What's your "achilles heel?"



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    contratulations, amart! That's a huge NSV!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,649 Member
    amart4224 wrote: »
    ... I opted to walk about a quarter mile down the street to the gas station, where I carefully examined the nutrition facts on every candy bar until I chose one that fit my calories. Left the gas station with nothing but that candy bar and a 0 calorie flavored water, got my chocolate fix, stayed in my calories, and even got a smidgen of exercise to boot!

    Woohoo! Way to go!!!

    This is my new approach too. Treats are always an option - but not a staple. And somehow planning for one, anticipating and then making a special trip for it makes it that much better. I guess it is part of that whole mindfulness thing.

    And, a bonus, I have an easier time declining and avoiding the goodies that pop up in life when I'm saving myself for a special treat I have in mind.

    Some people, like my son and daughter-in-law, can have three boxes of cookies on the shelf, a cake wrapped in the fridge and all sorts of salty treats tucked away in their kitchen - and these things actually get stale/dated and have to be thrown out! I don't think I'll ever have that problem.
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    Ah, I really don't know how people can let tasty treats go stale, or simply "forget to eat". In our house food is not thrown away, and it doesn't every reach expiry date! Actually, this is one of the things mentioned in my "diet book", that it is better to waste food than to eat it (if eating eat means getting off track). Ah, if I could only put that into practice!!!

    I am now consciously trying to let food just "be there", like that half bag of chips, or some opened chocolates. But it takes a lot of willpower to not finish the food and get rid of the empty package. It's almost like the empty package is a prize and throwing it away brings happiness.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,649 Member
    cremorna1 wrote: »
    I am now consciously trying to let food just "be there", like that half bag of chips, or some opened chocolates. But it takes a lot of willpower to not finish the food and get rid of the empty package. It's almost like the empty package is a prize and throwing it away brings happiness.

    Exactly! I feel like that too. And not just the food in the fridge/cupboard - sometimes I have a hard time not eating my grandson's leftovers. Last weekend he didn't eat all of his cracker - and though I managed not to eat any myself with soup - a major accomplishment! - without thinking I ate his half cracker. :/ It's like some messed up "make it be gone" thing in my head.

    I love the idea of consciously" letting food just be there". It is so much better to think of what to "do" rather than what not to do. This is very good for the brain I think! Thank you. I know that thinking "do not eat that food" doesn't usually work!
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    For people struggling with this issue (and those with no ED) my book recommends taking a bigger serving than one needs for the sole purpose of leaving some part of it for later. :o It seems really easy, but for me, it's not.

    Maybe some part of it is being raised this way: "eat everything on your plate, children don't have food in other places". And the rest is... well, I don't know where the rest of it comes from, but it's nice to know I'm not alone!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,649 Member
    cremorna1 wrote: »
    ... my book recommends taking a bigger serving than one needs for the sole purpose of leaving some part of it for later. :o It seems really easy, but for me, it's not.

    This sounds like a very interesting idea. And now I'm curious about your book. Can you tell us more?

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    lately, my acchilles heel has been the big influence of others on me, and my own inability to reign in my wants. Its been almost impossible to keep on track, even if part of my inner self is screaming at me to do so! I'd say I'm really suffering from a case of diet fatigue right now, and am working on just treading water, hoping that when warmer weather gets here, I can get those daily walks going again and get started back in the right direction.
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    cremorna1 wrote: »
    ... my book recommends taking a bigger serving than one needs for the sole purpose of leaving some part of it for later. :o It seems really easy, but for me, it's not.

    This sounds like a very interesting idea. And now I'm curious about your book. Can you tell us more?

    It's a book that has really helped me, "The Beck diet solution". I gain nothing by promoting the book. I just found it useful, and, coming to think of it, I should go back to it!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,649 Member
    cremorna1 wrote: »
    "The Beck diet solution". I gain nothing by promoting the book. I just found it useful, and, coming to think of it, I should go back to it!

    I'm going to check this out. Thank you.