Weekly Goal(s)



  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    I checked my goals from the last week and I totally set too many goals :))

    goals for this week:

    hit my step goal: 4 times
    cook: twice this week
    runs: 2
    do yoga:2
    strength workout:2
    enjoy life: at least once this week, hhh

    Good luck to everyone!
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Restart lifting 5 days week :)
    2 runs :smile:
    2 boxing sessions :smile:
    Hit calorie goals 1200 or within added exercise cals. we can't win them all!! :wink:

    Checking in a little late - better than normal. I am happy I stuck to my movement goals last week! Gonna try to duplicate that this week.

    Also, gonna try to get Christmas under control - that will help drop my stress level!

    Lift 5 days
    2 Runs
    2 Boxing
    Hit calorie goals for the remainder of week.
  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all and this is a late Sunday goals update - Fell off the wagon completely last week!
    I'm going to keep it simple to try so I actually reach some of these goals. I tend to create huge goals I don't meet, then get unmotivated and fall off completely!

    1. Drink 8 cups of water per day
    2. Do one hour of yoga per day
    3. Track all of my food - every.single.thing.
  • Crystalb4747
    Crystalb4747 Posts: 21 Member
    Today marks 28 days on mfp and 7 lbs lost I have noticed more energy and less procrastination with exercising on a more regular basis. My goal for this week is to continue with what I’ve been doing and add one extra day of cardio.
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Today marks 28 days on mfp and 7 lbs lost I have noticed more energy and less procrastination with exercising on a more regular basis. My goal for this week is to continue with what I’ve been doing and add one extra day of cardio.

    That is fantastic!! Way to go!

  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    Today marks 28 days on mfp and 7 lbs lost I have noticed more energy and less procrastination with exercising on a more regular basis. My goal for this week is to continue with what I’ve been doing and add one extra day of cardio.

    Good for you!! That's great news and just motivated me to get off the couch!
  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    Weekly Goals

    1. Log all food, exercise, and water in MFP
    2. Do 60 minutes of yoga per day
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    4. Take a walk every day
    5. Don't get take-off, prepare all food myself

    Hope everyone has a great week! :)
  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    Weigh-In this morning 179.3 kg down 0.3 kg

    Goals for this week
    eat healthy, no bad food, drink water
    stay between 1200 - 1500 calories
    log food everyday
    Leg is better!! back to pools

  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Goals this week are
    1. Continue my core challenge
    2. Exercise 4x’s this week
    3. Continue with my water drinking.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Goals for this week:

    1. Stick within my calorie range
    2. Hit the gym ever other day
    3. Lose another pound
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Log food every day
    Run 3X
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Walk 10k steps at least 5 times this week
    Prepare food at home twice
    Do any kind of workout 4 times
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hi all.

    Goals - just maintain 145/146 range
    Keep hitting the gym
    Work on at home Exercises
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Exercise 3x
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    My goals this week are
    1. Drink 1/2 my weight in oz and water everyday
    2. Be aware of what I’m eating
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    - Stick to lifting and running schedule
    - Cut out chocolate, candy, icecream, and other sweets
    - Log food every day
    - Meet macro goals
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Keep up my yoga and abs challenge.
    Limit snacking.
    Keep my fasting window as planned
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    My weekly goal is to clean my house and NOT snack throughout the day!!!
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    oops...missed my Sunday check in for goals. So here they are a couple days late.

    Keep up with yoga challenge.
    Start running on the treadmill.
    Keep to my fasting window.
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member

    Track food every day
    Up my protein intake
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    Hello! I just joined this group a moment ago, so let's pretend it's Sunday for a little bit. :blush:
    My main goal for this week is to get into "couch to 5K" running program, so I have three sub-goals:

    [x] couch to 5K week 1 - day 1 (done on Monday)
    [o] couch to 5K week 1 - day 2
    [o] couch to 5K week 1 - day 3

    I am tracking food and doing strength traning as well, but they are not much of a struggle at the moment, so I do not see them as goals for the week. I suppose this will change, as soon as MFP tracking becomes boring or I will go on a trip for work. Trips make tracking super hard! Later on I will add yoga and another strength training session to my weekly roster, but for now my hands are full with C25K. Wish me luck!
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    My weekly goal is to clean my house and NOT snack throughout the day!!!

    Cleaning the house is such a great goal, CurvyCalorie! Clean and peaceful environment is so important for our mental and physical well-being that I am surprised I do not see such goals more often. Thank you!
  • gwweber3
    gwweber3 Posts: 2 Member
    My goals this week are to eat two servings each of fruit and vegetables each day, and to stay within my calorie goals.
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Welcome @gwweber3 and @turtlesnakes ! So happy to have you! Best of luck with your goals this week.
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Weigh in: 67.1kg
    Weekly goal:
    1.8k steps daily
    2. 20 min exercise (even if it's just stretches) 6 days this week.
    3.Check in with the group at least once every two days

    Good luck to everyone!:))
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hello all!

    Get my food back on track.
    Keep up with moving my body every day.
    Work on organizing the house.
  • Dshep7
    Dshep7 Posts: 14 Member
    This week I am looking to get back on track with cutting out sugary drinks and eating healthier snacks. Time not give in to the cravings anymore!
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    Hello, everyone! I posted a tl;dr version of my weekly plan here, so that I don't take up too much space here.

    New goals for the week:
    [o] 1 relaxed yoga session at home (min. 30 minutes)
    [o] couch to 5K week 2 - day 1
    [o] couch to 5K week 2 - day 2
    [o] couch to 5K week 2 - day 3

    Maintenance goals:
    [o] track calories with MFP app (Monday to Sunday)
    [o] maintain calorie deficit or caloric zero in a 3/1 system
    [o] do 1 strength training session (60 mins) with a personal trainer

    Good luck to you all! I wish everyone a great week! :blush:
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, everyone! It's me again. How is your goal setting going? I am posting a longer update here and just summarising this past and upcoming week below.

    My goals from this week:
    [x] 1 relaxed yoga session at home (min. 30 minutes)
    [x] couch to 5K week 2 - day 1 (done on Tuesday)
    [x] couch to 5K week 2 - day 2 (done on Friday)
    [x] couch to 5K week 2 - day 3 (done on Saturday)

    Maintenance goals from this week:
    [x] track calories with MFP app (Monday to Sunday)
    [x] maintain calorie deficit or caloric zero in a 3/1 system (“zero” on Tuesday and Saturday)
    [x] do 1 strength training session (60 mins) with a personal trainer

    This coming week I want to try the same yoga class in a new space and see whether I can improve my focus and enjoyment of the session. I also want to go for week 3 of C25K and keep up my maintenance goals.

    New goals for the week:
    [o] couch to 5K week 3 - day 1
    [o] couch to 5K week 3 - day 2
    [o] couch to 5K week 3 - day 3

    Maintenance goals:
    [o] 1 relaxed yoga session at home (min. 30 minutes)
    [o] track calories with MFP app (Monday to Sunday)
    [o] maintain calorie deficit or caloric zero in a 3/1 system
    [o] do 1 strength training session (60 mins) with a personal trainer

    Have a great week! <3
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Wow, great job @turtlesnakes !!

    My goals:
    Tuesday: lift
    Wednesday: run
    Thursday: run
    Friday: lift
    Saturday: run
    Sunday: lift