Shrinking Assets - October 2020 Team Chat



  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    SW : 270
    GW : 199 (initially) now 188
    19/05 - 270
    26/05 - 267.0 ... 3.0 ... 03.0
    01/06 - 263.0 ... 4.0 ... 07.0
    08/06 - 259.0 ... 4.0 ... 11.0
    15/06 - 257.4 ... 1.6 ... 12.6
    22/06 - 255.8 ... 1.6 ... 14.2
    29/06 - 254.8 ... 1.0 ... 15.2
    06/07 - 252.8 ... 2.0 ... 17.2
    13/07 - 250.8 ... 2.0 ... 19.2
    17/07 - 249.2 ... 1.6 ... 20.8 weigh in early this week as I am away for a four day weekend
    27/07 - 247.6 ... 1.6 ... 22.4
    03/08 - 246.5 ... 1.1 ... 23.5
    10/08 - 243.3 ... 3.2 ... 26.7
    17/08 - 241.0 ... 2.3 ... 29.0
    24/08 - 238.9 ... 2.1 ... 31.1
    31/08 - 236.4 ... 2.5 ... 33.6
    07/09 - 233.6 ... 2.8 ... 36.4
    14/09 - 230.8 ... 2.8 ... 39.2
    21/09 - 228.5 ... 2.3 ... 41.5
    28/09 - 226.9 ... 1.6 ... 43.1
    05/10 - 227.5 .. +0.6 .. 42.5 First blip in 4 months, acceptable for a holiday
    12/10 - 223.7 ... 3.8 ... 46.3
    19/10 - 220.3 ... 3.4 ... 49.7
    26/10 - 219.2 ... 1.1 ... 50.8
    02/11 - 216.8 ... 2.4 ... 53.2
    09/11 - 215.0 ... 1.8 ... 55.0
    16/11 - 212.9 ... 2.1 ... 57.1
    23/11 - 212.3 ... 0.6 ... 57.7
    30/11 - 212.6 ...+0.3 .. 57.4 Oops!
    07/12 - 209.5 ... 3.1 ... 60.5
    14/12 - 209.3 ... 0.2 ... 60.7
    21/12 - 211.5 .. +2.2 .. 58.5
    28/12 - 219.2 .. +7.7 .. 50.8
    01/01 - 217.8
    04/01 - 215.2 ... 4.0 ... 54.8
    11/01 - 213.2 ... 2.0 ... 56.8
    18/01 - 213.0 ... 0.2 ... 57.0
    25/01 - 210.4 ... 2.6 ... 59.6
    01/02 - 207.9 ... 2.5 ... 62.1
    08/02 - 206.2 ... 1.7 ... 63.8
    15/02 - 204.7 ... 1.5 ... 65.3
    22/02 - 202.7 ... 2.0 ... 67.3
    29/02 - 196.4 ... 6.3 ... 73.6
    07/03 - 196.2 ... 0.2 ... 73.8
    14/03 - 195.2 ... 1.0 ... 74.8
    21/03 - 194.4 ... 0.8 ... 75.6
    28/03 - 193.8 ... 0.6 ... 76.2
    04/04 - 194.2 .. +0.4 .. 75.8
    11/04 - 197.6 .. +3.4 .. 72.4
    09/05 - 202.8 .. +5.2 .. 67.2
    16/05 - 200.4 ... 2.4 ... 69.6
    23/05 - 200.2 ... 0.2 ... 69.8
    13/06 - 208.2 .. +8.0 .. 61.8
    21/06 - 207.2 ... 1.0 ... 62.8
    28/06 - 209.2 .. +2.0 .. 60.8
    12/07 - 215.0 .. +5.8 .. 55.0
    19/07 - 213.3 ... 1.7 ... 56.7
    26/07 - 211.5 ... 1.8 ... 58.1
    02/08 - 210.1 ... 1.4 ... 59.9
    09/08 - 209.0 ... 1.1 ... 61.0
    16/08 - 208.4 ... 0.6 ... 61.6
    23/08 - 207.5 ... 0.9 ... 62.5
    30/08 - 204.8 ... 2.7 ... 65.2
    06/09 - 202.2 ... 2.6 ... 67.8
    13/09 - 199.7 ... 2.5 ... 70.3
    20/09 - 197.3 ... 2.4 ... 72.7
    27/09 - 197.2 ... 0.1 ... 72.8
    04/10 - 196.3 ... 0.9 ... 73.7
    11/10 - 195.2 ... 1.1 ... 74.8

    Total weight lost 74.8 lbs, 7.2 lbs to my revised goal.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    @Beka3695 we are posting steps on here, right?
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember that even if your team doesn’t rank the highest in weight loss for the week you can still be the Green Percentage winner by having the most losses in your team! So keep it up!! B)

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st WaistAways 0.48%
    2nd Trimstones 0.39%
    3rd Downsizers 0.36%

    1st WaistAways 29.3 Lbs
    2nd Trimstones 22.6 Lbs
    3rd Downsizers 22.5 Lbs

    1st @twitch82 2.75 %
    2nd @angmarie28 2.66%
    3rd @breanacasey2017 2.23 %

    1st @evangsimmons170 7.0 Lbs
    2nd @breanacasey2017 5.2 Lbs
    3rd @twitch82 5.0 Lbs


  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,444 Member
    Steps - Week of 10/4-10/10
    10/4 6,339
    10/5 9,298
    10/6. 8,097
    10/7 6,695
    10/8 7,531
    10/9 9,463
    10/10 8,522
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    Sending positive thoughts to you all! Welcome back @ShowKitten

    Today was 90 minutes cycling, 90 minutes walking and 70 minutes running - I think 30 minutes hot tub is next 😊
  • ShowKitten
    ShowKitten Posts: 434 Member
    It took me way too long to remember how to use groups on MFP oops. Great to be back (well I’d prefer to be goal weight but we can’t have everything 😹) and feeling very motivated to weight off now I’ve had a baby and I want to look and feel my best yummy mummy self 🤞😁

    I was first in this group in 2017 when I lost over 50lbs for my wedding, I’ve yo-yo’d up and down since then and was back very near my highest back in January when I fell pregnant. Had baby just under two weeks ago and braved great scales today to see I’ve only put on 3lbs on top of that number so super happy with that. Now to start that journey to get 50lbs down and back into onederland 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

    Looking forward getting to know you all and I see a few names I recognise too ❤️
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Were we supposed to be posting steps for last week? If so mine was 116685 for the week 4/10-10/10.
  • peachplace
    peachplace Posts: 67 Member
    total steps for the week are 70432
  • beije24
    beije24 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and log my weigh-in.
    I’m Beije (pronounced just like the color, beige) I’ve had ups and downs in weight and feel this will hold me accountable.
    SW: 161
    CE: 160
    GW: 150
    Best of luck to everyone :)
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I can’t find my steps in the Fitbit app for the week. It sends me an email on Monday for the previous week, so I will submit my steps tomorrow (otherwise I have to manually add the days myself, and who wants to do that?!?!)
  • peachplace
    peachplace Posts: 67 Member
    Hey everyone! My Dr is suggesting I take medication to assist my weight loss. I am wondering if anyone else is taking prescriptions to help them as well. Specifically is anyone taking Contrave? if you are how do you like it? Do you feel its helping? If you are taking something else what are you taking and is it helping? I want to make an informed decision on this topic. She's been suggesting it to me for years and I have been resistant because I feel like I need something more then just a pill to help me. Thanks!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Dogmom1978 wrote: »
    I can’t find my steps in the Fitbit app for the week. It sends me an email on Monday for the previous week, so I will submit my steps tomorrow (otherwise I have to manually add the days myself, and who wants to do that?!?!)

    With my app, if I tap on steps for the day it will give me steps for prior days. Try that.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    peachplace wrote: »
    Hey everyone! My Dr is suggesting I take medication to assist my weight loss. I am wondering if anyone else is taking prescriptions to help them as well. Specifically is anyone taking Contrave? if you are how do you like it? Do you feel its helping? If you are taking something else what are you taking and is it helping? I want to make an informed decision on this topic. She's been suggesting it to me for years and I have been resistant because I feel like I need something more then just a pill to help me. Thanks!

    I have taken stuff, not this, in the past. It worked while I was on it, but ultimately I gained it back. I don’t think I had the proper mindset.

    I am not against it. I think it could help you get started and the motivation to keep going.

    Just be cognizant that coming off could make maintenance harder.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    beije24 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and log my weigh-in.
    I’m Beije (pronounced just like the color, beige) I’ve had ups and downs in weight and feel this will hold me accountable.
    SW: 161
    CE: 160
    GW: 150
    Best of luck to everyone :)

    Welcome!!!! I have logged your weigh in for the week. When logged on the spreadsheet, we will click the “insightful” button

    Welcome to the group

  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    Hi Beka,
    Don't know if you wanted thru Saturday or Sunday so I am sending thru Sunday.

    10/6 Tuesday 12,866
    Wednesday 12,111
    Thursday 9,377
    Friday 13,156
    Saturday 12,370
    Total 59,880
    Sunday 10,148
    Total 70,0028
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    10/4 8,169
    10/5 14,404
    10/6 11,127
    10/7 10,933
    10/8 7,070
    10/9 16,552
    10/10 19,317

    Total: 87,572

    I would like to break 100k this week, but I don’t know if that will happen. Bunch of rain in the forecast for my area this week, so I would need to do extra gym cardio to get that high.
  • peachplace
    peachplace Posts: 67 Member
    weigh in day Monday
    cw 255.5
    pw 256

  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    PW 155.8
    CW 154.4
    LTD 37.6
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Hi team!!! I’ve been traveling all day today. I was not planning to go home last weekend, but the opportunity arose and I jumpped!

    Btw @boehle, I finally received that stuff you were asking me about 🤣🤣

    I am back in Florida and settling in for a 2.5 week stay before returning home.

    I will get caught up with the weigh ins/steps in the morning.

    Hope everyone has a restful night!!
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    Leezy55 wrote: »
    Hi Beka,
    Don't know if you wanted thru Saturday or Sunday so I am sending thru Sunday.

    Each week is Sunday to Saturday 😊
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Good Morning. If you aren't my friend, you wouldn't see the post I made this morning. I am torn between a full reset, which includes losing my 7 years of logging in daily or just trying to get my mind right again? I know @beka3695 has done a full reset and its helped her tremendously. I am just so torn to lose all those days.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    boehle wrote: »
    Good Morning. If you aren't my friend, you wouldn't see the post I made this morning. I am torn between a full reset, which includes losing my 7 years of logging in daily or just trying to get my mind right again? I know @beka3695 has done a full reset and its helped her tremendously. I am just so torn to lose all those days.

    Losing my 1000 day streak didn’t make the difference. If you like your streak, keep your streak.

    My streak reset was 7/2019. My mental reset was 03/01/2020.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    As most of you know, I practice modified IF. Today I decided to switch it up a bit.

    I was hungry, and not thirsty, so I decided to have breakfast. Now I’m starving. I swear, if I can hold off till noon or 1, I am fine. But when I cave and eat early, I am hungrier all day long.

    I will fight thru this till real lunch time 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I have been super lazy, like regular lazy but I’ve been wearing my cape....

    I have not been feeling 100% and my back is having some changing of seasons issues. I did indulge a little this past weekend, but I’m doing ok even with my IF issues this am.

    My goal is to rest the remainder of the day and tomorrow go for a nice, long walk with my little buddy. I will also do some dinner planning for the rest of the week and next.

    Bad days happen... the goal is to not let it bring you down and ruin your whole week/month/year!
  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    Pw 154.8
    Cw 155.0
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,444 Member
    Wednesday weigh in:
    PW: 150.4
    CW: 151.2

    A gain, now that it seems my son's wedding is done, I've been not trying as hard, as I have been really really tired, but I'll get back to it today! I worked too hard!!
This discussion has been closed.