Looking for MenoFitnessPals

RockinMBC Posts: 48 Member
Hello everyone!

I’m in my 5th year of being post-menopausal and for my 55th birthday I was given an osteoporosis diagnosis. I’m fairly outspoken about my menopausal struggles in my feed and would love to have some MFP friends going through the same so we can share experiences. All are welcome.



  • beckyrpl
    beckyrpl Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, Melanie - feel free to 'friend' me - people aren't very active in this group, for some reason. I'm 53 and in my 3rd year of being post-menopausal. I'm sorry to hear about your osteoporosis diagnosis!
  • kylataff
    kylataff Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm 47 and in my 3rd year of post menopause too. Feel free to friend me also.

    The last year or two my weight has sky rocketed....put on 3 stone - have thankfully lost 2 st of that but the last one is proving stubborn. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Hi- I'm there too. I've lost & gained easily in the last but was mortified when following a plan the weight was creeping on. Thus coincided with 4 periods a year- 1st year of peri. I'm now into 3rd & keep thinking - are we nearly there yet?
    Been advised to up soya in my diet for phytooestrogens & isoflavines- reduced hot fushes & night sweats but not totally gone. Meanwhile struggling to loose weight- hence I'm here.
  • brookstonia
    brookstonia Posts: 1 Member
    Hi i'm new to fitness pal and am in menopause with weight gain of 20 plus pounds in one year :o

    I need help designing my macros for weight loss.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi feel free to add me. I started meno a year ago
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    I had a total hysterectomy 3 years ago. I'm 51 and I really, really hate hot flashes! Feel free to add me, if you like.
  • ro175
    ro175 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, 46 years old and perimenopausal. feel free to add me
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Feel free to add me too (anyone).
    I'll be 51 next month and just started with hot flushes, which are really annoying, but I also scared myself silly after reading reports about gaining weight. I've lost 70lb in 3 years and to be an "ideal" weight I really need to lose the same again so the last thing I need is putting some back on :/
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    51 and still perimenopausal Given that my family runs late I am in for another 5 years :-(
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Oh noooo

  • elizabethkash
    elizabethkash Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I’m 53 and peri but now without a period for 10 months straight. Using first Noom and now MFP, I’ve been able to lose almost 60 pounds. Just saying, I am so relieved to have lost during this annoying, hot flashy time of life. Good to meet other women dealing with this stuff!!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm suffering menopause along with you! We are already mfp friends, and I just turned 54. Menopause sucks.
  • webersusan558
    webersusan558 Posts: 14 Member
    Had a full hysterectomy Nov 2019. I am now having difficulty losing weight, but I have not been 100% into MFP either. So two days ago I recommitted to doing this right and Cheers to a new beginning. If anyone is going through the same, please add me as a friend and let's do this together.
  • whitless3
    whitless3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'll be 49 this Saturday and have gained 20 lbs since June and it was so unexpected. Especially, after losing 100 lbs and keeping it off for almost 2 years and I still workout regularly and track all my food. But now I feel as if I have PMS that never ends. My doctor said I'll be 60 before I could stop having a period since I'm so regular but the food cravings, weight gain, anxiety, joint/muscle pain, cold then hot, itchy skin, etc is horrible. I know it's perimenopause but thinking I might have to live like this for 10 more years is depressing to say the least. Its so comforting to know I'm not alone.
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I am heading into year 48 and have likely in perimenopause almost 2 years ... with this past year really feeling it. The good news is that experimenting with natural supplements, I have found a good combo (for now) that works for my night sweats and hot flashes. The bad news is that inflammation weight is terrible. I gained almost 20 pounds of inflammation in a month and a half, and that is with exercise, logging my food and staying under my calorie goal. Then I would have a period after 3 months and drop about 7 pounds of weight literally overnight with a few more trickling off. Then the cycle repeats as the inflammation weight slowing latches back on! I have three sizes of pants right now in my closet because I just don't know what each day will bring. I can't even wear my wedding ring much anymore! If I dwell on things too much, it will just tick me off (I have harsher words in my head right now!)
  • tfoxymama1965
    tfoxymama1965 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all -

    New here and in my 3rd year of menopause as a result of surgery for endometrial cancer. It’s 3 years and I’m happy to still be here. But there’s got to be more. Would enjoy some new friends on this journey.
  • Bchaff1
    Bchaff1 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I will be 53 in April Menopause 4 years... up until this past year I really didn't have too many symptoms. This past year has been just awful, hot flashes, night sweats, horrible sleeping, no memory and significant weight gain. I am just miserable. Hoping for some people that understand... started high protein diet 2 weeks and have lost 7lbs so thats ok :smiley
  • megan9567
    megan9567 Posts: 157 Member
    I am 55. I am officially one year post menopausal. I have not only gained weight on my belly area but I am noticing a lot of muscle loss and bone loss. I am not on HRT. I never exercised and had a teenager body due to genetic and fabulous metabolism. I went from having the same weight for 39 years (except when I was pregnant which I lost within two weeks with doing nothing) to gaining 20 pounds in a year. My goal is to get back into shape.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Anyone post menopause tried Keto? I'm 61 and the struggle is real. So frustrating 😣 but I refuse to give up.
  • Beckett3000
    Beckett3000 Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone post menopause tried Keto? I'm 61 and the struggle is real. So frustrating 😣 but I refuse to give up.

    I did keto about 2 years ago for reasons unrelated to hormonal changes though I was certainly experiencing peri. I found that my night sweats disappeared, my mood was stable, and I dropped a ton of belly fat. Loved it.

    Of course, a family crisis took me off keto and I went back to eating poorly. My body went back to "normal" and hot flashes and night sweats returned right along with headaches and belly/ breast bloat. So I'm back on keto. I think that something like UltraMetabolism might be good, too, but for now I appreciate the rigid boundaries of keto to keep me on track.