Monthly Post August 2020



  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    @Meghan509 Happy fasting day! And happy birthday to your fella!

    Today is a quiet day before the chaos starts in full swing tomorrow. I need a nap already. I hope everyone has a good rest of the week. Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning!

    Thank you, @KateNkognito! We are ready to go. Cheers to you with my black coffee! :D Started our fast at 9:00pm Monday night and will aim to have our next meal (lunch) on Wednesday at 3:00pm. Whoot! Here we go!

    I logged in the few items I will be "eating" today: black coffee, potassium, magnesium, and organic chicken broth for "lunch" and "dinner". Not logged: Massive amounts of water!!!

    Good luck with your Tuesday and your day - the calm before the storm!

    See you soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday went AWESOME! Pretty much no hunger, aside from a few stomach growls here and there in the evening. Energy was a tad low in the evening. After we had two cups of organic chicken broth we felt a little less lethargic.
    Otherwise all fine. Went to bed early and slept well.

    Today I am in the office for a few hours. No food since Monday night at 9:00pm Eastern and I FEEL FINE! Stuck to black coffee and lots of water yesterday. Today I put half and half in my coffee. No food planned until lunch at 3:00pm. Will eat lunch and dinner and for Thursday same thing planned as yesterday.

    Next week I'd like to experiment with a longer fast. We shall see!

    Hope you had a good day, @KateNkognito!

    See you all soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday went well. Ate from 3pm to 9pm and stuck to my calories and low carb macros.

    Fasting again now until 3pm Friday. :) Hoping to pop in here tomorrow AM with good weight loss news!

    Have a good day and see you soon...
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    FINALLY able to post! For some reason, it kept saying there was a problem with the site.
    Glad the fasting is going well @Meghan509! I hope you have some good news tomorrow!
    I am so glad tomorrow is Friday! It has been a LOOONG week! Stress and hormones and allergies have just made me feel awful. Good news is that feeling bad made it really easy to fast this week. :)
    Have a good weekend, if I can't get in again! Stay healthy!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    Have to share my NSV first thing this morning! I put on a pair of jeans that I haven't worn since last spring and they are loose! They weren't too tight before, but they definitely were not loose like this. :)
    Have a great weekend, y'all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning!

    Congrats on your NSV, Kate! Way to go! You are going to be looking fly in your jeans this fall, for sure! :smiley:

    I had a good couple of days with six hour eating windows, alternate day fasting on Tuesday and Thursday, very little to no hunger, etc. Today I weigh in and I see a gain of .4... Really?? Disclaimer: We bought a new scale. BF is down over three pounds and I am happy for him! But still... A gain for me??? Sigh... :(

    Going to keep at it and maybe stick with a single day of water fasting and the rest of the week 18:6 and I plan on being more strict during the 18 hours, i.e., no half and half in my coffee. Also going to try and eat larger and more filling meals vs. little snacks.

    Hope you have a great weekend all. I may pop in here or there, otherwise see you all on Monday. :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    @KateNkognito heads up that JC Penney is having a big sale. I found some work pants online for $13 each! They are the "house brand" Worthington. Have bought them in the past and they are good quality. FYI. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    @Meghan509 Sorry you didn't have a loss. Have you thought about weighing more often? I have been weighing daily and there were several times when, if I had weighed only once a week, I would have thought I had a gain for the week. Either that or just chuck the scale out the window because it didn't behave! Keep up the good work! You can do this! And thanks for the heads up, I will go check those out! I hope they have petites. I have stubby little legs. Have a good weekend, all! I am off to do homework! Fun times!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks @KateNkognito I think the new scale was probably the issue. Yes, looking back I should have weighed in when we first got it. Sigh... Yes I can be stubborn. LOL Me and my scale issues. :(

    We are back on the fasting wagon again. We started at 9:00pm last night and will go straight through until Wednesday at 3:00pm or when we give in and want to eat lunch. ;)

    Hope you had a nice weekend. We had beautiful beach weather. Thank God. Couple more weekends left and then we are in September. Jeez, it is going by so fast.

    Yes, those pants do come in a few different lengths! I bought petite and short and have bought short in the past. Hoping they are both good with my flats.

    Have a great day and see you all soon.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hi folks, hope you don't mind me joining you!

    I'm one week into the Fast 800, and enjoying it so far. Having just read the book, I know it encourages time restricted eating.

    So. Does my morning cuppa, with milk, technically break this? I can go without food till 10 or 11 no problem, but I really enjoy that first brew.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    @Meghan509 I am always so jealous of your lovely beach trips! Think of me when you are lounging. ;)

    @melaniecheeks Hey there, stranger!! Way to go with your week! I saw that book, but haven't read it. I would say that the coffee doesn't violate the fast because it doesn't spike your blood sugar, but the milk in it does.

    I feel yucky and grumpy, so I am going to go do something productive to make myself feel better. Have a good week! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning all.

    Welcome @melaniecheeks! I also have not read that book, but I googled and see our friend Dr. Mosley has come out with a new plan. Very cool! Looks like the Fast 800 plan allows 800 calories a day? If so, having your morning coffee or tea with milk is fine, just apply the milk towards your 800 calories.

    @KateNkognito I decided to turn my two day fast in to a one day fast. I find I am just not cut out for fasting past 18 to 20 hours. I need to stick to what I know and what works for me. Keto with 1200 calories a day and a 18/6 eating window is what I need to do and focus on. <3

    Not much else happening here. Typical work day on tap. Have a great day and see you all soon. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    Hey, y'all! This has been the longest week EVER and it is only Tuesday! BUT, I realized I was probably getting the beginnings of a bladder infection and started on some cranberry extract and took some NyQuil and slept hard. So, today I feel better, plus I figured out a thing that had been stressing me out at work. So, overall, things are looking up!
    @Meghan509 Whatever works for you is what is best. There is no one size fits all. That is what I like best about fasting is there are so many ways to do it that you can try them out until you find what works. And no matter what, you get the health benefits.
    Off to get another good night's sleep and keep rollin' tomorrow! Have a great rest of the week! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope you are feeling better, @KateNkognito those infections are NO FUN! :(

    Thanks for your kind words. That is true about fasting. Definitely been a learning process. Bu, life is all about learning. :)

    Things are good here. Yesterday went well. Today is good. At work for a few hours then back home.

    Have a great day all. See you soon.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm looking forward to my first post Covid trip to the hairdressers this week - my reward for reaching my first target (getting my bmi under 30)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    Congratulations, @melaniecheeks! That sounds like a great reward. :)

    @Meghan509 I hope you had a nice day and got stuff done at work!

    I am getting a handle on my stress. The cranberry extract did its magic. I still feel super nauseous, but that just makes it easier to lose weight, right? :/ I think once school starts and I get a feel for my students and what I have to do, I will feel much better. This time of year is always stressful, but changing jobs and the 'Rona is just sending me a bit over the edge. I got this. God has got this, more importantly. Have a nice rest of the week! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning all!

    @melaniecheeks congrats on getting to your goal and hope you had a great hair appointment!!

    @KateNkognito thanks! Had a good day yesterday. Productive at work and stuck to my Keto WOE. Hope you are hanging in there. Don't let stress derail you. You got this!

    Planning to stick to my 18/6 eating schedule, 1200 calories, 20g carbs or less, etc. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I am hoping to see some good progress. Fingers crossed!

    Have a great day and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    Evening, all!
    Thanks, @Meghan509! I got done with a big chunk of paperwork today. That makes me feel better. Plus, I have some other stuff planned out. I hope your weigh in goes well!

    @melaniecheeks Did you have your hair appointment yet? I am jealous. I missed my annual haircut this year.

    Tomorrow is FRIDAY!! This week has been the longest month, ever! Gonna put my feet up this weekend and sleep and relax. Have a great one! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    Happy to report that I am down 1.4 lbs this week! Very happy! :D Woo hoo! 10.4 lbs until I am considered a healthy BMI. Crazy...

    Going to stick to my 18/6 fasting schedule for the time being except for Monday we may try a 20/4 or OMAD type of day. :) I will see what my guy wants to do. We are in this together. <3

    We have that lovely hurricane coming up here tomorrow, so no beach day on Saturday. Sunday is supposed to be nice though. Just feeling grateful for my job, health, and having food in our tummies. :)

    Have a good day and see you all soon!