Awesome August



  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Monday:

    This a.m. I took all "my" food and placed it on our stove (we have those stove cover thingies) and that's my food for the day. I find if I start to rummage, I start to I'm going with the out of sight out of mind technique.

    Today: Protein drink with vegan protein, blueberries/almond milk ...I just can't do food in the a.m.

    Snacks of oatmeal/almond milk mid a.m., mid-afternoon

    Lunch: Big Salad..we'll call that The Mihani in recognition of the inspiration for this choice

    Dinner: Yuokin gold potatoes, some cruciferous veggie

    Pre-bedtime: rice cracker, no sugar strawberry jam

    There are 17 weeks till the end of the year, and I'm setting that as my deadline for losing 10 lbs!

    Have a great day, Plant Family!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Great plan, Shred, and very reasonable! I think a lot of people start off all gung ho and see that initial weight loss and go oh yes this works! Then the inevitable plateaus hit and they go oh this isn't working at all now. Consistent effort is the key, but even after years of following a WFPB diet I'm still learning that lesson. Over and over! Another thing I see people do is start thinking wow I'm losing all this weight what if I cut out this or that, and at that point they aren't getting enough food and nutrients and they are hungry all the time and start feeling crappy, and think it's because they aren't eating meat.

    My biggest downfalls by far are breads and alcohol. I have cut back on bread and only eat Ezekiel when I do have it (which I happen to really like so it's fine) and I only indulge in wine on weekends, but even that is enough to derail me now that I'm approaching 60. I used to be able to get away with a lot more "cheats" even 5 years ago, but now the weight just creeps up unless I'm pretty strict about alcohol and limiting starches.

    Exercise is also a big fail for me most of the time, and it does so much good for me mentally and physically when I work out regularly. I blame my work and stress, but I could find time if I was more disciplined about it.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    That's very astute and well observed, Mihani. My downfall is ice cream and popcorn. My over 60 body can't take even a few hundred extra calories every week, cause almost instantly my weight starts to creep up.

    I took out my food weighing scale today, and even though the day isn't over I see "calorie creep"...who would think that nutritional yeast (which I use to make "fried" potatoes in the airfryer) would have 200 calories...!

    I'm embarassed to admit that we have the following: treadmill, elliptical trainer, stationary bike and a full weight rack in our house, and I've used them only a handful of times. My husband purchased them on the theory that over time they would pay for themselves, but I previously went to a gym every day (I like the social aspect) and he's used them just a few times.

    But, now, is the time for new!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    LOL Shred... me too! I have a treadmill, rebounder, and a pretty decent variety of dumbbells from 2 to 16 pounds. I also have a stationary bike but almost never use it because it hurts my knees. :( I also have a couple dozen DVDs. I used to do the 30 day shred a lot and loved it, but it's a bit too hard on me now with knee and lower back problems.

    Today was a bit rough again. Work is really stressing me out lately and I've been bringing work home in the evenings too much. I plan to work quite a lot over the holiday weekend and hope to catch up more, but another employee is taking next week off so that will throw things off too.

    I did "okay" not great today...
    B - plant protein shake and a slice of ezekiel toast
    L - Amy's pad thai
    D - big ol' salad
    S - the darn pretzels... ugh those pretzels!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    We need to start a September thread... if anyone else wants to start it that would be great, or I'll think about it and do something tomorrow evening.