Shrinking Assets - March 2021 Team Chat



  • Aetheldreda
    Aetheldreda Posts: 241 Member
    PW 142.75
    CW 140.25

    Hope your week is going well, team 😎
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Happy March everyone!

    I'm KittyInBoots17, 35, in the prairies of Canada.
    Mrscanmore wrote: »
    Hey @KittyInBoots17 I'm in saskatchewan

    I'm in Alberta!

    Edit - I got confused because my @ was mentioned here... I am not in fact in this group. Oops.

    You are welcome in our group any time!!!
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,444 Member
    Wednesday weigh in:
    PW: 150.2

    I don't know the hell is going on here unless I'm retaining-I've been doing everything right and I have this gain 🤬
    Sorry Team ☹
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    Wednesday Weigh In:


    A little gain but I think It will go down, cuz it I can tell when my scale hesitates, ha!
  • lckiehl
    lckiehl Posts: 68 Member
    Hey team - I missed my last February weigh-in...oops. Too busy celebrating getting another year older.

    I am Laura - 37 years old and living in Idaho. I have two perfect babies, but only one awesome 2-year-old dude at home. Our daughter passed away shortly after birth 3 years ago and that was a huge reason for my weight gain. I am married and own a brewery with my husband as well as working full time for the county to keep us insured. I have been on a slow weight loss journey that has included lifting weights and walking and eating as much food as I can while still losing. I am now trying to drop calories a tiny bit each week to lose a bit more. I hate to feel hungry or deprived so I try to stay focused on the consistency and progress over time - some days it's FREAKIN' HARD and I want to lose quicker. My body composition has changed a ton and I am proud of the changes I have made in strength. I wish I could completely ignore the scale and not care...but I'm not there yet.

    March goals: 6 lbs loss! Keep drinking over 1 gallon of water per day, track consistently, more whole foods!

    I will be weighing in for March on Friday. Let's crush the goals this month, team!!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Asking all mamas of the group... did you have first-trimester exhaustion? How did you deal with it? Were you able to stick to some sort of exercise/activity routine?

    It’s barely 9PM here and all I managed to do after coming home from the office was have a snack, take a nap, help husband make dinner, eat on the couch and drag myself to wash my teeth so I can come to bed. I didn’t even do anything special today: went to a store on my way to the office, a regular workday there, got my nails done and came home. Full exhaustion, and I was ready for a nap at noon. This has continued for a couple of weeks now, and working from home at least allows me to take a mid-work nap.

    We have our first ultrasound tomorrow, and I’m equal parts terrified and excited.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    Asking all mamas of the group... did you have first-trimester exhaustion? How did you deal with it? Were you able to stick to some sort of exercise/activity routine?

    It’s barely 9PM here and all I managed to do after coming home from the office was have a snack, take a nap, help husband make dinner, eat on the couch and drag myself to wash my teeth so I can come to bed. I didn’t even do anything special today: went to a store on my way to the office, a regular workday there, got my nails done and came home. Full exhaustion, and I was ready for a nap at noon. This has continued for a couple of weeks now, and working from home at least allows me to take a mid-work nap.

    We have our first ultrasound tomorrow, and I’m equal parts terrified and excited.

    Whoa!!! No one tells you how tiring the first trimester can be!!! With my first daughter, I would come home from work and almost die. I slept like 12+ hours a day. With my second, I didn’t have the luxury and had to press thru. This will pass, but it is real!!!!

    Rest all you can. You are making a tiny human!!!
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 365 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    Asking all mamas of the group... did you have first-trimester exhaustion? How did you deal with it? Were you able to stick to some sort of exercise/activity routine?

    It’s barely 9PM here and all I managed to do after coming home from the office was have a snack, take a nap, help husband make dinner, eat on the couch and drag myself to wash my teeth so I can come to bed. I didn’t even do anything special today: went to a store on my way to the office, a regular workday there, got my nails done and came home. Full exhaustion, and I was ready for a nap at noon. This has continued for a couple of weeks now, and working from home at least allows me to take a mid-work nap.

    We have our first ultrasound tomorrow, and I’m equal parts terrified and excited.

    Pregnancy Exhaustion is very real. In fact, the way I figured out I was pregnant with my daughter was that as soon as I dropped my son off at preschool, I went home and took a nap! That, and I didn’t want to drink coffee anymore, so I was really dragging. I know there’s a lot to do, but growing a tiny human is a lot of work, so rest every chance you get!

  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    @LaurieWrobo I want to use it, but I can never edit on my phone and I find it hard to remember to do it at work.

    @KittyInBoots17 I'm in Melfort.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    @hipari I had mono last year. When I was describing my symptoms to my running partner, she said are you sure you're not pregnant? The symptoms were the same! So tired all the time, lack of appetite, food tasting different. :wink:
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    @Beka3695 @cre804 thanks! I do feel better after staying in bed for 11 hours - too bad I wasn’t able to sleep without bathroom breaks. I have time for a nap between morning meetings and afternoon meetings, but my afternoon is going to be pretty grueling: meetings from 1PM to 4.30PM and then straight to the doctor’s office for the sonogram.

    Luckily I’ve never been a coffee person so there’s no withdrawals from giving it up. Instead, I found out yesterday that the smell of coffee makes me want to puke. More reasons to avoid the office :smiley:@Mrscanmore your friend has a point about food tasting different: all sweet stuff tastes extra sweet, to the point where my old brain is craving chocolate and ice cream but my pregnant mouth is saying ”nope, that stuff tastes like pure sugar”. If this continues throughout, I’ll be properly weaned off my old sugar addiction by the time I give birth.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Hi team!!!

    Whew! Getting back to reality is difficult. Some of the gain from last week is coming off. I hope to have half gone by weigh day.

    I did well yesterday till after dinner. Then the munchie monster hit. I’ve seen stoners with less munchies than me 🤦🏻‍♀️

    It was logged... I started the day with a protein packed omelette. Let’s try again for staying within cal range.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    @Beka3695 we should never be roommates. I think we have the same weakness!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Mrscanmore wrote: »
    @Beka3695 we should never be roommates. I think we have the same weakness!

    Hahaha!!! Today has been much better. I took a mid day walk with my grandson and it kept the munchie monsters away.


    Later tonight, I was cooking dinner and cut TF out of my thumb. Like knife hit bone. Luckily there is a combat medic in the house. My Daughter had me patched up in no time. Bleeding is not wanting to stop, so we will dermabond tomorrow once it plugs up.

    Good times!!!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    @Beka3695 hope your finger heals nicely!

    I had the first sonogram yesterday, and it's official. I have two beating hearts inside me - my own, and a teeny tiny little one <3

    My husband was with me, of course, to see his baby too. The appointment included the usual interview questions like weight, smoking habits etc. Now my husband is super upset about hearing my weight and wants to know when he can expect me to lose it, and I'm pretty frustrated with him.... I'm literally pregnant, not allowed to lose weight, and need to take things health first. I want to lose this weight just as badly as he wants me to lose it, but for some reason the walk home from this appointment was the time he felt like he "had to bring it up". Gah.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    @hipari congratulations on being official human creator! Your husband has bad timing...

    @beka3695 Thank goodness your daughter could help you right away. Hope it helps fast! Your grandson is adorable!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm going for an MRI on my knee tomorrow. I'm sick of dealing with this pain. It will be nice to finally know what's going on and how to deal with it. I've been using it as an excuse to slow down the exercise and that's not good. I find that when I exercise I eat better. I've been making some bad choices. Weigh in is coming a little later this morning. We will see how I did! TGIF!!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Username: imgwendolyn2015
    Weigh In Day: Friday

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Good morning team!

    We have a new member that is moving over from Downsizers. Please welcome @littleflutterby aka Tanya.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    PW: 167.4
    CW: 166.2
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I'm going for an MRI on my knee tomorrow. I'm sick of dealing with this pain. It will be nice to finally know what's going on and how to deal with it. I've been using it as an excuse to slow down the exercise and that's not good. I find that when I exercise I eat better. I've been making some bad choices. Weigh in is coming a little later this morning. We will see how I did! TGIF!!

    Hope the MRI shows something easy to fix!!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Welcome to the team @littleflutterby !
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 840 Member
    Welcome @littleflutterby! You're gonna love it here.
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 840 Member
    Friday Week 1
    PW: 166.8
    CW: 165.8

    I want March to be the month I get out of the 160's. I'll definitely take the pound. Having thyroid issues, the weight is coming off slowly but it is coming off. Off to fill up my water jug.
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    @mrscanmore I hope you don't mind I private messaged you my location. Just in case some relative is on here or something lol...
  • janek1705
    janek1705 Posts: 26 Member
    PW: 280
    CW: 275.6
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    janek1705 wrote: »
    PW: 280
    CW: 275.6

    Great loss!!!!

This discussion has been closed.