Awesome August

Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
Hi All... I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. I was busy with the house then I crashed after dinner. A little sore today but not bad. Going to spend the day at my desk trying to catch up some work. Plus laundry, set up my salads, cut up watermelon, make salad dressing. And treadmill.

Magic, I think Merry Maids would probably be fine. I'm sure they have protocols in place like wearing masks, gloves, etc.

It seems like this year is passing quickly, but it hasn't been much fun.

Had my friend that I hired to help me clean here yesterday and we both worked hard. The house is beautiful. Hopefully my contractor will be back soon to get back to work on the remaining projects.

I made a big pot of red potatoes and fresh green beans last night. So good! Sauteed onion and garlic in a little veggie broth, added a little more veggie broth and the chopped potatoes, smoked paprika, black pepper, no salt seasoning. Covered and cooked on medium for about 20 minutes then stirred in the green beans, covered and cooked another 15 minutes. Came out perfectly. Also made oven roasted corn on the cob. It all sure tasted good since I was working hard on the house all day and hadn't eaten since early in the morning.



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    augustboard.gif Thanks for starting us off, Mihani!

    I am sure you're right...but I started thinking of how many homes they had been in...I know there are lots of pro cleaning companies now, with COVID cleaning protocols in place...I just decided to wait. Will do the best I can for now.

    Later on, when things are not so crazy, I might have them come in.

    Today's menu easy

    big salad with potatoes
    veggie sandwich

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Magic, your day sounds simple and tasty! Probably best to postpone Merry Maids until you feel comfortable with having them there. How are your projects coming along?

    I cleaned up my office this morning. Paper everywhere. Then I worked for a couple hours and took a nap. Getting ready to have lunch and start laundry, then back to work. I made ginger miso dressing this morning so lunch will be a salad and watermelon.

    I still have work to do to get my office the way I want it, but there is stuff in there that I'll need help moving out before I can rearrange. My old desk was torn down and a big piece of it is still sitting upright in a corner which is annoying. I was going to buy new desks but I decided to hold off for now. I have two buffet tables that are working perfectly well and give me a lot of surface to work on.

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy August, Plant People!

    My annual physical is at the end of this month, so this month is a truly focused one. Today I did 10984 steps, and though Sunday night is family dinner...when we order in, and it is usually Indian, stuck close to the core principles.

    This month I'm really focusing on my scheduling. My schedule has been all over the map, and I just finished reading an article about "timeblocking", the basics being you set aside a block of time each day at the same time to accomplish tasks in a set project category.

    Sounds compulsive, but when I think about it, I already time block my a.m./p.m. routine, meal timing, and I need to timeblock to get the book I'm writing done, make progress towards my piano certification, and definitely to make more time for community.

    Take care all! You're all fabulous and I'm so grateful for this group!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2020
    Great step count, Shred!

    I love that kind of desk, Mihani...loads of surface to spread out on!

    How's the homestead life going, Austin?

    Today's Plan (last day of at 2pm)

    amy's burrito plant based
    gardein chicken tender sammy
    stir fry veggies tonight with jasmine rice
    dessert of not sure...hoping watermelon...but first, need to buy


    WILL BE BASIC AND REPETITIVE (Following High Carb Hannah's lead on being does work for me...I just need to do it!)

    oatmeal, blueberries, almond milk
    homemade green juice (kale, celery, cucumbers, granny smith apple, lemon, ginger)
    stir fry veggies and jasmine rice or sushi bowl (lots of room for variety in both)
    watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches for snacks and dessert

    ten days of this

    Have a great day all!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Monday, Plant People!

    That's all! Happy Monday!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2020
    Update on my it never stops changing mind!

    Molly Maids just called and we talked about all their precautions...sounds like they are doing a good job making sure everyone stays I am going to have them 8/19...early morning.

    That way I am forced to follow through with my decluttering on my vacay and not keep putting it off.

    The end.

    Have a great Monday, plant people!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Your meal plans for the next 10 days sound great, Magic! And glad you were reassured about Molly Maids. It will be a big help I'm sure.

    Shred, I am always thinking I should work on time management as soon as I get time! :p

    Hope all is well in Austin World!

    I had a busy day and more work to do tonight. Going to eat some leftovers then head to my desk for a couple hours, then treadmill, then kick back with a book until bedtime.

    B - ezekiel toast, plant protein shake
    L - big ol' salad, a few lundberg rice thins, almond milk yogurt
    D - leftover red potatoes and green beans, watermelon
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Mihani: I admire that you can do 3 meals a day...that's my goal. I find my biggest slips are those snacking times...I'm not even aware of what I'm eating, and there's certainly no good reason for it.

    Sleep tight all! Sunday was Indian food night, and the night was restless and full of dreams. Today was a regular McDougall Day and I know tonight will be a restful night.

    Take care, friends "see you tomorrow"!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Oh, and I love me a good data set (the geek in me...!)

    And, it seems that what makes me feel best is roughly 15 to 20 grams of fat, 60 grams of protein and the rest in high fiber carbs.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hi Shred, I was never much of an evening snacker. It's at work that I am tempted into the junky stuff. I have been keeping more fruit at the office so if I do get the munchies I have better choices than the salty snackies in the cabinet. I used to easily eat 500+ calories a day in crackers, pretzels, etc. just sitting at my desk. Ugh!

    Dr. F's advice about having enough time between meals to finish digesting and actually be hungry for the next meal helped me. His books go more in depth about how snacking keeps our digestive system working all the time.

    I've also dabbled in intermittent fasting. That helps a lot to get in touch with hunger signals.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for this, Mihani...I know that I snack to quell anxiety, since my snacking crests right before I have to do something I find difficult.

    My goal is largely peace with food (the weight loss is awesome, too, though) having 3 meals, and one snack is my Big Goal for the remainder of this year.

    I am taking a daily MegaWalk and hitting over 9k steps lately, and I've added ankle weights to my daily Pilates/free weight training.

    I used to do 4 hours of week on the elliptical trainer (I did an annual stairclimb) which was great for my glutes. I took a look at myself yesterday in the mirror, and oh, my those glutes are tragic! Time to do some incline training on our treadmill.

    I know one day we'll be able to do much of what we did before the pandemic, so when I can finally see my friends, tower run, weight train again I want to be in good shape.

    Also, this is going to sound very petty, but I've noted how unhealthy people look when I see crowd shots during the news. I know it was a journey of decades for me to go from fad diets to McDougall, but I hope that what the pandemic might bring is a greater awareness of how our planet needs to heal, and that not consuming animals could go a long way towards that goal.

    Good night, Plant Friends!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Menu today

    Green juice. Joe’s Mean Green
    Sushi Bowl no avocado ...rice, carrots, pickled ginger, cukes, cilantro, green onions
    Zoodles with NSA pasta sauce

    Have a delicious day everyone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hi Shred, your workouts sound amazing! I am really lazy about exercise and have to push myself constantly, even though once I'm on the treadmill I'm fine and even enjoy it. Making myself do it is the problem!

    Magic, your meals sound great!

    Austin, how are things going?

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB
    L - oats with hemp hearts, blueberries, walnuts
    D - the salad I never got around to eating at work

    I'm so tired! Work has been stressing me out a lot the past few weeks.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member

    Happy Wednesday, peeps!
    I thought I wrote a quick check-in Monday, but I don't see it here. ARG.
    Yesterday, I was super, duper tired. Food okay, but too zonked to check in. It was just a super busy day.
    Tomorrow is grocery shopping. I may try to get up early and get that out of the way.

    Best thing I can say for my week is that I created a new salad dressing I am happy with. I ran out of cucumbers, and am using warm steamed broccoli (buzzed in an immersion blender) as the base. I ad some avocado, nooch, onion powder and red wine vinegar, and it is creamy and delicious. So yay to that. Othre than that, the menu is the usual Austin stuff.

    Mihani - your menu looks great! And yay to the treadmill! Nothing wrong with treadmill if that's what works for you!

    Magic - your menu loosk yummy, too, but I am forgetting what NSA sauce is!

    Shred - I love your Mega Walk - so inspiring! My step goal is generally lower than yours (knee issues), but I did make it over 9K today.

    I am off to soak and meditate and go to bed. Phew!


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    NSA ... no sugar added 😉
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Morning glories!

    sweet potato and braised cabbage (really just cabbage in my fry pan)
    salad with TJs herb lettuce and then iceberg for lots of crunch, cukes, carrots, scallions...edamame...tahini lemon dressing
    dinner...hmmmmmm, stir fry with rice
    dark chocolate...just a small amount from TJs

    that's it...loving being home and making all my meals...oh, and GREEN JUICE!

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    I was up till 1 a.m. reading a novel titled "Sutton" about the bank robber Willie Sutton, and now I'm just flat lined. (I'm only reading what entertains me, rather than something which is emotionally churning...there's sure enough of that in the nonfiction world!)

    Whenever I'm in this state I find something that I don't love doing and do it, since my mind is too tired to do anything a big flurry of cleaning, including our beloved and used daily air fryer.

    Every one is so inspiring! thank you!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Glad you are enjoying your staycation, Magic!

    I love your salad dressing experiments, Austin. I should try more varieties, but I have a few tried and true and tend to stick with them. How did grocery shopping go?

    Shred, lately I find myself not wanting to read or watch anything that isn't strictly entertainment. I have several news sites that I check every morning while I drink my tea. The rest of the day I actively avoid the outside world and concentrate on my work and real life. I have taken a break from social media other than this lovely quiet corner.

    Had a super busy day as usual. I am taking tomorrow off. Have some errands, hair appointment, visiting a friend, etc. I plan to go to the office both Saturday and Sunday. I need some quiet time without phones and clients and being interrupted a thousand times a day so I can catch up on some things.

    Meals today same as yesterday. Easy peasy.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Happy Thursday, friends!

    Mihani - my warm broccoli-based dressing is my new favorite. I made it again tonight. That said, I have eaten my previous favorites many tens of times. So, I am very much with you on loving the tried and true. This one was a happy result born of having run out of what I needed for my regular tried-and-true favorite (which is a variation on a mustard-y one that you pointed me at!).
    In answer to your question - I did only a little bit of grocery shopping today. I went and got a flat tire fixed and then stopped at Natural Grocer, a health food shop and got a small selection of items. I will get my regular grocery run done tomorrow. It would have been great to do today but I was kinda erranded out.

    Shred - Hey, your cleaning stories are inspiring. I need to do some deep cleaning in my kitchen.... soon! Not tonight.

    Magic - Your staycation sounds lovely! Are you watching movies? Hanging with Lulu? Getting in any poolside time? However you are relaxing, I am imagining you with Lulu and sipping a health green juice but with a paper umbrella.

    Meals today were fine. I am off to do a bit of indoor stepping before bed!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Staycation going well.. a little on the lazy side. Weird stuff happening at work. Has me a wee bit stressed.

    Long story... will write when at the computer.

    Meanwhile menu...

    Green juice
    Cabbage sweet potato 🍠
    Salad with russets

    Water melon
    Dark chocolate
