Goals for the next 3 weeks?

bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
Only 21 days remaining in 2020. What are some goals you'd like to accomplish?


  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I began logging my food and exercising every day on December 1st. I want to continue that habit through the month.

    I also want to log at least 8,000 steps each day. I'm averaging 6 or 7,000 now and I know I can do better.

  • Iseulte
    Iseulte Posts: 55 Member
    Like you, I want to stay consistent logging my food. I also want to find time to walk three times a week and try to do some weight lifting.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I finally got past my months-long funk in mid November and have started to reclaim my good habits. Right now I'm mainly making sure I log consistently at Cron (although it's okay if I miss a meal if it's hard to log, so long as I get right back to it), and hit my (relatively non taxing, so I can have a good base before starting to ramp up) weekly workout plans (combo of bike trainer, running, walking, and weights). In particular, since it has traditionally been my favorite workout, and yet I've taken months off, I've gotten back to running and am taking it slow. Just signed up for a virtual "by 12/31" 5K, so continuing the training and then seeing where I am in running that will be December's goal. (I'm also making sure I hit at least 10K steps daily and close the rings on my Apple watch.)

    In Jan, the plan is to move on to 10K training.

    I'm focusing on enjoying the process and what I am doing, and not specifically on weight yet, although I am also back to weighing myself every morning.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    I'm not very goal-y, more oriented to opportunities and habits.

    So, my only short-term goal is the one I mentioned in another thread: Get in my 200km on the rowing machine by Christmas Eve, at about 8k X 6 days a week.

    The opportunities I"m seeing are these:

    * Make whatever food treats **I'd** like for Christmas/New Years, without considering others' desires or standards at all. Usually, I spend the holidays with my SIL/BIL (I'm a widow), but I'm not traveling across the state to gather with people outside my solo household! I love doing that most years, but I'm vegetarian, and they're meaty people. (They're super nice about having things I can eat, and enjoy.) But, with a solo holiday - as I also had on US Thanksgiving - I can make and eat whatever the heck I want, whether it's holiday-suitable or not. It's fun.

    * With the end of rowing season, I'm spending more time in the house. I'm hoping I can turn this into progress on better organizing some of my craft work areas/supplies, and play a bit more.

    On the habits front, it's keep calorie logging (maybe not on the actual holidays, we'll see), logging my weight in Libra, stay active (maybe with a break after the Holiday Challenge), and try to live in a way that helps others stay healthy (not spread Covid), and try to be positive/fun via social media and phone/Zoom/etc. with friends and family.
  • runrmomma
    runrmomma Posts: 17 Member
    One of my main goals by year end is to commit to setting them! ;)

    * Weekly goals
    * Consistent workouts (3-4 days/wk minimum)
    * Focus on controlling emotional eating.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,421 Member
    1961Fowler wrote: »
    Wow! only 3 weeks til this year is over!! Im 181 and goal is to get into 170s. only 2 lbs but we all know how difficult it can be over Christmas! My reach is to get out of 180s FOREVER

    I hope we can both see the 170s soon. I'll even settle for 179.9 lol!
  • WThyme
    WThyme Posts: 78 Member
    Three Week Goals (Now to December 31st):
    1. Log, stay within calories and exercise daily
    2. Be at 172 by December 31st
    3. Have my house completely ready to put on the market to sell
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    My goal is to weigh myself, log, and work out daily. I have been lucky the last few days to lose some weight because the next 2 weeks will be difficult to maintain or not gain those pounds back. It is easy to not weigh and be unaccountable to myself especially when you know you have overeaten.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,606 Member
    My main goal is to lose 30 pounds I gained this year. In doing so I have to focus on mini goals to make this successful.

    Three Week Goals (Now to December 31st):
    1. Morning walks daily and yoga at least 4 days weekly.
    2. Late night snacks
    3. Focus on controlling emotional eating. (@runrmomma, I hope you don’t mind, I love this idea so , I’m joining you)
    4. Spend at least 30 mins before bed either reading, crocheting or cross stitch.
  • njmomma7422
    njmomma7422 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am 59 and my goal is to lose 30 pounds. My Covid Curves are busting out! Trying to go Keto and need all the help I can get. Trying to figure out how to use this forum for the Keto diet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Welcome. I don't do keto, but I tried it out in the past as an experiment, and I'm somewhat low carb. You basically just do it the way you'd do any other way of eating--set your diary based on your planned cals and macros. I think it's easier to focus on total grams vs percentages, especially if adding back exercise. If there are any specific issues you are having with the setup feel free to ask.

    Also (although definitely stay here!) another group you might enjoy is https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum

  • njmomma7422
    njmomma7422 Posts: 13 Member
    @lemurcat12 I am so new to Keto dieting.
    My biggest problem is trying to find out how many grams of carbs, fat and protein I should be eating a day.
    My height is 5'2", Weight 168, Walk 4 miles a day.
    No matter what calculator I use, I get confused, help!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    My goal is to stay in maintenance into 2021. For the next 3 weeks:
    1. Continue my IF and lower carb eating (Christmas off, but otherwise I can do this!)
    2. Follow my fitness plan including a run or two per week, regular walking some weights, a few sessions of yoga per week
    3. Stay positive mentally, doing a brief distressing activity daily, like listening to music or a brief meditation.
  • njmomma7422
    njmomma7422 Posts: 13 Member
    @Cafelelia You go girl!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited December 2020
    @lemurcat12 I am so new to Keto dieting.
    My biggest problem is trying to find out how many grams of carbs, fat and protein I should be eating a day.
    My height is 5'2", Weight 168, Walk 4 miles a day.
    No matter what calculator I use, I get confused, help!

    You can get good advice in the other thread I linked, but generally I'd say that you could either just start lowering your carbs and see what level you feel good at or, if you really want to try keto from the start, aiming for around 25-30 g or less net carbs (carbs-fiber), 0.8 g of protein for every lb of a healthy goal weight for protein, and then the rest fat is a decent place to start. Some sites go by percentages, which I think is not the best approach, and others start out super low and tell you you have to worry about too much protein, which is not really true either, unless you were doing it for epilepsy.

    Be aware that you can avoid the keto flu somewhat by increasing salt and making sure you eat plenty of veg -- it's basically electrolyte loss due to water weight dropping quickly, so the veg/salt replenishes the electrolytes. It's still common to feel sluggish for a bit if dropping carbs a bunch.
  • njmomma7422
    njmomma7422 Posts: 13 Member
    @lemurcat12 Thank you!