TEAM: Run Track Minds (July)



  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    AmyG1982 wrote: »

    Yeah, I’m struggling with exercise too! I was running in the mornings for a bit but to fit that in I need to do it at like 4am and that’s just brutal. I’m gonna try again starting Monday!

    Eeek. That IS brutal :s

  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    Daily Post Saturday
    Track: No
    Calories: :s
    Exercise: none
    Day: Busy
    Water: Not enough
    Snacking: :s

    Yesterday and today have been.... off.

    Tomorrow is a new day.

    Hope yall are having a blessed Saturday!
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Daily Post Saturday
    Track: No
    Calories: :s
    Exercise: none
    Day: Busy
    Water: Not enough
    Snacking: :s

    Yesterday and today have been.... off.

    Tomorrow is a new day.

    Hope yall are having a blessed Saturday!

    This pretty much sums up my yesterday too haha. We can both try again today :)
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Username: skullsandskeletons
    Week: July week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 176
    CW: 178

    I had a pretty good week overall. Last night I overate and had a lot of salt, which seems to be a pattern for Saturday dinners for me! The extra 2 pounds will probably disappear in a day or two. I seem to be on a plateau as my weight has been teetering between 175 and 178 for many weeks. I know if I cut my target calories down by 200 each day, I would likely break this plateau, but I guess I'm not willing to do that at the moment.
  • ouija28
    ouija28 Posts: 56 Member
    Daily Post... Sunday
    Tracked: so far yes and I only have like 274 calories left for the day/dinner
    Calories: going to stick to it.. I have roast chicken for dinner and then maybe cucumbers galore.
    Exercise: cleaning like crazy. Sweating it up. Moved couches. Cleaned the baseboards even.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WEEK 3 WINNER 1st - @AmyG1982. - 3.91%

    July Week 3 is now in the books!! Great job to all our winners!

    Who will take Week 4?! Time to buckle down and de-throne our Week 4 Winners!

    Below are the full results for Week 3.

    The Biggest Loser Is...
    1st - @AmyG1982. - 3.91%
    2nd - @GLouis4. - 2.69%
    3rd - @Jen_967. - 1.87%

    The TEAM Biggest Loser...
    1st - Gutbusters. - 0.81%
    2nd - Flab-U-Less. - 0.31%
    3rd - The Big Butt Theory. - 0.22%

    Top 3 Individual % by Team:

    The Big Butt Theory
    1st - @cmhubbard92. - 1.51%
    2nd - @thedestar. - 1.15%
    3rd - @murdog3t. - 0.90%

    The Slimsons
    1st - @Jen_967. - 1.87%
    2nd - @Bemybestby60. - 1.52%
    3rd - @AB0215. - 1.06%

    1st - @GLouis4. - 2.69%
    2nd - @linnykitten. - 1.40%
    3rd - @Matthewsfive. - 1.10%

    Run Track Minds
    1st - @AmyG1982. - 3.91%
    2nd - @ajdvegan. - 0.61%
    3rd - @CrystalEssex. - 0.00%

    1st - @DesertColibri. - 1.79%
    2nd - @Daloverlyme. - 0.94%
    3rd - @ells_runs. - 0.84%

    Individual Top 3 Pounds Lost
    1st - @AmyG1982. - 8.6 lbs.
    2nd - @GLouis4. - 4.4 lbs.
    3rd - @Jen_967. - 4.0 lbs.

    Overall Pounds Lost by Team
    The Big Butt Theory - 4.1 lbs.
    The Slimsons - 3.0 lbs.
    Gutbusters - 19.8 lbs.
    Run Track Minds - 4.0 lbs.
    Flab-U-Less - 8.3 lbs.

    Overall Total Lost: 39.2 lbs

    Week 3 Snapshot
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Username: skullsandskeletons
    Week: July week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 176
    CW: 178

    I had a pretty good week overall. Last night I overate and had a lot of salt, which seems to be a pattern for Saturday dinners for me! The extra 2 pounds will probably disappear in a day or two. I seem to be on a plateau as my weight has been teetering between 175 and 178 for many weeks. I know if I cut my target calories down by 200 each day, I would likely break this plateau, but I guess I'm not willing to do that at the moment.

    I do this every Friday that’s why my weigh in is Friday morning lol it should be the lowest weight for me in the week haha
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Sunday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under I think
    Exercise: no

    I think calories were under but hard to say. I made chicken ala king and relied on selecting a general category to estimate calories instead of entering every ingredient.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Daily Post Sunday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Just over
    Exercise: none really (scooter ride with my daughter and mowed the lawn lol)
    Day: pretty good day. Fighting some cravings but happy to say I haven’t given in.
    Water: 10/10
    Snacking: none!
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    Daily Post Sunday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Just over
    Exercise: none really (scooter ride with my daughter and mowed the lawn lol)
    Day: pretty good day. Fighting some cravings but happy to say I haven’t given in.
    Water: 10/10
    Snacking: none!

    Good job! Keep it up!
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    PW: 104.6
    CW: 106.8 (That's not shocking :s )

    Daily Post Sunday
    Track: No
    Calories: Probably under. I didn't eat anything incredibly horrible. I actually am proud of myself for being mindful even though I didn't officially track anything.
    Exercise: 15 mins cardio (unintentionally :p )
    Day: I had a paper to write so yesterday was a pretty sit down and do it kind of day. My mood and my emotions have been a bit of a train wreck and I've been craving DIET SODA LIKE CRAZY! I usually drink carbonated water, but it's just not cutting it.
    Water (goal 40 oz): 24 oz

    I was SO motivated from March-May. Then summer hit in Alaska and all the campfire/cook out food really blew me off track. How do you guys get the motivation back? I've gained 6 lbs! That's a lot on my 4'8 frame. (like 2 sizes!) I'm thankful for you guys keeping me accountable.
  • CrystalEssex
    CrystalEssex Posts: 184 Member
    AmyG1982 wrote: »

    This pretty much sums up my yesterday too haha. We can both try again today :)

    Today is a new day :D
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    PW: 104.6
    CW: 106.8 (That's not shocking :s )

    Daily Post Sunday
    Track: No
    Calories: Probably under. I didn't eat anything incredibly horrible. I actually am proud of myself for being mindful even though I didn't officially track anything.
    Exercise: 15 mins cardio (unintentionally :p )
    Day: I had a paper to write so yesterday was a pretty sit down and do it kind of day. My mood and my emotions have been a bit of a train wreck and I've been craving DIET SODA LIKE CRAZY! I usually drink carbonated water, but it's just not cutting it.
    Water (goal 40 oz): 24 oz

    I was SO motivated from March-May. Then summer hit in Alaska and all the campfire/cook out food really blew me off track. How do you guys get the motivation back? I've gained 6 lbs! That's a lot on my 4'8 frame. (like 2 sizes!) I'm thankful for you guys keeping me accountable.

    It’s so hard to get back on track, I feel you! Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? It’s not for everyone but I like it and it makes it easier for me to have like 2 large meals instead of 3 smaller ones -especially on a day where I want a big/special dinner. May be something to consider? Then you could save up your calories for your yummy cookout foods?
  • MamaSunflowers
    MamaSunflowers Posts: 231 Member
    edited July 2020
    Username: ajdvegan
    Week: July week 4
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 130.2b
    CW: 134lb

    God.. I am trying not to get too down about this but it's hard. I am due on my period, and was away celebrating at the weekend so I know it's not s 4lb gain of pure fat, but it is still very disappointing. Being honest with myself I know I haven't been completely on track as I should have been. I guess it should be the motivation to keep my focused more this week.

    I have 10 weeks until my wedding. I need to lose at least 8 more lb to feel comfortable in my dress. I haven't tried it on since Christmas, and won't have the opportunity to try it until I fly back home the day before the wedding!

    You would have thought this would be motivation enough to stay on track. I don't know what's going on with me.

    Onwards and upwards (or downwards as I hope the scale will go)
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    ajdvegan wrote: »
    Username: ajdvegan
    Week: July week 4
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 130.2b
    CW: 134lb

    God.. I am trying not to get too down about this but it's hard. I am due on my period, and was away celebrating at the weekend so I know it's not s 4lb gain of pure fat, but it is still very disappointing. Being honest with myself I know I haven't been completely on track as I should have been. I guess it should be the motivation to keep my focused more this week.

    I have 10 weeks until my wedding. I need to lose at least 8 more lb to feel comfortable in my dress. I haven't tried it on since Christmas, and won't have the opportunity to try it until I fly back home the day before the wedding!

    You would have thought this would be motivation enough to stay on track. I don't know what's going on with me.

    Onwards and upwards (or downwards as I hope the scale will go)

    You’ve got this! It’s a stressful time (wedding and covid! I can’t even imagine) so don’t be too hard on yourself. Can I ask how much weight you’ve lost? (Just curious lol)
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Monday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited July 2020
    Daily Post Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: morning jog
    Day: good day. Dinner was too delicious so I ate too much haha
    Water: 10/10
    Snacking: none!
  • MamaSunflowers
    MamaSunflowers Posts: 231 Member
    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    ajdvegan wrote: »
    Username: ajdvegan
    Week: July week 4
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 130.2b
    CW: 134lb

    God.. I am trying not to get too down about this but it's hard. I am due on my period, and was away celebrating at the weekend so I know it's not s 4lb gain of pure fat, but it is still very disappointing. Being honest with myself I know I haven't been completely on track as I should have been. I guess it should be the motivation to keep my focused more this week.

    I have 10 weeks until my wedding. I need to lose at least 8 more lb to feel comfortable in my dress. I haven't tried it on since Christmas, and won't have the opportunity to try it until I fly back home the day before the wedding!

    You would have thought this would be motivation enough to stay on track. I don't know what's going on with me.

    Onwards and upwards (or downwards as I hope the scale will go)

    You’ve got this! It’s a stressful time (wedding and covid! I can’t even imagine) so don’t be too hard on yourself. Can I ask how much weight you’ve lost? (Just curious lol)

    @AmyG1982 Thank you. This time I've been losing weight off and on for the past 2 years and have lost around 40lbs. I Which when I think of it like that is kinda crazy as I feel I still look the same as before!

    The problem is that my wedding dress is my mother's dress, and when it was made they didn't allow much extra material so it can't be altered. It fit me when I tried it before, but was s little too tight to feel comfortable or confident, and due to the covid situation I haven't been able to fly home again to try it. This makes me anxious - but not enough to stay disciplined all the time!

    I hope after this TOM I'll drop the water weight and feel like I'm back on the right track and that my goal is possible!
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    ajdvegan wrote: »
    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    ajdvegan wrote: »
    Username: ajdvegan
    Week: July week 4
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 130.2b
    CW: 134lb

    God.. I am trying not to get too down about this but it's hard. I am due on my period, and was away celebrating at the weekend so I know it's not s 4lb gain of pure fat, but it is still very disappointing. Being honest with myself I know I haven't been completely on track as I should have been. I guess it should be the motivation to keep my focused more this week.

    I have 10 weeks until my wedding. I need to lose at least 8 more lb to feel comfortable in my dress. I haven't tried it on since Christmas, and won't have the opportunity to try it until I fly back home the day before the wedding!

    You would have thought this would be motivation enough to stay on track. I don't know what's going on with me.

    Onwards and upwards (or downwards as I hope the scale will go)

    You’ve got this! It’s a stressful time (wedding and covid! I can’t even imagine) so don’t be too hard on yourself. Can I ask how much weight you’ve lost? (Just curious lol)

    @AmyG1982 Thank you. This time I've been losing weight off and on for the past 2 years and have lost around 40lbs. I Which when I think of it like that is kinda crazy as I feel I still look the same as before!

    The problem is that my wedding dress is my mother's dress, and when it was made they didn't allow much extra material so it can't be altered. It fit me when I tried it before, but was s little too tight to feel comfortable or confident, and due to the covid situation I haven't been able to fly home again to try it. This makes me anxious - but not enough to stay disciplined all the time!

    I hope after this TOM I'll drop the water weight and feel like I'm back on the right track and that my goal is possible!

    I know what you mean, I’ve lost 50 (sitting at 40 now cuz I gained some back 🙄) and I don’t really see a difference either (unless I look at old pics and then it’s like, “yikes!” lol). If there are any additional challenges (No going over calories, exercise every day, no junk food, etc) you’d like to try I’d be happy to do them with you! Maybe an accountability buddy would help haha
  • liveyenna
    liveyenna Posts: 104 Member
    Talking about challenges, does anyone else have a fitbit? I'd love to have some more friends for friendly competition and motivation.

    Daily post Tuesday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: below
    Exercise: 30min calisthenics & 50min walk