Shrinking Assets Team Chat AUGUST 2020



  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    SW : 270
    GW : 199 (initially) now 188

    19/05 - 270
    26/05 - 267.0 ... 3.0 ... 03.0
    01/06 - 263.0 ... 4.0 ... 07.0
    08/06 - 259.0 ... 4.0 ... 11.0
    15/06 - 257.4 ... 1.6 ... 12.6
    22/06 - 255.8 ... 1.6 ... 14.2
    29/06 - 254.8 ... 1.0 ... 15.2
    06/07 - 252.8 ... 2.0 ... 17.2
    13/07 - 250.8 ... 2.0 ... 19.2
    17/07 - 249.2 ... 1.6 ... 20.8 weigh in early this week as I am away for a four day weekend
    27/07 - 247.6 ... 1.6 ... 22.4
    03/08 - 246.5 ... 1.1 ... 23.5
    10/08 - 243.3 ... 3.2 ... 26.7
    17/08 - 241.0 ... 2.3 ... 29.0
    24/08 - 238.9 ... 2.1 ... 31.1
    31/08 - 236.4 ... 2.5 ... 33.6
    07/09 - 233.6 ... 2.8 ... 36.4
    14/09 - 230.8 ... 2.8 ... 39.2
    21/09 - 228.5 ... 2.3 ... 41.5
    28/09 - 226.9 ... 1.6 ... 43.1
    05/10 - 227.5 .. +0.6 .. 42.5 First blip in 4 months, acceptable for a holiday
    12/10 - 223.7 ... 3.8 ... 46.3
    19/10 - 220.3 ... 3.4 ... 49.7
    26/10 - 219.2 ... 1.1 ... 50.8
    02/11 - 216.8 ... 2.4 ... 53.2
    09/11 - 215.0 ... 1.8 ... 55.0
    16/11 - 212.9 ... 2.1 ... 57.1
    23/11 - 212.3 ... 0.6 ... 57.7
    30/11 - 212.6 ...+0.3 .. 57.4 Oops!
    07/12 - 209.5 ... 3.1 ... 60.5
    14/12 - 209.3 ... 0.2 ... 60.7
    21/12 - 211.5 .. +2.2 .. 58.5
    28/12 - 219.2 .. +7.7 .. 50.8
    01/01 - 217.8
    04/01 - 215.2 ... 4.0 ... 54.8
    11/01 - 213.2 ... 2.0 ... 56.8
    18/01 - 213.0 ... 0.2 ... 57.0
    25/01 - 210.4 ... 2.6 ... 59.6
    01/02 - 207.9 ... 2.5 ... 62.1
    08/02 - 206.2 ... 1.7 ... 63.8
    15/02 - 204.7 ... 1.5 ... 65.3
    22/02 - 202.7 ... 2.0 ... 67.3
    29/02 - 196.4 ... 6.3 ... 73.6
    07/03 - 196.2 ... 0.2 ... 73.8
    14/03 - 195.2 ... 1.0 ... 74.8
    21/03 - 194.4 ... 0.8 ... 75.6
    28/03 - 193.8 ... 0.6 ... 76.2
    04/04 - 194.2 .. +0.4 .. 75.8
    11/04 - 197.6 .. +3.4 .. 72.4
    09/05 - 202.8 .. +5.2 .. 67.2
    16/05 - 200.4 ... 2.4 ... 69.6
    23/05 - 200.2 ... 0.2 ... 69.8
    13/06 - 208.2 .. +8.0 .. 61.8
    21/06 - 207.2 ... 1.0 ... 62.8
    28/06 - 209.2 .. +2.0 .. 60.8
    12/07 - 215.0 .. +5.8 .. 55.0
    19/07 - 213.3 ... 1.7 ... 56.7
    26/07 - 211.5 ... 1.8 ... 58.1
    02/08 - 210.1 ... 1.4 ... 59.9
    09/08 - 209.0 ... 1.1 ... 61.0
    16/08 - 208.4 ... 0.6 ... 61.6
    23/08 - 207.5 ... 0.9 ... 62.5

    Total weight lost 62.5 lbs, 19.5 lbs to my revised goal. Cooking for keto people is a pain in the...
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    Sorry, forgot to put the spoiler on my last post!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Welcome back!!!

    Yes, the app is causing great stress. Seems like when it cleared up for some it stopped working for others. I still cannot get into the team thru the app -- so I have it open in my browser and the app for logging. I keep reminding myself that it is free...

    Yes, for a free app it's blooming marvellous and totally shouldn't be used as an excuse!

    I'm going to weigh in unofficially in the morning to face the number and then do my official start weight for September on Thursday..... I commit to there being a loss despite still being on holiday.... it's time to take control!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I commit to not gaining. This weekend was fun but also pretty much exclusively eating and drinking. I spent the weekend at a friend’s summerhouse with a group of friends, followed by the 30th b-day party of another friend. Next weekend I’m going sailing again, so it’s another mystery for the scale.

    I’m deciding tomorrow if I’ll roll my previous weigh-in or report a late one.

    The friend who turned 30 had been taking care of my herbs since mid-July, and I brought them back home now that I was there with a car. The herbs smell really good and I’m excited to make some light and delicious meals and spice things up with fresh herbs this week!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Sorry, forgot to put the spoiler on my last post!

    I think it is good that people can see your progress, including the COVID hiccup.

    Well done, my friend!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,276 Member
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember slow and steady wins the race!

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    As a group we gained 1.3 pounds

    8 challengers did not report weigh ins for the week.
    3 challengers were dropped for lack of participation.

    Can we turn this around in the coming week? ABSOLUTELY!!!
    How do we do this? COMMITMENT and CONSISTENCY

    2 people have DMed me saying they stopped logging and gained. Yep! Those old habits are like a comfy bed -- Easy to slip into and hard to get out of. I understand. I regained 62 pounds of a 68 pound loss. Now I'm fighting to get it back off again.

    We have 27 Challengers on the team. Who will commit to a loss in the coming week?
    I'm not asking for a 1 lb, 2 lb or 3 lb commitment -- just a loss.

    I WILL COMMIT! I will post a loss in the coming week!

    Who else?

    I'm in 😘
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I’m in!
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Monday, week 4
    PW: 143.3 lbs
    CW: 142.2 lbs
    LTD: 121 lbs

    In the maintenance zone. This week I had a few days unwell - most likely something I ate - still feeling a bit touchy and lacking in motivation to do anything much but wallow. Hope to feel more like myself soon.

  • Elf31
    Elf31 Posts: 14 Member
    Ahhhh I forgot. :facepalm:

    Username: elf31
    Weigh in Day: was Saturday
    SW: 161
    PW: 159.0
    CW: 158.6
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    Welp, after reading up a bit about this months intense plateau action I realized I have lost enough that I needed to have MFP reset my calories to continue my 1.5lb per week goal. Sure enough it is 100 calories less, and I'm already finding it very difficult to hit the new calorie goal. And, I'm hungry which means I need to really take a hard look at the foods I'm chosing.

    @Beka3695 I'll commit to a loss this week, but not feeling able or ready to target a number. Any loss will do for me right now!

    Any tips or advice from you long-time trackers for how to tackle this "reset" calorie reduction?

  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    @Beka3695 can you please roll my previous weigh-in? I checked and it’s what I maintained until last Thursday. After the cottage weekend I’m up almost 4lbs on the scale today and that only reflects bloat, not my actual weight.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    My scales were UGLY this morning..... I dont just want any loss I want a decent one before I log it on Thursday..... I'm sure I'll have a water weight whoosh... please!

    Planned my meals for today, popping to the supermarket soon before it gets too hot for some fresh veg and eggs.

    Going to do a new home workout later in the spirit of the week 4 challenge.

    @Luciicul I hope you're feeling better soon

    @carriestrine no personal experience tips here but could you up your activity to gain some extra cals back? Maybe counterproductive for pute hunger but for being able to keep your eating habits similar may help? Good luck!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Holy moly it's been a long week so sorry I missed weigh in!! We were out on the land all weekend!! Got roads and pads ready now water and electricity are next then we can actually move houses and get settled!!!! Aaaaahhhhh I'm so ready to be out there already!!! I need routine again!! This has been hard on my body. We eat on the go and I haven't had the chance to even make good choices. Logged one day last week. This week has gotta be a lil more about me!! I need to find a way to care for my body in the caos. So I'm gonna work out. Eat right and log my food!! Here I go again. Setting strong goals for the week 🤞🤞🤞nothing gets in my way!!!
  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    PW 162.4
    CW 161.00
  • bfgolfer
    bfgolfer Posts: 6 Member
    Username: bfgolfer
    Weigh In Day: Friday - sorry I am late
    PW (Previous Weight):292
    CW (Current Weight):293
    LTD (Loss to Date):
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Good Morning!
    Sorry I have been a lurker and not active much. Work has been kicking my butt then classes to become a certified pharm tech on top of that has got me a bit drained. I hope everyone is kicking butt!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Neither my weight or my food choices are good this week. I’ll try to do better tomorrow - on Thursday I have an all-day company event with meals provided, and on Friday I’m going sailing for the weekend, so less options there too.

    Fitness is going slightly better, at least. I had my second week of adult acrobatics today, and it’s SO MUCH FUN! I learned new stuff again this week. I almost wish the class was twice a week so I could do it more often. Tomorrow is aerial acrobatics and I hope it goes better than last week when I was too sore and exhausted to finish the class and just sat watching for half of it.

    On top of all this work is crazy, my hormones are all over the place readjusting to life without the pill, and I’m figuring out where to make reservations for our first wedding anniversary on Aug 31st - that’s next Monday and I still have nothing booked!
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    Wednesday weigh in:
    PW: 152.4
    CW: 153.0

    This seems to be the way - lose big 1 week, gain the next, and then drop more the following week. It could be I'm retaining- I was on the phone all day yesterday for a meeting and didn't drink enough water. I am ramping up my workouts w/Beachbody as I'm a coach-100 Day Morning Meltdown!💥💥💥 I'm on Week 1 as I finished 21 Day Fix Real Time which I never did before😘
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