Menopause and Weight Gain



  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 359 Member
    I just began the low FODMAP diet before quarantine started. I've been on it for 6 weeks now and I've noticed some really great changes. My hunger has decreased significantly. My belly is a little flatter with decreased inflammation. Plus my struggling thyroid levels have corrected themselves.

  • DarleneT357
    DarleneT357 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I’m new to the group and just restarted MFP. My post-menopausal journey definitely involved gaining more than a few pounds! I am now at my heaviest weight ever! It’s depressing and frustrating! Losing weight now is definitely harder than any other time in my life but I want to make this work!!

    BTW If you wouldn’t mind adding me as a friend I would really appreciate the extra support!! :)
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,320 Member
    Menopause is rough! Feel free to add me I'm on every day :)
  • FloatR
    FloatR Posts: 19 Member
    Sent you a FR. I’m also new to the group. I started perimenopausing at 35 and was done by 42. I’m 54 now and been on HRT since age 46 when bone density results came back with osteopenia. I gained 30 pounds when I was in the thick of it (no pun intended). Used MFP to get on track and maintained for the most part. But fat storage is an interesting thing. I used to have it all on my butt. Now it just goes to my stomach. My butt is a lot smaller!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    FibroHiker wrote: »
    I just began the low FODMAP diet before quarantine started. I've been on it for 6 weeks now and I've noticed some really great changes. My hunger has decreased significantly. My belly is a little flatter with decreased inflammation. Plus my struggling thyroid levels have corrected themselves.

    What is the FODMAP diet?
  • asgentr
    asgentr Posts: 228 Member
    I am now in this boat. I am technically peri, but I've been without a period for almost 9 months. In that time I gained 10 lbs, plus an extra 5 or so during the first part of quarantine. I was overweight before that, so now I'm teetering on the edge of obese. The early part of last year I saw some success with OMAD, but when it stopped working after about 10lbs I grew discouraged and my window slipped to 5/6 hours. I stopped any effort to count calories because I was planning to jump back into OMAD. I would love to join one of the weight loss threads in the community, but I feel embarassed by my slow loss. I feel like people assume that I'm just not trying. I'd love to find a loss group of menopausal women with similar rates of loss. Does this exist here or elsewhere? It's llike weight loss in the slow lane.
  • SueMarWea74
    SueMarWea74 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm going to start walking to and from work, unless there's a good old fashioned midwest thunderstorm going on. I'm hoping that will help take care of the lethargy I feel, and the pain in every joint, all while burning some extra calories. I know I mainly need to focus on diet, which is a work in progress. I know the foods to eat, but it's a matter of getting those foods to my mouth, before the "other" foods make it there. I'm pretty sure I was told all this would happen when I got older, but I had that younger mindset of "it won't happen to me" :D
  • 5Katey
    5Katey Posts: 371 Member
    Having a horrible time with water weight retention. Will actually be up a lb on weigh-in day, then down 3 lbs the next, and up 1-2 lbs the following... So hard to track progress.....
  • mmi783
    mmi783 Posts: 13 Member
    5Katey wrote: »
    Having a horrible time with water weight retention. Will actually be up a lb on weigh-in day, then down 3 lbs the next, and up 1-2 lbs the following... So hard to track progress.....

    Oh so glad to hear that I'm not the only one with water retention :blush: I am the same I go up and down. I never know when to weigh myself. I find drinking green tea helps some, mind you I have to put a smidge of stevia in it. I'm not a tea drinker, but I don't want to go on medication.

    Hello to everyone, I'm new to this group i will be turning 44 in Sept. I've been an on again off again MFP user, I've gained 14-17 lbs (depending on the day) over the past 2 years which will not leave. Plus I had extra that was there before. Last year I worked back up to running a 5km which would always knock off the pounds. Alas it did nothing. I lost my drive for it. I've started walking (40mins first thing in morning) . Which has actually been nice, of course weather is helping too.
    I just had my 2nd carpal tunnel surgery last week, so my plan is once my hand has healed I will add some light weight exercise.
    Really glad to have found this group !
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    yep water retention seems to be the normal for me now too....gahhh
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Hi all, so glad to have found this group and this thread. I am 56; having lost weight and achieved my goal weight in 2014/15, I maintained for several years and then came acid reflux medication, a year wth a lot of conferences (hotel food :( ), and menopause (I was hungry all the time and quickly had a spare tyre). After Easter this year I binged on chocolate and was the highest weight I have ever been. I found videos to help me do more focused exercise (I was swimming before the pools shut) and began logging again here on mfp and am now losing again. What I am really noticing that I react differently to food now. Before menopause (last time I was laosing) I had to be careful of bread and pasta but otherwise it did not seem to matter too much what I ate (I cook a lot for myself and don't eat much processed food). Now I need to eat a lot fewer carbs generally, particularly in the evenings. And milk chocolate has a really drastic effect on my weight!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,887 Member
    edited July 2020
    Living The Lean Dream,

    I just had my 2nd carpal tunnel surgery last week, so my plan is once my hand has healed I will add some light weight exercise.
    Really glad to have found this group !

    Ouch, hope you heal up quickly. I have to watch everything I eat. And I mean everything. But I can eat. I just need to leave trigger foods alone. Sweets period. If I start on them I just can't seem to stop. :( the only thing I seem to be able to get away with if a small soft cone at Dairy Queen at the end of the day. And make sure there is nothing else in the house. :p

    charmmeth I felt hungry all the time also. Things that used to feel me up just didn't do it. I really found I have to cut the sweets and keep in a balanced calorie deficit otherwise. It is worth it though.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @zumbaforever you will be glad to have that surgery over.

    This group isn't overly active for participation, a lot of groups end up being like that but at least we see the notification if someone does post a reply.

    It really is the case that calories in has to be on point - I had in recent months upped my exercise but I found I was more hungry because of that so therefore eating more which meant I was just maintaining rather than losing the few pounds I was hoping to.
    I'm back to being more careful about my intake now and I do think that matters more than anything.

    Wishing your hand a speedy recovery.


  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Even if it is sporadic, this seems a really good group to have on mfp. A student at my university was doing focus groups of women going through menopause; it was such a relief to talk to other women and find out that I was not alone. I find it astonishing how little I was prepared for menopause.
  • angeloup50
    angeloup50 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, ladies! Nice to see a revival of interest in this group. I turn 54 next month and have been using MFP since February. I've lost 20 lbs since then (30 YTD because I started in Jan with a different plan) but mostly just working at maintaining for the past 2 months.

    Hormonal food cravings have always been an issue for me (hello, chocolate 💜) but it's really noticeable now, when I might go 3 or 4 months without a period and then really get whammied with cravings along with a cycle.

    I'm also short, so my long term weight loss goal is another 40 pounds, but right now I just need to figure out how to maintain without too much yo-yoing.

    Send me a friend request if you'd like!
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I am just so tired of working hard all the time, especially with my aches and pains, just to maintain where I am. I am hungry all the time so it is all I can do to just stay in maintenance. And actually, I set up MFP where if I "0" out on my calories, I should technically lose half a pound a week. Well, I usually leave some calories on the table, so to speak but do I lose weight? No ...

    At 48, I keep on injuring myself in small ways. My latest is turf toe after getting over weird knee issue (it feels like I have something floating under one of my knee cap and if it floats "wrong", well, I could potentially keep me off exercise for days.

    Basically, I am just sick and tired ...
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    I am so glad to see this group active again.

    Hello to everyone new.

    I've gained weight over 4 years perimenopause- celebrating full menopause but not my weight. Another 10lb in lockdown.

    Outdoor 1:1 Socially distanced Personal Training been allowed for about 2 months now so I got right back to it. Lost couple of lbs but still not fueling on enough protein & eating too much sugar. So got to grips with it last week with PT. Gyms opened on Sat. My husband's "weekend " is Sunday & Monday so with summer holiday away cancelled we're having Days out on his Mondays off- therefore I'm going to aim to train when he's at work.

    I need to be a dress size down by 1st Sept when we return to the physical classroom full time- can't afford another set of bigger clothes.

    How's everyone else doing?

    Totally agree with insulin & sugar thing- I absolutely crave sugar & choc.
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    rhtexasgal wrote: »
    I am just so tired of working hard all the time, especially with my aches and pains, just to maintain where I am. ... Basically, I am just sick and tired ...

    So sorry to hear this. It is a miserable time for some people. What exercise are you using? I am finding that I need more variety and less intensity to get weight to come off. Body Fit by Amy has some really good low intensity videos that I have been following. And I have been doing Scottish Ballet's beginner's barre for 55+. That has really strengthened my feet and legs which has helped a lot.
  • angeloup50
    angeloup50 Posts: 54 Member
    rhtexasgal wrote: »
    I am just so tired of working hard all the time, especially with my aches and pains, just to maintain where I am ...

    Rhtexasgal, I hear you. Give yourself some grace as our bodies are changing. Fortunately there are more components to health than just the numbers on the scale.