Awesome August



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited August 2020
    Soooooo...back when covid hit hard in the beginning...they let our Supervisor go. I am a receptionist with two other girls to fill all shifts.

    I work F-M and I get off at two

    2nd girl comes on at two on Monday and works till close M - Th (tues - thurs she works til 3)

    3rd girl comes in early Tue - Thu and works till 3

    All nice and good

    Now, the 3rd girl is really a fill in for someone who left. And now girl three is going back to school next week.

    This weekend is my vacay...and no one to fill in. They are going to have the sales people answer the phones and do our desk. WTF?

    I can just imagine a salesman answering the phone when an customer comes in and they miss the opportunity to sell and it goes to someone NOT ON THE PHONE.

    The whole system is wack!

    Plus they have NOT hired a third girl yet.

    We get no communication from the controller who has supposedly taken over the supervisor's job of supervising us.

    It is a complete mess...I am now stressing if I will have my 38 hours a week anymore...I already have lost two to the new hours cuz of covid. Trying to be positive but terribly worried since I obviously need to work. Plus this is just a mess and when I do go back, the desk will be crazy. WE are in charge of dealer plates and must know where they are all the time. Salesmen are not going to be keeping track.

    I think the whole thing is going to implode on the powers that be.

    Girl #2 is keeping me up to date. They do not have her covering my vacation, which is so stupid.

    If you followed any of this...I would be shocked. IT IS A COMPLETE DISASTER!

    Later, dolls!

    PS If our supervisor would still be here, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. She was the best...and so caring. I miss her, terribly.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,937 Member
    Had a very good day! I really needed this day off. Of course I checked emails a couple times and forwarded a few things to our secretary or responded that I was out and would get back later, but other than that I didn't really think about work much today.

    I mostly lazed around reading and napping. Nearly finished with the latest book I'm reading and will get to the last few chapters after dinner. Went to my hair appointment in the afternoon then visited an elderly friend who I haven't seen since COVID hit and it was so nice to have some (socially distant) face to face time. I'm just so tired of this.

    Treated myself to 2 toaster waffles this morning. I don't know for sure why I bought them but I was walking by the freezer section and thought they looked good. They are organic and whole grain so not a bad indulgence at all. Had a Dr. McD soup for lunch and going to have a HUGE salad for dinner. I didn't eat much today so I'm hungry.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,937 Member
    Hey Magic... your post popped up when I posted mine. I hope all works out. Sounds dreadful! Try to relax and enjoy the rest of your staycation though. The COVID chaos continues. :(
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited August 2020
    Up in mid night...

    Texted HR pal at work about LUTHER Series on prime. Hard to watch cuz of violence and scary stuff... but so good.

    She said for me to enjoy my vacation and she would see me next Friday! So I guess I still have a job

    Anyway I just came in to say tomorrow afternoon the notary is coming for me to sign my papers for my refinancing of the home! That’s pretty exciting

    OK kids you have a great night rest of the night I hope you’re out fast asleep I’m gonna go and try and fall back asleep myself

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited August 2020
    Been up since 5...cleaned the guest bathroom, since the notary might need to use it. Looks pretty good, actually.

    The dining table is cleaned off to sign papers and the living room looks ok. All is presentable, thankfully.


    green juice
    new fav: ezekiel toast with avocaco, sweet vidalia onion, crisp iceberg, tomato...soooooooo good. Toasted ezekiel makes it

    stir fry and rice
    dark choco

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,937 Member
    Hi y'all! Went to the office for about 5 hours today. Got through quite a bit. Going back tomorrow to try to get through more.

    Have grocery delivery coming and going to make a big pot of lentil veggie soup. I don't use a recipe for this it's just lentils, onion, celery, carrot, potato, greens, veggie broth, spices. Also need to set up my salads for the week and make salad dressing. I think the punchy mustard. That should make the week super easy. Oats with blueberries, walnuts, hemp hearts, chia seeds for breakfast. Soup and fruit for lunch. Big ol' salads for dinner.

    Yay for getting your refi completed, Magic! I love Ezekiel bread too.

    Today was good...
    B - ezekiel with a smidge of PB and an apple
    L - Dr. McD soup
    D - will be a veggie wrap with homegrown tomatoes from my neighbors garden (he gave them to me I didn't steal them! LOL)

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Saturday:

    Today I went to a 2 hour learn how to ride a bike course in 95 degree heat and my family took me out for ice cream afterwards since I actually went and learned how to ride a bike!

    I figured that variety in my life is going to have to come from doing more stuff outdoors, and our city is replete with bike paths.

    Next, I'm signing up for the intermediate safe city biking course so if I want to use our street bike lanes I know the protocol.

    Regretted the ice cream..but they were so excited, and they wanted to treat me!

    Now, ashtanga yoga?
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,589 Member
    Happy Saturday, y'all!

    Shred, I love the sound of your biking adventure! As it happens, we are about bikes at our house this week. All of our bikes needed repair, and we had someone come do that (he does house calls & works in your driveway, super safe!). Now I just need a new pair of biking shoes, as my bike has special pedals that require them and my old shoes need replacing. Yoga sounds fun!

    Mihani - your veggie lentil soup sounds grand! And a big hurray to having scored those homegrown tomatoes. You lucky girl, you.

    Magic - you are blowing and going on your house! Hurray to the job. Luther looked too scary for me! I think you are brave!

    I am off to log my food and then maybe go for a walk! Food stayed on track today... nothing special... oh, except pluots. I picked up a few. It was fun to try a new fruit, but hard to tell the taste from regular plums.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,937 Member
    That's an awesome idea about the biking classes, Shred! I don't ride in the city much just around my neighborhood and occasionally a park near me that has a bike path. It has been a couple years since I've ridden though.

    I like pluots, Austin. Hope you had a nice walk.

    My grocery delivery was so late that I put off making soup until this morning. I ended up with onion, carrot, celery, potato, a handful of the beets I had for my salads, and broccoli. Definitely will have to freeze some it's a huge batch. Delicious!!! I seasoned with black pepper, cumin, thyme, coriander, garlic. Honestly didn't have room in my stockpot to add greens so I sauteed kale and collards with red onion and garlic. Made a big skillet full that will last a few days.

    Have easy baked tofu in the oven should be done soon. Set up my salads last night but still need to make salad dressing. Then I'm all set for the week!

    Decided against going back to the office today. I will work here at home. Lots to do. Should be at my desk by noon. If I stop playing on the internet and get my salad dressing made anyway.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Sunday:

    All and all a good week!

    My family and I are figuring that we won't get back to "normal" for another 6 months so we've been brainstorming about ways to have fun during this pandemic..(we're going to call it fundemic!).

    I subscribed to Yoga With Adrienne which is a youtube challenge some friends of mine have been following/using, so I'm going to see if I lure the men into joining me.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,937 Member
    Good day. Love being prepared!

    B - leftover greens and a slice of ezekiel toast
    L - lentil veggie soup, an apple
    D - big ol' salad, leftover baked tofu

    The lentil veggie soup is super thick very little soupy about it. I ate it cold and it was wonderful. Perfect for lunches this week.

    Busy day and still need to get some work done tonight then I'll jump on the treadmill. Trying to eat dinner as soon as possible after I get home so I'm not eating for several hours before bedtime.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,589 Member
    Happy Monday, peeps!

    Mihani - How great that you have all that cooking done! Cool lentil veggie soup. I'll have to try that!

    Shred - Yoga with Adriene is great! Enjoy!

    Magic, your menus sound so delicious!

    My food is on track today, all on plan, all weighed and logged. I would chat more,. but I have the sleepies. More tomorrow!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,937 Member
    I managed to haul my butt out of bed half hour early and hit the treadmill this morning. It was great! I hope I can get in the habit, but I am not confident. I love my sleep!

    Meals today pretty much same with the addition of a clementine. I was disappointed. Not the usual juicy and sweet clementine.

    Hope you got some sleep, Austin.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Morning all...

    Still employed...thank you God. They are going to try to do it with just two receptionists and we’ll see how that works but I definitely have a job still my hours are cut just two hours a week which is OK it does make a difference because that’s gas money for me but that’s OK thankfully I still have a job
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Today’s menu is oatmeal, potatoes broccoli and plant cheese sauce that I made, and dinner some kind of salad with beans and rice that’s about it hope everybody’s having a great day talk to you later
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,589 Member
    Magic - Hurray to having that job! I am so glad for you!
    Your menu sounds so great!
    Are you feeling good? How is Lulu? (Your profile picture of her makes me smile every time I check in here!)

    Mihani - I had not-so-juicy clementine yesterday. Maybe 'tis the season?
    Anyway, congratulations on getting in that morning treadmill workout!

    Shred, how is your yoga going? I need to do some of that.

    Today -- lots of project work. I have done just a little and really need to get going.
    Star on today's menu is some watermelon. My plan for today:
    B - green smoothie, peanut butter, raisins, watermelon
    L - steamed greens & garbanzo beans; steamed veggies; watermelon; steamed squash & fresh apple
    S - apple slices & pb
    D - big salad, homemade dressing, some pineapple or watermelon

    On the yay side -- my husband is eating less meat and has lost weight! And my son has cut way down on dairy. He is finishing off the last of the cheese in the fridge bit by bit and says no more, please.


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,937 Member
    Yay, Magic! Glad the job situation is sorted.

    Austin, that is such great news the family is getting on board with WFPB. Good luck on your projects.

    I haven't heard of Yoga with Adrienne, Shred. Will check it out.

    Had some tuscan melon today... like cantaloupe but smaller and oh so sweet. Enjoyed it a lot. Other than that menu same as usual. I think I'll be ready to change things up after this week, but I am okay eating the same things for a week or so if I have the food prepped.

    It has been a crazy week at work and I am heading up to my desk now to try to get a little more done, but not going to work long. I'm tired. I didn't manage to get up early enough to treadmill this morning. I woke up, but I just rolled right over and went back to sleep! >:)

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,589 Member
    Mihani - I hope you enjoy Yoga with Adriene when you have time to try it. I enjoy her YouTube channel!

    Today -- grocery shopping, then more project work. I am behind today, as my brother (who lives in Europe) called. When he time to chat,. I generally drop everything and make it happen
    My plan for today:
    B - green smoothie, peanut butter, raisins, pineapple
    L - steamed turnip greens & garbanzo beans; steamed veggies; pineapple; steamed acorn squash & fresh jicama and apple
    S - raisins & pb
    D - big salad, homemade dressing, apple slices
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Love Tuscan melon...usually the two pack at Costco is good.. I have one in the fridge...the first one was not ripe. I let the second one sit out for a few cold and fingers crossed.

    Got a haircut happy...fresh short and sassy!

    Oatmeal blueberry breakfast

    Air fried tortilla chips and HOT FOR FOOD nacho cheese...cut the oil in half. Next time will make with cashews

    Dinner...broccoli and baked fries...cooked in instant pot first...chilled then sliced and crisped up. Very High Carb Hannah an Plantiful Kiki.

    Dessert...dark chocolate

    Back to work tomorrow...looking forward to it. I like my routine. Oh, and so grateful I still have a job!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    At work...

    Lord help me! All talk about Keto and giving up carbs...adding coconut oil to everything...

    And I have to listen to all this...

    Oh brother!

    My menu today

    Oatmeal and blueberries
    Avocado 🥑 lettuce 🥬 🍅 tomato sandwich
    Broccoli potato nacho cheese soup
    I tasted the soup cold...deee LISH!

    Cantaloupe for dessert

    I might learn a new process at work so I can stay an extra two hours on Mondays to make up for the two hours I lose Friday and Saturday night so I’m kind of excited about that

    Also I said that if I could I would like to be paid for my vacation and not take it since were shorthanded up here at the desk she’s gonna think about it and let me know that would mean weeks pay in my pocket over my normal salary so that would be great