Awesome August



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hey gang, I didn’t get a chance to go in there and make my corrections. I had dictated it and it wouldn’t let me go in and make corrections so it’s kind of messy also, I didn’t get to tell you all to have a wonderful day wonderful day and also to make it delicious talk to you later
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Magic, I've learned to tune out all the "greatest latest" diet talk. It's difficult though. When I first joined MFP it was weird because I got all kinds of off track listening to the self-appointed experts. What I was doing on my own had been working great for me. Now I just don't listen to the other voices. Your menu sounds wonderful.

    Austin, wonderful that you caught up with your brother! Hope your projects are coming along.

    I'm sicker than h-e-double-hockeysticks. It hit me Wednesday in the early hours and I didn't go to the office yesterday. Spent most of the day sleeping. I went to the office this morning and felt okay but mid-morning ate a few crackers thinking they would be safe and started feeling sick again. I haven't been able to stomach anything since Wednesday night other than a tiny bit of oatmeal and maybe 1/4 of a banana last night. Ugh! So I left work early, my boss basically kicked me out, and I am heading back to bed.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oh no, Mihani! So sorry you are really feeling poorly!

    Yikes, could it be Covid?

    Just hope you get checked out...don’t mess around. 🤗

    Also, thanks for the tips on how to handle all these experts! Sheesh 🙄!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Magic, definitely not. It's a stomach thing and sucks! I have no fever or cough or anything else that would indicate covid. I took a nap then checked into the office and handled a few things. Now I'm going back to bed!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Phew! So glad to hear. Well, it does still suck! Get some good rest and here's a couple of hugs from Lulu and me... <3<3 !

    I pack my lunch in a nice carrier lunch tote...I think I posted it once. Anyway, I stuff it with those blue ice things...well, I guess I overdid it today. I frozen some of my lettuce and both slices of tomatoes.

    I ended up having Avo and Let on bread. Not bad...not great...lesson learned ... tomorrow will be better! B)
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    *************** I froze some of my lettuce and both tomatoes slices. -sigh- :s
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Trying my ALT sammy again today...but will figure a way of not freezing the tomatoes and lettuce.

    Also, a bit naughty and some Gardein turkey watermelon. No oatmeal today.

    My stress level has been significantly reduced since being back to work and seeing they are not doing away with my position.

    Sales are slow...but they still need us at the front desk....the managers were not happy having to answer the phones in the middle of working deals.

    Hope you’re feeling better, Mihani.

    Hugs 🤗 to everyone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    So glad you are feeling less stressed, Magic! I love sandwiches... a veggie sammich or wrap is like my ultimate meal. Sometimes I put baked tofu slices on them. Even before I was vegetarian (which was a loooong time ago) I preferred a good deli style sandwich to a steak any day. After going vegan I did miss cheese a bit and then Daiya came out and I blame Daiya for some weight gain before I swore it off. LOL

    I still feel pretty yucky. I ate a little oatmeal again last night but haven't eaten anything yet today. I may try some almond milk yogurt. I'm taking it easy today and will work from home tomorrow.

    I'm taking a new route the next few weeks. I am going to make my usual big ol' stir-fry and eat VFB (Chef AJ veggies for breakfast advice) and my salads at lunch. Dinner will be a frozen vegan entree of some sort. Stocked up on a variety. They are not oil-free but I am looking for ones with at least minimal oil and not too much salt. Portion control is always an issue for me and I think it will help short-term especially given the craziness at work and how little time/energy I have for cooking and prepping.

    This week's stir-fry will be baby eggplant, kale, purple cabbage, celery, peppers, onion, garlic and whatever other spices strike my fancy.

    Plus fruit for snacks or dessert.

    Trying not to feel like a "failure" with this decision. It is not my plan for the long haul, but for a few weeks to make things easy. I've also started working on my mindfulness practice regularly and hitting the treadmill... trying to get stress under control. This year with Covid and work stress has really taken a toll on my healthy habits and I have to simplify. I am prone to (generally mild) depression and anxiety and usually can keep it at bay, but it's getting harder lately.

    Sorry for the babbling! :p I try to stay upbeat on this forum, but gotta be honest with you all right now.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited August 2020
    Am totally feeling peaceful at this moment regarding my job and, I just have to stop spending again...I get on kicks and over spend on stuff that I could do without.

    Savings is not allowed to pay off Credit Cards. Must come from this paycheck. And I work too hard to have to pay off credit cards with this hard earned money. That thought just occurred to me today! So, I am on a spending freeze!

    Your meals and plan sound good, Mihani. I am going to use Gardein a bit more these days, since I am having a hard time getting whole food meals made for work. Not buying anymore...but I do have a supply in the freezer.

    But on my weekends tues-thurs, hitting the vegetables and potatoes and cheese sauce hard ... I love the instant pot and am going to figure out how to really make it work for me.

    Alrighty then...time to say later, my plant eating friends!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Happy Saturday, friends!

    Magic - I hope your Tuscan melon ripens nicely for you!
    Hurray for that short and sassy hair! And hurray for making requests at work! Crossing my fingers for you!
    Hang in there on the keto conversations. So SO not our thing, eh?
    Sometimes food/diet conversations can seem like religious or political conversations, so I figure maybe it's a win if people stay pleasant about the whole thing! It sounds like you are being great and letting it all pass by (more of "let the bubbles go by!).

    I had a busy, busy day on a project yesterday, and since I was out of almost everything, grocery-wise, I ended up not eating much, and having my food be kinda odd for me. Breakfast was a broccoli blueberry smoothie , pretty usual. Lunch was a fruit and a Garden of Life vegan weigh-loss bar. Dinner was a bowl of cauliflower and tomatoes and onion, a Garden of Life vegan weigh-loss bar, and an odd chocolate and matcha vegan snack ball that had been in my pantry for forever. SO nothing too terrible, but I am SUPER glad to be eating regular (for me) plant foods today. Phew!

    My menu/plan for today:
    B - green smoothie, peanut butter, currants
    L - steamed turnip greens & garbanzo beans; steamed veggies; steamed acorn squash & turnip with fresh jicama and apple
    S - almond butter & currants
    D - big salad, homemade dressing, fruit
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Quiet around these parts...hope u r all ok...

    my weekend

    oatmeal and blueberries...WestSoy Milk...have almond soaking, prefer MY almond milk
    High Carb Hannah, massaged greens with avocado and lemon and coconut aminos salad with air fried potaotes
    dinner...hmmmmm...broccoli and potatoes I think
    fruit for dessert

    wishing u all a deee licious day <3

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy week, all!

    I did a digital detox last week, and I'm going to continue with it.

    I just find myself getting sucked into this black hole, and it beginning to effect my well being.

    All the best to everyone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi all, I've been super busy with secretary on vacation and like Shred I'm staying away from the internet. Everyone is so crazy! But I like this quiet little WFPB corner where everyone isn't crazy and divisive. :)

    I'm on a bit of a mission to get my head back into the game. I really fell off the deep end last week. I'm super stressed at work. I'm working at my mindfulness practice which is helping. And hitting the treadmill pretty regularly. It all helps.

    Might continue to be a bit scarce until next week when our secretary gets back.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hello, all!
    We will all keep on doing!
    I am heads down on a project, so my eating today was not the usual. I missed eating my salad, as I ate lunch so late I could not eat a salad, too. Ah, well. But all my food choices were good, and I did get in a walk tonight with my husband!

    Keep up all the great work everyone!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hey gang

    I’m just plugging along here with my usual meals except I’m now using my Insta pot a lot making potatoes and then keeping them in the fridge and then cutting them up and put them in the air fryer most to potatoes over a greens with the sonic dressing delicious
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Whew, I needed that break!

    I've been McDougalling for 50 days now, and time to start cooking instead of just zapping (potatoes) and tearing (salad bags.)

    Today I'm not very hungry, so it is going to be a Vega Sports Protein/almond milk/blueberries smoothie day. Not entirely what Mcdougall recommends, but I've realized that when it is how (we're approaching 90) that's what I want.

    Happy to be back!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi all, still on a break from social media for the most part. And I have taken a complete break from news and politics. I listen to the classical station in the car or I pop in a CD. I also took a break from the TV for a whole week. That was weird. I kind of liked the silence! I am watching streaming tonight after a week break. I cut the cable a while back so it's cool not getting bombarded with the stupid ads.

    I'm not going to lie, my diet lately has been abysmal. I am eating too much junky stuff and heating up frozen entrees rather than cooking. But I get my big salad with an oil-free homemade dressing in every day. I am working on getting myself back to normal. And I love that I consider WFPB normal.

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Mihani: So has mine! I saw that scale number go down consistently, and then I went into the social media pool...which turned out to be a cesspool, and saw all kinds of self-soothing foods reenter my menu.

    Like you, I'm drawing boundaries. Also listening to classical music, and I have found One Direction. Yep, I'm an AARP member who is a new OneD groupie. (Of course, they broke up years ago...but there is endless footage of the boys on YouTube.)

    I like that "normal" now is WFPB for all of us. So ,kudos to our Plant Tribe!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Shred, I'm no Pollyanna, but I do have a basic belief that most people are good and have good intentions. When I engage in social media or follow political news all I see is people looking for the bad in others and enjoying being offended and outraged 24/7. Maybe it is fun for them, but it's exhausting to me and it was messing with my mental health reading nothing but negativity. So I'm out for now. I love this group and glad we don't do that, so it's the only social media I still engage in.

    I never heard of One Direction but I looked them up. Saw a video where they were recreating some of the Monkees scenes from videos. Cracked me up. So fun.

    My plan for this week is oats with blueberries and non-dairy yogurt for breakfast, a frozen entree and a fruit at lunch, and a big ol' salad with beans and some cooked greens added for dinner, and maybe another fruit or some raw veggies in the afternoon. I can't get over how much I enjoy these oats. I just take 1/2 cup rolled oats and about 1/3 cup frozen blueberries with me to the office in the morning along with a container of non-dairy yogurt. I mix the yogurt into the oats and blueberries and let it sit for a few minutes then enjoy. Tastes decadent and so filling. I prefer oats raw these days and rarely cook them.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Oh, yes, I'm a big fan of oats too. Mine is overnight with almond milk, then blueberries and some cinnamon in the morning.

    I also think that everyone has good in them...and recently I started watching my feeds to determine which of my friends were constantly engaged in battle or negativity, and which focused on the positive. I no longer follow any feeds that are remotely political...and it can be very, very, very remote and people still seem to enjoy stirring the pot.

    I've even told my husband and son that if they want to talk politics, they can...but I won't be present for more than 10 minutes. That's all I can take...

    I also love classical music. This has been a virtually all Mozart month..!

    I, too, appreciate our community. Maybe eating plants makes you mellow? Whatever the reason, I love it!