Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hello. Well, first day of the year and it starts here with clouds and a chance of snow later. I am staying in and just crossing my fingers that I will not have to pick up the snow shovel today. 🤣😂🤣

    Another festive teapot.


    Working on sorting through papers. I have a couple years worth of things to decide, keep or toss and then need to do some shredding.

    And a Happy New Year to everyone. 😄



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    edited January 2021
    Happy New Year!! :) Let's all pray it has got to be better than last. We had a fun time with kiddos celebrating the kids count down to the New Year. Charlie was excited and was dancing, the two boys said we hate parties so did not participate. Max, the younger one follows his big brother around and tries to do what he does but I know that he really wanted to join our dance party. :D
    I got home early and watched NY come in and then Chicago. I was celebrating by myself with the exception of a midnight call from Bryanna ( which she does every year ) and texts from my friends.
    While I was at the kiddos house my landlord texted me and said his handyman picked up the "new" dryer and it was installed. I am doing a couple of loads to try it out, so far so good.
    I was invited to Lisa's parents today with Lisa and family but the weather isn't good with rain and snow. I am afraid it might be too icy but will see how it is later. Tonight they are saying 4 inches of snow so I am glad I have a few days of just staying home.

    I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year and hope it is our best year ever. I am grateful for all of my MFP friends and hope we can continue our forum for years and years.

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    edited January 2021
    From Anne
    1st January
    Hello Sneakers, I don't know where today is going but I'm enjoying myself no end - doing much of nothing.
    We got up at 7 and after breakfast I did something I never do! Did a very complicated jigsaw.
    Michael is staying home for the next three days because the case figures are rising alarmingly, plus I'm rather worried about Mark who is still suffering intense pain from the operation three weeks ago. I'm beginning to wonder if something was left inside him when the surgeon stitched the wound. If he feels better he and Mary Jo will pop by this afternoon.
    However, the good news is I bought 4 thick juicy lamb chops for New Year's Day dinner (before I go vegetarian again!) and with no Mike to share them, me and the Bean mopped up a lamb chop each! Bean ate hers ultra fast and then barked at me for more! Little does she know we have two fat lamb chops in the fridge for tomorrow! This wee thing should have gone to a Trump style home, she definitely likes the expensive things in life and instead she landed with me on a pension. Poor Bean.
    And that's about it. We didn't stay up last night because I had a wee Baileys and it knocked me out cold by 10 o'clock. I only drink alcohol at Christmas so therefore a thimbleful does me in. No fun at all, me.
    A Happy New Year for all our friends is sincerely hoped for, with much happiness and good health for you and yours.
    Hugs from Anne.

    I didn't send Anne yesterday's post until today because I forgot o:)
    From Anne
    So sorry Sandy, I sent my new year day bit to you before you sent me the Sneaker posts, but I do want to say how sorry I am that Jackie has had such bad news. Reminds me how Flo and I climbed into her battered old car and travelled all over the place!
    We reached Florida, British Columbia, northern Ontario, Canada and USA east coasts, the Shenandoah trails, etc etc. I was so lucky!
    I'll try and reply to everyone else tomorrow.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy new year. The day is grey but I feel sunny and ready to start a new year. I’ll admit I did get a bit down in the dumpsters last year. But we made it. A very low key evening, it didn’t feel like New Years Eve. John had a tummy ache, nothing serious but put him a bit off. No alcohol and bland diet. Yuck! But today will be better. I have lined up a bunch of our favorite music, a late brunch of veggie and salmon frittata and toast. We will call the few friends that are still hanging around on the planet. Then the inevitable movie and maybe champagne tonight. We skipped the celebration yesterday but we can do it today...why not?

    I did my exercises yesterday and today but I have still not decided what I will do to try to increase strength. I have been researching on NIH for seniors. Weights are good as long as they aren’t too heavy. But I guess they can be a bad idea if not done right. My mom used to lift cans of soup as weights. Not sure that was as effective as a more concentrated effort. She was a glamorous old sweetheart, to be sure!

    Must order some new art supplies. I have a very odd but compulsive thing about discarding paintbrushes and sketch pads. Our son says I give them a Viking funeral. I can’t just dump them in the trash. I just can’t! My dungeon trash is a testament to my frustrated efforts. I must ceremonially place them in the wood stove. Okay! Now you know how truly crazy I am. But I declare that I am basically harmless.

    And here we go....a new year! 2021 has a nice ring to it.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Yesterday we celebrated with Chinese food, but I stuck with non-fried chicken and made a huge batch of shrimp (some we had w/ cocktail sauce and the rest I put with my hot meal along with some Won-ton soup & Pinot etc. Tried to watch some of the virtual celebration on TV but found it too depressing. Ate waaay too much food and had “a few extra helpings” of Rebel Triple Choc ice cream (no sugar but still full fat).


    So today – it’s back to business…although I didn’t go to the gym until mid-morning. New Year’s Day 2021 Lunch: (161 cal.) Organic Spring Mix, Broccoli and cauliflower, Cucumber, Maria - artichokes, Tomato, Red Onion, Banana Pepper Rings - Hot, Balsamic Spray and Artichoke parmesan salad dressing.
    Just chillin’ for the day….


    Jackie – Sorry for the loss of your friend. But I am not sure you weren’t more Thelma and Louise then you let on. Those funeral restrictions are so tough. My brother-in-law’s sister passed Dec 28th – she was 79 – there will be a church service on the 6th, but also “remotely.” You’re right about losing your friend at such a difficult time. Love the memory photo!

    Lin – Good catch on the Veggies. I held back knowing Chinese food (it has been almost 2 yrs) was around the corner (lol). And yes, you are like Jean – sometimes we make meals and other times we just graze. But I should say, I do a fair amount of microwaving myself – but get an enjoyment from cooking and preparing so I am satiated and the food is primarily healthy but not looking like “diet” food. I am definitely a “left-over” person and rarely throw anything out. That in and of itself is a “left-over value” from childhood. You wasted nothing. Hope all that reading, laundry etc came off without a hitch and your evening was a good one.

    Sandy – Happy New Year’s “Day” to you! The condo sounds wonderful and I am glad it has been such a positive experience. The Quesadillas was definitely a treat and some of the best I have ever eaten. It was good to feel “normal” sitting and talking with Jean in a booth. Always love your “One day at a Time” sign-off. Also I don’t think I mentioned – Love your profile pic!

    Patsy – Absolutely agree that this was not a New Year’s Eve that felt like New Year’s Eve. Ours was more quiet than you might think – although we enjoyed each other’s company…we didn’t do a lot of the visiting etc we normally do and it was text messages to family members or brief phone calls. Sorry about John not feeling well. Jean had a little wine but doesn’t drink much at all – I on the other hand had 3 glasses. LOL. As for being crazy – I’ll take crazy over stuffy / pompous any day of the week. Of course, I am crazy too!

    Happy 2021 to all ! Bob


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) all my exercise is fun and entertaining and interesting. I listen to podcasts or audiobooks while I walk and I watch TV while I ride my exercise bike so I can do them for hours

    :) I go to bed early so I can read for awhile before going to sleep. I get up around 12:30 to take the dogs out to pee then I read for awhile before going back to sleep. I get up at 5 to take the dogs out then eat breakfast and go for another walk so I can be home in time for anything that might start at 9 AM. It is a great life.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’ve been mooching today, mostly because it’s so bloomin’ cold outside. Recent rain that left us with wet surfaces has created ice on the roads and because we are up on the moors so not considered a main route, we don’t get the luxury of gritters. I did walk the dogs for an hour around midday, the warmest time of day at 1c, then thought it would be cosy for the hens to have fresh bedding to keep them warm at night. I’ve also spread a layer of hay in their run to cover the sitting mud... spoilt or what?

    Last night was just another evening for me too although I did drink a couple of glasses of Italian sparkling Prosecco bought some time ago when I’d hoped things would be better than they are and we’d be seeing the back of Covid. Beware the new variant that appears to affect 10-19 year olds, not in a nasty way for them but they probably are contagious.

    Not only have I eaten and drunk more than I should but my steps from the daily walks are down. I blame the weather of course as I haven’t felt it wise to head for the moors where we’d be blasted with freezing air and hail. I’ll just have to get back to sensible eating although like Anne I have lamb to be cooked over the weekend which will require roasted potatoes in duck fat!
    My supply of teabags is getting worryingly low so will have to visit the farm shop in the hope they have PG Tips on their shelves.
    Bob you mentioned the other day reading an interesting article about tea. Was it the report that research shows older people who drink a few cups a day appear more alert? Makes me wonder what state my brain would be in if I didn’t drink tea! Great New Year photos of Jean and you. I especially like your matching beads!!

    Patsy, as someone who shovels coal out of a bunker then carries a heavy scuttle into the cottage, as well as logs from the store, I can vouch for NOT doing much lifting when we aren’t so used to it anymore. Shoulders, hands and forearms tend to complain for hours so please don’t strain anything. Tins of soup sound civilised if lifted at a gentle pace!
    Nothing wrong with a ceremonial burning of unwanted art. I remember once taking a large oil painting of mine to the tip because I felt it wasn’t particularly good. The subject was one of my black cats sitting in the window staring out with big golden eyes. I climbed the steps of the giant skip that rubbish gets tossed into and attempted to throw the upside down canvas Frisbee style to the other side but it landed face up leaning against the side for everyone to see. Those big cat eyes looked at me accusingly as I scurried away!

    Sandy, sounds like the boys are at an age when dancing becomes embarrassing to them. A great start to your year with the dryer being installed. Funny how such things can please us so much but remember when my washing machine packed up during our first lockdown and I was without for over 2 weeks. If we hadn’t been socially distancing I’d have hugged the engineer when he finally arrived!

    Haha Lin, today’s teddy teapot is wearing his own cosy! How sweet is he!

    Wonderful memories Anne. It must be our English explorer genes!

    Gosh, already January 2nd here... I do hope this year doesn’t whizz by at the alarming rate of 2020! 😲
    It does mean it’s past my bedtime and I still have to let the dogs into the garden. 🥶
    Nite, nite
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oops, I meant to leave this link for Anne, our Yorkshire lass.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Finally a weekend I can recognise as such because every day since Christmas has been "what day is it?" Another cold one and I waited until 10 to take the dogs out as roads are icy. Frustratingly, the hen house door has stopped working again so I'm going to have to slide up and down the garden morning and night to operate it manually. A terse email has been sent to the seller who repaired it a month ago!

    A lazy day in store because it's supposed to snow this afternoon. It could be a good time to sort through my vinyl albums and decide which to keep and those that can go (somewhere but not sure at the moment). First though sausage and beans for lunch with a jacket potato thrown in. The shoulder of lamb is still thawing slowly in the bottom of my fridge so will be cooked tomorrow.

    Have a good and safe day everyone, whatever you get up to.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    From Anne
    We've made it to Jan. 2nd. 2020 is truly GONE.

    JACKIE, I'm sat here having a quiet snivel! I so loved walking on the moors and peering at the high cliffs of Flamborough where you could get trapped when the tide rushed in. We exchanged the dales for the moors in Derbyshire when we moved. You can be sure if I still lived in East Yorkshire I would be out tottering behind everybody in the area around skidby mill! Thanks for the snivel which will help clear my red eye! It's almost gone! Along with 2020!

    I received so few cards from Great Britain this season I'm nervously wondering if any of my computer less friends are gone! I'm so very sorry you have lost your travel friend. I'm afraid my fellow traveller's dementia is worsening, but you are right! I think we Brits have a trace of the captain Cooks and Francis Drakes in our blood. My lot are or were all over the globe!

    Laughed about your black cat painting disposal. Lots of my stuff landed in various country dumps! We are sisters under the skin PATSY and JACKIE.

    Finally I've met someone who goes to bed before me - BARBIE!

    And SANDY, typical little boys! Dancing IS for sissies. (If you are a boy). At 9 I would have agreed. Sorry Barbie no offence meant. I just wasn't one of those girly pretty little girls - plus totally uncoordinated!

    Off to clear January 1st off my skin in the form of a shower. So all for now.
    Hugs to all, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hello, each day is so full of wanna do projects, should do projects and wow, look how interesting that new thing is, wanna do that as well. No way to possibility do everything. I have finally plugged in the lamp I purchased that delivers light that is like real daylight. I am leaving that plugged in for my waking hours and I do believe it is a positive addition to my life.

    Even sorting through papers and files, I run across many things that need to be read, or things I go online to check out. Yep, you guessed it, it is not going quickly. But I am enjoying at least some of the process which is an improvement.

    I was rummaging around through the things I have purchased on sale for an art journal for this year when the phone rang. I noted it was a friend and when I went back downstairs (new journal in hand), I called her back and then did not emerge from that call for over 2 hours.

    I hear your teeth grinding Bob and Sandy. 🤣😂🤣

    That put an end to my plans for the day! It was nice to talk to her. She was going to mark up her 2021 calendar with appointments and birthdays and anniversaries etc. She decided to start today since her afternoon/early evening was shot too.

    MeTV has started airing classic cartoons once again. I watched the hour long show last evening. Oh my gosh, a number of the cartoons were still housed in my memory cells.

    Teapot? No, a number of miniature teapots.


    Jackie, I hope you find some PG Tips tea. I would be glum without my tea and my package of coffee. I do sometimes miss going to the store to pick out what I would like but having tea is just fine. The rest is just me being a Princess. I am sorry the weather has kept you closer to home but the weather has the upper hand many times. I am extremely sorry about the non-functioning automatic door. 😢

    Anne, I hope your friends in Great Britain without computers are well. Many people didn’t feel like sending cards this year. One lady was nervous to send cards as although she was negative for Covid, her husband was positive and quarantined in one room of the house but she was still afraid there would be virus on the cards she sent. Okay. I found that a bit extreme. But it made her more comfortable to let it go. So maybe something similar with your friends?

    Sandy, oh boy, a dance party. I would love that! Every once in a while, I just start dancing around the room. Just because. You have so much fun with those kiddos!! And congratulations on the new dryer.

    Barbie, always a wonderful attitude about everything in life and enjoying all that you have. And with lots more dancing in your life than all of us combined. I do believe in this although I do not have a tutu.


    Patsy, I have no dungeon, I have little talent but I have the need to mess in an art journal again this year. My happiest year with a journal was the year I listened to no one, followed no rules a just painted, drew, glued, scribbled and generally played with that book. I get it out from time to time thinking some of the pages aren’t finished. Looking forward to hearing about your project(s).

    Bob, nice New Years Eve celebration and of course very nice photos of you and Jean. Still no problems in 2021? I certainly hope so. And still working on projects?

    Must zip along now. The Saturday morning show that I enjoy will be on soon.

    Best wishes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    edited January 2021
    I went to look at Jackie's link to Anne while I was posting and lost my post. Will try again.
    Happy Saturday! :) It snowed again last night but the roads should be good for movie night. I did not go to Lisa's parents house because it didn't look good so I took down all my Christmas decorations and did laundry. I left the hallway decorations up because my neighbors are Ukrainian and celebrate Christmas next weekend.
    Lisa's grandma did not have Covid pneumonia after all and has been released from the hospital. The first doctor who read her xray said she had Covid lungs but after numerous tests they said she did not have Covid. She does have lung problems but not covid.

    Lin, when you say art journal do you mean drawing art or just projects you love?? We did not get all your snow but winter is definitely here. Two hours on the phone, my ear would hurt. I did make several calls yesterday to wish people a happy new year so I am done for this week.

    Anne, there are days when I am sitting the boys say let's have a dance party. We go downstairs, turn all the lights off and put on the strobe light and dance to Michael Jackson's, gonna be starting something. I am exhausted when done but they love it. It all depends on Robby's mood of the day.

    Jackie, I am with you on finally knowing what day it is today. I think because I did laundry yesterday I am back on track with the correct days. I am so sorry about the chicken's coop door not working again, I do hope the seller sends a new one pronto.

    Barbie, you are so disciplined, I wish I could be like you. At least I feel good about riding the bike during this pandemic and trying to stay healthy. I do get 8 hours of sleep a night but I am not a walker.

    Bob, love the pictures of you and Jean, it looks like you had a wonderful time together. Thanks for the compliment on profile picture but I changed it again to the tree outside my bedroom window. Let's just say I am waiting for my hair to grow a little longer before I am happy with any selfies.

    Patsy, I am sorry John didn't feel good NYE and hope you were able to celebrate yesterday. I don't even think we needed a celebration, I know we were all happy to have 2020 behind us.

    I better eat something and ride my bike before movie night. Have a great day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I dutifully trotted down my garden at dusk to shut the hens' door to find it already closed. I checked to ensure they weren't outside in the dark but no, cosily tucked together in their warm abode. Oh dear, embarrassed about my email to the supplier I've explained what I found and that I hope it was nothing more than a mistake on my part, especially since his response had been full of apologies. I will check in the morning that they are out again but hopefully the problem wasn't actually a problem!

    I've had a relaxing afternoon sifting through my vinyl albums and so far have sidelined about 20 and also checked current prices on a few of my favourites. Roberta Flack, Chicago, the 4 Tops, Ray Stevens, Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head (remember him?); none are worth much but that's fine because I'll continue to play them. A similar project to your sorting papers Lin with lots of internet research. For a moment I thought you were offering us boxes of chocolates rather than miniature teapots or are they edible? A cute mouse. Perhaps I'll turn the music up and slip Betty back into her tutu. Oh no, I remember now it was too small for her tummy so ended up round her neck!!

    Anne, you may have spotted this story on the BBC news website that made me smile as I read it. I think we've both been seduced by a strange cat at some point in our lives! Isn't Patsy's John currently feeding an occasional visitor?

    Sorry to get you snivelling again but I always think of you when Yorkshire gets a mention.

    Time for another meal but only a snack since I enjoyed the sausages and beans for lunch. I'm counting out my teabags and think they might just see me through to Monday but I'll keep an eye on the weather forecast for a window to drive between icy roads.

    Air Supply playing on the radio. I've already slipped my 'All Out of Love' album into the keep pile!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    🙋🏻‍♀️ Hi Sandy, we posted the same time. Have fun tonight!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited January 2021

    Okay, so my art journaling is mixed media....I joined a group and there will be a project every week for the next year with suggested techniques and with the purpose of letting go of a rigid approach and trying some new things. Very difficult to let it go with no exact plan in mind (for me anyway).

    So here’s the first week suggested materials. When I resize it, it rotates on its own. Sorry.

    I am just looking around to see what I do have in the house, definitely not everything on that list. I doubt I will purchase anything, will try something else.

    Just texted with a friend. I found a few things I thought she would like to have. I was right, she does want them. I am sending her the photo of her with her late husband. And am putting aside all the musical tapes our late pastor and wife made and sold. Five in total. Need to grab them before I forget.

    Back to work.


    Hope the automatic door continue to work Jackie. 🤞🏻

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) Hello from wet NW WA. Neither the dogs nor I were enthusiastic about walking this afternoon. I went out for awhile by myself just to get to my goal of 10,000 steps but that was enough. Having a day of rest is probably a good thing.

    :) I agreed to knit a baby blanket for a friend's not yet born grandson. When I got about half way through, I realized that it would be bigger than I wanted it to be so I ordered more yarn and will knit a smaller one for my friend. I'll finish the larger one and donate it to Project Linus where it will be just fine for an older child. It's a new pattern for me, but after knitting for awhile, I've become quite comfortable with it.

    :) We'll pick up groceries again tomorrow morning and I'm excited at the prospect of going out in the car. After groceries, my friend will come for our usual Sunday walk. We'll walk no matter how rainy it is.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hooray the hens door opened unassisted this morning so fingers crossed! I’m getting used to walking in icy weather but again waited until gone 10 because I knew George would need a longer stroll. Just as I thought, he pulled us across the road to take us to the field and Quoit about a mile away then, when I tried to guide us away from the entrance and head home Mr George insisted... you can see who’s in charge here! The ground was frozen so the field wasn’t muddy to walk on and both dogs chased about having a great time so he was right!

    The sun is shining but I’ll stay in to finish sorting my vinyl collection. I did catch up on BBC news and also found an interesting article on 5 things to learn this year.
    1. A coin vanishing trick moving it through the fingers to make it disappear which helps keep finger joints healthy.
    2. Digital coding and how to write it. You’ve guessed it... my mind went blank trying to understand what that even means!
    3. Calligraphy, sounds good.
    4. Crochet. George’s groomer taught herself Last year and finds it relaxing.
    5. Last but not least... Breakdancing. Yes, well!! 😆😅😂

    I’m still counting out my teabags but will put the kettle on anyway.
    Have a peaceful, safe Sunday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    From Anne
    Back to normalcy?
    Good morning Sneakers on a snowy day up here.
    Me and the Bean had a lamb chop each for lunch yesterday. She gobbled hers up in a flash and then whimpered at me to share mine. Get lost Bean! I finished off with dessert of pound cake, maple ice cream and a wee dollop of Baileys! Your mom, or was it your gran did this PATSY and boy your mom/Gran was my kind of cook! The Baileys was the last until next Christmas or so I thought when a car appeared on the drive and out climbed Michael. I felt quite guilty about his lamb chop, but Bean had no guilt whatsoever! He was clutching a bottle of Baileys! One of the clients at work had given him a $40 voucher for the liquor store and he spent it on me!
    Loved the cat article JACKIE! and so typical of *kitten* cats! My Thelly (Othello) did this on most afternoons when we lived in Derbyshire. One rainy day the lady doctor who's back garden joined ours appeared on my doorstep very irate. It appeared she had a cat flap which her two cats hadn't figured out how to use. We didn't have a cat flap but we did have one very clever cat. She'd arrived home to find two soaking cats peering through her bungalow bedroom window at one large, warm black and white tomcat fast asleep on her new pink comforter which was now decorated with dirty muddy paw prints. I was told to stop my cat doing this every day (he was probably escaping two rowdy little boys at his home) but how do you stop a cat! A bucket of water I think. He came home one sunny day soaking wet. He's the puss we brought with us to Canada. Quite a character. The lads still talk about him!
    BARBIE, you are making me think knitting again. I used to knit all the time. School pullovers, my dad's pullovers, my pullovers, you name it. Stopped more or less when we changed countries, but maybe with this pandemic time to start again? Knit one, purl one, pass the time away.
    What's happened to BOB? I know he's around because you all mention him. One thing for sure it will be something I'm doing.
    SANDY, I thought you said your little grandsons didn't like to dance in a previous post. Michael Jackson impersonation I can see them doing. How DO you do the moon walk?
    LIN, someone else I might copy with a journal! I'm not sure what on earth I'd write about though. Maybe I'm better at naughty children stories! I'm getting addicted to jigsaws though because of your example. I like to do them having no idea what they will look like when finished because I do them without a picture.
    Golly can't I gab! Mike said yesterday we will look for a lap top SOON Sandy.
    Hugs all around,
    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    edited January 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) We had a little more snow during the night so no problems with driving. Movie night was Who Framed Roger Rabbit which I either did not see or do not remember seeing it. Very cute and it held the kids attention for the most part, especially Robby. Pizza was for dinner and I took some home for today's dinner which was probably not a good idea since my weight seems to be creeping up.Will be riding the bike today to gain some more calories for the pizza. Tomorrow is the start of yet another weight loss program. Nothing on the agenda today except for my family zoom call, not sure about the friends call, haven't heard from them.
    And oh yes, hoping for a Bears win so they can make the playoffs. Also would like my pool numbers to come in to win some money.

    Anne, was Michael looking forward to his lamb chop or did he not care his mom ate his? Funny story about your cat, he was very smart. I used to know how to crochet when I was younger, my mom taught me. I think I can knit a scarf since it is easy but I never know how to tie them off. The grandsons just didn't want to join our dance party on NYE just because they were being boys.

    Jackie, so glad the door is working again for the chickens. Do they come out when it is cold and snowy? I don't think I am interested in any of the five ideas for the new year. I don't know where the time goes as it is. Max is going to be four years old on Wednesday and how did that happen so fast??

    Barbie, nice gift for a newborn baby, you can't have too many blankets and the ones made by hand are the best.
    Good luck for the grocery pickup, I think I am good for this week but will check supplies.

    Lin, thanks for the explanation, you are talented so you should do well with that daily journal. Your friend will welcome that picture, always good memories.

    Good morning Patsy and Bob, hope all is well.

    Have a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time