
Heyyyy, ladies! Glad you’re here! Please take a moment to introduce yourself and share your healthy living goals!

I’m 43–the metabolism slowing down thing is real. Not to mention, I have an autoimmune disorder which often cramps my style...I can’t run half-marathons like I used to. (I miss running so much!). Also, 2020 was stressful and my bad habits did more for me than my good habits. I do like to eat healthy, but right now sugar is running my life!

My goals: no sugar (and nothing too sweet, even “good” sweet), and no alcohol for the month of January. I know for me, just breaking the habit pattern and the craving for sweet stuff will help me get back on track to healthier habits. Once I see how January goes, I’ll set my next set of goals! I’d like to lose weight, but I’m going to see how much weight comes off with those goals before I decide what to do for phase 2.

I’m psyched! Let’s do this!


  • Gely1415
    Gely1415 Posts: 6 Member
    Mid 30s, done with 2020, and looking for the extra motivation and support needed to face the challenge of weight loss. My goal is to start with the basics and then work my way up to a triathlon in 2021.
  • duchessfergie
    duchessfergie Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome goal! I did a few mini triathlons way back when...I miss having a race as a goal for my fitness. Glad you’re here!