November, please look good to me - accountability thread

Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member

November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows

You all know the drill, use this thread whichever way you like.

My goals for this month:

1. Get to 72.5 kg
2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

02/11: 73.8


  • midsummer174627
    midsummer174627 Posts: 386 Member
    Goal for November: just track every day.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get to 72.5 kg
    2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
    3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

    02/11: 73.8
    03/11: 73.8
  • April_M_2015
    April_M_2015 Posts: 18 Member
    edited November 2020
    Hi All,

    I'm new to the group but looking for some accountability! My goals are:
    1. Track every day and stay pretty much on track
    2. Run 15km/week
    3. Start doing just a little bit with weights - even though I hate weights!
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hello everyone, I’m new to the group too. : )

    I’m looking to:
    1. Do weights every other day.
    2. Keep up my protein intake
    3. Lose a pound a week.
    4. Up my water.

    Looking forward to getting and receiving inspiration and accountability!
  • freudsbeard427
    freudsbeard427 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm just staring my journey, new to the process.
    My goal for the month:
    1. Drop to 140lbs. (5lbs to go)
    2. Eat out only once a week.
    3. Appropriately portion my meals.

    So far I'm off to a good start, doing my runs and keeping my meals within a normal size portion!
  • mondb
    mondb Posts: 1 Member
    Hello to you all !
    I am completely new to joining any community or sharing my fitness / weight loss aims with anyone.

    I really hope this forum will help me:
    1. Stop snacking ( when I was working in the office I had managed to stop snacking, now I am working from home I eat constantly - I am rewarding myself with food ( boredom tiredness too busy to make anything )
    2. Log my food in mfp - I joined mfp years ago but I have never logged my food for longer than a few days.
    3. Loose the stone I have put on since March ( I will not manage this by the end of November but I would like to be heading in the right direction by December)
    4. Exercise three times a week

    I know I feel better if I am fitter and I am at my ideal weight and I know it’s best for my long term health ( as I am no longer 21 !) I just need reminding sometimes.

    Good luck to all of the rest of you on this thread - I hope you all reach your goals !
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Thank you @Antiopelle for starting the November thread!!

    47 my bday month!
    5'2", 113, 20% body fat

    My goal for the month is to have perfect active month on my apple health tracker. I was short by 3 days last month so i think its doable.

    I would like to drop another 1% of bf and see 110 but, i am happy how i feel now. So mainly here for accountability and keep track!
  • mc1234657
    mc1234657 Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to have the thread!

    I'd like to get down to 74.0 by the end of November.

    I will:
    1. Plan meals 24 in advance and log them in advance here
    2. Do my yoga and Nike workouts 6 days a week

    6/11: 75.8kg

  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    edited November 2020
    SW: 158
    Nov GW: 154.5

    11/6: 156


    A haiku:

    Holidays are here.
    Halloween candy still lurks,
    So I am fat now.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    SW: 158
    Nov GW: 154.5

    11/6: 156


    A haiku:

    Holidays are here.
    Halloween candy still lurks,
    So I am fat now.

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get to 72.5 kg
    2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
    3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

    02/11: 73.8
    03/11: 73.8
    09/11: 74.0 Which I know is pretty high, I saw some lower numbers the last days. I feel I have to work harder than usual to drop the weight, I guess it might be hormonal and that a pre-menopausal change is happening.
  • mc1234657
    mc1234657 Posts: 2 Member
    mc1234657 wrote: »
    Glad to have the thread!

    I'd like to get down to 74.0 by the end of November.

    I will:
    1. Plan meals 24 in advance and log them in advance here
    2. Do my yoga and Nike workouts 6 days a week

    6/11: 75.8kg

    9th Nov: 74.8kg
    Yayyy, hoping the trend will stay going down! :smiley:
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    New her too. And late to start. I tried to not look at the scale during this Covid mess, but need to get back to my weight before this started.

    SW- 125

    My goals this month:
    1. Close all my rings x3 on my apple watch- in the apple watch contest and that's the goal and playing pickleball has made that easy to do.
    2. Log all my food and eat my calorie goals.
    3. I have added a stretch routing to my daily exercise this month which has helped with my migraines and overall body movement - I still need to force my to do it. So goal is to stretch everyday... 3 xBody pump/ wk.
  • First post ever! I'm here to be more accountable for my unhealthy habits and binge eating while losing some COVID weight gain.

    Goals for November:
    1. Find starting weight/measurements (just ordered a scale) and determine goals
    2. Eat only one snack per afternoon
    3. Check in on this discussion board for accountability, especially during the Thanksgiving holiday
  • marganit1
    marganit1 Posts: 13 Member
    SW: 70,5kg
    GW: 60kg ideally, but for now 68kg
  • ChristinaG611
    ChristinaG611 Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2020
    Hi, I'm new! I signed up for MFP years ago and never really used it. The last year I've put on almost 15lbs. I've gotten to a point where it bothers me to much and I want to fix it.

    SW: 147.4lb
    GW: 130lb

    My goal for the month:
    1. Lose 1 pound per week.
    2. Cut my nightly glass of whiskey down to 3 per week.
    3. No stress eating.
    4. Actually do those youtube exercises I've bookmarked at least 4 times a week.
    5. Learn how this accountability buddy thing works and participate.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get to 72.5 kg
    2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
    3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

    02/11: 73.8
    03/11: 73.8
    09/11: 74.0 Which I know is pretty high, I saw some lower numbers the last days. I feel I have to work harder than usual to drop the weight, I guess it might be hormonal and that a pre-menopausal change is happening.
    10/11: 74.4 - Yesterday was a crazy working day and hubbie ended up preparing spaghetti bolognese late at night while I was still working. I gobbled down a double portion because I was starving, frustrated and tired. Of course, this shows today.
  • RosyDanielle
    RosyDanielle Posts: 99 Member
    Hi all!
    Been using myfitnesspal for years on and off, and took a long hiatus during my pregnancy and postpartum journeys recently. I'm almost 8 months postpartum now and finally managed to get under my pre-pregnancy weight :smiley: Now focusing on losing the last bit that I've been wanting to lose even before getting pregnant.
    We're leaving for a beach holiday 16 December so the goal is to reach my goal weight by then. I hope this (and the December accountability thread) will help :smile:

    For reference:
    Height: 166cm
    Age: 31

    SW: 59 kg (just after my son was born)
    CW: 56 kg
    GW: 52 kg