. 1dt4lwrr41he.jpg
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 853 Member
    @jugar This week begins my new schedule, so would you please make Friday my weigh in day?

    This week will assuredly be a gain because I won't have enough time to lose the 5 pounds I gained after my 2 free days. ;)
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 550 Member
    Sunday steps: 7,440
    Monday: 7,000
    Tuesday: 8,200

    Things are amazing. My spouse admitted that they need to lose weight and we started walking after each meal. Wow! Support to eat better and exercise, too. Hurrah!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good evening - or whatever time it is where you are.

    @deniners2 - I'll move you to Friday for June, since you have already weighed in for this week (week 4 of May). But please post your weight on Friday anyhow, and I'll use that as your starting weight for June. Then you'll just go on Fridays from then on. Thanks!

    @Terytha - I hope my sister's ideas help! @evelynladams527 is usually good at figuring out these things. It sure sounds like something is askew, and I hope you get it turned around soon :heart:

    @evelynladams527 - great news! walking after the meals, and working on making the meals lighter is so much easier together than alone. And look at the steps! Keep 'em coming!

    It was so HOT today I didn't get as many steps as lately and it was a kind of slo-mo day. I also succumbed to temptation and had some cookies. Damn, they were good. But too many... I had a picnic with a friend, and she handed over a bag of them as she was leaving. Homemade, and they seriously pushed the "keep eating" button. Thanks, I think?

    Wednesday weigh-ins! The last of May. :smiley:

  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member
    Ugh so I had this whole post typed out and I hit the “done” button instead of “post reply” soooo I lost the whole things. I haven’t posted here in a few days so I just wanted to check in and tell you about my goods and bads so far this month. First I set 2 goals for myself for the month of May 1) do 60 miles walk,jog,run, crawl. It didn’t matter as long as I did them... as of right now I have 9.3 more miles to go!!! 2) was go the full month with NO sweets 🍫 🍨, today is the 26th sooo I have 5 more days and so far not a single sweet!! That has definitely been the biggest struggle. Sweets are MY addiction y’all! So those where my goods. My bads? Eh well I’d like to think I don’t have any but boy would my husband say I was lying lol. But so far the scale is a struggle, I feel like I’m doing so well, jogging pretty much daily, staying at my calorie goal and still the scale stays pretty steady. I’m in a deficit but still not really losing. My other thing isn’t really bad but I’d pike to be alittle more active here. So I think I’ll add posting here to my June goals!! Y’all are so supportive I truly do appreciate this whole community!!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,264 Member
    I honestly just don't know what is happening!!
    I'm falling so far behind and I just don't know why!! I start reading and get distracted...then 2 days have gone by...WHAT???

    I will try harder...that's about all I can do...

    I am returning to work June 5 - not looking forward to it...grrrrrrrrr
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    Happy Tuesday night. Almost over. I watched my sweet granddaughter today. She is so sweet and getting to have conversations with her now his so thrilling.

    I met my steps goal today. I’m currently at 8,577. I’m hoping I can do my Pilates again tomorrow. I logged all my food and was under goal. No specific exercise other than dancing with Juliet, jogging in place for 9 minutes, and following a 2 year old around.

    Hope to get more exercise minutes tomorrow.
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    Lunch was a huge ceasar salad with chopped up chicken and homemade cutouts. I love creamy salad dressing like ceasar. I always dilute my creamy dressing with water and red wine vinegar and whisk it up. It's like having double the dressing at half the calories and it spreads better.

    What a great idea for the salad dressing! I love caesar but never let myself have it. I'll have to try your tip!!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    If you have a minute, reflect on your month of May. What flowers bloomed for you? What weeds are you having to pull? What are your plans for a beautiful June?

    My May was not my best month. In fact, it’s been one of my worst. I began the month with a concussion and ended it with a fall. I am doing fine now, but it threw off my exercise, which I was doing very well with since the beginning of this year. I have gained each week and I’m up about 5 pounds (some days) from my lowest point (which was very fleeting).

    My creativity bloomed a bit with a new interest in playing with watercolors.

    I have a lot of weeds to pull. I need to log everything and keep my calories under goal. Get my exercise back on track. Change up my ice cream dessert for other more healthy things most days.

    My goal for a beautiful June is to have, at least, a 3 pound loss. I need to lose weight because it’s not moving. I know I’m fitter, but I need both. 🙏🏼😘

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