Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    edited January 2021
    363days wrote: »
    I guess I didn't want to say goodbye to December - I just did a bucket load of posts over there. I'm still in, Megan, but could you please change my step goal to 9,000? Thanks for your continued support of the team.

    Awesome glad you want to continue the step challenge and absolutely I will change your step goal :) I am missing steps from you from 12/29 to 1/2 thanks :)
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 please keep me in the stop challenge. Goal is 10k until spring since I am a baby about the cold.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 685 Member
    I would like to stay in the step challenge for 10,000 steps:)
    1/1 Steps 8,236
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    I only have 10 members for our step challenge ... Please let me know if you want to drop out, be excused, added or what not by tomorrow so I can add it to the spreadsheet ...Thank you

    I want to stay in but adjust my step goals to 7000. Thanks for doing this
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 please keep me in the stop challenge. Goal is 10k until spring since I am a baby about the cold.

    Please clarify .. You are not wanting to continue with the step challenge until further notice is that correct ? You have been adding your steps so I am confused ..Sorry
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 15,571

    I am fighting this cold so skipped my regular workout and walked with a friend. I hadn’t left the house in days so I needed the fresh air even though it was cold.

    For those new members, my name is Rachel and I am 43. I am a married mom of two kids, one very old dog and two naughty kitties. I live in Massachusetts. I love the beach and every season but winter because I hate the cold. I have been on furlough for the last 10 month due to covid so I help my kiddos with school the days they are home.

    Last year I committed to working out more and succeeded but have not succeed on the weight loss and added some more lbs during covid.

    My weight has gone up and down my whole life. I have never been what doctors would say is a healthy weight but I have at times been more comfortable with my weight. 20 lbs crept back on over the last 3 years slowly bringing me to my highest weight with the exception of being pregnant.

    I have been here for a few months and really just bounce back and forth within a few pounds. I do keep coming back because I refuse to give up on myself and I enjoy reading about other team members journeys and the support.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 please keep me in the stop challenge. Goal is 10k until spring since I am a baby about the cold.

    Please clarify .. You are not wanting to continue with the step challenge until further notice is that correct ? You have been adding your steps so I am confused ..Sorry
    Sorry that should have been step not stop. Going with a lower goal than I would otherwise. So yes keep me in!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 please keep me in the stop challenge. Goal is 10k until spring since I am a baby about the cold.

    Please clarify .. You are not wanting to continue with the step challenge until further notice is that correct ? You have been adding your steps so I am confused ..Sorry
    Sorry that should have been step not stop. Going with a lower goal than I would otherwise. So yes keep me in!

    Thanks for clarifying ... I will change your step goal :)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    I only have 10 members for our step challenge ... Please let me know if you want to drop out, be excused, added or what not by tomorrow so I can add it to the spreadsheet ...Thank you

    I am in and my goal is 10K. A bit ambitious for me but it’s what it needs to be. We’ll see how the 10 hour shifts, working the vaccine tents help or hurt this goal. I am hoping that I will get lots of steps doing that work but I have no idea what to expect. I’ll find out on Monday.

    1/1= 11,076 steps (hiked with the family)
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    PW 195.6
    CW 194.4
    Loss w/ MFP since 4/17/20 75.6lbs
    LTD 128.6lbs

    I'm happy about this loss for the week. New years Eve I decided to still track all my food but not my wine. It's only for one night and I don't ever drink a ton anyway. I wound up drinking 2 glasses of wine while we played games.

    For the last couple of weeks we have been pretty busy with holiday stuff and I got really lax on my workouts. I plan on getting back into my daily workouts starting Monday when my son goes back to school.

    Today we are actually staying home all day and having a family day. I have one goal today of completing a goal list and schedule for the year going forward.

    Steps 12/31 3000
    01/01 3350
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    I was going to take the day off from walking but I am antsy so we are going for a walk and tomorrow will be cleaning house :)
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    I only have 10 members for our step challenge ... Please let me know if you want to drop out, be excused, added or what not by tomorrow so I can add it to the spreadsheet ...Thank you

    I would like to do it! My step goal is 7,000 steps per day. :)
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    I think I may have overestimated my step goal. LOL After 20 min on the elliptical I only have 1500 steps. Maybe put me down for 7000 too, if I get that far I will try to increase. Back to the elliptical to get 1500 more steps.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    DawnCumm wrote: »
    I think I may have overestimated my step goal. LOL After 20 min on the elliptical I only have 1500 steps. Maybe put me down for 7000 too, if I get that far I will try to increase. Back to the elliptical to get 1500 more steps.

    I will change it to 7000 :)
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Sorry for all the early on questions, I thought I saw a exercise to step calculator someone shared. Found this one, is this close enough? If yes....double the steps on my elliptical than what is on my FitBit....sweating up a storm. conversion chart_FFB805BB.pdf
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    Welcome Jim..So happy you wanted to join us :)
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Walked 60 minutes @2.8 mph @Megan_smartiepants1970
    Food logged.
    Under calorie budget.
    Drank 126 oz water.
    Slept for 10 hours(making up for NYE) 01/01

  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    edited January 2021
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Hi. I’m Jim and this is the longest post I’m ever going to write but it was kind of cathartic to get this out.....

    Welcome Jim!

    Your post really resinates with me (and I'm sure many others). I had lost a great deal of weight (over 90 lbs) and kept it off for years, until Covid hit last March. My gym closed and I managed to workout online and started running, but like you, my spouse and teenagers are home with me 24/7 now with food all around me. I really relied upon leaving my home for work and gym time daily to manage my eating. Around July I really started to struggle and the longevity of being home made me give in to temptations and I rolled on 20+ lbs.

    I've been with this wonderful, motivating this group for 3 months now and although I haven't lost the weight, I have managed to yo-yo down and back up again through the holidays without additional gain.

    I am looking forward to a new month and new year with new achievements for us all.

  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    12/29 4682
    12/30 7521
    12/31 6337
    1/1 5239
This discussion has been closed.