Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member

    SW= 255
    CR= 156
    LTD = 99
    Goal = 140 (may go for 135 but 140 was my original goal three years ago)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,089 Member
    DawnCumm wrote: »
    Just love waking up, getting my coffee and reading all the wonderful comments. Did my weigh in yesterday, SW 255, CW 156 (1/2/20) goal is lose at least 16 more, maybe even 20. I am so enthused to be on this team. Thank you all for your support. Yesterday: 40 min on the elliptical (two separate times, can't do 40 yet) with that conversion and my steps on the Fit Bit = 10,960 steps. Super proud! Ate well but did have a glass of wine with dinner, still finishing our NYs stuff. Made Italian Wedding Soup for today, planning a riced cauliflower / mex dish for dinner. I hope to lose 2 lbs a week, but will take anything!

    Great job ....amazing loss...You have awesome goals ... Happy you have you join are amazing group :)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    Dear Downsizers, I apologize for not responding to all post tonight. I am just catching up the weights on the spreadsheet. When providing your weights each week you do not have to provide your LTD as the spreadsheet will be doing the calculation. This will help determine recognitions to be done at the end of each monthly challenge. For this to work I need your weight at the beginning of your weight loss journey. So when you get a chance can you tag me and provide that weight. You still can share those LTD if you want because they can be so darn inspiring. Happy Saturday!

    No problem Linda. My starting weight of my weight loss journey would of been 259.4, last week's weigh in was at 254.2 I believe but, will update accordingly tomorrow morning on weigh in day and new meal plan starts!

    It got delivered today, the food doesn't look too bad, a little dubious on the portion sizes and unfortunately for a number of reasons, some of the food days got mixed up and the snacks missing, hopefully they'll include the snacks in on the next delivery on Wednesday with the rest of the week's food. I have ideas for the snack element until received so shouldn't throw me too much.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Been vegetarian for 30+ years, super easy now-a-days especially if you want to use mock meats to transition, Impossible, Beyond, Boco, MorningStar, Quorn to name a few. I just joined a 28 day vegan challenge on FaceBook but it is a bit of a misnomer, they are charging for a vegan cookbook and let's face it you can find anything online, so not necessary. My two nieces are vegan so I am in the habit of cooking for them with holidays but not me, love my cheese that is my vice, and wine. Figure if I can be vegan 'most' the time it will be a win for me and the animals. win/win! Planning to try JustEggs to see if they are worth it..... Best wishes on your adventure. Rule of thumb, anything you make with meat you can make with veggies.....just augment the recipe.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 my LTD weight is 323lbs

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 steps for 1/2 2085

    I'm still working on making a list for the year. I will post it when it's done! I have the self care section done, and most of the weight related stuff done. I want to make a section for taking care of house things and haven't started that yet.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,089 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 my LTD weight is 323lbs

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 steps for 1/2 2085

    I'm still working on making a list for the year. I will post it when it's done! I have the self care section done, and most of the weight related stuff done. I want to make a section for taking care of house things and haven't started that yet.

    Are you still wanting to be on the step challenge and is your step goal still 9000 or would you like to change it ?
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    When the husband is on call you have adapt your training plans. I have so missed training days.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,089 Member
    When the husband is on call you have adapt your training plans. I have so missed training days.

    Awesome job ... I am missing steps from you for 12/29 thru 1/2
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,089 Member
    Awesome job Ladies ......Congrats @Bluetail6 for placing 1st...@littleflutterby for placing 2nd...and @Tazaria87 for placing 3rd on our team for the best weight loss percentage :)
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 my LTD weight is 323lbs

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 steps for 1/2 2085

    I'm still working on making a list for the year. I will post it when it's done! I have the self care section done, and most of the weight related stuff done. I want to make a section for taking care of house things and haven't started that yet.

    Are you still wanting to be on the step challenge and is your step goal still 9000 or would you like to change it ?

    Yes absolutely! Let's stay with 9000, if I get ambitious later, I'll change it!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,089 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 my LTD weight is 323lbs

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 steps for 1/2 2085

    I'm still working on making a list for the year. I will post it when it's done! I have the self care section done, and most of the weight related stuff done. I want to make a section for taking care of house things and haven't started that yet.

    Are you still wanting to be on the step challenge and is your step goal still 9000 or would you like to change it ?

    Yes absolutely! Let's stay with 9000, if I get ambitious later, I'll change it!

    Okay thanks for letting me know :)
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    I am sorry for the lack of response to your post. I did read them but I still not a 100%. I can breath again but still have a headache, nasal congestion and I am having trouble sleeping but the doctor said it is from the steroids. We are hoping to move this weekend if my symptoms improve and I am released from quarantine. My husband is finished his quarantine on Friday and he will be getting the keys to the new place. The new furniture will be delivered on Friday also. I hope I am there as I know the furniture won’t be set up as I want it. Mentally apologizing to my husband at this point. I promise to start tracking once I am eating regularly. I haven’t gone this long without tracking since I started with mfp. Tomorrow I will start doing a semi normal check in. I may not meet all the goals right now but I want to get back into the habit.

    I always love the start of the January challenge. Not only is it a new month to have success but a bright shiny new year with lots of promise. For anyone who struggled last year, we have a nice clean slate.

    I hope you feel better and don't apologize or being ill, you most certainly didn't ask for or deserve to get covid. Just take care of you and all else will fall into place in time. I'm a control freak, so if you're at all like me, you don't like waiting on others to do things you wish to do yourself, or asking for help. I know it's frustrating, but your health comes first, so rest up and recover, heal.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    DawnCumm wrote: »

    SW= 255
    CR= 156
    LTD = 99
    Goal = 140 (may go for 135 but 140 was my original goal three years ago)

    What an incredible LTD! Congratulations Dawn :)
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Wait Wait - Don't Tell Us!

    The Results from December 2020 are in!

    Congratulations all, especially to @Bluetail6for placing 1st, @littleflutterby for placing 2nd...and @Tazaria87
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    1/2 steps 10,559

    The days all blur together now. I did my core workout: Halifax done with the new program and it is starting to grow on me. I am being cautious using lighter weights to not trigger any neck pain hopefully. Also got out and walked the dog and cleaned.

    So happy to get back to a Routine tomorrow when kids go back to school. No more staying up late and sleeping in. I love routine! Meal plan is printed and groceries ordered to be picked up. I need to ween myself off all the sugar I have been eating.
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    When the husband is on call you have adapt your training plans. I have so missed training days.

    Awesome job ... I am missing steps from you for 12/29 thru 1/2

    I am so sorry Megan
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Missing steps from these people ....Please get them in ASAP

    @Tazaria87 1/2
    @Z1ORtza 12/30-1/2
    @rlaskey2 1/2
    @mari_moulin 1/2
    @363days 1/2
    @iradi8 1/2
    @28Haveitall2020 -12/29-1/2
    @shortyjmorgan1 12/29-1/2
    @draby2011 1/2
    @Beautyofdreams 1/1

    Thanks for your cooperation :)

    1/2: 7, 637 steps :smile:

    Sorry about that!
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