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Don't Let the Bathroom Scale Get the Better of You



  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Today I am going to challenge each of you and myself to be grateful about having an uptick. It is just for today. You don't have to be happy about it tomorrow.

    I am grateful my body is a complex machine that has coping mechanisms that involve water retention. The extra water often helps with healing and progressing.

    If my uptick is food waste related I am glad I can eat a wide variety of food. When my body is done with some of it, it will weigh a little more than perhaps what I had a few days ago.

    I am grateful to realize that weight is a state of being not a number on the scale.

    I am grateful to be have my patience challenged so that I can meet that challenge and grow from it.

    I am grateful that I am aware of my weight now and taking steps to manage it the right way.

    I am grateful to have spare money to buy a scale.

    I do not HAVE to deal with weight fluctuations. I GET to deal with them.

    Add to my list, write your own, or call me an idiot.

    From one idiot to another :wink:

    I am grateful that my sense of self-worth is not tied to a number on the scale.

    I am grateful that my capacity to learn about being healthy includes weight management, improving sleep, enjoying activities, and engaging with others.

    I am grateful that I have the resources and opportunity to chose from a wide variety of foods in a bountiful and reliable supply.
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm grateful that my weight went up a pound today because I went out to dinner with my husband last night. We had a lovely time, but we ate later than normal, had more food than normal, likely had more salt than normal and I drank more water than normal. I'm grateful to have these not normal events happen because they make life special and strengthen relationships.

    I'm grateful to @NovusDies for being so insightful and wise, and making me look at things from a different perspective - not just with this post but so many others.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    A bit late to the party but I had an uptick due to a calf muscle injury and a girls night in, my injury is healing quickly and the girls night provided much needed stress relief. The scales may show a bigger number today but my clothes still fit, and they're still 3-4 sizes smaller than they were 2 years ago.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I've read the article at the beginning of this thread several times, but I find myself needing to go back again once in a while because what it says doesn't always stay in my head (definitely had to re-read it last week with the temp weight frustration!)

    I'd attempted to use my weekly average weight before as my weekly record weight, but slipped out of it pretty quickly as my natural impulse to record the lowest reading overcame my intentions, but I think I'm going to try it again, since I'm already stepping on the scale daily, anyway. Maybe this will help me establish the amount of weight I'm losing with the increase in activity and smooth out the water weight gains?

    Thursday morning, the scale read 267.6; this morning 261.9 - that looks like a 5.7 lb loss in 72 hours!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I've read the article at the beginning of this thread several times, but I find myself needing to go back again once in a while because what it says doesn't always stay in my head (definitely had to re-read it last week with the temp weight frustration!)

    I'd attempted to use my weekly average weight before as my weekly record weight, but slipped out of it pretty quickly as my natural impulse to record the lowest reading overcame my intentions, but I think I'm going to try it again, since I'm already stepping on the scale daily, anyway. Maybe this will help me establish the amount of weight I'm losing with the increase in activity and smooth out the water weight gains?

    Thursday morning, the scale read 267.6; this morning 261.9 - that looks like a 5.7 lb loss in 72 hours!

    I know some people use weekly averages. I don't see it. When I am trying to lose the only number I trust, unless I know I am dehydrated, is the lowest number. Time will flatten your fluctuations.

    In a 7 day period I may have zero, one, or sometimes two numbers that could be usable. The rest are noise. I record the noise, sometimes I try to make some sense out of it, but mostly it is random.

    Have you ever checked out one of those weight scale apps?
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited March 2020
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I've read the article at the beginning of this thread several times, but I find myself needing to go back again once in a while because what it says doesn't always stay in my head (definitely had to re-read it last week with the temp weight frustration!)

    I'd attempted to use my weekly average weight before as my weekly record weight, but slipped out of it pretty quickly as my natural impulse to record the lowest reading overcame my intentions, but I think I'm going to try it again, since I'm already stepping on the scale daily, anyway. Maybe this will help me establish the amount of weight I'm losing with the increase in activity and smooth out the water weight gains?

    Thursday morning, the scale read 267.6; this morning 261.9 - that looks like a 5.7 lb loss in 72 hours!

    I know some people use weekly averages. I don't see it. When I am trying to lose the only number I trust, unless I know I am dehydrated, is the lowest number. Time will flatten your fluctuations.

    In a 7 day period I may have zero, one, or sometimes two numbers that could be usable. The rest are noise. I record the noise, sometimes I try to make some sense out of it, but mostly it is random.

    Have you ever checked out one of those weight scale apps?

    I record once a week every Thursday as my compare day though I do step on the scale pretty much daily. I chose Thursday because I'm typically up on Mondays, and my lowest weight of the week is on Fridays, I so figure that recording on Thursday gives me 3 days to offload weekend excesses (obviously doesn't always work.....) but I have had weeks where Thursday will spike so I look like I've stalled out or gained when Friday or Saturday will be back down. I hate it when that happens.....The guy at physiconomics recommended the average thing, so I thought, what the hay, can't hurt to give it a try for a few weeks.

    I tried looking around for a few of them, but don't want to pay for it. Is there a good free one out there?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I've read the article at the beginning of this thread several times, but I find myself needing to go back again once in a while because what it says doesn't always stay in my head (definitely had to re-read it last week with the temp weight frustration!)

    I'd attempted to use my weekly average weight before as my weekly record weight, but slipped out of it pretty quickly as my natural impulse to record the lowest reading overcame my intentions, but I think I'm going to try it again, since I'm already stepping on the scale daily, anyway. Maybe this will help me establish the amount of weight I'm losing with the increase in activity and smooth out the water weight gains?

    Thursday morning, the scale read 267.6; this morning 261.9 - that looks like a 5.7 lb loss in 72 hours!

    I know some people use weekly averages. I don't see it. When I am trying to lose the only number I trust, unless I know I am dehydrated, is the lowest number. Time will flatten your fluctuations.

    In a 7 day period I may have zero, one, or sometimes two numbers that could be usable. The rest are noise. I record the noise, sometimes I try to make some sense out of it, but mostly it is random.

    Have you ever checked out one of those weight scale apps?

    I record once a week every Thursday as my compare day though I do step on the scale pretty much daily. I chose Thursday because I'm typically up on Mondays, and my lowest weight of the week is on Fridays, I so figure that recording on Thursday gives me 3 days to offload weekend excesses (obviously doesn't always work.....) but I have had weeks where Thursday will spike so I look like I've stalled out or gained when Friday or Saturday will be back down. I hate it when that happens.....The guy at physiconomics recommended the average thing, so I thought, what the hay, can't hurt to give it a try for a few weeks.

    I tried looking around for a few of them, but don't want to pay for it. Is there a good free one out there?

    I am for anything that helps and this seems like an experiment worth trying. I guess because I am accustomed trusting that I am losing weight even when the scale doesn't relay that information for sometimes weeks at a time I think more monthly than weekly.

    I am not aware of a free trending app. I tried a couple of them myself but none of them do for me what my spreadsheet does so I have not used one for more than a few weeks I suggest it because it does seem to help others.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    Happy Scale and Libra are the most recommended on the forums, I've used Happy Scale it's OK but quite basic.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Libra is apparently not available for apple, so I'll give Happy Scale a shot. I went ahead an entered my weights for the last 5 days. It gives what it calls a happy scale moving average; it seems to be a special exponential way of averaging and predicting weight as part of their smoothing algorithm. I'll have to see where that number is based on the actual average and weigh in and decide on Thursday which one I'll use as my reporting weight here for the week.
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for posting this one and making it so easily accessible! My bathroom scale hasn't been all that active in June, despite being able to feel physical changes and some of my clothes fitting differently. Normally this is when I'd throw in the towel but knowing more about the why helped me examine what I've been doing that could be causing water/waste retention, relax, and trust the process.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Good advice, I weigh daily but only record weekly. It goes up and down during the week but mostly down on weekly basis. I know they say to only weigh monthly if you have to weigh but I am just not there. lol But I also don't let it wreck my plan if it's not what I want to see.
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    I don't know who says only weigh monthly. To me that is a recipe for weight gain. I need the feedback. I just have learned to filter out the noise and see the trends. Technology helps a lot with that.
  • Ccricfo
    Ccricfo Posts: 156 Member
    I've started doing my weekly weigh in on Monday but I do a second check on Friday going into the weekend, which I do not record....it just tells me the trend for the week and allows me to correct.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited June 2020
    speyerj wrote: »
    I don't know who says only weigh monthly. To me that is a recipe for weight gain. I need the feedback. I just have learned to filter out the noise and see the trends. Technology helps a lot with that.

    There are "experts" who say you must weigh daily, others that say no more than weekly, some monthly, and some never. My non-expert opinion is to do what is comfortable and don't force yourself into doing something some expert says.

    If you need to break yourself of bad habits like weighing multiple times a day, overreacting to the results, or using it as your sole motivation it might be a good idea to weigh less often for a time. I had a pretty bad relationship with the scale that was improved by weighing less often. Now I am fine to do it daily.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    I agree @NovusDies. Do what is right for you as long as it is not harmful. @speyerj I don't know if a lot say Monthly but through the years I have heard it from many sources. They say focusing to much on the number is not healthy. I weigh once in the morning and once at night. I just like to see the numbers and how they fluctuate. I find it interesting that I can weigh 5 lbs heavier at night and then be 5 lbs down in the morning. I also find in interesting that sometimes after a treat meal I can be up as much as 10 lbs the next day but still lose weight for the week when I weigh in the following Friday. It does not affect my feelings or dictate staying on or going off plan I just like numbers. I guess that is why calorie counting is just second nature to me.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    howie6267 wrote: »
    I agree @NovusDies. Do what is right for you as long as it is not harmful. @speyerj I don't know if a lot say Monthly but through the years I have heard it from many sources. They say focusing to much on the number is not healthy. I weigh once in the morning and once at night. I just like to see the numbers and how they fluctuate. I find it interesting that I can weigh 5 lbs heavier at night and then be 5 lbs down in the morning. I also find in interesting that sometimes after a treat meal I can be up as much as 10 lbs the next day but still lose weight for the week when I weigh in the following Friday. It does not affect my feelings or dictate staying on or going off plan I just like numbers. I guess that is why calorie counting is just second nature to me.


    I have heard it from various sources over the years. I have heard to same about weekly, and daily. Very often they have studies that "prove" which is most often used by successful people.

    It is the definition of success that is always the problem. The sad truth is that I can watch the habits of 100 people as they try to lose weight for 4 to 6 months and during that trial and shortly thereafter most of them will fail to go the distance and many of those that do will regain. That is why so much of this group is focused on the mental aspects of losing weight not the methodology and mechanics. With the right mindset I can weigh myself daily, weekly, or monthly and/or I can alternate through multiple mainstream diets and still lose weight. Without the right mindset I am right back at risk of yo-yoing and all or nothing thinking. How often we weigh and, as long as we eat in a way that satiates, the food is the smallest part of the equation. Internet blogs, magazine covers, and weight loss "breakthroughs" make money keeping our focus on the incidentals.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Yes I agree with you and I do need to learn how to focus more on the mental aspect of it. Because I tend to go up and down. I have been to goal once in my adult life(53) and have been under 300 3 times in my adult life. I have also been above 400 4 times.